Hulk Hogan’s Racial Statements

I’m not really even sure what to call this as it’s not so much a rant and there have been FAR more racist statements made by celebrities over the years.  However, it’s still a big story so here we go.

First of all, I don’t want this to turn into a big racism debate and I don’t want to see any comments in that area either.

As for what Hogan said, yeah it’s bad. I understand that it was said in private and that he didn’t know the cameras were on and that he would have never said it publicly, but the fact of the matter is that it’s out there and his intention, meaning or knowledge that it was being recorded do not matter. The statements are out there and Hogan has to live with the consequences.

At the end of the day, what Hogan meant by it doesn’t matter. If Hogan is a racist who hates black people (not saying he is), it doesn’t matter. What matters is that these things were heard and people have already made up their minds about what Hogan meant and said when he thought no one was listening. Every single one of us has said or done something stupid in our lives and lived with the consequences. Hogan is a bigger figure than we are and the consequences are therefore bigger and higher profile for him.

I more than understand why WWE let him go. Given how things are in America at the moment with all the issues in South Carolina and everywhere else, WWE can’t have this kind of thing go unpunished, especially when it’s someone who is really just there as a legend. The comments weren’t good and it’s the only move WWE could make.

So what does this mean for Hogan? Not much really. Time will pass, people will forget, and one day Hogan will be on Raw again for a big anniversary show. It happens to all kinds of celebrities who get caught saying far worse things than Hogan did and the same thing will happen to him. This isn’t the end of Hulkamania or whatever people will be calling it, as Hulkamania has been nostalgia for going on twenty years now. Hogan will be back, just like so many others who have done far worse things. His fans will forgive him and that’s really all there is to it.

In case you haven’t seen it, here’s Hogan’s official statement on the rant, as given to

Eight years ago I used offensive language during a conversation. It was unacceptable for me to have used that offensive language; there is no excuse for it; and I apologize for having done it…” 

“This is not who I am. I believe very strongly that every person in the world is important and should not be treated differently based on race, gender, orientation, religious beliefs or otherwise…”

“I am disappointed with myself that I used language that is offensive and inconsistent with my own beliefs.”


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22 Responses

  1. Jay H (the real one) says:

    I think once all this blows over even though it might be a while I think he will be welcomed back and all will be forgiven. What he said was wrong and I am not condoning it but I am not holding a grudge against him either.

  2. Jordan says:

    It’s Hulk Hogan. There’s no way he’ll be wiped from WWE history ala Benoit. This is just damage control and WWE handling the situation in the only way they can. I mean come on, this is the biggest star in the history of pro wrestling. I love Austin, but he physically abused women and he’s still revered by all. Hogan will be forgiven in time but it will be a while before WWE can make mention of him again.

  3. deanerandterry says:

    WWE is pretty much keeping their distance until it blows over. I’m one of those who feels this shouldn’t be a big deal but WWE had no choice but to do what they did.

  4. Greg says:

    Just because he is getting the same treatment as Benoit doesn’t mean WWE thinks this is on the same level as Benoit. The amount of people who don’t get this is mind boggling.

    The issue is Hogan went way beyond just using the n-word. He said it in a way where he actually meant it. Now people change and in al few years I see no problem with WWE acknowledging his existence again.

    This shouldn’t define him for the rest of his life but for the next few years he needs to crawl in a hole and stay there. As long as he is genuinely sorry about what he said then time will heal this wound.

  5. M.R. says:

    This doesn’t compare on any levels with Benoit.

    • Thomas Hall says:

      Yeah just a bit, yet that’s the common comparison because wrestling fans don’t get common sense.

      • M.R. says:

        I mean that word is awful and is not ok in any circumstance, but to wipe him clean off their site seems a bit of an overeaction.

  6. Jerichoholic94 says:

    I just checked the HoF page on he’s not there

    • Thomas Hall says:

      I would be very surprised if that stayed the case long term.

      • Jerichoholic94 says:

        I think they’re just trying to stifle some of the heat right now. I see them getting him back whenever it blows over. Minimum they’ll do is put him back in the hall and alumni pages..

      • Cereal Killer says:

        True. I understand that it’s possible with Benoit but with Hogan being a huge name in the WWE, it’s really hard to completely cut him out of things, making out as if he never existed like Benoit.

  7. Aeon Mathix says:

    Did they actually remove him from the hall of fame?

  8. Thomas Hall says:

    It’s certainly possible that he won’t be back. I think he will be but I’ve been wrong before.

  9. Marky-Marc says:

    I don’t know, dude. This is kinda big. What would be the reason to bring him back ever again? It’s not like they use him the right way so his appearances can’t be bringing in too much money/ratings. And I don’t foresee any anniversary shows coming up soon where Vince would say ‘Yeah let’s get Hogan back here.’ So unless he’s still alive by the time Wrestlemania 40 comes around, this may be the last we see of Hulk Hogan in WWE.

    • Marky-Marc says:

      Also, this story is on ESPN’s home page, if that means anything to you.

      • Heyo says:

        It’s all over mainstream media, actually. There’s mentions of it on IGN, Variety, Entertainment Weekly and CBS News.

        • Marky-Marc says:

          I figured as much. I’m at work so I only saw the one outlet. But like I said, this is big and I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the last straw for him with this company.

        • Thomas Hall says:

          Yep. This was going to be a major story no matter what, just due to Hogan being who he is.

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