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5 Responses

  1. Stone Cold Tea says:

    I’m going to sleep with Rihanna this weekend

  2. BestSportsEntertainer says:

    WWE has designed this match to disappoint. No matter how good it is, all the focus will be on the dumb tagline.
    Regardless I hope this ends the feud. Edge has a ton of dream matches and feuds left, and I have no desire to see a third match.

  3. Lian Fenech says:

    PS to my earlier post Having great performances gets you Noticed Winning matches and championships makes you a .Legend

  4. Mike M. says:

    Spot-on analysis. Edge and Orton are two all-time greats, but even in their prime, I’m not sure they could pull off a top 5 match. It was a silly marketing ploy for a match that shouldn’t be happening. Edge winning at WM should have been the end. Know what’s going to make it even harder to live up the hype, Bryan/Styles likely happening before that match.

    • Lian Fenech says:

      it’s the Only (stupid) way that WWE can justafy this match. I mean you had a brutal gimmick match and followed it up with a normal 1 on 1 match I’ve already seen them try to kill each other in a LMS match. Why in the world would I want to see them have a normal match now? It’s like they started with a feud ender and continued with a feud starter I know WWE and Orton will make the argument that Edge may have pure ring rust after 9 years out but it’s still not enough to justafy this So So silly.

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