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5 Responses

  1. Kaips says:

    There is a typo in your column KB. You put “with one reign with one reign lasting the majority of eight years.”

  2. SD619 says:

    If you haven’t done so already, I highly recommend listening to his episode on Jericho’s podcast. Great insight into his life and career. He comes across as an amazing and classy person throughout the interview.

  3. EC3 says:

    When you grow up in an Italian neighborhood, and you start watching wrestling, the dads would like Hogan or Warrior, but revere you with stories of how they started watching because of Bruno. For the Italian community, he was their guy, an extended family member. That’s what worked so well in New York.

  4. Liam Fenech says:

    Well said KB Definitely on Mount Rushmore of wresting and an lcon as big as Hogan,Rock and Austim. So Long Strongman. Did You know in his heyday he got a private audience with the then pope in the Vatican KB?

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