Seth Rollins Tears ACL, Out 6-9 Months, Title Tournament At Survivor Series


Well that changes everything.  I’d assume Reigns gets it but my goodness how much do they wish they had Orton and Cena back right now.

I’m not even sure how they do a tournament. You figure eight guys but do they have eight names big enough? Does Wyatt enter or do the match with Undertaker?

Reigns would seem to be the heavy favorite and most logical choice but they might throw a curveball. It’s their best chance to in a long time.

So who would be in?

Del Rio

I’m having trouble coming up with any more but that’s more like an Intercontinental Title tournament than a World Title tournament.


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20 Responses

  1. M.R. says:

    Duh-duh-duh-duuuuuuuuh, Duh-duh-duh-duuuuuuuh.

  2. Gunther_224 says:

    I think they should’ve held off a couple of months and made the Rumble even more interesting. They went 8 months without a champion basically when Lesnar held it. What’s a couple more?

    • Thomas Hall says:

      As bad as the ratings have been lately, they really can’t afford to go without a champion or their top draw.

  3. larisano says:

    I’d assume the 8-guys for the tournament would be:

    Del Rio
    Big Show

    That said; the injury to Rollins will either help really shake the WWE landscape up or it will all go lower than it already is… Vince and Co. really need to take a chance with it.
    I see many saying Reigns will become a corporate champ with Ambrose as the babyface in peril, however, I can see Vince being stubborn with regards to Reigns as Cena 2.0 and instead have Ambrose turn heel for reasons. Ntm, Cena and/or Lesnar might be recalled for this Monday itself anyway…

  4. Aeon Mathix says:

    Cool. Rollins was boring as hell as champion

  5. Baller says:

    Reigns will win and Sheamus will then cash in since it would be reigns 3rd match of the night. Easy feud to kill a few months till they get cena and lesnar back.

  6. Phoenix says:

    Reigns seems the logical choice, but then The Authority needs someone as their front man. I kind of feel they’ll go with a 98 route, stack the odds against Reigns, meet their “new front guy” in the final, have Reigns win and swerve by joining The Authority. While it’s a copy and paste of The Rock’s early days, this could help make Reigns workable as champ by being booed out of the building, allowing a new face to be built as the hero to try and reclaim the title from The Authority at WM32.

  7. #MrScissorsKick says:

    Calling it now: Ambrose vs. Reigns in the finals.

  8. comadre says:

    That could be a chance for someone else to shine, kinda like Savage at WM4. Would love to see Ambrose succeed, either as face or as a fresh turned heel. Reigns is too obvious and will be a big deal nonetheless. That’s why I hope the WWE will take this as a chance for the future…

  9. Ted says:

    That really sucks Rollins has been my consistent fav to watch in the ring all year. To tommys point, hell no we don’t need boring and shit eating grin back. They finally have to push someone else. Make a new guy and run with it. Reings wouldn’t be my first choice but at least it’s new.

  10. anonymous says:

    The best option at the moment would either be a roman reigns win to test the waters with him or a dean ambrose heel turn and a win either way both are the most logical conclusions to crown a new champion.

  11. Jay H (the real one) says:

    What about clearing Daniel Bryan and bringing Brock Lesnar back early.

    • Thomas Hall says:

      Lesnar is one thing. Bryan not so much.

      • Jay H (the real one) says:

        I guess we will see. I feel bad for Rollins having his run end like this though. On the bright side I will be at Survivor Series to see my first Tournament in person.

  12. Pugman says:

    That’s crazy how every time Rollins and Reigns is set for a major match one of them gets injured. Didn’t this happen last year at Night of Champions.

  13. CrazySole says:

    I’m sure they could easily bring John Cena back early from his break. Even Lesnar could come back and win the title again, I would love that.

    But I think whatever happens on the night, Sheamus will leave the night as champion when he cashes in.

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