Need Some Questions To Answer

So starting this Saturday, I’m going to be doing a weekly Ask KB column over at  I’ll be taking a variety of questions and writing out some longer form answers with more historical context etc.  Therefore, I need some stuff to answer and as luck would have it, I have an awesome audience who knows what kinds of things to ask.  Therefore, I’m looking for some combination of the following:


How I would book things/where I see things going

General questions about wrestling

Anything else you guys would like me to answer about wrestling


As usual, any era or company is fair game.  I’ll post a link to the column once it’s completed and posted this coming Saturday.  Ask your questions in the comments.




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5 Responses

  1. Stone Cold Tea says:

    Why does Edge get all the praise for that spear at ‘Mania 17 when it was Jeff who made it look so good and took the bump.

  2. Stone Cold Tea says:

    Why does Edge get all the praise for that spear on Jeff at’Maniax7 when Jeff took the bump.

  3. Aeon Mathix says:

    I know you are a big fan of McIntyre as well as myself, so I would like to see a little fantasy booking on how you would handle his rise to the top. Can also apply to anyone who could be successful basically what in your opinion is the best way to build a wrestler from the bottom to the top?

  4. Stone Cold Tea says:

    Do you feel over time you have become jaded with wrestling because you watch it all the time? Your older reviews seem to show you having a lot more fun in the writing.

    • Thomas Hall says:

      A little, yeah, but the bigger reason for the change is that it became more professional. It’s my job now instead of just something I was doing for the sake of having fun. Also, I didn’t feel right with some of the played up outrage/excitement that I had before. I would get emotional watching these things, but not to the same level that was presented. Finally, these make for better written reviews.

      But yeah, after a long time of doing this, you’ve seen almost everything there is to see and it doesn’t have the same “I remember that!” feeling over time.

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