Dynamite – March 19, 2025: Storm Proof

Date: March 19, 2025
Location: Liberty First Credit Union Arena, Omaha, Nebraska
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re closing in on Dynasty and that means the card needs to start coming together. Believe it or not we have a tournament going on around here, with the winner getting an International Title shot against Kenny Omega at the pay per view. As for tonight though, the World Title is on the line with Cope challenging Jon Moxley in a street fight. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

There was a really bad snowstorm in Omaha so the crowd and roster might be a bit limited.

Orange Cassidy vs. Mike Bailey vs. Ricochet vs. Mark Davis

For the International Title shot at Dynasty and Don Callis is on commentary. Cassidy rolls around to start before they hit fast forward to pick up the speed in a hurry. Davis is knocked outside and Ricochet does the same to Cassidy, leaving Bailey to kick away at Ricochet. Bailey and Cassidy tease a showdown but Ricochet breaks it up, earning himself a dive.

Davis pulls Bailey out of the air for a powerbomb onto the apron though and then chases Ricochet off. Back in and Bailey’s chops just annoy Davis, who chops him down with ease. Ricochet even jumps on commentary to call Schiavone stupid as the fans are all over Callis. Davis gets distracted by Bailey and Ricochet covers Cassidy for two. That doesn’t work for Davis, who tosses Davis without much trouble. Bailey is back up to kick away at Davis and the running shooting star press connects. Ricochet tosses Bailey outside before all four get back inside.

Some triple teaming has Davis in trouble but he fights all three of them off as we take a break. Back with Cassidy cleaning house and hitting a Stundog Millionaire on Ricochet (though Cassidy seems to be favoring his arm). Cassidy is fine enough to hurricanrana Bailey out of the corner for two but Bailey Falcon Arrows him down. The shooting star press connects but Davis pulls Bailey out at two.

Ricochet’s shooting star press gets two more on Cassidy and a Death Valley Driver gets the same on Bailey. Cassidy is back up with the Beach Break on Ricochet and the Orange Punch for two on Davis. Back up and Davis hits some running clotheslines before planting all three of the others. Davis pulls Cassidy into a piledriver for two with Bailey making the save. Bailey is back up to kick Davis in the face and grabs a backslide, with Ricochet grabbing a rollup on Davis (with feet on the ropes) for the double pin at 17:58.

Rating: B. It was a bunch of insanity with all four going nuts for most of the match. I’m not wild on setting up a triple threat title match, but it seems like a way to get Bailey into the title shot without having him lose. Davis looked like a monster here in perhaps his best showing yet, which hopefully is something for him. Otherwise, I’m not sure I see the point in keeping him around so prominently.

Post match the triple threat is indeed announced for Dynasty.

Video on the Hurt Syndicate.

TBS Title: Mercedes Mone vs. Billie Starkz

Starkz is challenging and offers a left handed handshake to start (must be a fan of the Genius), earning a slap to the face. Mone kicks her into the corner and then pulls her out for two, only to get DDTed out of another corner for two. It’s too early for Starkz’s Swanton so Mone bails to the floor, where back to back dives take her out. Back in and the Swanton gets two on Mone, who is right back with a Backstabber as we take a break.

We come back with Mone hitting a gutbuster for two and stopping to stare around a bit. Mone hammers away in the corner and hits a superplex, only to get brainbustered onto the knee. A bridging German suplex gives Starkz two but gets sent face first into the middle buckle. They trade strikes for a double down before trading rollups for two each.

Starkz Alabama Slams her into the corner (OUCH) and then tries something like a One Winged Angel, nearly dropping Mone on her head, with Mone getting her foot on the ropes for two. Starkz misses a flip dive onto the apron and gets pulled into the Bank Statement for the tap at 12:53.

Rating: B-. Well other than Mone nearly dying a few times, this was about what you would expect, with Starkz getting in some offense before falling to Mone. I know I could go for Mone losing the title already, but this wasn’t the place as Starkz hasn’t done much in AEW. Mone is going to need a new challenger for Dynasty now, and that could be more than a few different people.

The Outrunners wish the University of Omaha’s basketball team luck in the NCAA Tournament and showed up at their practice. Nothing wrong with that.

We look back at MVP offering MJF a business card last week.

MJF talks about the various people who might be coming after the World Title and laughs them off. Maybe he needs some friends to help him deal with Jon Moxley’s crew, but he’ll have an answer for MVP next week.

AEW World Title: Cope vs. Jon Moxley

Moxley is defending in a street fight and gets jumped outside by Cope. They fight into an equipment truck (there have to be some Easter eggs in there) and then come into the arena, where Moxley gets in a briefcase shot to the head. The brawl goes into the arena with Cope hitting him in the face with a microphone. A suplex on the floor drops Moxley but he’s back with a neck crank.

Moxley hits him in the back with a kendo stick and then chokes with the same stick before the brawl goes back into the crowd. Moxley spends a lot of time yelling at the crowd and gets hit in the face as we go back to ringside. The Paradigm Shift onto the announcers’ table rocks Cope again and we take a break.

Back with Moxley chairing him down and choking with the chair, meaning we get a middle finger to the crowd. Cope breaks up a Pillmanizing and hits a top rope superplex for a double down. They slug it out until Cope hits a string of clotheslines. It’s time for the spiked 2×4 but Moxley grabs a jumping cutter. Naturally, with the big spiked board and a chair available, Moxley pulls out a table instead. Cope gets in some shots with the spiked board, plus a suplexes onto the board, which gets stuck in Moxley’s back.

Cue Wheeler Yuta to drop Cope but he can’t pull the board out of Moxley. Cope puts Yuta through a table and here are Claudio Castagnoli and Pac to put Cope down. FTR run in for the save and Cope spears Moxley through the table in the corner. Cue Marina Shafir for the save so Willow Nightingale takes her out. Now it’s Nick Wayne running in to take Cope out, allowing Moxley to grab the bulldog choke to take out Cope and retain at 21:22.

Rating: B-. WAY better than the pay per view title match here but it was another Moxley Stands Tall result, which isn’t the best thing to see. They got more interesting with the violence, even though some of the stuff with the spiked board was more silly than anything else. This should be absolutely it for Cope though, as it’s time for Swerve Strickland to get his chance.

Post match the villains leave and Dax Harwood storms off, seemingly angry at Cope. Cash Wheeler seems cool with Cope but goes after Harwood. Cope gets the big moment and leaves with the board.

We look back at Chris Jericho taking Gravity’s mask.

Bandido talks about being used to the danger of wrestling but Jericho made things personal. Johnny TV comes in and challenges Bandido for Collision and the match is on.

Will Ospreay vs. AR Fox

They fight over wrist control to start and Ospreay blocks a cutter with a handstand. Fox sends him to the apron for a running flipping stomp. Ospreay, favoring his hip, is right back up with a Stundog Millionaire before sending Fox outside for a dive. We take a break and come back with Fox kicking him in the corner, setting up Lo Mein Pain for two. Fox misses the 450 though and the Hidden Blade finishes him off at 7:40.

Rating: B-. They got in some flips and dives here, which is where Ospreay tends to shine. It was nice to see him get a relatively easier win as he’s likely on his way to something bigger. That being said, it might not have been the best idea to have Fox lose here the day before he’s in a #1 contenders match on Ring Of Honor, though that would imply anyone paying attention to/caring about Ring Of Honor, which has not seemed to be the case.

Video on Swerve Strickland vs. Jon Moxley at Dynasty.

Hangman Page wants the World Title back and is entering the Owen Hart Tournament.

Video on Julia Hart vs. Queen Aminata.

Mercedes Mone was impressed by Billie Starkz but she needed a better trainer to get after the title.

Kris Statlander vs. Megan Bayne

Toni Storm is on commentary and Penelope Ford is here with Bayne. Statlander fires off forearms to start but gets clotheslined out to the floor. Back up and Statlander hits a moonsault off the apron before hammering away back inside. A middle rope back elbow drops Bayne again as Storm thinks Bayne is the goddess of silence. Bayne hits a quick suplex into the corner as Storm thinks the two of them have thighs made for squashing watermelons. Bayne belly to back suplexes her from the apron and back inside as we take a break.

We take a break and come back with Bayne hitting a powerbomb but not being able to get Fate’s Descent. They sit down and slap it out until Statlander kicks her in the head. Ford tries to get in a cheap shot and is ejected as a result. Statlander plants her for two and grabs some German suplexes, only to be sent outside. Bayne hits a dive to the floor, followed by a Falcon Arrow for two back inside. Back up and Statlander sends her outside for a dive off the apron, only to be sent into Storm at ringside. Fate’s Descent drops Statlander on the floor and another one inside gives Bayne the pin at 12:47.

Rating: B. This is the kind of win that Bayne needed as she’s not just a monster but she’s someone who can fly around and hang with someone who has a resume of her own. They aren’t hiding that Bayne is going to be challenging Storm for the title soon, likely at Dynasty, so this win was needed. As usual, Storm was rather funny here, thankfully with a new target.

Post match Storm tapes up her hand and goes inside for the brawl with Bayne. A clothesline puts Bayne on the floor and Storm issues the challenge for Dynasty.

Overall Rating: B+. For a show that seemed to be heavily impacted by the storm, you wouldn’t have known it from what we got here. They set up some things for Dynasty and covered quite a few stories, including some that needed to be wrapped up. It’s a rather good show and back to the recent norm for AEW. Hopefully they can keep it going at Dynasty, which is quite the fast turnaround for them compared to their regular stuff.

Ricochet and Mike Bailey b. Mark Davis and Orange Cassidy – Double pin
Mercedes Mone b. Billie Starkz – Bank Statement
Jon Moxley b. Cope – Bulldog choke
Will Ospreay b. AR Fox – Hidden Blade
Megan Bayne b. Kris Statlander – Fate’s Descent



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2 Responses

  1. Sebastian Howard says:

    There’s no way that the womens match main event was better than the no dq title match, regardless its weird how you don’t mention how odd the booking was here. Why wasn’t Cope/Mox the main event? Why would you follow a no dq title match with Ospreay vs a mid carder and a womens match? I just turned it off after Ospreay/Fox.

  2. Sebastian Howard says:

    ” They got more interesting with the violence, even though some of the stuff with the spiked board was more silly than anything else.”

    Tf you mean silly, the backdrop into the nails was so sickening that WWE drones are crying about how AEWS too violent on twitter.

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