Main Event – August 27, 2020: I Like Them

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: August 27, 2020
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton

We’re off to the Thunder Dome for the show and I’m not exactly expecting it to make that much of a difference. It’s also the last show before Payback, meaning we will be building to a show and recovering from another one at the same time. That could mean a few different things around here, though none of them are exactly thrilling. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Mustafa Ali vs. Arturo Ruas

Ali has to duck from an early kick to the head but a knee puts him down. Ruas kicks him in the arm to keep Ali in trouble and the martial arts are on full display. We hit the armbar on the mat but Ali gets in a few rollups for two each. Another shot to the arm cuts Ali off though and it’s off to an armbar to send Ali over to the ropes.

Ali comes back with a rolling…Codebreaker to the arm instead of the X Factor actually. A Crossface sends Ruas over to the rope for a change and Ruas’ missed charge goes into the post. Ruas tries a cross armbreaker but gets rolled up for two, followed by an Oklahoma roll to give Ali the pin at 5:39.

Rating: C. Now THIS is what Main Event could be as Ruas got in a lot and looked good instead of just getting squashed. They had me believing that the upset could be happening and that’s a hard thing to pull off, especially on a show like this. Not too bad, but then again that could just be Ali being his usual awesome self.

We look at Drew McIntyre retaining the Raw World Title against Randy Orton at Summerslam, plus Orton attacking him the following night on Raw.

From Raw.

Here’s Orton for a chat. Orton talks about doing whatever he wants to whomever he wants but that wasn’t the case last night. He promised everyone that he was going to RKO McIntyre and then kick him in the skull to take the title…but he didn’t. Orton is a lot of things and he has proven that he will always be the Legend Killer. He has killed a lot of legends recently and that’s what he was doing earlier when he kicked McIntyre twice in a row. Earlier tonight, Drew came out here and offered him a rematch out of pity. Does McIntyre know who he is?

He is Randy Orton….and here’s Keith Lee. Orton isn’t sure what to think of this so Lee says Orton looks perplexed. Lee: “Greetings and salutations Mr. Orton.” Lee thought Orton might want to take this chance to bask in his glory. Orton has been called a lot of things over the years, as has Lee, but the only thing that is true is that Lee is limitless. The challenge is issued for right now and Orton says….maybe later. I can go for more of Lee and I’ll take this over squashing some jobber.

From Raw.

Randy Orton vs. Keith Lee

Lee shoves him away to start and gets in a leapfrog, followed by a big shove out to the floor. Back in and Orton’s right hand is caught, allowing Lee to hit a standing overhead belly to belly. Orton bails to the floor again and this time Lee follows for a…failed posting attempt as Orton sends him shoulder first in instead. Orton stomps away back inside and covers, with Lee firing him off with the kickout.

The chinlock into a sleeper goes on but Lee drives him into the corner for the quick break. Lee hits the running corner splash and a crossbody takes Orton down again. Orton gets knocked outside again but Lee throws him back inside this time, only to get kicked in the face to set up the hanging DDT. Orton loads up the RKO but here’s McIntyre for the DQ at 4:47.

Rating: C. I’m not sure on this one as Lee got in a good about of impressive stuff and wasn’t beaten when McIntyre interfered, but the match ended with Lee down and Orton loading up his finisher. Lee didn’t need to pin Orton here, but it could have had a little better ending. Like Orton walking out for a countout or something, as the McIntyre match is all but already set.

Later in the night, Orton Punted McIntyre for a third time.

We look at Asuka winning the Raw Women’s Title at Summerslam.

From Raw.

Raw Women’s Title: Asuka vs. Sasha Banks

Asuka is defending in a lumberjack match. Banks is sent outside in a hurry and a hip attack knocks her off the apron again. Baszler stares Bayley down for daring to help Banks up and we take a break. Back with Banks kicking Asuka down but getting reversed into the ankle lock. Asuka is kicked out to the floor though and Banks dives at her, only to hit the Riott Squad by mistake.

That lets Asuka get up and hit a sliding shot off the apron to take Banks down again. Asuka goes after Bayley, who throws lumberjacks at her to avoid a bad case of death. Banks gets in a cheap shot from behind and nails the frog splash for two back inside. Bayley tries to throw in a chair but Baszler makes the save, leaving Banks to get Asuka Locked for the tap at 7:41.

Rating: C+. There was too much going on here and it was a far cry from what they did last night. The bigger problem though is having the same people face each other so often. They have a lot of talented people in the division but it is rare to see someone new getting into the title picture. Banks, Bayley and Asuka (and Becky Lynch and Charlotte) have been the divisions for a long time now and they need to do something different. Look around the ring and pick someone. Who isn’t Nia Jax.

Video on the Fiend becoming Universal Champion and Roman Reigns returning at the end of Summerslam.

Ricochet vs. vs. Humberto Carrillo

This could be fun. After a slap of hands, they fight over wristlocks to start with Ricochet taking him down to work on the arm. Back up and a running hurricanrana sends Carrillo to the floor, setting up the backflip into the superhero pose. More respect is shown before Carrillo headscissors him out to the floor and strikes his own pose. That means more respect, which is broken up as Ricochet superkicks him to the floor.

Back from a break with both guys escaping suplexes and Carrillo grabbing a rollup for two. A jumping spinning kick to the head drops Ricochet and a dropkick puts him down again. Carrillo’s missile dropkick gets two but Ricochet rolls to the apron before the moonsault. Ricochet rolls through a high crossbody and a quick Recoil finishes Carrillo at 9:52.

Rating: C+. Let two talented high fliers have a high flying match for a few minutes. It’s an idea that has worked forever so why not do it again here? This worked out rather well and while I would rather Ricochet be doing something on Raw, I’ll take what I can get in the situation. At least it got some time too.

We look at Dominik Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins from Summerslam.

From Raw.

Rey Mysterio/Dominik Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins/Buddy Murphy

The Mysterios jump them on the floor before the bell and the fight is on in a hurry. Dominik and Murphy start things off with Dominik dropkicking him to the floor and knocking Rollins into the announcers’ table. A backdrop puts Murphy on the floor again and Rey hits a….something that the camera misses to send Rollins into the barricade. Rollins is left alone in the ring and it’s a dropkick into a failed 619 attempt from Rey. Dominik dives onto both of them and we take a break.

Back with Rollins mocking Rey for not being able to make the tag but Rey scores with the sitout bulldog. Murphy cuts off the tag to Dominik but Rey scores with an enziguri, allowing the hot tag. A springboard crossbody gets two on Murphy and Dominik sends him into the corner. The tornado DDT gives Dominik two but he has to slip out of the buckle bomb. Rey comes in off the hot tag and it’s a double 619 to Murphy. Dominik goes up….and it’s Retribution to destroy the Mysterios for the DQ at 10:00.

Rating: C. While I didn’t need to see any combination of these four again, above all else they kept it WAY shorter than last night and that’s a big improvement. Dominik has the skills to hang in there in short bursts but there is only so much that you can do in a match that goes on that long. Retribution showing up suggests that things may be finally moving on, but dang it took some time to get us here.

Post match the beatdown is on with Rollins and Murphy watching from the stage as Retribution (six of them this time) leave the Mysterios laying to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. Not too shabby here with a pair of matches featuring people I like so I can’t complain all that much. There was no point in focusing on Smackdown whatsoever as it came before Summerslam and nothing mattered at that point. There wasn’t much focus on Payback here, but that could be because there was nothing set up for the show when the Main Event stuff was filmed. If that is true (and it might not be), should tell you a lot about the problems with the company at the moment.

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