A Few Updates
I finally added some stuff to the links page. That’s the first time in probably a year or son. Also I changed the On This Day page a bit by adding what the shows...
I finally added some stuff to the links page. That’s the first time in probably a year or son. Also I changed the On This Day page a bit by adding what the shows...
Starting tonight, I’ll be doing live coverage for pretty much every show that I review already on wrestlingrumors.net. I won’t be posting my thoughts on them, but if you need updates on what’s going...
Would having one every month to six weeks be overkill? Remember that there’s no time frame for buying them as I’m not taking them down or anything, but would putting a new one out...
Apparently the company that hosts my site is going to be doing some maintenance on the servers Saturday night at midnight EST. No word on the length of time the site will be down...
It’s to promote the book and talk about whatever is going on at the moment. The show starts at 7:30 and runs until about 9. I should be on at about 8pm EST tonight. ...
It can be any WWE DVD ever. These are going to take a bit longer to get through so it won’t be airing for awhile. It can be anything and first to three votes...
Is this something you all would be interested in? I would review the match selections on a WWE DVD and talk about the documentary a bit as well. Reviewing a documentary isn’t exactly easy...
It’s finally up and available for sale. This is my first try at this and odds are I didn’t do it as well as I had hoped. Please check it out as it’s only...
The views record that was set on Monday was broken AGAIN Tuesday. As you can tell I’m not often one to be short on words, but this is unreal. Thank you guys again. I...
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