Things Are Going To Be A Bit Slow

My grandmother has been diagnosed with cancer for the fourth time and likely won’t be making it until February.  I’ll be at the hospital more often than not and while I’ll have my laptop, I won’t be able to do much.  I might check out a show just to get my mind off things for a bit but I have no idea how things are going to go for the time being.




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15 Responses

  1. Jerichoholic94 says:

    Not having the greatest week myself brother hold tight I love you and what you do for us

  2. Jay H says:

    Sorry to hear about that KB as i was looking forward to your NXT and Royal Rumble reviews this weekend but Family comes first. Hope she somehow pulls through.

  3. Prophet says:

    Sending positive thoughts, KB.

  4. Heyo says:

    I lost my granddad to cancer a few months ago, and I know what it’s like to go through this. Thoughts and prayers with you, and take the time you need.

  5. comadre says:

    Dont worry, all the best for you and your family!

  6. Harry Kettle says:

    All the best, KB. God bless.

  7. Patrick says:

    Im so sorry. Thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family

  8. Mike M. says:

    Positive thoughts to you and yours, KB.

  9. Andrew says:

    I just want to echo the sentiments of the other posters and say that I will be thinking of and praying for you and your family. Even if that is not necessarily something you believe in (I don’t know and it isn’t any of my business), the power of positive thought can never hurt. Also, as another commenter stated, please don’t worry about not updating the website or reviewing any of the new material out there. Right now is and should be all about you and your family gathering together with your grandmother and handling real life priorities. Your fans and followers will still be here when you return (whenever that may be), and until then we will all surely understand that real life takes precedence over our enjoyment of sports entertainment.

    TL:DR – Good luck and much love to you and your family. Thank you for all of the years of entertainment you have given us and know that you have the love and support of a large community of followers. Take care.

  10. Isaiah Morrow says:

    Damn I thought this was going to be another update regarding the server issues.

    Much love to you and your family.

  11. #MrScissorsKick says:

    Prayers to yourself and the rest of your family KB.

  12. NightShiftLoser says:

    I’m sorry, man. Worry about your priorities. We’ll be here when you get back.

  13. Aeon Mathix says:

    Thoughts and prayers buddy

  14. BestSportsEntertainer says:

    I hope everything turns out well. I couldn’t imagine going through something like this. Take all the time you need off.

  15. BJ C says:

    My prayers and condolences 4 u and yo family Kb

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