The Rumored Survivor Series Main Event


I…..there are no words.  Ok there are some, which include spoilers after the break if you don’t want to know.

It’s Jinder Mahal vs. Brock Lesnar in a non-title, Champion vs. Champion match.

Of all the nonsense in the world that they could go with, this is the best idea they have?  I know Stephanie seems to think the fans determine who produces stars (seriously) but who in the world thinks this is the right play?  Mahal isn’t even the third biggest star on his own show (Nakamura, Styles, Owens and I’m probably forgetting people) and he’s getting to face Brock at Survivor Series?  And the title isn’t even on the line?  Mahal is as one note of a character as there is in the history of the main event scene and for some reason he’s facing Lesnar.  If it’s non-title there’s even a chance that Mahal could win.  But hey, at least they can sell some tickets in India!


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12 Responses

  1. Liam Fenech says:

    Man I know WWE thinks Smackdown is worthless but it seems they are trying to smash it into fans heads Why does Vince think this is a good main event for Survivor Series? Does he not realise Subscribers have gone down in India since Jinder became Champ? NOT UP DOWN! Which makes me think India knows how crap Jinder is. Sorry Vince you’ve pissed off WWEs Worldwide fanbase for the sake of a National fanbase who don’t even like thair own champion You’re subboness and refusal to adapt is why Subscriber numbers and fan intrest is in the tollet right now.

  2. Jack-Hammer says:

    I read about this a few days ago and it’s downright depressing. It makes me wish for the good old days when fans were going on about how Roman Reigns was being “shoved” down their throats. At least Roman Reigns has some ability, presence and charisma whereas Jinder…Jinder may very well be the worst World Champion, WWE Champion or otherwise, in all of WWE history.

    Aside from his physique, there’s absolutely nothing whatsoever about the man that’s even remotely interesting. At his very, very, very, very best, whether it’s in the ring or on the mic, the man’s average and average shouldn’t be enough to be champion, let alone be champion for as long as he’s been. Yesterday, it was announced that Jinder faces Kevin Owens for the title during WWE’s tour of India in December, the 8th and 9th I believe, so he’ll have been champion for about 6.5 months by that time and there are rumors for him to hold the title all the way to WrestleMania next year.

    So yeah, Jinder makes me long for the days of JBL, Swagger or even Khali as a World Champion in WWE. It’s so depressing to see the biggest championship in pro wrestling history stuck for so long on such a lame duck of a wrestler.

  3. Bloodbuzz Bunk says:

    KB you are way to generous to Mahal as a worker. He can’t move with any fluidity because, hmm, how can I put this? Let’s just extra enhancements to his physique restrict movement. He botches simple moves, he does the same slow/boring/unimaginative control spots that any rookie in a wrestling school does and as you stated he can’t even hit his finisher with comvincing authority. Plus he is a bad promo guy with a One note character.

    At least when Swagger and JBL had their title runs they were average workers with sorts interesting characters and JBL was actually a really great promo guy.

  4. Aeon Mathix says:

    Jinder will win with only one Khallas…while holding on to the title until WrestleMania.

  5. Someone says:

    Maybe this is how Vince convinced Brock to do last years match.” We are gonna have Goldberg squash you then next year you get do do the squashing.” Thats about the only reasoning for this, if this is what they are doing this year

  6. AB Morales says:

    Just because something is “new” doesn’t always mean it’s good. And if it were any good, we wouldn’t have a battalion of empty seats as the first shot of the Hell In A Cell PPV.

  7. Ovelesky says:

    sure does seem you have a problem with Mahal lol

    I mean how is he any different to the JBL run? Or remember that awful Jack Swagger run with the title?

    Seriously relax. As fans we always want something new, or at least thats what we make a stink about. And this seems a fresh enough idea. And besides will this a squash – hell yah!

    • BestSportsEntertainer says:

      Oh goodness how could you defend this? Like I respect your opinion, but come on man.

      JBL and Jack Swagger were awful. They sucked. Just because other people were terrible doesn’t mean Jinder isn’t.

      Yes we want something new – and that most likely means an actually talented champion who isn’t just champion because he’s Indian.

      And are we actually celebrating a squash match in the main event of one of the biggest pay-per-views of the year?

    • Thomas Hall says:

      JBL and Swagger were indeed awful and I have no idea how that makes Mahal any better. The two of them at least had a decent finisher. Mahal’s cobra clutch slam should have trouble beating Heath Slater and it’s finishing Nakamura. He’s a bad promo, an average worker and has no success leading up to the win. What am I overreacting to here?

      • Ovelesky says:

        is he a joke champion? no doubt
        do we have a joke president? no doubt
        these things happen. And its cyclical. There is a good rub on someone who will beat Mahal and dispose of him. And he’ll go back to being a lower card player – if that.

        till then, we have an entirely undeserving player as the champ. And that is his gimmick and the reason for disdain. I for one think there are many more things worse than Jinder in WWE today.

        • BestSportsEntertainer says:

          Lol what do politics have to do with this?

          Trump is awful. Jinder is awful.

          Two wrongs don’t make a right. Other people being awful doesn’t excuse anyone else being awful.

          What is worse than Jinder?

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