Thought of the Day: Sami Zayn Is Good

Like, he’s REALLY good.I was on the treadmill today and his theme song came on my iPod.  I got to thinking about some of his bigger matches and something became clear to me: Sami Zayn is one of the best I’ve ever seen at taking a beating and making the audience rabidly care about him and taking them to the absolute brink of believing he can’t come back before firing back.  Over the years, the two best I’ve ever seen at that sort of thing are Jeff Hardy and Shawn Michaels.  Sami has passed Hardy and could actually catch Michaels, which I didn’t think was possible before.

Go back and watch that beating in the Owens match and listen to the fans nearly dying with him every time Owens hits him.  That’s storytelling the likes of which almost no one else can pull off ever.


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11 Responses

  1. Derek Hamel says:

    My buddy, who’s a long time WWE viewer but has responded well to my old territorial tapes, has seen the last 3 episodes of ROH and is already obsessed. I heard they had a rough few last years, with the exception of Steen, but with AJ, the Bucks, the Briscoes and Del Rio in, they’re looking good right now.
    We just got the TV show in this area a couple months ago, at the same time I lost TNA due to not having Destination America. That’s a trade I’ll take anyday.

  2. Derek Hamel says:

    This isn’t news for those of us who enjoyed one of the most well developed feuds of the last couple of decades, Zayn (El Generico) vs Kevin Owens (Kevin Steen) in Ring of Honor. The two had a number of epic matches in a program that provided plenty of terrific twists.
    Also, KB, hope you saw the recent 6 man main event on Ring of Honor TV featuring AJ Styles and The Young Bucks vs Matt (Evan Borne)Sydal, ACH, and Cedric Alexander. Doesn’t matter what type of wrestling one may prefer or dislike, it was unbelievable. Besides containing one of the scariest, and most athletic looking, crash and burn botches in recent memory, the last few minutes of the match would get even the most rabid anti-flippy little guys fans on their feet popping.

    • Thomas Hall says:

      I haven’t watched ROH TV in a long time. I can go for flips. I just don’t want them in every match and flipping for the sake of flipping.

  3. M.R. says:

    But can he cut a promo?

  4. The Wolf says:

    The Undertaker is amazing, especially at the end of his career see Wrestlemania XVII

  5. Killjoy says:

    Bryan is a running assault machine. I’ve rarely seen him stay on the defensive much.

  6. Becca says:

    No one will catch Shawn.

    Aside from me.

  7. Fallout says:

    What about DBry?

    • Thomas Hall says:

      Not so much actually. Jeff and Shawn look dead when they’re selling. Bryan always looks like he’s still in the match.

      • M says:

        Jeff also looked dead whilst on offense too, in fact one of the reasons that he was probably my favourite wrestler during his WWE runs was because he legitimately looked like he was willing to kill himself to get the win, and always looked like he was on the edge of death as a result.

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