WWE’s CM Punk “Policy”

This is a rumor going around and I have a real hard time believing it’s true.Allegedly, any fans at shows, including house shows aren’t allowed to bring CM Punk signs or wear CM Punk merchandise.  If they’re seen wearing the gear, they’ll be asked to remove it or leave the arena.  I can accept (don’t read as I agree with it) the signs idea at TV as it’s going to cause a distraction but t-shirts at a house show?  As in t-shirts likely purchased through WWE?  Are they going to give you a replacement shirt?  Confiscate the shirt?  If someone is thrown out of a show and not given a refund, you can see the lawsuits and complaints starting up from here.  I’d pay to see WWE trying to spin “Well they were wearing one of our shirts and we didn’t want that!” in court.


Again, I don’t buy this as legit, at least not the shirts part.  If it is true though…….dude, come on.


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11 Responses

  1. james gracie says:

    Oh man how bad is that policy? And I bet it’s 100% true and I hope WWE gets the shit sued out of them

  2. Thomas Hall says:

    I would assume so yeah. If not…..dude.

  3. M.R. says:

    No chance this is true, they don’t give a shit what you wear at house shows.

    • Thomas Hall says:

      That’s what I’m hoping is the case. Raw and Smackdown are a bit different, but house shows? Really?

      • M.R. says:

        I’d even be surprised if they cared all that much about Punk shirts at Raw and Smackdown tapings, but if they do for whatever reason they’ll just give you a free, generic WWE tee to throw over it.

        • Thomas Hall says:

          If you get a free shirt then that’s a different story. It’s still stupid but at least it’s not saying that the fan has to fix this on their own.

        • M.R. says:

          There was a guy in my section like seven years ago that was wearing an offensive shirt and someone from the back came out and gave him a No Mercy shirt to put over it. I assume it still works the same?

  4. Gunther_224 says:

    Where did this rumor start?

  5. Killjoy says:

    Would it surprise you with how petty they are?

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