I’ve Wanted To Say This My Entire Life

I’m going to Wrestlemania.


Ticket purchased, hotel room reserved.  It’s actually happening.


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8 Responses

  1. M.R. says:

    Congrats man, enjoy the city as well.

    • Thomas Hall says:

      It’s really lucky actually. When I was in college I took a class called The American City which was about a different unique city every semester. My semester was New Orleans, so I already have a decent knowledge of it.

  2. Conor says:

    The only bad thing about this is that I won’t be able to go to your review right after the show ends like I usually do.

    • Thomas Hall says:

      That might be a good thing for me. I didn’t put up Payback immediately due to a bad internet connection and I nearly doubled my page views record the next day. Nothing has come close since so if I don’t put up Mania immediately…..my goodness the possiblities.

  3. Jimmy glass says:

    Did you get good seats?

  4. Killjoy says:

    Awesome You are gonna put down the keyboard and stopwatch that day, right?

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