NXT LVL Up – March 17, 2023: The Mixing

Date: March 17, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Blake Howard

Last week’s show was a good example of how much better this show is when the bigger names are around. While you won’t be getting any major star power, it can help to have some decent sized NXT names on the show. Hopefully that is the case this week, as it can be a rough sit otherwise. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Lyra Valkyria vs. Dani Palmer

Valkyria grabs a front facelock to start but Palmer fights up for a standoff. They go to the pinfall reversal sequence for two each until Palmer’s backslide has Valkyria frustrated. Palmer rolls her down into a basement dropkick for two and Valkyria is a bit stunned. Back up and Valkyria strikes away to take over until a forearm to the face gives Palmer two more. The chinlock goes on until Valkyria drives her into the corner, setting up a spinning kick to the head for the pin at 3:56.

Rating: C+. All things considered, this was an entertaining match with Palmer continuing to show some potential. She still has a long way to go but there are some tools there and that is a good start. Then you have Valkyria, who WWE seems ready to move into the next level of the division, which could have some benefits. They had a much better match than I was expecting here though so well done.

Eddy Thorpe is happy to be 2-0 and he’s ready to be 3-0. He is ready to life up the Native American people tonight.

Eddy Thorpe vs. Xyon Quinn

Quinn powers him around to start and grinds away on a headlock. Thorpe tries to pick up the pace but gets muscled into a fireman’s carry. That’s broken up and Thorpe hits a middle rope crossbody for an early breather. Quinn knocks him into the ropes for some choking though and some right hands stagger Thorpe again. A backbreaker and splash to the back give Quinn two and we’re off to the chinlock. With that not working, Quinn pulls on both arms and puts a boot on the back of Thorpe’s head. Thorpe powers up and grabs a Saito suplex for two of his own. Quinn misses his running punch, gets German suplexed, and the suplex neckbreaker finishes Quinn at 5:38.

Rating: C. You can tell that WWE sees something in Thorpe and is protecting him well enough around here. Let him get out there and get his feet wet in WWE before he moves on to something more important on the regular NXT. WWE needs some fresh blood and if Thorpe can offer that, good for him.

Oro Mensah vs. Charlie Dempsey

Drew Gulak is here with Dempsey, who grabs the cravate to start things off. Mensah fights out and uses a headlock takeover to get to the mat. Back up and Mensah kicks him out of the corner, only to get his arm wrenched for his efforts. A back suplex plants Mensah and Dempsey is right back on the arm. Mensah fights up and his springboard missile dropkick connects for two. Dempsey isn’t having this though and grabs the leg, only to switch into a cross armbreaker, followed by an ankle lock and then that nasty neck and leg crank (that needs a name) to make Mensah tap at 6:36.

Rating: C. There is something fun about watching Dempsey rip people apart and he does it very well, especially against someone like Mensah. This was a fine showcase for him and he destroyed Mensah here. Mensah got in a few shots here and there, but there was only so much he could do when Dempsey was picking him apart limb by limb.

Overall Rating: C+. This show had more of a variety than most episodes of the series so this could have been a lot worse. Thorpe continues to feel like someone who could become a star and it is good to see him taking people down. Valkyria also comes off as having potential and Dempsey as the wrestler who hurts people worked well too. Solid show from LVL Up, mainly due to the featured stars.

Lyra Valkyria b. Dani Palmer – Spinning kick to the head
Eddy Thorpe b. Xyon Quinn – Suplex neckbreaker
Charlie Dempsey b. Oro Mensah – Neck and leg crank



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