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4 Responses

  1. MikeA says:

    Great read KB What’s interesting is that years ago as you know they took the stomp away for fear of Cte and concussion. The fact that Wyatt took 11 of them makes the stomp look silly.

    This is all predetermined I get that but Lesnar took 3 to 4 stomps and that was the finish. I saw Rollins last year at a Raw wrestle the miz the night after elimination chamber and he WAS the most over talent after years of being in the doghouse and injuries He lasted over an hour and was given the Jericho rub by beating reigns and Cena back to back. Colby lopez is very talented but he comes off as brash and a little too overconfident.

    I watched the episode of the Bump, and they actually did talk about the finish. Wwe is creating in a way their own version of CNN or ESPN by creating stories that people will talk about but how is it helping the company if it’s giving people a negative reaction instead of a positive one I will always watch wrestling but I will always watch the history of the cell instead of believing that the cell can end conflict.

    They are so focused on the money now that they are damaging all their brands. I Used to love Nxt. That’s why I got the network they already jumped the shark with Ciampa and Gargano. That was their HBK HHh.feud as you had so many twists and turns. I think people are starting to sour on NXT because it’s great that they can have success and get over and win titles but then they will be jobbers on raw or Smackdown. Do you remember bo Dallas and bolieving in him I do, but now he’s just a jobber. The only true talent that has gotten over from nxt that can actually wrestle and tell a story are Bryan from the men’s side and Sasha from the women’s side. You can tell they love what they are doing and you want to watch their matches.

    Going forward I don’t think wwe wants to be about wrestling anymore. They want more stories. More soap as they like to say but even with many bars of soap to clean their wrestling Image They are washing away what made them so special. Ah the glory days of 97. Thank goodness for that magical year. That year and 2000 I know you agree as I have read most of your reviews. Keep up the great work

    • Thomas Hall says:

      Much appreciated.

      And yeah they are shifting away from wrestling, but it’s hard to argue with their success. That being said, they are indeed running a risk of burning the fans out with it. There is SO much content these days and it’s been way too much for far too long.

  2. Shane says:

    We like to point out how much a choker Strowman is but Bray beats him by about a mile.

  3. BestSportsEntertainer says:

    Great read as always.

    I still can’t believe someone actually thought that was a good idea. It’s impressive in a way.

    BTW if the official ruling was referee stoppage (and it was definitely a DQ, they’re just trying to save face), that means the Fiend LOST. How is that supposed to be better?

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