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1 Response

  1. Bloodbuzz Bunk says:

    Well said.

    I think a lot of people fall into two camps of Miz hate, the first are those who think he never deserved to be in the WWE and the second think he was an awful world champ and ruined a Wrestlemania and is generally overrated. I think people forget that not everyone is supposed to be a main evented forever. Miz had a great heel motivation story of being disrespected by everyone and becoming a shocking success. That story has such a small shelf life. This whole revival of Miz and his movie/reality celebrity character is a perfect evolution to pick at the first group who thought he was just a famous face. You can also argue he has the most consistent mic skills of anyone on the roster. I wouldn’t be shocked if he gets a short title run as a transitional champ in the next year.

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