WWE Wants Stephanie McMahon vs. Ronda Rousey At Wrestlemania XXXII

This would be…..different.I think you can see the major issue here: without a small army helping her, Stephanie would be lucky to last ten seconds in there from bell to bell.  I know that sounds like a cliche, but the top competition the UFC can get for Rousey barely makes it fifteen seconds.

Now I know this is wrestling and Stephanie would cheat like there was no tomorrow and would probably have Rousey next to dead before she went after her, but this is pushing the boundaries of reality a bit too far for me.  Stephanie can work a good match for a Diva, but if they’re really going to try and sell this as Rousey is out of her element, they’re in for a long night.  Fans aren’t going to buy Stephanie as any sort of a favorite in a match http://onhealthy.net/product-category/womens-health/ where you can win by submission and have the match on a flat surface, and we know Rousey can strike as well.  I’d be against the idea, but there’s a slight chance it could be done right.

By right, I of course mean Rousey snapping Stephanie’s arm in about 19 different places and Stephanie taking a long hiatus from TV, not showing up the next night and yelling.  Or holding her arm to her side one segment and waving it over her head the next time she’s on screen.  That would just be dumb.  Like, as dumb as emasculating Sting and raving about how she and Andre the Giant were friends and how it would disrespect Andre’s legacy to have one of the biggest stars of all time in a match dedicated to Andre’s memory.  We’re talking that level of dumb.


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13 Responses

  1. Acuzzam says:

    There is a very simple reason why they want to do this. In a lot of countries, like mine, Wrestling rarely gets to the news, and when it does its a small text. Thats not to say Brazil does not have Wrestling fans. There are some, but its a minority.

    Now Ronda Rousey is an idol, she is always in the news and people here really like her (who doesnt like Ronda Rousey?) Her appearence at Wrestlemania made the news here. So if Ronda fought on Wrestlemania next year? That would be a lot of publicity for WWE in the whole world. Her appearence would definetely make people curious about WWE and a lot of people who never cared about it would start watching, at least for some time. Thats how I got hooked, I heard about The Undertaker streak ending and saw the reactions and that fascinated me. So maybe this is good news… Maybe…

    As for the match itself, I always try to be positive about wrestling… But yeah, this is bullshit. If they do it they should make a big, big, BIG build up to it… Just for Ronda to make Stephanie tap in about 3 seconds.

  2. #MrScissorsKick says:

    You’re killing me here KB..

  3. #MrScissorsKick says:

    This is the same reason why I don’t understand why the IWC wants Lesnar vs Bryan so bad.

    • Thomas Hall says:

      That’s pretty different. Bryan has some submission skills and a good striking game. Stephanie has the ability to shout.

      • #MrScissorsKick says:

        You saw lesnar suplex cena 16 times at SummerSlam. No.way in hell can Bryan’s body hold ip against that. Kayfable or not, I’m sorry KB, I.can’t suspend my belief for that matchup. And I’m not even being bias here.

  4. rampah says:

    And I thought HHH going toe to toe with Lesnar was a little bit too far…

    Does this match make a lot of money? Certainly.
    But I can’t think of any good outcome. If it is a 15 seconds squash, then it wouldn’t really set the crowd on fire. If McMahon somehow gets Rousey in some sort of trouble…it would be the most ridiculous match since Jay Leno.

    But the main problem I have with this idea: If Rousey destroys her and walks away after mania…is McMahon really going to step aside and not be on live telivision, no selling the injuries? It was bad, when Daniel Bryan was destroyed at Mania XXX only to be told to no sell the injuries the day after.

    But well, lets hope for the best. It’s a long way till this happens.

  5. Heyo says:

    And you know Steph would likely book herself to make them look like equals, and then go “see, we DO give Divas a chance” while still giving them 3 minute comedy matches.

    in retrospect, AJ Lee leaving WWE wasn’t as shocking as it seems.

  6. Jordan says:

    It’s a terrible idea because we all know how this would be booked. I think the smarter idea is to make it a mixed tag with HHH/Rock involved because you could have those guys go for the majority of the match and the big finish would be Rousey finally getting into the ring and destroying Steph in a matter of seconds.

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