Category: WWE


WWE Speed – May 3, 2024: Wellthatwasfast

Speed Date: May 3, 2024 Location: Heritage Bank Center, Cincinnati, Ohio Commentator: Corey Graves So this is Speed (as the title implies), which is basically a single match series that airs weekly on Twitter....


Main Event – April 10, 2024: The Victory Lap Recap

Main Event Date: April 10, 2024 Location: Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Commentators: Blake Howard, Brian James It’s the first show after Wrestlemania (first taped that is) and I was in the house for...


CM Punk Reportedly Injured Again   Yes, again. So Punk apparently got hurt at some point during the Royal Rumble. While it isn’t confirmed, it is speculated to be a torn triceps, which would put Punk out of...


Seth Rollins’ Injury Is Pretty Bad So Seth Rollins has torn his MCL and part of his meniscus, which means things are getting very complicated very fast. The biggest problem here is that we’ll have to see how long...


The Rock Returns, Teases Roman Reigns Match

I’m a bit late to this but I’d like to do some more of these big story bits. So that happened. This is the biggest story in wrestling right now and that shouldn’t...


Kevin Dunn Reportedly Leaving WWE After 30+ Years You know, you always imagine this kind of thing happening but you can never believe it would take place. Kevin Dunn has reportedly given notice to WWE and will no longer be running...