AEW Dynamite – January 15, 2025 (Maximum Carnage): That’s A Lot Of Carnage

Date: January 15, 2025
Location: Andrew J. Brady Music Center, Cincinnati, Ohio
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re getting closer to Grand Slam and the card needs to start getting built up. Before we can get there though, we have Maximum Carnage, which should have quite the card. That includes the in-ring return of Kenny Omega, plus Powerhouse Hobbs getting a World Title shot at Jon Moxley. Let’s get to it.

We open with a big preview of the show.

Brian Cage vs. Kenny Omega

Don Callis is on commentary. Omega strikes away to limited avail as Cage grabs him for the curls into the toss. A clothesline drops Omega but Omega counters a powerbomb into a hurricanrana. Lance Archer offers a distraction though and Omega, whose head is cut open, is sent outside and sent into the announcers’ table. Callis gets in a few shots of his own and we take a break.

Back with Omega still in trouble but firing off a running knee. The F5 gives Cage two so he goes up top, only to get caught with a super sunset bomb. Omega’s running knee gets two and the V Trigger rocks Cage. The One Winged Angel (it took a second but he got cage up) finishes for Omega at 11:38.

Rating: B-. This was never going to be a match where the result was in doubt but what matters the most is that Omega got back in the ring and looked good enough. That wasn’t exactly guaranteed just a few months ago so it’s nice to see him in the ring again. He’s instantly one of the biggest names in AEW and having him beat a big enough name like Cage is a nice start on his road back.

Post match the beatdown is on but Will Ospreay runs in for the save. The Family beats them down though.

MVP is ready to get back in the ring.

The Learning Tree is ready for their match on Collision in Cincinnati, in the heart of the Bluegrass State. They can get along with the Death Riders.

Here is Ricochet, to quite the negative reception, for a chat. Before anything can be said, as the fans are not pleased, Swerve Strickland’s music hits and it’s Prince Nana with a chair shot to Ricochet’s back. Swerve chases Ricochet off and outside, complete with the snow.

We look at a Day In The Life Of Mercedes Mone. She shops, trains and is apparently all around swell. Keeping anything involving her talking short is appreciated.

Hurt Syndicate vs. Mark Briscoe/Private Party

The Syndicate jumps them to start and MVP kicks Briscoe in the face as we get going. Briscoe is sent outside and Benjamin drops him onto the apron as we take a break. Back with Briscoe still in trouble until he clotheslines his way out of trouble. Kassidy comes in to clean house and it’s off to Quen for some dropkicks. Everything breaks down and a jumping Downward Spiral hits Benjamin. Poetry In Motion does it again but Lashley is in with a spear. Benjamin’s release German suplex into a superkick finishes Quen at 9:26.

Rating: C+. This is what it needed to be and now we need to get to the next step of the Hurt Business winning the Tag Team Titles. There isn’t anything to keeping them on Private Party at this point as the champs have hardly done anything special with the belts. The Hurt Business is looking awesome at the moment and that was on full display again here.

We look at Cope brawling with Pac on Collision, setting up their match this weekend.

Video on Rated FTR.

Here is Jeff Jarrett for a chat but MJF cuts him off before he can get very far. MJF didn’t think much of Jarrett saying the last few weeks have been humbling but Jarrett calls him lazy for not wanting to enter the Casino Gauntlet. MJF snaps and says Jarrett has convinced a lot of people he’s a lot better than he is. MJF calls Jarrett the last thing any wrestling company sees before it dies.

We get some jokes about Jarrett’s alcohol issues before MJF offers to have some fun with Karen Jarrett before sending her back to Tennessee. That way Jarrett can know the taste of a generational talent and an Olympic gold medalist. Jarrett laughs everything off because he’s heard it before. The reality though is Jarrett did all of this before but he did it better. Jarrett says it must be really tough being raised by a call girl mother and an ambulance chasing father.

When MJF was in the ring going sixty minutes, his girlfriend was doing it too….just in the parking lot with other wrestlers. The reality is MJF needs Jarrett because he’s a scared little boy. MJF goes on a rant about how far he carried this company but then he got screwed out of a bunch of things. He needs to win the World Title so he can shove it down a whole lot of throats. But then he needs to wait for JEFF JARRETT?

The reality is no one has ever cared about Jarrett, who thinks his friendship with Owen Hart entitles him to a grand finale. That’s enough for Jarrett and the fight is on and security, plus Karen Jarrett, break it up. MJF grabs Karen for a second but lets her go before leaving. Jarrett is on to something with MJF being a one trick pony, as he has incredible delivery but almost every big time promo exchange like this breaks down to “here’s a list of insults about things in your past and I’m better than you.” It’s still good, but it feels like MJF might as well just be inserting names into a formula.

Video on Kazuchika Okada vs. Tomohiro Ishii.

Hook vs. Christian Cage

Hook jumps him on the ramp to start and the fight is on with Hook hammering away on the floor. The beating goes up the ramp and then back into the ring. Cage gives him a hug but gets suplexed for his efforts. Cage is sent into the buckle and we take a break. Back with Taz getting annoyed at Cage as he drops a splash for two. The spear gives Cage two more but the Killswitch is countered into a fisherman’s suplex for two more. Hook hammers away until Cage sends him into the post for a crash out to the floor. The Patriarchy is fought off and it’s the Redrum back inside, only for the Patriarchy to run in for the DQ at 11:38.

Rating: C. Of course it’s going to keep going. This is a feud that has been going on for a few months now and as long as Cage has that contract, almost anything he does feels like he’s just killing time. That isn’t doing Hook any favors and having him possibly dealing with Cage’s goons isn’t going to help either. The match was another brawl with interference, which is rather common around this place.

Post match the beatdown is on but Taz stands up….and Samoa Joe is back to clean house. Katsuyori Shibata runs in for the assist and the good guys stand tall.

The Undisputed Kingdom wants gold.

Dustin Rhodes interrupts Jeff Jarrett, saying MJF has no idea how this business works. Rhodes wants Jarrett to fulfill his dream.

Women’s Casino Gauntlet

For a shot at Mariah May, on commentary, at Grand Slam. Kris Statlander is in at #1 and Jamie Hayter is in at #2 as we have unknown entrants and uneven intervals. May immediately asks Taz if he wants to roll around on that new knee but he’s happily married. And retired. Hayter takes her down to start but gets planted as Megan Bayne (she’s rather tall and rather strong, leaving May looking worried) is in at #3.

Bayne elbows Statlander into the corner (May: “What does she eat for breakfast? Babies?”) and Hayter small packages her way out of a suplex as May is still worried. Julia Hart is in at #4 and is immediately suplexed on the ramp by Hayter. We take a break and come back with Willow Nightingale coming in at #5 but getting dropped by Bayne.

A double suplex drops Bayne and it’s Toni Storm in at #6. House is quickly cleaned as May is nervously laughing. Hart fights up and helps clear the ring before slugging it out with Hayter. Harley Cameron is in at #7 and grabs some rollups but Hayter plants Hart. Back up and Hart mists Cameron, only to get small packaged by Storm for the pin at 13:18.

Rating: B-. Bayne looked like a star and that was good to see, but this was pretty much a big countdown until Storm won. Who else was going to win the match and the title shot for a show coming up in Australia? I’m sure we’ll get the next big step in the evolution of Storm going forward, but for now she was the only realistic option here and that’s not a bad thing.

AEW World Title: Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Jon Moxley

Moxley, the hometown boy, is defending and has the Death Riders with him. Hobbs hammers away to start and a running shoulder puts Moxley on the floor. They fight into the crowd with Moxley getting the better of things and hammering away back inside. Hobbs bites the ear for a breather though and we take a break.

Back with Moxley, bleeding from the ear, getting knocked down but telling Hobbs to bring it. The Paradigm Shift is blocked and Hobbs runs him over again. A spinning slam gives Hobbs two but Moxley pulls him into a cross armbreaker. That’s broken up so here is Wheeler Yuta for a cheap shot. Hobbs is back with a spinebuster but Marina Shafir gets in a briefcase shot so the Paradigm Shift can get two. The bulldog choke retains the title at 13:05.

Rating: B-. And the Death Riders interfere to keep the title on Moxley. Again. Like so many other heel stables have done over the years. That’s the problem with the Death Riders in general: it feels like something we’ve seen so many times now and that’s not overly interesting. The team’s mission is only so defined in the first place and we’re just sitting around waiting until someone steps up for the big moment. That makes for some tedious stuff, and that was the case again here.

Post match the beatdown is on, including a Pillmanizing of the leg. Rated FTR clear the ring to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. I’m not sure how big this show felt, but it was far from a bad week. Mega being back is a nice thing to see and they set up what very well may be the main event of Grand Slam with Storm vs. May. Other than that, it was a slightly above the normal show, albeit one that felt like it was designed to set up something else down the line. Good enough show, but not exactly an all time classic.

Kenny Omega b. Brian Cage – One Winged Angel
Hurt Syndicate b. Private Party/Mark Briscoe – Superkick to Quen
Hook b. Christian Cage via DQ when the Patriarchy interfered
Toni Storm won the Women’s Casino Gauntlet – Small package to Hart
Jon Moxley b. Powerhouse Hobbs – Paradigm Shift



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5 Responses

  1. Sebastian Howard says:

    “Mega being back is a nice thing to see ”

    My fav wrestler Mega

  2. Sebastian Howard says:

    ” Jarrett is on to something with MJF being a one trick pony, as he has incredible delivery but almost every big time promo exchange like this breaks down to “here’s a list of insults about things in your past and I’m better than you.” It’s still good, but it feels like MJF might as well just be inserting names into a formula.”

    I mean tf else are you supposed to say in a promo?

  3. Art Vandelay says:

    I watched some of Dynamite last night for the first time in a long while. What happened with Jim Ross? Is he still with the company?

  4. Caleb John Undahl says:

    So the Kentucky boy isn’t gonna touch Jericho calling Ohio the Bluegrass State?

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