Thought of the Day: Bryan and Orton At Summerslam

This is the hottest topic in wrestling at the moment but I don’t think it’s as simple as it sounds.The common idea is that Orton cashes in MITB and wins the title as Vince’s surrogate.  I think that’s what they’re going with, but I don’t think Orton wins the title by one way or another.  Here are the two options.


1. HHH stops it.  On Monday HHH went on a rant about how he wasn’t going to let Vince destroy this company.  His past issues with Orton will likely add to the idea.


2. Bryan beats Orton.  They’re REALLY pushing the idea that the case is a guaranteed title win, to the point where it’s too much.  Also they’re already shown that Bryan can win multiple matches against big talent in consecutive matches.  Can you imagine the reaction if Bryan counters the RKO into the YES Lock to make Orton tap?


It might not be as easy as it looks, but odds are Orton walks out with the belt.


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7 Responses

  1. M.R. says:

    I for one hope this is heading towards a Triple H-Randy Orton match for the 85th time.

  2. A_M says:

    What I’m thinking that might happen is Randy coming to cash in. He does his slow walking into the ring and making sure Bryan is weak and whatnot. Then just as Randy hands the referee his briefcase, but Cena comes on in and turns Orton to hit the AA. Thous proving to Bryan that he respects, appreciates, and honors him.

  3. M.R. says:

    Has anyone ever lost a spontaneous cash-in?

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