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16 Responses

  1. BSE says:

    Bryan wasn’t supposed to be in the main event. CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, and multiple other sources have confirmed this.

    Why do you think they brought Batista back in the first place and had him win the Rumble? So people would cheer Batista and forget about Bryan.

    Why do you think they put Bryan in the Wyatts? To kill his popularity.

    Believe what you want to, but if you seriously think Vince wants a guy like DB to be in the main event of WM, then you’re kidding yourself.

    • Thomas Hall says:

      Well let’s see:

      1. Bryan and Punk have confirmed this. I’m pretty sure a good chunk of what I said covered this.

      2. Or maybe they brought him back for misdirection.

      3. Yeah no one would have seen it coming if you have Bryan’s spirit broken and have him rise up against Bray and rebel to an incredible reaction. Kind of like what happened.

      • ted says:

        2. Seems like an incredibly stupid and expensive misdirection.

        I don’t buy it. It’s far more likely they changed their mind when wwe realized a mistake had been made.

        To each their own conspiracy however, I say.

        • Thomas Hall says:

          I don’t think they expected that strong of a reaction, no. That was unlike anything I had ever seen.

          And yes, this is just a theory and I can’t prove it for sure.

      • BSE says:

        Misdirection? Do you really think WWE is that smart?

        Except that wasn’t the intention.

  2. dookie blaster 3000 says:

    im sure they never had the mental image of Bryan pointing at the sky while shouting YES while holding both titles in one hand..

  3. Jay H (the real one) says:

    Watching the stretch from Summerslam to Hell In A Cell in 2013 it seemed they had Daniel Bryan in mind to get the payoff at WM 30 after the Orton cash in. When the Big Show was put in at Survivor Series and Bryan was put in the Wyatt feud it had me a little worried. It definitely turned again after the Royal Rumble,CM Punk leaving,and Batista’s return. I could tell after Daniel got screwed again in the Elimination Chamber and Cole drives home that something has to change. I knew then he was walking out of WM 30 as Champion.

  4. MC ChickaChicka says:

    That whole thing was a double layered story which is why it worked so well. For the fans of the show who aren’t into the backstage rumours you had the stone cold v McMahon rerun, and for the others you had that plus the tension of whether or not HHH would actually let Bryan win or if he was going to mess the fans over. Whether or not all of it put together was intentional (big show flat out replacing Bryan for a few months in the story and Bryan doing the Wyatt stuff lead me to believe there was at least heavy doubt backstage they would go through with the whole thing) but the “mistakes” WWE made during that time fuelled the fan support more.

    It’s funny because the only reason the story worked so damn well on all those levels is because of the perceived poor track record of the company. Everyone who has watched WWE has watched them mess up something they could have used, regardless of if they’re from the IWC, which meant there were a large amount of the fans at least at the live shows that were PRAYING for them to just not mess it up this one time.

  5. El Killjoy says:

    Im sorry, KB. But the track record of this company shows me that Yes, they can be stupid enough to mess up Daniel Bryan. Youre forgetting CM Punk who left after the Royal Rumble. How was Triple H vs Daniel Bryan supposed to happen like that? They have shown such a level of disconnect with so many wrestlers that I just cannot buy that WM30 was the original plan and not an adlib because Punk leaving and the negative reaction to the Rumble.

    • Thomas Hall says:

      I easily could have seen Punk fighting Kane at Wrestlemania. Or Punk vs. HHH and have Bryan just in the triple threat. I think Bryan was walking out with the title either way though.

  6. deanerandterry says:

    I definitely agree with what you’re saying on WWE having a 2nd curtain and a lot of what fans see behind the 1st curtain is still a work, I don’t doubt that at all and I’m sure WWE plans situations/scenarios behind the 1st curtain to get people talking.

    I’m not sure though on the “they planned the whole Daniel Bryan story from day 1” deal though. I always felt that that was definitely their initial plan at the end of Summerslam and I fully expected Bryan to win that title back at Wrestlemania 30 pretty much as soon as Orton cashed in on him. With that said I do think they changed their minds a month or 2 later when ratings dropped on a continual basis (I think almost half a rating point), at that point they probably just thought “Batista vs. Orton is foolproof so lets just do that instead”. When Batista came back and it didn’t go the way they were hoping it was probably at that point they went back with their initial plan with Bryan winning the title. I can’t say for sure but going by what I saw/read on your reviews it seemed like all signs were pointing to them giving up on Bryan as a top face.

    Looking back at it Bryan feuded with The Authority for about 7 weeks, got removed from that program pretty much completely for 3-4 months to feud with Wyatt and go shoehorned back in the last 5-6 weeks, around the time of EC. To me at least, they wouldn’t have completely separated Bryan from The Authority for almost 4 months leading into Wrestlemania 30 if it was always their plan to have him win the title, he would’ve had a lot more contact with The Authority in that timeframe, in a lot of ways it just doesn’t add up.

  7. Aeon Mathix says:

    I know you are kind of dead set on believing Bryan was never not in the plans for that big moment at Wrestlemania, but Bryan states himself in his book that it was never planned and he thanked Punk in a way for leaving so it could be changed. Punk even said that was never the plan.

    it’s really not a big deal how it went down, it just wouldn’t shock me at all if bryan winning in the main event of wrestlemania was never the plan and thrown together. Seeing as Kofi (or someone in new day) said on Jericho’s podcast that Vince was flabbergasted that New Day was not getting over as faces says a lot about his booking.

    • Thomas Hall says:

      And I should believe what’s in his book why? Because Bryan seems to be a nice guy?

      • Aeon Mathix says:

        Why are you still talking about it being the plan all along? What does it even matter? Because one day someone may or may not admit it was all in the cards and you can boast about it?

        • Thomas Hall says:

          Partially yes. More along the lines of I didn’t have much of an idea for a column this week and I’ve been meaning to write this up for awhile.

  8. Heyo says:

    I’m not gonna lie, I’m one of those people who thought Bryan MIGHT not win the title at WM30. It’s not even that the booking was misleading us, but the recent mistakes of WWE made me believe that maybe, just maybe, they were so delusional to give Batista or HHH the title. There’s been less stupid booking from them lately.

    Not to mention, EVERYTHING suggests that they didn’t learn their lesson this year, with Reigns almost winning the title and everything suggesting that it was the original plan(Reign’s family allegedly went to WM31 to see him win the title and were very upset with WWE for changing their plans)

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