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4 Responses

  1. BJ C says:

    Shane would b more of a benefit w/a bodyguard or guards. Have them wrestle Owens/Taker/Styles etc. I always wished they did Sting/Taker at Wm w/Shane and Vince representing each wrestler. Many superstars coulda been elevated n da role of Shane’s heavy, still have Shane on tv, and more compelling realistic matches.

    • Grammar Man says:

      Shane would what? I don’t understand anything after that. I’m guessing it says Shane would like me to improve my grammar. If so, then Shane is a very smart man. You should listen to him.

  2. Jack-Hammer says:

    I tend to agree when it come to Shane. He’s great in small doses, I’ve not even got a problem with him wrestling every once in a while but the execution of the build of a lot of those matches and how he’s presented is when it falls apart for me.

    When Shane was doing his thing 20 years ago, one of the reasons it worked was because his character was this young, brash, extremely cocky affluent guy who’d never had to want for anything in his life. It was not only fun watching him get beaten up, but he could hold his own in entertaining matches. Today, however, Shane is closing in on 50 years of age and his old man tries to present him as if he’s one of the all time badasses of WWE history and that’s just not the case. He wasn’t portrayed that way 20 years ago because it would’ve been ridiculous and he shouldn’t be portrayed that way now because it’s still ridiculous. I don’t care how much CrossFit he does or that he takes some MMA classes as part of his exercise routine because nobody really buys into Shane McMahon as a viable threat.

    As I said, I don’t really mind him wrestling every so often, it’s just that how he’s presented and the importance that gets placed on the matches cause me to lose interest. When you get right down to it, Shane really hasn’t won a match since his return, and I’m not counting the WWE World Cup nonsense, and he shouldn’t be someone who can take the finishers of guys like Taker or Reigns, nor should he being 20 to 40 minutes with guys like Owens and Styles or be the last man standing for Survivor Series teams.

    Shane McMahon hasn’t spent the last 20-25 years of his life having wars with the likes of Austin, Rock, Taker, Foley, Edge, Christian, Cena, Batista, Mysterio, Hardy, Orton, Punk, Styles, Bryan, Rollins and others. He doesn’t have a plethora of championship belts hanging on his wall, over his mantle or in display cases; he’s not a multi-time World, IC or even Tag Team Champion. He’s a corporate suit that’s always wrestled a couple of times a year, even back when he was in his prime; he’s not one of the all time greats or supreme badasses in WWE history and I wish Vince would keep trying to make him out to be just that.

  3. Dragon says:

    I will take Shane over Stephanie any day and I for one enjoy his matches…hate to disagree with you KB but Shane has name value to the casual fan and I can’t think of any full time wrestler on the current roster that does other than Lesnar,Cena, Angle, Hardy and Mysterio….Styles and Daniel Bryan are a stretch….am I missing anyone?

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