Best Of 2022 Awards

Just like last year, I’ll be trying to do this over three days.  I have 18 awards this year and I’ll be doing six a day, with the top five in each category.

Major Show Of The Year

5. Wrestlemania XXXVIII Night One
4. Death Before Dishonor
3. Survivor Series
2. Revolution
1. Forbidden Door

It might be a cliché, but there is something special about having all of these dream matches leading up to a big time title match main event. This is the kind of show that you only get to see every so often and that made for some of the best action of the year. It isn’t something I would want to see every week, but for a one off special event, it was good enough to make for the best show of the year.

Non-Wrestler Of The Year

5. Shawn Michaels
4. Ian Riccaboni
3. MVP
2. Stokely Hathaway
1. Paul Heyman

Can we just name it after Heyman at this point? The guy has dominated so many similar awards for so long and it’s not fair to see how much better he is than almost anyone else. Heyman doesn’t do as much as he used to, but he can get more out of a look than almost anyone else in wrestling. He has done so much for the Bloodline and that isn’t even counting the time he jumped back to Brock Lesnar for a bit. Heyman is incredible in this role and that isn’t changing anytime soon.

Group/Tag Team Of The Year

5. Briscoes
4. Young Bucks
3. RKBro
2. Usos
1. FTR

While they somehow didn’t win the AEW Tag Team Titles this year, FTR became one of the most respected and popular teams in recent memory. The reactions they were getting were off the charts and it was one classic after another almost every time they were in the ring. Things have started to turn the other way a bit near the end of the year, but sweet goodness they did some incredible stuff for most of the time.

7. Worst Major Show Of The Year

5. In Your House
4. Summerslam
3. Wrestlemania Night Two
2. Elimination Chamber
1. Royal Rumble

This show was bad. The fact that I was in the stadium for the show and had to spend four hours holding my hand over my eyes because the spotlights caused approximately 37 TURN THE LIGHTS OFF chants has nothing to do with this. The Royal Rumbles were next to worthless as they had few interesting returns or good surprises. Throw in a few other fairly meh matches and this show just did not work.


Most Improved Of The Year

5. Matt Menard/Angelo Parker
4. Carmelo Hayes
3. Ricky Starks
2. Jamie Hayter
1. Andre Chase

This might not be a common pick but Chase has turned what should be an absolutely nothing, one note idea into one of the funniest, most entertaining and complete characters in NXT. The Chase U segments have become a highlight for me with Chase being handed something and running with it as far as he can. I know he probably won’t get many votes but Chase has gone from nothing to something very fun and that is a big improvement.


Promo Of The Year

5. Kevin Owens vs. Steve Austin – Wrestlemania XXXVIII
4. CM Punk’s All Out Rant
3. “No filter, I ain’t Instagram. We make the A** Boys retire like Vince McMahon.” – Max Caster – Dynamite – August 3

I can’t pick a #1 so here’s a tie:

1. William Regal vs. MJF – Dynamite – August 16

I was in the arena for this one and it is one of the only times I can remember being hooked on every word. This is the kind of promo that makes you realize just how incredible MJF can be and he sold the heck out of the whole thing. I wanted to see these two fight, but Regal no selling the whole thing and ruining MJF’s moment that he had built up in his head for years made the segment. MJF was good, but he was in over his head and Regal knew it.

1. Jey Uso Hasn’t Been Very Ucey – Smackdown – October 28

I don’t watch a lot of stuff back again but I’ve probably seen this ten times now. There is SO MUCH in this and it goes in so many great directions.

• Jey Uso yelling at Sami Zayn and saying he doesn’t care what Roman Reigns thinks, causing Reigns’ head to snap up and everyone to realize that Jey is about to die.
• Sami trying to calm Reigns down by saying Jey hasn’t been very Ucey, causing Jey to give Sami a double take that says “you did not just say that on national TV” and Reigns to realize he has Jey dead to rites.
• Reigns saying “you’re not feeling very……ucey?” and Jey having to be held in place (Reigns: “No stay right here, stay right here.”) because he knows he’s about to crack on live TV. Then Reigns gets them again by saying Jey needs to find his “inner Ucey” (you can see the huge smile under his hands and Jimmy trying to hide his grin in the background).
• Then to top it off, Reigns gets it back on track by saying if Jey can’t figure this out, Sami Zayn is going to become Sami Uso, leaving Sami looking like a three year old on Christmas morning.

This was serious, hilarious, serious again and then sold thousands of shirts. You don’t get that kind of a segment often and it beats anything (save for one) all year.

I can’t pick. Flip a coin.




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Dynamite – January 11, 2023: On The Big Stage

Date: January 11, 2023
Location: Kia Forum, Los Angeles, California
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re in for a big show this week as things head back to Los Angeles. AEW knows how to bring it on the bigger stages and that is what should happen here. This week is centered around the ladder match to end the Best Of Seven series between the Elite and Death Triangle for the Trios Titles. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Jon Moxley vs. Hangman Page

They go right to the fighting with Page sending him into the corner for a running boot to the face. Page forearms him down but Moxley fights up and starts the swagger. The cross armbreaker doesn’t work for Moxley so he knocks Page off the apron instead. Back in and Moxley blasts him with a clothesline for two and we take a break.

We come back with Moxley hitting another clothesline to set up the exchange of forearms. Page hits the fall away slam and nips up to knock Moxley outside. The moonsault to the floor connects but Moxley counters the Buckshot Lariat into the Death Rider for two. Page gets out of the choke so Moxley hits a hard piledriver for two more. The Deadeye is broken up as well and now the Deadeye connects. Moxley staggers to the ropes though and hits the Stomp to leave both of them down. Back up and the slug it out with Page getting the better of things and hitting the Buckshot Lariat for the pin at 14:10.

Rating: B. Good fight, though it didn’t quite hit that level they had built the match up towards. The important thing here is that Page won, as he pretty much had to given everything that had happened. He had a personal issue with Moxley but also needed to win to boost himself back up so well done with the whole thing.

Post match Moxley is checked out by the doctors and Page walks away without a second look. That might be Moxley’s long awaited vacation.

Here is Tony Schiavone to bring out….the returning Adam Cole! It’s Story Time with Adam Cole, who always wanted to be a professional wrestler, and here he is in an AEW ring in Los Angeles. He’s been going through a bunch of health issues, from a destroyed shoulder and two serious head injuries. Someone told him that they don’t care if Cole wrestles again but all he wants is Cole to be ok.

For six months, he has given the fans nothing but the fans still seem to care about him. For that he is eternally grateful and we pause for the ADAM COLE chants. Cole has some bad news though….and it’s not for him. The bad news is for everyone else because he is BACK! Remember this day because the new Adam Cole is being born, and one day he is going to be at the top of the AEW mountain. Cool moment here as it’s nice to have Cole back and seemingly as a good guy.

The Acclaimed is getting stars on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. Oh boy.

Lee Moriarty/Big Bill vs. Hook/Jungle Boy

Stokely Hathaway is here with Bill/Moriarty. Hook and Moriarty start things off with Moriarty having to fight out of a short armscissors attempt. Jungle Boy comes in for a basement dropkick but Bill grabs him by the throat. The chokeslam onto the apron is broken up by Hook’s baseball slide though and Bill gets to dance a bit. Jungle Boy is knocked to the floor and we take a break. Back with Jungle Boy fighting out of Moriarty’s triangle choke and bringing Hook in. House is quickly cleaned and Hook manages to suplex Bill. With Bill looking stunned, Jungle Boy Snare Traps Moriarty for the tap at 7:38.

Rating: C+. The story here is Hook, who is now getting to work longer and more complicated matches as he is coming along nicely. You can only get so much out of a few suplexes and Redrum so having him live in a match with a more serious story is a great sign. Hook seems like he could have something in the future and I could go with seeing how they use him.

An actor named Paul Walter Hauser has a present for Danhausen and Orange Cassidy, which he’ll give them on Rampage. The Best Friends come in and everything is cool.

The Elite has nothing to say.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Bryan Danielson

Hold on though as before Danielson comes out, here is MJF (with his chyron saying he is looking to avoid a match with Danielson at Full Gear instead of Revolution) to say KONICHIWA. He loves Takeshita, even though he has never seen a second of his stuff. MJF mocks Takeshita’s name and tells him to win tonight, earning a yell in Japanese. Takeshita is ready to fight but the referee holds him back.

MJF says people are accusing him of being scared of lasting an hour, but ask your mama about that. He’s all about pinning shoulders to the mats and bending rats but everyone here is irrelevant. Actor Ken Jeong is here, with MJF mocking his career stalling a bit. Freddie Prinze Jr. is here too and gets the same round of insults. Cue Danielson to chase MJF off (dude can run when he is wearing a belt) and we’re ready to go.

They start fast and wrestle to an early standoff as some people are standing up and talking in the front row. Takeshita works on the arm but Danielson pulls him into a surfboard with a dragon sleeper. That’s reversed into Takeshita’s attempt at a dragon sleeper but he goes with forearms to the face instead. Danielson goes for the arm but Takeshita bails to the rope for the save. Back up and Danielson charges into a heck of a Blue Thunder Bomb for two and they chop it out as we take a break.

We come back with Danielson trying a dive off the apron into….I think the running knee but he gets spun around and lands hard on the floor. Takeshita grabs a brainbuster on the floor but a springboard Swanton hits raised knees back inside. Danielson grabs the LeBell Lock but Takeshita gets a foot on the rope.

They slug it out again until both of them go down for a breather. Takeshita’s running knee is countered into the elbows to the head but Takeshita is back with a wheelbarrow driver. A wheelbarrow suplex looks to set up the running knee but Danielson hits it instead for two. The stomps to the head set up the Regal Stretch to finishes Takeshita at 14:17.

Rating: B+. Yeah this was great and I don’t think that was any kind of a surprise. Danielson can work wonders with just about anyone and Takeshita has been a treat almost every time he is in the ring. Danielson is on the road to Revolution and an Iron Man match with MJF for the title, but MJF’s stand up set might not be over by then. The jokes before the match didn’t do much and MJF running away was the highlight of his appearance.

Juice Robinson wants to face Darby Allin on Rampage for the TNT Title.

Saraya/Toni Storm vs. Britt Baker/Jamie Hayter

Hikaru Shida and Rebel are the seconds here. Storm and Hayter fight over a lock up to start with Storm taking over and bringing Saraya in. Saraya knees her in the ribs for two but Baker offers a distraction. That doesn’t seem to matter as Saraya sends Hayter into the steps as Baker punches Storm as we take a break.

Back with Baker coming in to get clotheslined by Saraya. A knee gives Saraya two and it’s back to Storm, who hits the running hip attack in the corner. Baker takes her into the corner though and a super Air Raid Crash gets two. The quick piledriver gives Storm two on Hayter as everything breaks down. Baker gets in a kendo stick shot to Storm and Hayterade gives Hayter the pin at 11:45.

Rating: C+. The match was good enough, but after teasing Mercedes Mone and not delivering her, it felt a bit flat. A lot of that was built on fan theory, but when Baker called herself a boss, they were leaning into it quite hard. As for the match, it’s Storm losing again, which shouldn’t be a surprise anymore.

Here’s what’s coming on Rampage.

Eddie Kingston and Ortiz don’t seem to be on the same page for Friday, but Kingston says he’ll prove himself.

Here is the Jericho Appreciation Society for a chat. We hear about how great the team is, including their PWG invasion over the weekend. On top of that, Tay Melo/Anna Jay are totally going to wreck Willow Nightingale and Ruby Soho on Rampage. Cue Ricky Starks and Action Andretti to interrupt with Starks bragging about beating Chris Jericho last week. Andretti mocks Daniel Garcia and Sammy Guevara, the latter of whom can’t even control his own wife. Guevara can’t control where his wife’s hands go, because last week they were between Andretti’s legs.

Garcia rants about how pro wrestlers like Andretti don’t get it because he isn’t a sports entertainer. Starks wants Jericho to move aside so he can talk to the idiot in the purple hat. Jake Hager was a top athlete but then he got with Jericho and became the village idiot. Starks wants to fight next week, with Excalibur saying the match has already been made. Hager talks about his hat and MMA career before promising to slap Starks’ face off his face (yes). Starks continues to feel like a star in recent weeks and that is great to see.

Trios Titles: Elite vs. Death Triangle

Death Triangle is defending in the final match of a Best Of Seven series and this is Escalara de la Muerte (TLC match). The brawl is on to start with Omega and Pac being left inside for the slugout. Matt and Penta come in for the Backstabbers and slug it out on their own but it’s too early for the Fear Factor. Death Triangle clears the ring with Penta hitting a running flip dive to take Omega down on the floor.

Back in and the first ladder is set up but Fenix springboards in with an armdrag to pull Nick down. Omega grabs some snapdragons but misses a running flip dive through a table at ringside. Matt hits a high crossbody to dive Pac through a table though and we take a break. Back with Nick being dropped legs first onto a ladder and Omega’s hand being stomped inside another ladder.

Omega is fine enough to try a One Winged Angel but Pac reverses into a poisonrana. The Bros hit dives but the Bucks are back up with superkicks. Nick 450s Penta through a table at ringside and it’s time for Matt to go up…and get shoved over by Alex Abrahantes. Brandon Cutler cold sprays Abrahantes and the ladder is bridged into the standing version. Penta and Omega fight up the ladder, with Omega hitting the One Winged Angel to knock him silly. The Black Arrow hits Omega’s raised knees and Omega pulls down the titles at 14:49.

Rating: B. This was the violent carnage you would have expected coming in. It’s also the result you probably expected, as the Elite get their titles back, making the last few months more or less a total wash. The series was fun and gave us some good matches, but I’m sick of seeing these teams against each other. Both of them need to be far, far apart from each other and that’s probably going to be best for everyone involved.

Overall Rating: A-. They felt like they were trying for the pay per view level Dynamite here and it was a success. You could tell that being in Los Angeles made things feel more important and that made the show feel much more important. Nothing was bad (save for maybe MJF’s jokes) and there was one awesome match after another. That’s a heck of a two hour show and this was a smash.

Hangman Page b. Jon Moxley – Buckshot Lariat
Hook/Jungle Boy b. Lee Moriarty/Big Bill – Snare Trap to Moriarty
Bryan Danielson b. Konosuke Takeshita – Regal Stretch
Jamie Hayter/Britt Baker b. Toni Storm/Saraya – Hayterade to Storm
Elite b. Death Triangle – Omega pulled down the titles


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NXT – January 10, 2023 (New Year’s Evil): Oh Yeah This Happened Too

Date: January 10, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Booker T., Vic Joseph

It’s New Year’s Evil and this time we have the NXT Title on the line as Grayson Waller challenges Bron Breakker. Other than that, we have a twenty woman battle royal for the #1 contendership to the Women’s Title. Throw in Indus Sher vs. the Creed Brothers and we should be in for a good one. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open at Chase U, with Andre Chase assigning the class to watch New Year’s Evil. Chase recaps everything and mentions Australia. A student asks Duke Hudson if he’s Australian and gets thrown out because Thea Hail doesn’t need to be near that kind of stupidity before her battle royal. Hail gets fired up and is all ready to go.

Dijak vs. Tony D’Angelo

Stacks is here with D’Angelo and Wes Lee is on commentary. They fight to the floor and then back inside, with D’Angelo getting knocked down outside. Back in again where a shot to Dijak lets them head back outside (pick a place already). This time D’Angelo is thrown into….Stacks, who blocks a whip into the barricade. D’Angelo tackles Dijak down and hammers away as we take a break. Back with…Stacks handcuffed to the corner. D’Angelo pounds on Dijak, only to get caught with High Justice for a rather near fall. Stacks gets in to protect D’Angelo but gets dropped, leaving D’Angelo to get booted down for the pin at 9:59.

Rating: C-. This was a bit of a weird one to start the show with as Stacks protecting D’Angelo was a bit weird. The good thing is that Dijak looks strong and is probably next up for Lee and the North American Title, but D’Angelo probably isn’t out of the picture. Either way, not a great match here and hopefully just a one off miss for both of them.

Toxic Attraction is ready for the battle royal.

Indus Sher vs. Creed Brothers

Hold on as Veer Mahaan isn’t here, leaving Sanga to say he’ll do this himself. Cue Jinder Mahal to jump the Creeds from behind, saying he isn’t about honor. No match.

Pretty Deadly is getting ready, but New Day comes in to say it’s time to run the gauntlet now because Indus Sher vs. the Creeds isn’t happening.

Valentinz Feroz asks Sanga what that was but he says this is what he’s doing. Elektra Lopez comes up and tells Feroz to get over it with the battle royal coming.

Gauntlet Match

Pretty Deadly has to win three matches in a row to get the title shot against the New Day. First up it’s Slammin Jammin Jimmy Jackson/Brian Williams, who come out to the Rockers’ old music. Spilled Milk finishes in 34 seconds.

Hold on though as cue the New Day to say not so fast as they have picked the second team: Edris Enofe/Malik Blade. The fight is on with Enofe and Blade knocking them to the floor without much trouble. We take a break and come back with Prince hitting an assisted gutbuster for two on Enofe. Back up and Prince hits a superplex on Enofe but Blade comes in off a blind tag with one of the best frog splashes I can remember for two on Prince. Enofe reverses a suplex attempt into a small package but Wilson turns it over for the pin at 12:12 total.

New Day announces Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs as the third team but someone jumps them in the back. Instead here’s Gallus to beat the fire out of Pretty Deadly and finish with the powerslam/enziguri combination at 15:11 total.

Rating: C. This was more of an angle mixed with a match as Gallus seems to be the next challengers for New Day. Where that leaves Pretty Deadly isn’t clear, but for now at least they seem to be on the back burner. The idea of joke versions of classic teams could have worked, but I’d rather they go somewhere with this like they did here. Blade/Enofe still seem to have potential though and I could go for more of them.

New Day and Gallus stare each other down.

Carmelo Hayes is at the diner, writing in a journal ala Apollo Crews. Trick Williams pops up in a mask and says he can’t see. Hayes wants the NXT Title.

It’s the countdown to the New Year…..and it’s Tiffany Stratton, who knows everyone missed her. She’s glad to be back and take over, because no one is better than she is.

Video on Grayson Waller vs. Bron Breakker for the NXT Title.

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance are ready to go after singles gold. They leave the parking lot and Tiffany Stratton gets in her car without answering questions.

NXT Title: Bron Breakker vs. Grayson Waller

Breakker is defending and powers Waller around to start. A cheap shot lets Waller get in a guillotine choke though and he takes Breakker down for two. Waller gets in his own pushups but Breakker is back with a heck of an overhead belly to belly. Back up and Waller sends him hard into the corner, then drives him in again, with the bottom two ropes both breaking.

We take a break and come back with the ropes fixed and Waller working on the injured back. Breakker fights out of the camel clutch and grabs a suplex, followed by the Steiner Bulldog. The threat of a spear sends Waller outside so he runs back in with a running knee to the face and two. Waller tries to walk the ropes but they break again, sending Waller outside. That’s enough for the countout to retain the title at 12:15.

Rating: C. This show isn’t exactly blowing the doors off tonight, as this felt like it was more about setting up something for the future rather than doing something important here. What mattered was having Breakker not be happy with the win and likely wanting a rematch as Waller kind of got cheated. I’m not sure why they didn’t reverse the roles, but you can see the Vengeance Day rematch (likely in a cage) from here.

Roxanne Perez wants Cora Jade to be her #1 contender.

Video on Charlie Dempsey vs. Hank Walker, as Dempsey wants to hurt Drew Gulak’s student.

Apollo Crews is watching the Carmelo Hayes/Trick Williams video from earlier tonight when Axiom comes in. Axiom thanks Crews for having his back last week but Crews goes on a rant about Hayes and Williams. Axiom doesn’t like it either and says you can see it all over his face. Crews: “…..yeah I can!” The tag match seems imminent.

Hank Walker vs. Charlie Dempsey

Drew Gulak is here as Walker pounds Dempsey into the corner to start. That earns him a takedown by the leg and a good deal of cranking but Walker pulls him into a cross armbreaker. Dempsey is in trouble but flips backwards and grabs the face and leg trap to make Walker tap at 4:32.

Rating: C. That was a nifty escape from Dempsey near the end and it’s nice to see him get a win in more of a featured spot. Dempsey is great as the guy who can go out there and hurt people with a bunch of nasty looking moves but I’m not sure how far he can take something like that. For now though, he got a nice win so good for him.

Sol Ruca and Alba Fyre are ready for the battle royal.

Tyler Bate is coming back next week.

The NXT Anonymous account has filmed Scrypts leaving his card in Oro Mensah’s locker.

Jinder Mahal vs. Julius Creed

Sanga is here with Mahal. Julius charges in to start and clothesline Mahal to the floor as we take an early break. Back with Julius jumping to the top and superplexing Jinder down. Mahal takes him down again though and yells a lot, allowing Julius to hammer away. The jumping knee gives Mahal two but a t-bone suplex out of the corner gives Julius a breather. A Sanga distraction breaks up the shooting star press though and Mahal hits the superkick into the Khallas for the pin at 9:53.

Rating: C. Julius Creed feels like someone who should be rocketing up the ladder but instead he’s losing to Jinder Mahal. That’s bad enough, but it’s in addition to Indus Sher being downgraded from interesting character to “Villains from India”. For some reason that is the gimmick for almost every wrestler from India/of Indian descent (either that or dancing) and it gets really, really annoying when they are capable of doing something else.

Kiana James and Fallon Henley promise to win the battle royal, with the banged up Brooks Jensen wishing James luck.

Stevie Turner is coming and streaming.

Battle Royal

Cora Jade, Sol Ruca, Alba Fyre, Fallon Henley, Kiana James, Elektra Lopez, Lash Legend, Amari Miller, Indi Hartwell, Zoey Stark, Ivy Nile, Tatum Paxley, Wendy Choo, Thea Hail, Jacy Jayne, Dani Palmer, Gigi Dolin, Lyra Valkyria, Nikkita Lyons, Valentina Feroz

For a future Women’s Title match. Jade is out in less than ten seconds and people are shocked. Paxley is out shortly thereafter, followed by Miller, with Ruca being thrown out….and walking on her hands around the ring to get back in. Vic: “She’s Kofi Kingstoning this!” Feroz is out and Legend misses a boot, allowing Hartwell to kick her to the floor as well.

Henley gets tossed and Palmer is thrown onto her and Legend for the big crash. Jade tries to get back in and gets eliminated again as we take a break. Back with Hartwell being eliminated and Hail having been eliminated during the break. Lyons kicks Lopez out and Choo is gone as well, followed by Stark tossing Lyons too. Ruca tosses a posing Stark and we’re down to Jayne, Ruca, Fyre, Dolin and Valkyria.

Fyre tosses Ruca and we’re down to four. Fyre and Valkyrie fight to the apron with the former being knocked out. Cue Cora Jade from the crowd to take out Valkyria, leaving Toxic Attraction….who now have to fight each other. Jayne superkicks Dolin but can’t get her out that fast. They both go up and knock each other down to the floor for the double elimination at 13:14. Load up the triple threat graphic I suppose.

Rating: C-. They couldn’t have telegraphed that finish much more if they had tried. I can get the idea of a triple threat match and this is a way to set it up, but there are a lot of interesting singles options out there over MORE Toxic Attraction. At least they are doing something different with them though so maybe we have a bit of a hope spot.

Jayne and Dolin are announced as co-winners, meaning the triple threat is confirmed as Roxanne Perez comes out for the staredown.

Shawn Michaels is with Bron Breakker and Grayson Waller. The solution: a cage match at Vengeance Day.

Overall Rating: C-. This was a pretty hard miss as it was hyped up to be an important show and was little more than a prequel to Vengeance Day. Gallus and Stratton returning felt big but other than that, we had commercials for people coming later (and of course Jinder, because we must) and very little in the way of anything that mattered. Really big misfire here and I was firmly disappointed with the whole thing.

Dijak b. Tony D’Angelo – Big boot
Pretty Deadly lost a gauntlet match when Gallus defeated them
Bron Breakker b. Grayson Waller via countout
Charlie Dempsey b. Hank Walker – Head and leg stretch
Jinder Mahal b. Julius Creed – Khallas
Jacy Jayne/Gigi Dolin won a battle royal



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Monday Night Raw – January 9, 2023: Keep Them Coming

Monday Night Raw
Date: January 9, 2023
Location: Legacy Arena, Birmingham, Alabama
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves

We’re back to the red show and closing in on the Royal Rumble. There are only three names announced for the Royal Rumbles so far and that means some spots need to be filled. Odds are some of that is done tonight but there is the chance that they’re leaving some surprises this year. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Kevin Owens to get things going and the fans seem to like him. Before he can say much though, here is JBL to interrupt. After insulting the crowd, JBL says no one is buying Owens having a chance against Roman Reigns. JBL brings out Baron Corbin to insult the fans even more, including some University of Alabama insults. Owens buries his face in the turnbuckle as Corbin gets in every standard insult you can imagine. He says he was in a “JBL and Baron Corbin were talking for three minutes but didn’t say anything” coma but for now he’s willing to fight Corbin. Sure.

Baron Corbin vs. Kevin Owens

JBL is here with Corbin, who stomps Owens down in the corner to start. Owens gets in a few shots of his own though and they fight to the floor. That means Corbin can go face first into the announcers’ table but he’s back with a chokeslam onto the apron as we take a break. Back with Owens knocking Corbin off the top and landing the Swanton for two. Corbin comes back with Deep Six for two, only to walk into the Stunner for the sudden pin at 8;37.

Rating: C. Yep, that was a Corbin TV match. Corbin continues to be the definition of “you know what you’re getting” and nothing more, as you can guess almost everything you are going to see when he is in the ring. Owens wasn’t going to lose so close to his title match and Corbin isn’t going to win against that big of an opponent. That left us waiting on the pretty clear ending and that’s what we got, just like any other Corbin match.

Post match the Bloodline runs in to beat on Owens but he grabs a chair and fights them off.

Post break, the Bloodline is going to leave but Adam Pearce comes up to tell them about a Tag Team Turmoil match to crown new #1 contenders. They won’t be around to see it though as they’re banned from the arena, even as Solo Sikoa faces Dolph Ziggler.

We look back at Alexa Bliss snapping again last week against Bianca Belair, who wound up injured. Belair is ok and just needed stitches.

Alexa Bliss pops up on the announcers’ table to say Belair is scared of her, because she is the face of evil. She hasn’t felt this good in a long time and is willing to hurt people….and the Uncle Howdy video starts playing, this time with clips of the old Alexa and Lillie. Cue Uncle Howdy to stare at Bliss and we go to a break.

Bayley vs. Mia Yim

Damage Ctrl is here with Bayley, who says that she is going to prove what she is to Becky Lynch with this beating. The rest of Damage Ctrl leaves as Bayley starts fast, only to get caught with a running neckbreaker. Yim sends her to the floor for a kick to the chest from the apron to send us to a break. Back with Yim fighting out of a chinlock but getting sent to the apron for a Stunner. Bayley suplexes her from the Stunner to the floor but Yim kicks her in the head back inside. The Cannonball misses though and Bayley grabs a backslide with feet on the ropes for the pin at 8:03.

Rating: C-. This wasn’t the most interesting but Bayley needed the win to keep her strong for the real showdown with Becky Lynch. The action was ok enough, though having a break in the middle of an eight minute match is a bit much to take. It also doesn’t help when the most interesting part of the match is figuring out if it’s Mia Yim or Michin.

Johnny Gargano has a knee injury and is out of Tag Team Turmoil.

Candice LeRae is upset for Johnny Gargano not being in Tag Team Turmoil but she likes the idea of challenging for the Women’s Title at Wrestlemania. Rhea Ripley comes in to talk down to her, setting up a match tonight.

Here is Austin Theory to say THE CHAMP IS HERE and everyone has to accept the truth. The truth is that the now is forever and Seth Rollins couldn’t stop him last week. Then Rollins hurt his knee…but here is Rollins, on crutches, to interrupt. One of the crutches is thrown down though and Rollins gets in the ring without a problem.

Theory gets to the point by saying he is better than Rollins and promises to win the Royal Rumble so he can leave Wrestlemania with all of the gold. Rollins says his knee isn’t 100%, but it will be in time for him to win the Royal Rumble. Rollins: “I’ll see you at the Rumble….kid.” With Rollins gone, here is Bobby Lashley to spear Theory down. Lashley says he’s back from his suspension and ready to win the Royal Rumble.

Candice LeRae vs. Rhea Ripley

Candice slugs away to start and counters a big boot into a rollup for two. Ripley finally manages to knock her into the corner though and there’s the toss by the hair. A superplex is broken up though and Candice slams her off the top instead. Another missed big boot sends Ripley outside but she sends Candice into the barricade. Back in and Riptide finishes Candice at 4:16.

Rating: C. They had an interesting story here with Ripley seeming a bit distracted and Candice getting in what she could before the monster caught her. Ripley feels like she is ready to move into the title picture again and that included wrecking Candice on the way. The good thing is Candice didn’t get squashed so it could have been far worse.

Bobby Lashley is in the back when MVP comes in. Lashley won’t shake his hand but MVP thinks a thank you for getting him reinstates is in order. Lashley: “I haven’t punched you in the face yet have I?” MVP says they need to get back to what worked before, as Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin are already back in the right place. Lashley says they’re good, but they won’t be working together. That’s cool with MVP, but just remember that his number is the same.

Video on Cody Rhodes’ recovery from his injury, including an appearance from Brandi Rhodes. To be continued.

Dolph Ziggler is ready for the Bloodline when Mustafa Ali comes in. Ali says they were offered a spot in Tag Team Turmoil but Ziggler turned it down. Last month Ziggler cost Ali the United States Title and now he’s costing him a shot at the Tag Team Titles. Ziggler says it’s not about him tonight and hopes he understands. Ali does not seem to understand.

Video on Bronson Reed.

Reed, who is the same height as Byron Saxton, is cut off by Miz before he can say anything. Miz suggests that Reed is his bodyguard and offers him a spot on MizTV tonight. Reed says there is no us, and if Miz wants something, pay him.

Solo Sikoa vs. Dolph Ziggler

Sikoa runs him over to start and the beating is on fast. The neck crank and nerve hold go on Ziggler but he’s right back up. Ziggler slips out of a powerslam attempt and hits a dropkick, only to be tossed over the top and out to the floor as we take a break. Back with Sikoa hitting the running Umaga attack in the corner.

The chinlock goes on but Ziggler fights up and avoids the charge into the corner. Sikoa is back with a fireman’s carry but Ziggler slips out and hits the Zig Zag for two. Back up and the superkick is blocked, allowing Ziggler to try the Fameasser. That’s pulled out of the air though and a pop up Samoan Spike finishes Ziggler off at 10:51.

Rating: C. The ending was good but the rest of the match was lacking a bit in the excitement department. Sikoa destroyed Ziggler for the most part here and that is a good sign for his future. WWE has turned Sikoa into something of a wrecking ball, which not only makes the Bloodline look stronger, but it also makes someone beating him a bigger deal. Not the most thrilling match, but Sikoa looked good when it mattered.

We look at Dominik Mysterio being arrested and then being hardened in jail.

Damage Ctrl brags about their win until Mia Yim interrupts. Yim calls Bayley a cheater and gets beaten down as a result.

It’s time for MizTV and we get right to the point, with Dominik Mysterio (and the rest of Judgment Day) being brought out as the guest. Dominik explains that you always roll with your crew in prison, but he can’t talk about what happened because snitches get stitches. Dominik: “When life comes at you, you have to grab it by the balls. Kind of like Maryse does to you.”

Then he threatened his cell mate and made sure he stayed safe because that’s how it works. Miz is a bit confused though, as he was told Dominik was in county jail for a few hours. Damien Priest doesn’t like that because it’s time to win Tag Team Turmoil. Violence is teased but here is the OC to interrupt and start the match.

Tag Team Turmoil

There are five scheduled teams with Judgment Day (Damien Priest/Finn Balor) in at #1 and the OC in at #2. Of note: commentary says this is for a RAW Tag Team Title match, not both sets. Anderson elbows Balor down to start and it’s Gallows coming in for some elbows of his own. A shot to Gallows’ face just annoys him so Priest comes in for the battle of the big men.

Gallows takes over again and hands it off to Anderson for the HI YAH kick in the corner. Priest sends him outside though and it’s a whip into the steps as we take a break. Back with Gallows coming in to clean house but Dominik Mysterio grabs Anderson’s leg, allowing Balor to roll him up at 10:17.

Cedric Alexander/Shelton Benjamin are in at #3 and jump Judgment Day from behind to start. We settle down to Alexander knocking Balor down for a kick to the back. The chinlock doesn’t last long so Benjamin comes in with a Dragon Whip to Balor and German suplexes to Balor and Priest. Benjamin tosses Priest into Alexander’s jumping knee for two, with Balor having to make the save. The Neuralizer gives Alexander two but Priest catches a charge with South of Heaven. Balor adds the Coup de Grace for the pin at 15:47 total. Alpha Academy is in at #4 and we take a break.

Back again with Balor hitting a Sling Blade on Gable so Priest can come in with the Broken Arrow. We hit the chinlock, followed by a backbreaker/legdrop combination for two. Gable fights out of trouble and brings in Otis to clean house, including the running splash in the corner to Priest. Otis brings back the Caterpillar and hits the Vader Bomb on Balor…who pulled Gable on top of him. The stunned Otis is kicked in the face to give Priest the pin at 24:33. Hold on though as Balor, who was crushed under both Otis and Gable, is really banged up. Adam Pearce says Dominik is taking Balor’s place and the Street Profits are in at #5.

We’re joined in progress with Dawkins ripping Dominik’s shirt off and handing it off to Ford to hammer on him in the corner. Dawkins comes back in with the spinning splash in the corner as the beating stays on. A toss into the corner allows Dominik to bring in Priest so Ford slingshot flips in (with the camera cutting because WWE cameras can’t sit still) for the showdown. With that not working, Dominik comes in to distract Ford to the floor. That’s fine with Priest, who runs Ford over to send him over the announcers’ table. Dawkins hits the big dive though and we take a break.

Back with Dawkins still in trouble as Dominik grabs a chinlock. Priest adds a slam and Ripley certainly approves on the floor. Dawkins fights up and brings in Ford with a double high crossbody. Dominik gets shoved into a German suplex for two but Priest is back in to blast Dawkins with a clothesline for two more. Priest sends Dawkins over the barricade but Ford is there with the big lip dive over the corner. Back in and the 450 connects, only to have Priest break up the cover. Ford jumps from the floor to the apron to avoid a charge, leaving Dominik to roll him up (with Ripley grabbing the feet for the assist on the final pin at 48:19.

Rating: B-. The match was good for the most part but you could feel the times where they were dragging things out for the sake of filling in time. That’s understandable as they had the better part of an hour to fill, but at the same time it can get a little tiring for a bit. The good thing here was having the Judgment Day hold on throughout, as I was expecting them to lose somewhere in the middle and then have the Profits get the title shot. Good match, even if it felt like they were just putting it out there to fill in the last hour of the show.

Post match the Usos come out to stare down Judgment Day to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. Passable enough show here, though it wasn’t the most exciting. There is a good chance that WWE more or less punted this week because of the National Championship game airing at the same time and that is a bit understandable. The good thing is all you need is a bunch of Royal Rumble talk (check) and things feel important as a result. This isn’t a show you needed to watch, but it was acceptable enough if you weren’t watching the game.

Kevin Owens b. Baron Corbin – Stunner
Bayley b. Mia Yim – Backslide with feet on the ropes
Rhea Ripley b. Candice LeRae – Riptide
Solo Sikoa b. Dolph Ziggler – Samoan Spike
Judgment Day won a Tag Team Turmoil match last eliminating the Street Profits



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NXT LVL Up – January 6, 2023: It’s Working?

Date: January 6, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Sudu Shah, Byron Saxton

We’re back here for a new year and that could open up…well ok nothing is likely to change, as tends to be the case around here. Last week did see two of the new class actually win a match, albeit against a team actually less experienced than themselves. I’m not sure how much more I can expect here but let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Elektra Lopez/Amari Miller vs. Sol Ruca/Dani Palmer

Kind of a weird dynamic here. Miller and Palmer start things off with a fight over arm control. Palmer drags her to the corner for the tag to Ruca, who elbows her down. A standing moonsault gives Ruca two and a middle rope spinning crossbody gets the same. Lopez comes in to pull Ruca down by the hair and some knees get two. We hit the seated crossface chickenwing and it’s Miller coming back in for a hard clothesline. The armbar stays on Ruca’s arm by way of barring it, only to have Ruca flip over and bring Palmer back in to pick up the pace. Everything breaks down and the Electric Shock finishes Palmer at 5:05.

Rating: C. This was a weird way to go as the face/heel dynamics didn’t quite match up. It’s also a bit strange to see Ruca losing (albeit not getting pinned) after she has been pushed so hard around here lately. That being said, Palmer is the kind of person you can put in her to take the fall without losing anything.

Tank Ledger is ready for Xyon Quinn because like a tank, he’ll keep moving forward.

Tank Ledger vs. Xyon Quinn

Ledger grabs the arm to start before they go to the test of strength. Quinn has to fight out of Ledger’s one arm lift and there’s a forearm to knock Ledger into the corner. A running shot to the face takes Ledger down and we hit the double arm crank. That’s broken up and it’s a fall away slam to send Quinn flying. The fireman’s carry is escaped though and Quinn hits his running punch for the pin at 4:37.

Rating: C-. Not much to see here but they played on the idea of a rookie vs. a more experienced star. Granted Quinn is little more than a rookie himself but he is further along than Ledger. They seem to see a little something in Ledger so maybe this is the first, albeit minor, step towards something else.

Tavion Heights/Myles Borne vs. Malik Blade/Edris Enofe

Heights, a former Olympic wrestler, wrestles Blade down without much trouble. Blade fights up and hits a dropkick (earning some cheers) before it’s off to Enofe. Heights drives him into the corner though and Borne comes in for a dropkick of his own. The Crossface goes on for a bit before Heights powers Enofe back into the corner to keep him in trouble.

Enofe slips out of a suplex though and brings Blade back in to clean house. Everything breaks down and Heights/Borne grab a fireman’s carry lifted into an assisted Downward Spiral (that was sweet) to Blade as everything breaks down. It’s back to Blade though and the Climax finishes Heights at 5:05.

Rating: C+. Heights seems like someone who is getting the hang of this pretty quickly and Borne has come a long, long way in the last few months. They were starting to cook near the end and that Downward Spiral got a very nice reaction. I could go for more from these teams, but could we please give Blade and Enofe a win that matters at some point?

Overall Rating: C+. This was a show that went a good bit better than I was expecting, with a hot main event and some people seemingly moving up a few steps. It’s still not a great show and not even one that you need to watch, but for half an hour, there are certainly worse things to put out there.

Elektra Lopez/Amari Miller b. Sol Ruca/Dani Palmer – Electric Shock to Palmer
Xyon Quinn b. Tank Ledger – Running punch
Edris Enofe/Malik Blade b. Tavion Heights/Myles Borne – Climax to Heights

NXT LVL Up, 2023, Elektra Lopez, Amari Miller, Sol Ruca, Dani Palmer, Tank Ledger, Xyon Quinn, Edris Enofe, Malik Blade, Myles Borne, Tavion Heights

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Daily News Update – December 8, 2023

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

Royal Rumble 1997 (2017 Redo)

Royal Rumble 1998 (2013 Redo)

Royal Rumble 1999 (2016 Redo)

Royal Rumble 2000 (2022 Redo)

Royal Rumble 2001 (2018 Redo)

NXT LVL Up – December 30, 2022

Impact Wrestling – January 5, 2023

Wrestle Kingdom 17

Smackdown – January 6, 2023

Rampage – January 6, 2023

Battle Of The Belts V

Royal Rumble 2002 (2013 Redo)

Over There: WWE Taking Annual Event To London Later This Year.

He’s Back? Vince McMahon Planning Return To WWE, Threatens To Block Huge Deals.

WATCH: WWE Star Celebrates Twentieth Anniversary Of His Debut.

Keep Them? Top AEW Stars Reportedly Set To Negotiate New Deals.

Try Him: AEW Reportedly Planning Push For Popular Star.

It Didn’t Work: Bryan Danielson Reveals How He Tried To Get Fired From WWE Job.

Not Welcome: Backstage Reaction To Vince McMahon Wanting Back In WWE (It’s Not Good).

She’s In: Update On Ronda Rousey’s WWE Status Following Title Loss.

There It Is: Vince McMahon Officially Returns To WWE Board Of Directors.

Run It Back: Roman Reigns’ Next Title Defense And Opponent Announced.

WATCH: WWE Stable Turns Heel In Surprise Switch On SmackDown.

WATCH: WWE Runs Surprise Attack Angle After This Week’s SmackDown.

Feel The Glow? Here’s The Latest On Naomi’s WWE Status.

She’s In: WWE Star Makes Long Awaited In-Ring Debut On SmackDown.

Even Them? How WWE Is Going Incredibly Far To Protect Uncle Howdy’s Secret.

Reserved For Him: Here’s How WWE Treated John Cena Very Differently During His Return.

Farewell? Weekly Wrestling Series Seems To Be Coming To An End.

Next Target: WWE Reportedly Interested In 40 Year Old Second Generation Star.

We’re Getting Started: Backstage WWE Reaction To Vince McMahon’s Return, Changes So Far.

Comeback: 67 Year Old WWE Hall Of Famer Returning To The Ring After 10+ Years.

WATCH: WWE Hall Of Famer Sends Bizarre Special Greeting.

On The Market: Former NXT Star Free Agent, WWE And More Companies Interested.

As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.

Battle Of The Belts V: There’s Half Of Something In There

Battle Of The Belts V
Date: January 6, 2023
Location: Portland Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Portland, Oregon
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho

We’re back with another of these shows that doesn’t feel like all that important to AEW. It’s another three match card and all of them have titles on the line. This includes a rematch from Dynamite, where the Acclaimed retained the Tag Team Titles over Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal. This time it’s No DQ though so let’s get to it.

We open with Darby Allin leaving the ring after his Rampage main event.

Tag Team Titles; Jay Lethal/Jeff Jarrett vs. Acclaimed

The Acclaimed is defending, No Holds Barred, and Satnam Singh/Sonjay Dutt/Billy Gunn are here too. The champs get jumped from behind before the bell and the fight is on fast. Lethal gets a Figure Four on Bowens on the ramp but it gets broken up rather quickly. We settle down to a regular tag match with Bowens grabbing a Blockbuster to take over.

Caster comes in, runs the ropes, drops to the floor and punches Singh in the face (no effect) as everything breaks down again. Jarrett saves Lethal from Scissor My Timbers, setting up a double strut as we take a break. Back with Bowens and Lethal slugging it out until Bowens blasts him with a clothesline. The double tag brings in Caster and Jarrett, with the former cleaning house. An Angle Slam drops Jarrett and, after pulling off the invisible straps, Caster grabs the ankle lock.

With that broken up, Singh takes out Caster, leaving Bowens to hit the running jumping Fameasser. The referee got bumped in there somewhere so it’s a second one sliding in to count the late two. Jarrett grabs the guitar but Gunn makes the save and blasts Singh with the guitar. A Stroke takes Gunn down but Jarrett walks into an AA from Caster.

Singh chokeslams both champs though and then does it to the referee as well. Dutt puts the referee shirt on (Jericho: “It even matches his black trousers!”) and counts two with Aubrey Edwards coming out to break it up. Then she breaks his pencil and shoves Dutt down, leaving Lethal to get caught with the Arrival and the Mic Drop to retain the titles at 10:53.

Rating: C. Well that was a lot. I’ve never quite gotten the concept of starting with rules and then breaking down into no rules but that’s a modern wrestling issue. What got me here was Edwards going after Dutt, as if ANYTHING he did would have mattered in the first place. That came off as a spectacle for the save of involving the referee in a match that was already way overloaded. Gunn’s guitar shot to Singh was good but that was about it for the decent weapons stuff. Total insanity here and I absolutely didn’t need to see these teams fight twice in three days.

Will Hobbs has the Book Of Hobbs with him, which includes everything that has happened to him. Now it’s going to happen to you.

Eddie Kingston and Ortiz aren’t sure what is going on with the House of Black but they’ll fight next week on Rampage.

TBS Title: Jade Cargill vs. Skye Blue

Jade, with Leila Grey, is defending. Blue goes right at her to start and snaps off a crucifix for two. After a quick breather on the floor, Jade comes back in and knocks her to the floor with a rather hard forearm. A chokeslam on the ramp plants Blue again but cue Red Velvet to stare Cargill down from the stage.

We take a break and come back with Blue snapping off a rather spinning headscissors. One heck of a pump kick drops Blue though and it’s Velvet coming down to check on her. Back in and Jaded is countered into a victory roll for two, followed by Code Blue for the same. Blue loads up a springboard hurricanrana but Jade catches her and spins it (after a few movements) into Jaded to retain at 9:13.

Rating: C+. They were working here and that finish was awesome. There is something really impressive about Cargill managing to manipulate a full sized human around like that into Jaded and she made it look easy. Blue was putting in the effort, but as I’ve said multiple times now: until they put Jade in there with some big name, there is little reason to believe the title is in serious jeopardy.

The Firm is ready for Junglehook (yes, combining names is very clever) on Dynamite.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Video on Ruby Soho/Willow Nightingale vs. Ruby Soho/Tay Melo in a street fight next week on Rampage.

All-Atlantic Title: Orange Cassidy vs. Kip Sabian

Sabian, with Penelope Ford, is challenging and Danhausen here is with Cassidy. They start fast with a more ticked off than usual Cassidy getting headlocked. That earns Sabian a bunch of right hands, meaning it’s time for a breather on the floor. Cue the Bunny so Sabian can hide behind the women, which is enough of a distraction for a cheap shot on Cassidy.

Hold on though as Danhausen loads up the curse, only to have Sabian bite his finger. The distraction lets Cassidy hit the suicide dive, followed by the Stundog Millionaire back inside. They head back outside though, with Sabian hitting a hanging neckbreaker to the floor. We take a break and come back with Cassidy still in trouble, though he avoids the reverse Cannonball.

Cassidy knocks him off the top but Bunny grabs the leg. That’s enough for an ejection for both Bunny and Danhausen so here are Butcher and Blade to beat up Danhausen. Cassidy and Sabian slug it out, with Sabian trying his own lazy strikes. That wakes Cassidy up but Sabian knees him in the face for two.

Another hanging neckbreaker gets two on Cassidy so Sabian hits his own Orange Punch. Cassidy fights back up and the Beach Break gets two. The frustration makes Cassidy hammer away in the corner until he accidentally shoves the referee away. Sabian tries to go after him again but back to back Orange Punches finish to retain the title at 16:44.

Rating: B-. So Cassidy wins over Sabian, who isn’t exactly the most enthralling opponent. They did something with Sabian getting underneath Cassidy’s skin but that doesn’t really make up for a lot of Sabian’s flaws. I know he has been around since the beginning but I’ve still yet to have much of a reason to get interested in anything he does. Cassidy continues to own Friday night and that’s a good place for him as the fans still love everything he does.

Overall Rating: C+. That’s the latest Battle Of The Belts and while it was certainly entertaining enough, it still doesn’t feel important. That has been the biggest flaw of this series since it started and nothing about this changed it. AEW might be better off by having an expanded Rampage instead of one of these, as that’s pretty much what you got here. It was good on its own and combined with Rampage, this was a rather nice two hour Friday night show.

Acclaimed b. Jeff Jarrett/Jay Lethal – Mic Drop to Lethal
Jade Cargill b. Skye Blue – Jaded
Orange Cassidy b. Kip Sabian – Orange Punch



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Rampage – January 6, 2023: I Had Fun

Date: January 6, 2023
Location: Portland Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Portland, Oregon
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho

We are in for the first of two hours of AEW TV this week. That could mean quite a few things, but we do have a TNT Title match as new champion Darby Allin defends against Matt Taven. It’s a little weird to have a title match on the show right before a title made of nothing but title matches, but it should be good. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Top Flight vs. Jon Moxley/Bryan Danielson

The Club gets jumped from behind to start and it’s Darius dropkicking Moxley for a quick one. A standing moonsault gives Dante two but it’s off to Danielson to fire off the kicks in the corner. Moxley comes back in to hammer away before it’s a four way standoff. The double fights go to the floor, with Moxley and Danielson hitting running kicks against the barricade.

Back in and Danielson puts Dante in a surfboard, allowing him to rip at the face a bit. Moxley’s superplex into a cross armbreaker keeps Dante down as we take a break. Back with the Club kicking away at Dante but he manages to send them into each other. The hot tag brings in Darius to start cleaning house, including blocking Danielson’s kick to the chest. Danielson backflips over Darius but gets caught in the Spanish Fly for another double knockdown.

It’s back to Dante with a springboard flip dive for two more but Moxley pulls Dante into a keylock. Well at least the attempt of one as Dante slips out, earning himself some elbows to the face. A victory roll gives Dante two so Moxley King Kong lariats him for two of his own. Danielson comes back in with the running knee to Darius for two, followed by a discus forearm. The big kick to the head drops Darius again and Moxley dives off the top with an ax handle on Dante. Danielson stomps Darius in the head and the Regal Stretch finishes at 13:32.

Rating: B. That was a heck of a match and while I didn’t quite buy Top Flight as having a real chance, they hung in there through so many big shots that my eyes were popping open each time. They pulled me into this one really well and I had a great time with it. Top Flight needs to win something soon though because having a bunch of really good performances in losses only gets you so far.

Hangman Page is ready to hut Jon Moxley so badly that he’ll burn a copy of the fight onto a VHS so Moxley can watch it again. In his hand is a paper: his medical clearance to face Moxley next week. You knew that was coming.

Jamie Hayter/Britt Baker vs. Renegades

Baker and Hayter (with Rebel in their corner) jump the Renegades from behind to start and the beating is on fast. We settle down to Robyn dropkicking Hayter for two and handing it off to Charlotte. That’s fine with Hayter, who suplexes them both down and brings in Baker (the fans approve). Robyn gets forearmed against the ropes and Baker drops her again as we take a break.

Back with Robyn down in the corner but she enziguris her way to freedom. Charlotte comes in and gets taken down by Baker, meaning Robyn has to make a diving save. That earns Robyn a Hatebreaker and Charlotte gets n AA onto the knee. The sliding lariat into the Stomp from Baker is good for the pin at 8:48.

Rating: B-. The Renegades were trying here and it was a more entertaining match than I would have expected. Baker and Hayter got a nice boost going into their big match next week on Dynamite, though I’m still not sold on the idea of Saraya and Toni Storm teaming together. For now though, the Renegades tried hard here and came out of it a lot stronger than they went in.

The House Of Black talks about dealing with a man who never played by the rules. Now that man is asking why Malakai Black never played by the rules. The man is Eddie Kingston, and this isn’t the one that Black used to know. They’re here to help him. That’s the most coherent thing they’ve ever said.

Sonico vs. Preston Vance

Full nelson and a discus lariat finishes Sonico at 40 seconds.

Post match Vance rips off Sonico’s mask.

After Darby Allin won the TNT Title on Dynamite, Mike Bennett and the Kingdom came up to him with Bennett ranting about his own greatness. The challenge was issued for Rampage and the match is on.

Darby Allin and Mike Bennett are ready for the TNT Title match.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

TNT Title: Mike Bennett vs. Darby Allin

Bennett, with the rest of the Kingdom, is challenging. Allin sits in the corner to start before Bennett cranks on his arm. They head outside with Bennett sending him into the barricade but missing a charge, allowing Allin to run him over. We take a break and come back with Bennett hitting a Death Valley Driver for two and going for a Kimura. Allin can’t flip out of it but he can get a boot on the rope for the break instead.

They head outside with Allin taking over and putting him in a chair, setting up a top rope missile dropkick to knock him right back out. Back in and Maria gets on Bennett to protect him from the Coffin Drop. The distraction lets Matt Taven get in a kick to the head, meaning Bennett can hit a piledriver for two. A super piledriver is broken up and Allin hits a super Code Red, setting up the Coffin Drop to retain the title at 12:05.

Rating: B-. The crowd helped carry this one a lot further than it should have gone otherwise, as the Pacific northwest was going nuts for Allin. The good thing about someone like Bennett is that you can have him take a loss without losing any status. This was all about having Allin get a win after some adversity and it went very well.

Overall Rating: B+. Rather good show here, with a pair of solid matches, a squash, and a strong opener. I had a good time with this and while it might not have been exactly important, it was a show that gave you entertaining wrestling in front of a hot crowd. Sometimes just having fun is important and they made it work well here. Very solid effort this week.

Bryan Danielson/Jon Moxley b. Top Flight – Regal Stretch to Darius
Britt Baker/Jamie Hayter b. Renegades – Stomp to Charlotte
Preston Vance b. Sonico – Discus lariat
Darby Allin b. Mike Bennett – Coffin Drop



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Smackdown – January 6, 2023: It Should Have Been Bigger

Date: January 6, 2023
Location: FedExForum, Memphis, Tennessee
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

We are less than a month away from the Royal Rumble as we are officially in the new year. That means we should be in for some fun tonight and there is certainly a big main event. This week, the Usos will be defending the Tag Team Titles against Drew McIntyre/Sheamus in a match that was originally scheduled for last month. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The Bloodline opens things up by throwing chairs from the crowd as Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman come to the ring to join them. Reigns demands acknowledgment and seems to receive it but doesn’t seem happy. This week, we are going to hear from Sami Zayn, who says this year belongs to the Bloodline.

Zayn brags about the team winning its matches on Raw but that’s not what Reigns wants to talk about. He wants to talk about LAST YEAR when he and Zayn faced John Cena and Kevin Owens. Some people have said they lost, but Reigns doesn’t remember his shoulders being on the mat. Nah, Sami lost last week, so why did he call his shot? That’s what Reigns does, just like Babe Ruth.

Reigns thinks Sami might want to be the Tribal Chief. Why is Sami doing what Reigns does? Reigns starts screaming at Sami about wanting his job until Kevin Owens interrupts. Owens talks about how Reigns has a KO Problem and can’t get rid of him. Maybe he should deal with it in a title match at the Royal Rumble. Reigns: “Yeah sure whatever.” Reigns will give him the shot if Owens leaves forever after he loses. Owens seems to agree but the wording is a bit vague on if it’s title vs. career.

Earlier today, Kofi Kingston and Santos Escobar got into it backstage over Kofi’s Royal Rumble botch last year, meaning we’ve got something tonight.

Kofi Kingston vs. Santos Escobar

Xavier Woods and the rest of Legado del Fantasma are here too. Escobar gets in a shot to start and Kofi is rocked, allowing him to go up top. That’s fine with Kofi, who kicks him to the floor as we take a break. Back with Kofi in trouble but managing to fight his way back up. Woods offers a trombone distraction but Escobar is fine enough to kick Kofi in the head for two.

Kofi slips out of a fireman’s carry and gets two off the SOS. Kofi goes up but gets kneed out of the air for two, leaving them both needing a bit of a breather. The brawl starts on the floor though and the distraction lets Escobar hit a jumping superkick. The Phantom Driver finishes Kofi at 10:05.

Rating: C+. You had two talented wrestlers with a bit of time so of course this worked out fairly well. Kingston is the definition of bulletproof in WWE so having him put over a newcomer like Escobar is one of the smarter things to do. It wasn’t a classic but for ten minutes on Smackdown, this was quite easy to watch.

Kevin Owens vs. Roman Reigns for the title is set for the Royal Rumble. No words on Owens leaving if he loses so that doesn’t sound like a stipulation.

Sami Zayn tries to talk to Roman Reigns but gets Paul Heyman instead. Heyman thinks this isn’t a good time as the Usos go in to see Reigns. Last week Heyman said stay three steps ahead, but that still might be a bad time for Sami.

Liv Morgan enters the Women’s Royal Rumble and is willing to go in at #1.

We look back at Uncle Howdy attacking Bray Wyatt last week, which freaked out LA Knight in the process.

LA Knight was walking through Memphis earlier today and after getting over how bad that was, he thought it was great that Bray Wyatt can’t keep his freaks in line. At the Royal Rumble, Wyatt is getting what is coming to him, YEAH.

Emma/Madcap Moss vs. Karrion Kross/Scarlett

This is Scarlett’s in-ring TV debut and we’re joined in progress with the women coming in off double tags. Scarlett shrugs off some right hands and suplexes her for two. Kross comes in to glare at Emma, allowing Scarlett to post her. Emma gets sent over the announcers’ table, leaving Kross to hit the Krosshammer into the Krossjacket for the win at 3:08.

Rating: C-. This was little more than a squash for Kross and Scarlett, as Emma and Moss never felt like they were a threat to win. Scarlett is someone who can easily handle herself in the ring and doesn’t always have to be on the floor. Kross seems to be ready for a showdown with Rey Mysterio and that means he wasn’t going to need to break a sweat here with Moss.

Post match Kross and Scarlett put a Rey Mysterio mask on Moss and says Rey is running out of time.

We look back at Charlotte returning and winning the Smackdown Women’s Title from Ronda Rousey in less than a minute.

Sheamus and Drew McIntyre were at Jerry Lawler’s bar earlier and fired each other up for their Tag Team Title match tonight.

Here is Charlotte for a chat. She is happy with her title win last week and doesn’t really care what people think of her. The one thing she isn’t is complacent, so she will face anyone. Cue Sonya Deville, who wants and receives a title shot.

Women’s Title: Charlotte vs. Sonya Deville

Charlotte is defending and kicks Deville out to the floor to start. Back from a break with Deville going after the knee and grabbing a chinlock. That’s broken up and Charlotte hits some clotheslines, followed by a flipping clothesline for two. A spear cuts Sonya down and the Figure Eight retains the title at 6:46.

Rating: C-. So that happened. Charlotte wasn’t going to drop the title this fast but they didn’t even bother with anything close to drama. It was all about getting Charlotte in the ring again to clarify that she’s all nice and good now, with Deville being a good first victim to the title reign.

Video on Cody Rhodes returning to WWE last year.

Remember how Lacey Evans has been training? She still is.

Royal Rumble Qualifying Match: Ricochet vs. Top Dolla

Dolla powers him into the corner to start and gets Ricochet on top to toss him down. A big boot gives Dolla two but he takes too long dancing, allowing Ricochet to kick him in the head. The standing Sliced Bread drops Dolla and the shooting star press finishes him off at 1:57.

Post match Dolla shakes Ricochet’s hand….allowing Ashante Adonis to superkick Ricochet in the face. B Fab adds in a kick of her own as all of Hit Row seems to have turned. Braun Strowman runs in for the save, which shouldn’t have happened as Top Dolla needed to look dominant here.

The Usos go to the ring for their title match. Roman Reigns tells Paul Heyman to bring him Sami Zayn.

Video on Gunther vs. Braun Strowman for the Intercontinental Title next week.

Sami Zayn comes in to see Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman, with Reigns telling him to sit without giving him a look. Sami immediately says that Reigns is the Tribal Chief and no one else is. Reigns doesn’t accept because he holds himself to a high standard and no one should be treated like Sami was earlier. He doesn’t accept because he should be apologizing, so Reigns says he is sorry.

Reigns understands that he is mad at Kevin Owens and taking out on Sami. That’s why he’s going to let Sami help him get rid of Owens, when Sami and Owens face off next week. Sami is in but hears the Usos’ music and goes towards the ring. Hold on though, as Reigns wants Sami to watch with him.

Tag Team Titles: Usos vs. Drew McIntyre/Sheamus

The Usos, with Solo Sikoa, are defending. Sheamus takes Jimmy down to start and it’s off to Drew, who tosses him into the corner. Jey comes in and manages a quick suplex to take over, allowing Jimmy to come in for some choking. Drew gets sent outside and suicide dived into the barricade as we take a break.

Back with Sheamus hitting the ten forearms to Jey’s chest but Jimmy gets in a shot to take over again. Drew cuts off the double Uce and it’s a double super White Noise for two on the champs. A flip dive off the apron takes the Usos down and it’s a Claymore for two on Jey with Jimmy making the save.

We see Reigns/Zayn/Heyman eating popcorn as they watch the match as the 1D hits Sheamus….for two as McIntyre makes the save. Sikoa goes after Drew but here are the Brawling Brutes to cut him off. Sheamus Brogue Kicks Jey so Jimmy makes the save. A dive takes the Usos out so Sheamus picks Jey up, only to be rolled up with Jimmy giving an assist to retain at 13:19.

Rating: B-. They had a bit of drama when Sheamus survived the 1D but there is only so much of a reason to believe the Usos are losing anytime soon. Sheamus and McIntyre could have gotten the title shot on a big stave and just a Smackdown main event doesn’t feel that big. Good TV match, but it should have been a bit bigger.

Overall Rating: B-. Pretty solid show tonight, but the question now is what happens with Sami/Owens/Reigns. That seems like it is about to blow up either in the next few weeks or at the Royal Rumble at the latest. Other than that, the Rumbles continue to loom, but there are only three out of sixty spots filled. That could take up a lot of time over the next few weeks so things could start picking up rather quickly. For now though, a good show that could have been bigger.

Santos Escobar b. Kofi Kingston – Phantom Driver
Scarlett/Karrion Kross b. Emma/Madcap Moss – Krossjacket to Moss
Ricochet b. Top Dolla – Shooting star press
Usos b. Drew McIntyre/Sheamus – Assisted rollup to Sheamus



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