Dynamite – October 19, 2023: Talk Show

Date: October 18, 2023
Location: Fort Bend Epicenter, Rosenberg, Texas
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re back to the normal time slot this week after last week’s stacked show. In this case, we have a pretty deep show tonight, though a good bit of it appears to be focused on talking. That’s something that could do a lot of good though as we are a month away from Full Gear and the show needs some build. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Jay White

Alex Abrahantes and the rest of Bullet Club Gold are here too. Penta flip dives onto the Club at ringside and adds a top rope double stomp back inside. White hits a DDT out of the corner to take over but Penta scores with a superkick. A missed charge puts Penta in the corner though and White chops him out to the floor.

Back in and White ties Penta’s mask to the rope and stomps away for two. We take a break and come back with Penta hitting a Sling Blade to send White outside, setting up the big running flip dive. They chop it out (with Penta getting to do the full glove removal) with Penta even taking his shirt off so the chops can be harder.

Penta plants him for two but the Fear Factor is countered into a swinging Rock Bottom for two. White grabs the chinlock but Penta is right back up with Made In Japan for two. The Fear Factor is loaded up again so the Club offers the distraction. Juice Robinson gets in the left hand and White hits the Blade Runner for the pin at 13:12.

Rating: B-. This was another match in White’s quest to get higher up the card before his World Title shot at Full Gear. Penta is someone who has enough star status to give White something and the fans are way into him. Having the Club interfere is fine as that’s White’s thing, so this worked out on pretty much all points.

Post match Jay White mocks the idea of MJF not being able to find some partners to face the Club. Juice Robinson promises to win the battle royal and then the ring next week. He wants to pawn it to get another gold tooth you see.

MJF says he could have run in there and gone after all of those villains but he’s not that stupid. He promises to keep the ring next week and hopes that it’s against Robinson. He’s asked about Adam Cole but Billy Gunn and the Acclaimed come in to ask about being his partners. Max Caster asks about scissoring and putting a ring on it, which has MJF storming off. Billy Gunn: “That guy is such a scumbag.” Caster: “Yeah, but he’s my scumbag.”

Video on Emi Sakura vs. Hikaru Shida.

Hikaru Shida vs. Emi Sakura

Non-title. Sakura jumps her to start and we ring the bell as Shida gets back up. They roll around into an exchange of cradles until Sakura hits a running crossbody in the corner. We take a break and come back with Shida getting choked in the ropes, followed by an exchange of rollups. Sakura tiger drivers her for two but Shida….kind of hits the Katana as Sakura might have blocked it. A Fujiwara armbar doesn’t work for Shida so she hits a Falcon Arrow into the Katana for the pin at 8:50.

Rating: C+. It was good enough while it lasted but as usual, there’s only to much that can be done when the match isn’t even nine minutes long and includes a commercial. There is a history between them though and that helped set things up better here. Just maybe give them more of a chance to do something.

We get a sitdown interview with Renee Paquette and Adam Copeland to talk about his issues with Christian Cage. Copeland’s idea was to come to AEW and finish his career with Cage but Cage wasn’t down with that. We hear about the two of them being friends for over thirty years and Copeland tried to get Cage into the industry and pushed as much as possible.

Over the years, Copeland has been pushed as the bigger star but he never wanted that. They’ve known each other for such a long time and they’re the godfather to each other’s children. Why do they keep doing this? Copeland doesn’t want the TNT Title and he will not fight Cage so he doesn’t know what he wants. Eventually Nick Wayne and Luchasaurus are going to leave Cage and Copeland will be there to pick him up. Good stuff here, as a lot of it is established history but that makes it easier to tie into their current story.

Wardlow vs. Ryan Nemeth

Powerbomb, referee stoppage, 21 seconds.

Post match Tony Schiavone comes in to ask Wardlow what he wants, with Wardlow holding up wrist tape showing MJF. Wardlow pushes past him and leaves.

Kenny Omega knows his year hasn’t been great but he’s ready for Kyle Fletcher. MJF comes in to shake his hand, then whispers “thirteen days b****.” Assuming he means thirteen days from today, that means Halloween, but it’s also thirteen days from MJF becoming the longest reigning World Champion in AEW history (nice catch Art).

The Kingdom (including a bongo solo for a song called Neckstrong) and Roderick Strong convince Adam Cole to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Apparently it’s his specialty, but STRONG DID NOT WANT CRUST. Cole leaves and Strong says he’ll have to talk to the Scum Bag.

Here is the Don Callis Family, with Powerhouse Hobbs talking about trying to get to meet Chris Jericho as a kid but it didn’t go well. That’s why he wanted to hurt Jericho and that’s exactly what he did last week. Callis hypes up Hobbs but then blames Kyle Fletcher for the team’s only loss in four months. Cue Fletcher, who says he did that match as a favor to Will Ospreay. Tonight though, Fletcher gets Kenny Omega, and Callis implies a spot on the team if Fletcher wins.

Kyle Fletcher vs. Kenny Omega

Don Callis is on commentary. Omega chops away against the ropes to start but Fletcher takes him down and fires off some right hands. Back up and Omega sends him outside for the dive but Fletcher gets in a whip over the barricade. Omega misses a charge into the barricade and we take a break.

We come back with Omega missing a middle rope moonsault but hitting the same thing out to the floor. Back in and Fletcher hits a running kick to the face, setting up a brainbuster for two. Fletcher tosses him face first into the middle buckle and then plants him down for two more. A running kick to the back of the head sets up….something Omega escapes. A poisonrana into a powerbomb into the V Trigger gets two. The One Winged Angel is loaded up but Fletcher reverses into a dragon sleeper. Omega flips out, hits a running knee and finishes with the One Winged Angel at 13:55.

Rating: B. I’m still not sure what it is that’s missing about Fletcher, but it’s not what he can do in the ring. He can work well with almost anyone and if he can figure out a way to be more interesting, things will get even better for him. As for Omega, he might not be what he was before, but he can still do something like this more than well enough.

Danhausen is coming back.

Lance Archer vs. Barrett Brown

Archer is introduced as “kicking his opponent Barrett Brown to the ring” and then chokeslams him onto the apron. Archer crushes him into the corner and hits the Black Out for the pin at 58 seconds.

Prince Nana is really excited about Swerve Strickland’s new music video being released. Swerve isn’t happy though because he isn’t the TNT Champion. That’s because of Hangman Page, with Swerve threatening retribution. Just maybe not against Page himself.

Here is Sting for a chat. He talks about how he went up and down the road for years with people like Lex Luger, the Steiner Brothers and Buff Bagwell (kind of a weird fourth choice). They looked at the people who shaped his career like Dusty Rhodes and Hulk Hogan (the ans don’t like him) but he wants to really thank Ric Flair. It was Flair who put him on the map and he can’t thank him enough. So why do people keep coming back year after year?

It’s the smell of the arena and the roar of the crowd that makes him want to come to the ring and do all this crazy stuff. Now though, we need to get to the big word: retirement. His first match in AEW was at Revolution 2021, and his last match will be at Revolution 2024. And that’s for sure. That’s good for Sting, as he can still work well enough in the ring and you absolutely do not want to stay too long.

We get Toni Storm’s latest silent movie, Gone With The Storm, in picture in picture.

We get a sitdown interview with Nick Wayne and his mom, with his mom talking about how he doesn’t understand what her son is doing. Wayne says he was always in Darby Allin’s shadow and Christian Cage is a better father than his dad ever was. Cage pops in to egg Wayne on so his mom slaps her son. Wayne says she is dead to him and leaves, where Darby Allin jumps them both. Allin beats Wayne into the ring and Wayne has lost a tooth. Luchasaurus and Cage get Wayne out. It got better when Allin came in but the interview stuff was….not good.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Kris Statlander wants to defend the TBS Title against Willow Nightingale at Battle of the Belts. Orange Cassidy didn’t realize what he had until he lost the International Title, which he will defend against the winner of a Rampage triple threat.

Dynamite Dozen Battle Royal

Dustin Rhodes, Juice Robinson, Johnny TV, Jake Hager, Max Caster, Matt Menard, Trent Beretta, Komander, Matt Sydal, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Daniel Garcia

The winner gets a shot at MJF’s, on commentary, diamond ring next week. TV is sent to the apron to start but spins his way back in, setting up a break dance routine. Garcia loads up his own dance but Menard isn’t having that. Instead Jeff does his own dance and Dustin joins Matt Hardy in some DELETING. TV is tossed out and Hager dumps Matt Hardy. MJF heads to the ring and offers Rhodes cash to…go after Robinson.

Rhodes is perfectly happy to do so and Shattered Dreams connects. We take a break and come back with Menard and Garcia tossing Komander. Dustin hits the Canadian Destroyer on Garcia. Dustin and Trent have the big hug but Hager breaks it up. Trent knocks Hager out but gets knocked to the apron where Menard eliminates him. We’re down to Menard, Garcia, Jeff Hardy, Rhodes, Robinson and Caster.

Garcia knocks Hardy out (that’s an upset) but Menard breaks up the dancing AGAIN. Garcia hits Menard by mistake, allowing Rhodes to toss Menard, but Garcia tosses Rhodes as well. NOW Garcia gets to dance but Caster tosses him out. That leaves us with Caster and Robinson with Caster knocking him to the apron.

Robinson pulls him out as well and goes up for some reason, only to get taken back down. Hold on though as we cut to Jay White going after MJF at the announcers’ table. MJF gets the belt back but White hits him low and steals it again. We get back to the actual match and Robinson uses his own ring to knock Caster out for the win at 13:55.

Rating: C+. There’s only so much you can get out of a battle royal with about two potential winners and that was the case here. Robinson might as well have had a big sign around his neck counting down until he won, though in this case that isn’t a bad thing. They set him up well and it wouldn’t shock me to see him win the ring next week. For now though, it was just an ok battle royal featuring a bunch of people doing their various things.

Overall Rating: B-. There was a lot of talking on this show and it was good enough, though I could have gone for a bigger focus on the actual wrestling. That being said, they are setting up some things for the future and we could be in for some big stuff in the upcoming weeks. Above all else is probably the Sting announcement, and now he should be in for a nice victory lap. Overall, not a terrible show, but maybe a step down from the norm for Dynamite.

Jay White b. Penta El Zero Miedo – Blade Runner
Hikaru Shida b. Emi Sakura – Katana
Wardlow b. Ryan Nemeth via referee stoppage
Kenny Omega b. Kyle Fletcher – One Winged Angel
Lance Archer b. Barrett Brown – Black Out
Juice Robinson won the Dynamite Dozen Battle Royal last eliminating Max Caster



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Smackdown – July 4, 2008: They Did It Better Than Raw

Date: July 4, 2008
Location: Tulsa Convention Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Commentators: Mick Foley, Jim Ross

We’re into the new reality around here as both Night Of Champions and the full Draft are done. There is only one World Champion after Edge lost his title to CM Punk on Raw, meaning HHH is once again on top. Other than that, we should get to see how some of the new stars mesh with what’s left of the old. Let’s get to it.

Here is Night Of Champions if you need a recap.

The opening video looks at the 4th of July and talks about how the wrestlers get to live the American Dream with live action fireworks.

Opening sequence.

We open with MVP’s VIP Lounge. MVP wastes no time in bringing out his guest, the still World Champion HHH. After a nice hello, MVP congratulates HHH on his win at Night Of Champions and welcomes him to Smackdown. It’s been a long time since HHH has been here but he is already a big fan of MVP. HHH appreciates the bling and the Power Ranger outfit that MVP wears when he wrestles.

MVP says it’s cutting edge technology and Olympians wear it to compete. HHH says that sounds like a performance enhancer and MVP might get thirty days off. With that shrugged off, MVP brings up that he makes more money than HHH, who could see how that would make some people angry. Not that it matters as he would rather be a 12 time World Champion rather than the biggest waste of money in Smackdown history.

HHH is out here to get a rub from MVP though and he has some special footage. MVP doesn’t like that, so he says let’s play footage instead. We get a recap of CM Punk winning the Raw World Title and retaining it over JBL in the main event, followed by a brawl with security to end the show. Back in the arena, HHH says Edge got Punked out and MVP says Edge got his punk card pulled.

The jokes continue until Vickie Guerrero, back in the wheelchair, interrupts. HHH wishes her well on her upcoming wedding. HHH: “Imagine: marrying the boss to get ahead. Who thinks up that kind of stuff?” HHH thinks she and Edge just need to go to Vegas because he knows a great drive thru place. You don’t even need to be conscious!

Vickie brags about Edge’s success against Batista, but HHH says looking at her, there are things Edge would do that HHH would never do. Vickie doesn’t get what he means but eventually tells him to shut up. Edge is on his way here and speaking of Edge, HHH will be defending the title against him at the Great American Bash.

Michelle McCool vs. Victoria vs. Cherry vs. Maryse vs. Kelly Kelly

Star on a pole match with the winner facing Natalya, on commentary and now a redhead, for the Divas Title. A quick brawl to start leaves Kelly as the only one standing but Victoria knocks her off the pole. Cherry cuts Victoria off before Maryse has to knock Michelle down. A double electric chair drops Maryse and Cherry catapults Kelly into the corner. Victoria adds the slingshot flipping legdrop to Cherry and goes up. That’s cut off as well so Michelle kicks Maryse down and wins.

Rating: D+. What are you supposed to say about this? It’s the kind of match that is all about one thing and not exactly having much to do with wrestling. This felt like something out of another company and it really doesn’t fit with what they’ve been trying with the women in recent weeks. Michelle finally gets put into the title match, which is long overdue as she has been the obvious pick for a long time now.

Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder come in to see Vickie Guerrero, who wants to know where Edge is. They don’t know, so she asks them about Edge losing the title on Raw. Vickie blames them both and gives them a match with Jesse and Festus. That’s a punishment?

Edge arrives and a lot of people look at him in silence.

Video on Vladimir Kozlov.

Curt Hawkins/Zack Ryder vs. Jesse And Festus

Festus is dressed as Uncle Sam. Hawkins and Ryder jump Festus to start and are quickly shrugged off, setting up a middle rope Hart Attack. Jesse has to fight out of a double team in the corner but gets pulled into another corner to begin the beating. Hawkins grabs a Russian legsweep for two and we hit the neck crank. Jesse is able to get over to the corner for the tag to Festus so house can be cleaned in a hurry. With Hawkins sent to the floor, a seated senton and the fireman’s carry flapjack (with a great sell from Ryder) finishes for Festus.

Rating: C. This was in fact a Jesse and Festus match and that’s about as good as it’s going to get for them. The team isn’t overly interesting and the one joke of Festus losing it at the bell has long since used up its usefulness. It’s not like Hawkins and Ryder are great, but they’re a heck of a lot better than the other choice.

Post match Edge comes to the ring and beats on the catatonic Festus as Hawkins and Ryder make Jesse watch. Edge throws in a nasty chair shot to the head and stares down at Festus.

Post match Vickie Guerrero tries to calm Edge down but even the Great American Bash match doesn’t make it better. Vickie mentions giving him permission and Edge loses it, saying she doesn’t understand what is going on. He has been at this for sixteen years to the day but Vickie cuts him off, saying she is still his boss. She calls him a fool and Edge storms out.

Jeff Hardy vs. John Morrison

Hardy shoves him down to start so Morrison grabs the arm to slow things down. Morrison gets sent outside and a slingshot dive….doesn’t launch as Hardy head fakes him instead, setting up a dive off the apron instead. Back in and Morrison hits a running knee to the face for two but the Flying Chuck misses. Hardy’s slingshot dropkick in the corner is broken up though and Morrison drops him out to the floor in a crash.

We take a break and come back with Morrison working on an armbar before blocking a Whisper In The Wind attempt. The armbar goes back on, allowing commentary to talk about Edge and Vickie Guerrero. Morrison cuts off a comeback attempt by sending him shoulder first into the post but Hardy counters a dive with a sitout powerbomb. Hardy fights up with some forearms and a cradle gets two. The Whisper In The Wind gives Hardy two but Morrison Pele kicks him on top. The Moonlight Drive doesn’t work for Morrison though and it’s the Swanton to give Hardy the pin.

Rating: B-. This was the “Hardy is here and he’s good on his own” match of the show. It worked well with these two showing the same chemistry they’ve had before, with Hardy showcasing his ability to fight from behind. Morrison feels good on his own too, making for a nice match.

Video on Maria.

Umaga vs. Funaki

Umaga wastes no time in knocking him into the corner and a superkick puts Funaki down as well. Foley even goes inter promotional by saying this is like Mark Henry beating up Colin Delaney on ECW. The running hip attack in the corner sets up the Samoan Spike for the squash pin.

Edge is ranting to Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder when he is told that Vickie Guerrero wants to see him. He goes to Vickie’s office, where she goes on about how she is going to be in the wheelchair with back problems for life (keeping in mind that she was standing earlier tonight). Edge says not to talk to her in that gibberish, so Vickie screams at him to GET OUT. That’s exactly what he does, with the door closing behind him. Edge walks a bit, then turns around and tries to get back in, but the door is locked.

US Title: Matt Hardy vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Shelton Benjamin

Hardy is defending and Bam Neely is here with Chavo. It’s a brawl to start with Matt running Kennedy over but Kennedy is back up with a kick to the face. Kennedy clotheslines Chavo in the corner but Benjamin is back up with a kick of his own. Chavo is back up to take Benjamin down, only to have Benjamin toss him into the air for a nasty crash. Matt and Kennedy put the other two down before knocking each other down as we take a break.

Back with Kennedy cleaning house as Foley compares this to Barack Obama vs. Hilary Clinton. Everyone but Chavo is caught in a Tower Of Doom but Benjamin is up to suplex Chavo down. Neely distracts Benjamin though and Chavo gets to Three Amigos Matt. The frog splash gets two as Kennedy makes the save. Matt hits a quick Twist of Fate on Chavo before dropping Kennedy onto Neely. Benjamin comes in and gets Twist of Fated onto Chavo, with Matt pinning the latter to retain.

Rating: B-. I believe they call this a sprint, as they were packing in whatever they could for about ten minutes. The 4th of July aspect meant that this more or less had to be the main event and it was a good match as a result. Matt retaining is a fine way to go too, even if getting the US Title off of ECW is not a bad idea.

Here is Edge, without music, for a chat. Edge says this will be his first and last statement about what happened on Raw. He was attacked twice on Raw and now he is going to get the World Title back at the Great American Bash. Ever since he came in here tonight, he was feeling the disrespect, including from Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder, who should have been trying to make him happy.

He didn’t even receive the support of Vickie Guerrero, who should be there for him in his time of need. Therefore, Edge is going to let us in on some dirty little secrets, but here is a screeching Vickie (walking) to interrupt. She asks what Edge is doing so Edge walks up to her. Edge says the wedding is off, leaving Vickie to scream a lot and take off her ring to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. The wrestling was good enough here (ignoring the stupid women’s match) and having Edge’s breakdown throughout the show made it work better. They have at least a main event set for the Great American bash and there is time to set up the rest of the card. Nice show here, as they didn’t have a bad lull after getting the new roster set up.



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NXT – October 17, 2023: Try Again Next Week

Date: October 17, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

We’re back to normal this week and that means we could be in for something interesting. With a week to go before the first week of Halloween Havoc, it is time to figure out what is going to be on the two week special. That includes a #1 contenders match for the NXT Title this week so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Tag Team Battle Royal

Creed Brothers, Drew Gulak/Damon Kemp, Brawling Brutes, Angel Garza/Humberto Carrillo, Hank Walker/Tank Ledger, Chase U, Malik Blade/Edris Enofe, Gallus, Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen, Bronco Nima/Lucien Price

If one member is out, the whole team is out and the last two teams have a regular tag match next week for a Tag Team Title shot the following week. Kemp is out less than ten seconds in and Gulak is not pleased. Ledger and Walker are out rather quickly as they’re clearing the ring pretty quickly to start.

Brawling along the ropes and on the apron ensues until Wolfgang low bridges Jensen out. Holland picks up Enofe and Blade for the double elimination as Stacks and Tony D’Angelo are having a nice spaghetti and meatball dinner while watching from the balcony. The Creeds get rid of Gallus and we’re already halfway done.

The Brutes and Nima/Price go out at the same time and fight to the back, leaving us with the Creeds, Chase U and Garza/Carrillo. Carrillo is backdropped out but the referees are dealing with the brawl in the aisle. That lets Garza and Carrillo toss the Creeds (the referees didn’t see them go over the top) but that’s it at 5:02.

Rating: C. This wasn’t much of a battle royal but if you’re going to have something like this, I can go with blazing through it as fast as they did here. It’s smart to find a way to get rid of the Creeds as they’re the best team around while leaving the fans someone to cheer for in Chase U. The match was just a means to an end to set up the regular tag match, but they even have something with the Brutes vs. Nima/Price so well done on booking for the future.

Apparently the #1 contenders match is right now. So Vic Joseph can’t be trusted to get his dates straight.

Chase U vs. Angel Garza/Humberto Carrillo

Jacy Jayne and Thea Hail come out with pom poms as Chase U cheerleaders. Chase takes over on Garza in the corner to start and Hudson’s elbow to the back gets two. We take a break and come back with Garza giving Chase a heck of a running knee (setting up an even better sell from Chase).

Carrillo chokes on the rope but Chase fights out of the corner, only for the villains to take Hudson off the apron. The tag goes through a few seconds later and Hudson gets to release Rock Bottom Humberto out of the corner for two. Chase tags himself back in with a high crossbody for two but a DDT on the floor drops Hudson. Back in and Carrillo hits a sitout powerbomb for two on Chase but cue the Creeds to take Carrillo and Garza down. The distraction lets Chase grab a rollup for the pin at 10:07.

Rating: C+. The match was fine and I can always go for the prospect of Chase U actually winning something. They’re still a popular act and they almost have to win something at some point. The match wasn’t much and the cheating at the end ties into the battle royal rather well.

Blair Davenport wants to face Gigi Dolin again at Halloween Havoc.

We get another Lexis King video, as he rants about how much his father left him alone and how he doesn’t love him. He is in no one’s shadow and will make his name bigger than Brian Pillman’s ever was, starting at Halloween Havoc.

Here is Carmelo Hayes for a chat. Last week he was standing next to John Cena and the Undertaker and he can’t believe it happened. Cue Baron Corbin to interrupt, saying he doesn’t want to hear about Hayes being a fan boy. Fans belong in the stands but Corbin heard about Hayes asking the legends about pictures. Maybe if Hayes focused on something other than being a fan, he would still have his championship.

Cue Dijak to interrupt, saying he’s going to beat them both and then become NXT Champion. Dijak talks about how Hayes is going to know the truth when he looks in his eyes, but Corbin points out that no one can look in Dijak’s eyes because he’s wearing sunglasses inside. He keeps going on about Corbin, who calls Dijak “just plain stupid”. Ilja Dragunov pops up on screen to say he’s looking forward to the match, but Cody Rhodes made one more ruling: the #1 contenders match is now a fatal four way, with Trick Williams included.

Hayes is STUNNED, leaving everyone to say what they want to talk about (Corbin is in favor of discussing Williams’ ugly pants). Hayes isn’t happy with Williams being in the match but he’s willing to put anyone down to get the title back. He’s asked if that includes Williams and the brawl is on, with Williams and Hayes clearing the ring.

A bunch of the women’s division talk about the Breakout Tournament when Tiffany Stratton comes in to brag about making it to the finals last week. Fallon Henley doesn’t want to hear about it but Stratton leaves.

Women’s Breakout Tournament First Round: Karmen Petrovic vs. Jaida Parker

Petrovic drives her against the ropes to start and spins around into a hammerlock. A knee to the ribs and a headscissors give Petrovic two but Parker starts in on the arm. Petrovic is sent into the corner and Parker sits on her ribs for two. Parker gets caught with a dragon screw legwhip though and Petrovic grabs something like Carmella’s Code Of Silence for the tap at 3:36.

Rating: C. This really wasn’t the best match though that’s kind of the point: these aren’t polished, experienced stars and they aren’t going to have the best match most of the time. Petrovic feels like a potential star and has been around on LVL Up in recent months. Parker hasn’t been around as much so Petrovic going forward makes a bit more sense, though neither exactly stole the show.

Natalya gives Tegan Nox a pep talk.

Tegan Nox vs. Lyra Valkyria

Natalya is here with Nox, who works on a wristlock to start. Valkyria takes her down to the mat and cranks on the leg, only for Nox to reverse into an armbar. Back up and Valkyria gets a sunset flip for two, followed by a knockdown into a crucifix for the same. Nox gets sent outside for a dropkick through the ropes as we take a break.

We come back with Valkyria hitting a northern lights suplex for two. Valkyria scores with a big kick for two but Nox drops her for the same. A Molly Go Round gives Nox two and she hits another one from the apron to the floor. Cue Chelsea Green and Piper Niven, with the distraction allowing Valkyria to hit a spinning kick to the head for the pin at 11:31.

Rating: B-. Good stuff here, which shouldn’t be a surprise as there was a lot of talent involved. Nox losing isn’t the biggest surprise as she might be on the main roster but Valkyria is gearing up for a major title match at Halloween Havoc. They even got some time here and had a solid match, as you probably saw coming.

Post match everyone but Valkyria brawl to the back. That leaves Valkyria to talk about Becky Lynch coming to her old school and seeing something in Valkyria. Now Valkyria is ready to win the NXT Women’s Title. Lynch pops up on screen to say Valkyria was the first woman she wanted to face, because Valkyria is really, really good. She can say Lynch is her hero all she wants but she is going to have to get that same chip on her shoulder again. Welcome to the big time.

Carmelo Hayes is not happy when Trick Williams comes in. Hayes wants to know what that was and Williams says he’s listening to John Cena’s advice last week. Williams is ready to move up and he’s at the same place Hayes was at last year. Hayes gets it and Williams says yes, he should have come and talked to him. That seems to calm Hayes down but they have to go head to head tonight. They agree they’ll do whatever it takes, but they’re still cool. It’s still bizarre to see two wrestlers behaving like adults.

Gigi Dolin says Halloween Havoc is her favorite event of the year and that means Spin The Wheel, Make The Deal is coming back. Dolin spins and gets…..Lights Out, so Blair Davenport better be ready.

Von Wagner is going through physical therapy after Bron Breakker attacked him. Mr Stone is with him and doesn’t want to see Wagner like this. He knows when Wagner is ready, he’ll finish it. Wagner wants to work harder.

Kiana James vs. Shotzi

Shotzi forearms her into the corner to start but James takes her down. That earns a rather loud screech from Shotzi, who jumps on James’ back for a choke. James sends her outside though and we take a break. Back with James hitting a shoulder to the ribs in the corner but Shotzi sends her throat first into the ropes. That doesn’t matter as James is back with a running clothesline, followed by the chinlock.

Shotzi fights up and strikes away, including something like a DDT onto the middle rope. James knocks her off the top but here is Roxanne Perez to check James’ bag, which contains a brick (makes sense for her as Money Inc. did it with their briefcase thirty years ago). Shotzi gets the bag and throws it to James before falling down. An annoyed James misses a charge into the corner and Shotzi hits a top rope backsplash for the pin at 8:35.

Rating: C+. Shotzi feels like much more of a star with the new haircut and look. That’s more than I would have expected and it’s great to see her having another chance. At the same time, Perez vs. James could be a good feud, as it gives Perez something to do to build her back up to the next title shot at some point in the future.

Meta Four is panicking because Jakara Jackson is in the hospital. Noam Dar is with her and mocks McKenzie Mitchell for questioning Jackson’s injury. Akira Tozawa comes in, looking for Dar, but obviously he’s not here. Tozawa says let him know.

Trick Williams has been attacked. Post break, he is officially out of the #1 contenders match.

Dominik Mysterio is in the back when Nathan Frazer comes in to start the brawl. They fight through backstage and into the arena with Frazer clearing him out.

Roxanne Perez and Shotzi are in the back, with Perez not getting Kiana James’ deal. They find the Wheel, with Perez spinning to a Devil’s Playground match. Apparently she’s fighting James at Halloween Havoc.

Women’s Breakout Tournament First Round: Brinley Reece vs. Arianna Grace

Reece is replacing the injured Jakara Jackson. Grace knocks her into the corner to start and pulls her back out, setting up a suplex for two. Another suplex is blocked but Grace pokes her in the eye. Grace loads up a Rock Bottom but flips Reece forward onto her face for the pin at 2:50.

Bron Breakker brags about how awesome he is when Mr. Stone comes in. He doesn’t care what happened to Von Wagner, which has Stone thinking Breakker just doesn’t care. Stone’s kids ask what is next for Wagner but Breakker just laughs. Breakker tells him to do something about it so Stone challenges him for Halloween Havoc. Stone realizes he screwed up as Breakker agrees, telling him to call the hospital.

Here’s what’s coming at Halloween Havoc.

Baron Corbin vs. Carmelo Hayes vs. Dijak

For a title shot against Ilja Dragunov at Halloween Havoc. The big guys stagger each other so Hayes slugs away where he can. Dijak catches Hayes with a rather high chokebreaker but Corbin hits a clothesline. Hayes is back up with a springboard clothesline but Dijak pulls him out of the air.

A big toss sends Hayes flying, leaving Corbin and Dijak to slug it out again. Hayes’ springboard double DDT plants them both for two each and we take a break. Back with Corbin suplexing Dijak before dropping Hayes for two. Corbin takes Hayes outside for a Death Valley Driver as the fans declare this awesome.

Dijak kicks Corbin off the apron and takes him back inside for High Justice. Hayes superkicks Dijak for two and the slugout is on. One heck of a big boot gives Dijak two on Hayes and they go to the corner. Corbin breaks up a superbomb but Hayes is right there to turn it into a Tower Of Doom. Corbin knocks Hayes to the floor and plants Dijak with End of Days. Hayes gives Corbin Nothing But Net though and steals the pin at 12:37.

Rating: B-. I wasn’t really feeling this one and it didn’t get to the great level that they seemed to be shooting for. If nothing else, all of the superkicks and one on one segments got a bit annoying and the idea of Hayes vs. Dragunov III isn’t overly appealing. It wasn’t a bad match, but it didn’t exactly reach that top level.

Lyra Valkyria looks at a picture of Becky Lynch and says it’s in one week. Jade Cargill pops up on a screen and points at her wrist like a watch.

Overall Rating: C. Maybe it was coming off of last week’s huge show but this one didn’t exactly come off great. There were some good matches and it helped set up Halloween Havoc, which should be a much bigger show next week. For now though, this was just kind of a there show with some nice parts included. Just get to the big stuff though, as it needs to be an upgrade over this week.

Chase U and Humberto Carrillo/Angel Garza won a tag team battle royal
Chase U b. Humberto Carrillo/Angel Garza – Rollup to Garza
Karmen Petrovic b. Jaida Parker – Leg choke
Lyra Valkyria b. Tegan Nox – Spinning kick to the head
Shotzi b. Kiana James – Top rope backsplash
Arianna Grace b. Brinley Reece – Flipping faceplant
Carmelo Hayes b. Baron Corbin and Dijak – End of Days to Dijak



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.


Daily News Update – October 17, 2023

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

ECW On Sci Fi – July 1, 2008

NXT LVL Up – October 13, 2023

Monday Night Raw – October 16, 2023

WATCH: Kofi Kingston Helps Open New Library In Ghana (This Is Very Cool).


He’s Back: Major Return Set For This Week’s WWE SmackDown.


On The Mend: Bad News On Return Status Of Injured AEW Star.


Know His Role: Big Update On The Rock’s WrestleMania 40 Status.


And NEW! SmackDown Star’s Interference Causes Monday Night Raw Title Change.


All In: Fatal Five Way Title Match Officially Set For WWE Crown Jewel.


They Got There: WWE Gets Some Great News For Survivor Series.


As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page and follow us on Twitter (featuring news stories written by ME).

Monday Night Raw – October 16, 2023: At Just The Right Time

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 16, 2023
Location: Paycom Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Wade Barrett

It’s the season premiere, which comes off of last week’s season finale, as the idea of seasons in wrestling is still weird. One of the big attractions this week is Judgment Day getting their rematch for the Tag Team Titles against Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso, which could be a heck of a showdown. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Sami Zayn to get things going. After welcoming us to the season premiere, Sami says it feels a little weird to be out here by himself. His brother and partner has been moved to Smackdown and he is obviously very sad that their partnership has ended this way. He is excited for Owens though because he knows Owens will do huge things on Smackdown. He’s excited for himself too, because now he gets to stand on his own two feet.

It’s time to prove that he is a World Heavyweight Champion level superstar, which the fans seem to find accurate. There is an elephant in the room though and that is due to the arrival of Jey Uso. It took Owens and Zayn years to get to the highest point but then they had to deal with Judgment Day. Now they’re getting a Tag Team Title shot tonight, but Zayn wants to thank the fans for getting him here.

Cue Judgment Day to interrupt, with Damian Priest bragging about who they’ve gotten rid of around here. Rhea Ripley cuts him off and talks about how they would recruit lost wrestlers and give them directions. In Zayn’s case though, they want to get rid of him permanently. The team surrounds him but Jey Uso runs in with a pair of chairs to even things up a lot. Finn Balor calls the team off and Sami leaves, not looking completely pleased with Jey.

We look at Shinsuke Nakamura and Ricochet getting in a fight last week, with Nakamura possibly costing him an Intercontinental Title shot.

Nakamura gives us another subtitled video about how he is going to smash Ricochet like a fly.

Jey Uso catches up with Sami Zayn in the back and asks if they’re cool. Sami says he needs a minute to think because even though Jey made the save, all he was thinking was that it should have been Kevin Owens making the save. Owens isn’t here and it’s because of Jey, even though Zayn wants him to be happy. Jey has the momentum and the titles and Sami has nothing and it’s because Jey is here. Jey says Sami has him and walks off. Sami shoves a ladder over and catches up to Jey, apologizing for what he said. He offers a handshake but Jey hugs him instead.

Ricochet vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Falls Count Anywhere and Ricochet kicks him to the floor before the bell. They get inside with Nakamura kicking him in the head, setting up the reverse exploder for two. The Recoil gives Ricochet the same and a triangle dropkick puts Nakamura on the floor. That sets up a big twisting flip dive to drop Nakamura for two and they fight up to the stage.

That means a trip to the gorilla position, where Ricochet flips over Nakamura and hits a knee to the face for two. They come back to the stage, where Nakamura gets his knees up to block a standing moonsault. We take a break and come back with Ricochet climbing a balcony (where he half hugs a fan) and then shooting stars onto Nakamura and a bunch of security.

They head back to ringside and it’s time for a table….and nunchucks. Ricochet shrugs that off (because nunchucks) and kicks him down inside, setting up a springboard 450 for two. Nakamura cuts him off on top though and sends him crashing through the table at ringside. Kinshasa finishes Ricochet at 13:43.

Rating: B. This was what it needed to be, as it was a display of violence between two guys who have a reason to be mad at each other. Nakamura gets a nice win to put him back on track, though I could have gone with Ricochet winning to establish him as a bit of a bigger star. Still though, rather hard hitting match though and that’s what it needed to be.

Piper Niven and Chelsea Green interrupt a group of women who are standing around not doing much. Green says she and Nox are best friends, though Nox points out that Niven ordered them to be a team. Green doesn’t want to hear it but Nox threatens her away. Niven seems to threaten Nox on the way.

Video on Imperium.

Piper Niven vs. Natalya

Chelsea Green is here with Niven. Natalya tries an early rollup before going with a basement dropkick for two more. Niven manages a ram into the buckle though and Natalya crashes out to the floor as we take a break. Back with Niven missing a backsplash and getting…not hit with a basement dropkick, which thankfully Niven doesn’t sell. Niven’s basement crossbody misses as well and Natalya hits the discus lariat for two. That’s enough for Niven, who runs Natalya over and hits the basement crossbody for the pin at 6:27. Not enough shown to rate but Natalya worked well trying to fight the monster.

Post match Green comes in for the beatdown but Tegan Nox runs in for the save.

Damian Priest and Finn Balor want to take out Drew McIntyre but Dominik Mysterio doesn’t seem to like the idea. Rhea Ripley comes up after a phone call, saying she was handling Judgment Day business, as usual. She has Shayna Baszler on her own tonight too.

Here is Seth Rollins for a chat. Rollins recaps last week with the Crown Jewel title match against Drew McIntyre being set up, plus McIntyre saving him from a Money In The Bank cash-in. Cue McIntyre, with Rollins asking if McIntyre has been getting himself a little help. We see a clip of McIntyre and Rhea Ripley talking in the background last week.

McIntyre says first of all, he isn’t a thirsty creep like Jey Uso and Ripley came up to him. Second of all, what they were talking about is none of Rollins’ business and he should be worried about McIntyre taking his title. Rollins says no one is doing that to him but McIntyre needs to worry about stepping up in the big moment. McIntyre talks about the Bloodline costing him but Rollins tells him to GET OVER IT.

We hear about McIntyre stepping up during the pandemic when WWE needed it. Then he had his chance again in front of 50,000 people but the Bloodline cost him the title. Rollins says he understands what McIntyre is going though as he spent four years trying to get back to the top of the mountain. McIntyre is pointing fingers and making excuses and it won’t get him anywhere. When Rollins beats him at Crown Jewel, it will be the best thing to happen to him, because McIntyre will have no one to blame but himself. This was a good exchange and got more to the core of McIntyre’s issues, with Rollins calling him out for his whining.

Video on Bronson Reed.

Johnny Gargano vs. Ludwig Kaiser

Giovanni Vinci is here too but Tommaso Ciampa is injured after last week’s Imperium attack. Gargano starts fast but Kaiser kicks the knee out to take over. Kaiser knocks him down again and we take an early break. Back with Gargano fighting out of a chinlock and hitting the rolling kick to the head.

A springboard swinging Downward Spiral gives Gargano two and the Cheeky Nandos Kick connects. The sunset bomb gives Gargano two more and Willow’s Bell rocks Kaiser again. One Final Beat connects but Kaiser pokes Gargano in the eye. Gargano goes after Vinci but the distraction lets Kaiser kick him in the face. A twisting DDT finishes Gargano at 9:51.

Rating: C+. They’re playing up the idea that Gargano needs help to fight Imperium and losing to the numbers game isn’t the worst way to go. DIY vs. Imperium can be a big showdown when they get the chance, though I’m really not sure about having Gargano lose in his first match back. He doesn’t have the strongest reputation in the world on the main roster and this isn’t going to help things, cheating or not.

Indi Hartwell asks Becky Lynch for an NXT Women’s Title shot. Becky is cool with that and says she’ll go get it set up. As Becky leaves, she runs into Rhea Ripley for a staredown. Ripley smiles and walks away, with Becky saying something about being Becky Two Belts.

Drew McIntyre comes up to Sami Zayn and isn’t happy with him instantly forgiving Jey Uso earlier. That’s the right hand man of the Bloodline and Zayn just easily forgave him. Zayn doesn’t like that and we get a match set up between the two of them for next week.

Rhea Ripley vs. Shayna Baszler

Non-title. Before the match, Ripley says that no matter what, this is her division and Mami will always be on top. Baszler takes her to the mat with a quickly broken ankle lock but Ripley gets up and unloads in the corner. With that not working, Baszler takes her down by the arm and starts stomping. Ripley is back up with a spinning back elbow for a breather.

They go into the slugout with Baszler snapping off a German suplex. Baszler hits a knee to the face for two but Ripley knocks her back again. A missile dropkick of all things drops Baszler and Ripley loads up Riptide. That’s countered into a cross armbreaker (that was cool) but Ripley powerbombs her way out of trouble. Cue Nia Jax but Raquel Rodriguez and Zoey Stark pop up to take her down. Stark comes in and decks Ripley for the DQ at 5:35.

Rating: C+. This was good while it lasted but then the last minute plus was focusing on everything at ringside. Jax showing up took a lot of the fun out of this one and it didn’t get any better. As usual, Baszler is treated like someone who happens to be there as well and that gets annoying in a hurry.

Post match Ripley calls Jax in for the fight and Stark/Ripley beat Jax down, only for Stark to break up a slam and clear the ring. They’ve got something here

Becky Lynch gets a match with Indi Hartwell next week, per Shawn Michaels’ approval. Xia Li comes in to say she wants a shot too. Becky says say the word, but Li says on her time. Then why did she come in? Anyway here is Jade Cargill, with Becky telling her to get in line. Becky leaves and Cargill calls her funny.

Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso are ready for the main event.

Intercontinental Title: Bronson Reed vs. Gunther

Gunther, with Imperium, is defending. Reed powers out of the corner to start and staggers Gunther with a shoulder. That’s fine with Gunther, who boots him in the face twice in a row. Reed comes back out with a knockdown of his own, setting up a splash in the corner. They head outside with Gunther powering him into the apron, setting up the sleeper back inside. That’s broken up and Reed drops him on the apron, setting up the running shoulder to drop Gunther as we take a break.

Back with Reed winning a slugout, setting up a nasty Death Valley Driver for two. Gunther’s big clothesline gets two so he goes up top, only to get superplexed down for the huge crash. The Tsunami misses though and Gunther clotheslines him down. The top rope splash only gives Gunther two and he can’t believe the kickout. With nothing else working, Gunther hits the powerbomb to retain the title at 12:39.

Rating: B. I’ve said this before but there is something about building up a match between two monsters who are going to hit each other really hard. That’s exactly what you go there as it was a question of which one was going to manage to survive, which is how Gunther felt in the end. Reed didn’t feel like a major threat to win the title, but my goodness it was a heck of a fight on the way there.

Miz complains about being put on the third hour of the show and thinks Nick Aldis should take over Raw. Nia Jax comes in and says she’s still taking everyone’s best shot and looking pretty. No one has taken her best shot because she does the squashing around here. Miz isn’t pleased but we’re out of time for him.

Rhea Ripley comes in to see Adam Pearce and tells him to get the women’s division in line. Pearce is tired of threats so it’s a five way match for the title at Crown Jewel. Ripley isn’t happy and says she’ll eradicate them all. With Ripley gone, Jinder Mahal and Indus Sher come in to say they want to talk.

The Alpha Academy, with Akira Tozawa, is doing Pilates, when New Day comes in. Gyrations occur and a match is made for next week.

Here’s what’s coming next week, including Logan Paul.

We look at the opening of Kofi Kingston’s children’s library and digital center in Ghana to help with education. That’s awesome.

Gunther is proud of Ludwig Kaiser for his win tonight. Giovanni Vinci on the other hand, didn’t accomplish his goal. Gunther saw Johnny Gargano walking around tonight, so next week, he wants Gargano stretchered out. It’s Kaiser’s responsibility.

Tag Team Titles: Judgment Day vs. Cody Rhodes/Jey Uso

Rhodes and Uso are defending. We’re joined in progress with Cody working on Balor’s arm and handing it off to Uso to do the same. Uso gets low bridged to the floor and it’s a backbreaker/elbow combination for two back inside. A quick escape allows the tag back to Cody, who hits a pair of powerslams. Cue Dominik Mysterio for a distraction but Uso superkicks Balor to break up 1916.

Cody hits Cross Rhodes on Priest but Dominik puts the foot on the ropes. Balor hits a dropkick on the floor and we take a break. Back with Cody snapping off the leg hands but Priest kicks him in the head. Cody manages to get over to Jey for the tag and the pace picks up. The Cody 1D hits Balor for two but Priest hits a chokeslam to put Cody onto the apron. Dominik shoves Uso off the top so Balor can roll him up for two.

Cue Sami Zayn to jump Dominik so Cody throws Priest over the barricade. Balor breaks up the tag though and it’s a double clothesline to put Uso and Balor down. Priest is back with a low blow to Cody and the toss Razor’s Edge puts Cody through the announcers’ table. Jey dives onto Priest but gets caught by Balor’s Sling Blade. Balor hits the shotgun dropkick but misses the Coup de Grace. Uso spears Balor and gives Priest another one before loading up the Superfly Splash. Cue Jimmy Uso to superkick Jey, allowing Balor to hit the Coup de Grace and win the titles back at 14:00.

Rating: B-. It wasn’t quite as good as the Fastlane match but they got things rolling by the end. There is definitely chemistry between these teams and it was a big time feel with the title change. I’m not sure what this is going to mean for Jimmy vs. Jey going forward, but it would not surprise me to see them getting a showdown at Crown Jewel. For now though, the title change is big enough.

Judgment Day poses to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. This show felt like a big deal and it was nice to see a bunch of stories advanced with an important moment at the end. There was nothing bad (save for maybe the ending to Ripley vs. Baszler) on the show and the matches were good to pretty good on the low end. I had a fun time with this show and it was one of the better Raw’s in awhile. WWE is starting to heat up again and that’s great timing as the important season is around the corner.

Shinsuke Nakamura b. Ricochet – Kinshasa
Piper Niven b. Natalya – Basement crossbody
Ludwig Kaiser b. Johnny Gargano – Twisting DDT
Rhea Ripley b. Shayna Baszler via DQ when Zoey Stark interfered
Gunther b. Bronson Reed – Powerbomb
Judgment Day b. Cody Rhodes/Jey Uso – Coup de Grace to Uso



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.


NXT LVL Up – October 13, 2023: Best Match They’ve Had In Months

Date: October 13, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

Things did not exactly stay interesting last week as it was one of the less engaging shows I can remember from around here in a long time. That is the kind of show I would hope to be a random one off but that is not exactly likely around here. Maybe they’ve got something this week so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Ivy Nile vs. Kiyah Saint

Commentary is VERY enthusiastic about Saint’s resume, even as Nile shoulders her down to start. Nile runs her over again for two and we hit the front facelock. A gutwrench suplex gives Nile two but Saint is back up with a sunset flip. Saint gets her down and cranks on both arms until Nile fights up. Some forearms cut Nile back down though and a running knee in the corner gets two. Nile is back with a German suplex out of the corner and a crucifix into the Diamond Chain Lock finishes Saint at 6:48.

Rating: C+. Saint got in WAY more than I would have expected here, which has me thinking that WWE is expecting more out of her in the future. Nile is one of the bigger names that regularly appears around here and it’s no surprise that she got another win. I would say my usual thing about hoping she gets to do more, but after saying it for months, the hope is kind of gone.

Axiom is impressed by Riley Osbourne but is going to have to make him wait a bit longer for his next win.

Axiom vs. Riley Osbourne

Axiom takes him down by the arm to start as the fans seem a bit split here. Osbourne takes him down with a test of strength for some near falls before they trade monkey flips. Back up and Axiom sends him outside, only to be sent into the corner back inside. Osbourne grabs a chinlock back inside but Axiom fights up in a hurry and scores with a dropkick.

Osbourne snaps off a running hurricanrana for two but Axiom wins a slugout. They crash out to the floor, where Osbourne hits a 619 from the apron. Axiom knocks him down so Osbourne has to dive back in, where Axiom is waiting with a frog splash for the pin (though Osbourne’s shoulder might have been up) at 8:21.

Rating: B-. That was one of the best matches I’ve seen around here in months as this was all about two people getting to showcase themselves with a little more time than usual. Axiom has shown that he can hang with anyone but Osbourne got a chance to shine here as well. Heck of a match between these two and I’m glad to see them get such a chance.

Respect is shown to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This week’s show was a bit shorter than most shows and if that included two matches of higher quality than usual, I can certainly take it. The main event was a good match and the opener was good enough, making this one of the best shows they’ve had in a pretty long time. Odds are this was different because of the special edition of NXT this week, but I can go for a special LVL Up as well.

Ivy Nile b. Kiyah Saint – Diamond Chain Lock
Axiom b. Riley Osbourne – Frog splash



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.

ECW On Sci Fi – July 1, 2008: Wrong Way?

ECW On Sci Fi
Date: July 1, 2008
Location: Tulsa Convention Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Commentators: Mike Adamle, Tazz

We’re all done with the Draft, including the Supplemental Draft, and we also have a new ECW Champion in Mark Henry. ECW needs a new direction and having someone to chase the monster champ could be a good way to go. Other than that though, it should be interesting to see what they go with from here. Let’s get to it.

Here is Night Of Champions if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Mark Henry beating Big Show and champion Kane to win the ECW Title.

Opening sequence.

Here is Mark Henry to get things going. Henry brags about his dominance and proclaims himself as the savior of ECW. Cue Tommy Dreamer and Colin Delaney, with Henry saying he doesn’t like being interrupted. Dreamer issues a challenge to Henry, who tells both of them to get out of here. We hear about Delaney’s toughness before Dreamer goes into the history of the ECW Title. Dreamer points out Tazz breaking his neck for the title and how much of a legacy it carries. Henry says Dreamer has to earn a title shot, but only if Delaney can beat him. Delaney accepts and Henry promises to wreck him tonight.

Matt Hardy/Hornswoggle/Finlay vs. Miz/John Morrison/Chavo Guerrero

Bam Neely is here with the villains. Matt and Miz start things off with Matt winning the standard fight over arm control. The armbar goes on until Miz fights up and drives him into the corner. A front facelock cuts Miz off though and it’s off to Finlay, who atomic drops Morrison. Chavo comes in to hammer away but Finlay ties him up in the ring skirts and unloads with forearms. Hornswoggle gets tossed onto Chavo and we take a break.

Back with Matt fighting out of a chinlock but getting dragged back into the wrong corner. Morrison adds a slingshot elbow and we hit the chinlock. Miz gets his own chinlock before it’s back to Morrison for the third chinlock in about two minutes. Matt fights up and hits a Side Effect to escape, allowing the tag back to Finlay. Everything breaks down and Hornswoggle hits a Tadpole Splash on Chavo, setting up the Celtic Cross for the pin.

Rating: C+. Not a bad six man here as Chavo is starting to be treated a bit less seriously around here. Finlay being used in his standard tough guy role works well, even with Hornswoggle there to keep things light. Matt, Miz and Morrison feel like they should be bigger deals, but having them involved with this did add some star power.

Raw Rebound.

Tommy Dreamer and Colin Delaney have a pep talk.

Armando Estrada interrupts Teddy Long talking to Tiffany and someone with a lot of hair. Estrada wants to know about his contract status but Long says don’t interrupt. Long introduces Atlas Ortiz, part of the new Superstar Initiative. Estrada can face Ortiz next.

Armando Estrada vs. Atlas Ortiz

They go to the mat to start with Atlas grabbing a headlock. Said headlock goes on for a good while until Estrada fights up and starts working on the back. A few forearms set up an armbar as this isn’t exactly high speed stuff. Estrada pulls him down by the hair and the armbar goes on again. Back up and Ortiz snaps off an armdrag before a dropkick gets two. A backslide gives Ortiz the pin.

Rating: D+. I remember watching Ortiz back in OVW and he wasn’t interesting there either. Ortiz looks unique and unfortunately that’s about the extent of his positives. If this was supposed to be the match that makes me want to see more of Ortiz, WWE has missed pretty badly, as this was a lot of laying around before the most basic offense finished it off. If Ortiz is their best prospect, they’re in big trouble.

Colin Delaney vs. Mark Henry

Non-title but if Delaney wins, Tommy Dreamer (at ringside) gets an ECW Title shot. Delaney gets powered into the corner to start and a hair takedown makes it worse. A few shots to the head and chest have little effect on Henry, who gorilla press drops him. The World’s Strongest Slam finishes Delaney in a hurry.

Overall Rating: C. Well, it was certainly different, and that does at least address one of the biggest issues this show has had in recent weeks. That being said, Henry beating up Delaney feels like something we’ve been seeing for months now and Ortiz was hardly an interesting new direction. I like that they tried, but it didn’t exactly go in the right direction.



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.


Daily News Update – October 16, 2023

Make sure you check out a recent review:

Monday Night Raw – June 30, 2008

WATCH: LA Knight Takes Out Roman Reigns At WWE Live Event.


Welcome Back: Former WWE Wrestler Returning To The Ring After Three Year Absence.


Getting To Know You: Details On Jade Cargill Backstage At SmackDown Last Week.


Power Of Positivity: Kofi Kingston Offers Good News On Big E.’s Status.


Change Of Plans: Scheduled AEW Match Postponed Due To Last Minute Injury.


As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page and follow us on Twitter (featuring news stories written by ME).

Monday Night Raw – June 30, 2008: The Solution To A Problem

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 30, 2008
Location: Ford Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Attendance: 9,800
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler

We’re done with the Draft and that means things are changing around here in a big way. There are some new stars, but the interesting part is that the top champion is currently the new Intercontinental Champion, Kofi Kingston. Both World Titles are on Smackdown and the ECW Title is in ECW, which means something is going to have to change. Let’s get to it.

Here is Night Of Champions if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Vince McMahon being taken out at the end of Million Dollar Mania.

Shane McMahon joins us to say that since his dad is a private man, we won’t be talking about what happened last week. Everyone here needs to pull together in this time of uncertainty.

Opening sequence.

Here is Jim Ross to get things going. JR is grateful to be here and is thankful for everyone who has come along with him. He is starting a new journey on Smackdown and hopes everyone comes with him as they take the show to places it has never gone before. We also get a special thank you to Jerry Lawler, who JR refers to as his older brother. JR puts Michael Cole over as his successor (the fans boo anyway) before talking about his history here in Oklahoma City. He doesn’t seem too thrilled with Vince McMahon, who is probably a Longhorn fan.

Anyway, he asks we join him on Smackdown and eat more barbecue…but here are Edge, Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder to interrupt. Edge says he had to be here because JR’s arrogance amazes him. Why should anyone care about him? Or the Sooners? Or JR’s relationship with Jerry Lawler? It’s not all bad though, because now JR can come to Smackdown and start his real Hall Of Fame career. Instead of STONE COLD, it’s going to be EDGE WINS!

Edge wants him to try it but JR drops the mic instead. With that, Edge has Hawkins and Ryder escort JR out, leaving him to talk about how Vickie Guerrero and the Undertaker aren’t here. The Shawn Michaels, the John Cenas, the Rey Mysterios and more will never have a shot at the World Title and outside of a Draft show, you will never see him on Raw again. Edge goes to leave but cue Batista to get some revenge for last night. Batista sends him into various things and hits the Batista Bomb inside to leave Edge laying…..AND HERE IS CM PUNK WITH THE BRIEFCASE!

Smackdown World Title: CM Punk vs. Edge

Punk is challenging and hits the GTS to win the title! Well that’s one way to open the show.

Post break we get some replays as commentary hypes up how important that really was.

Mickie James vs. Jillian Hall

Non-title and Mickie is aghast as Jillian’s singing. Mickie knocks her outside to start and hits a slingshot dropkick through the ropes. Back in and Jillian goes after the bad arm before slamming her head first onto the mat. The handspring elbow misses in the corner though and the Mick Kick finishes Jillian out of nowhere.

Here is Rey Mysterio for a chat. First of all, Rey thanks CM Punk for bringing the World Title back to Raw. Rey likes the idea of being on the show but here is Santino Marella to interrupt. Santino officially welcome Rey to Mondays. However, he thinks that Rey is hiding behind the mask because he is ugly, stupid, or Batman. Santino thinks Rey is out for attention and we see a photo of Rey on the cover of WWE Magazine. Why wasn’t Santino’s picture used? We see said photo, which is Santino laid out on a bed with a flower in hand. Santino seems to threaten him so the beating is on, with Rey hitting the 619.

We look at CM Punk winning the World Title again.

Punk is so happy with his win and thanks Batista for the attempt. He thanks as many people as he can remember when JBL interrupts. JBL asks if Punk is proud winning a title that way before asking for a title shot tonight. Works for Punk.

Here is John Cena for a chat. No he didn’t win the title last night but he takes that loss with pride. Losing to HHH showed that they are the two best in the business but that brings us to tonight. CM Punk made history and that was awesome, though JBL tried to steal his spotlight. Cena likes Punk because he has brains and guts so he would have given anyone a title shot. Anyone from Harvey Wippleman to Downtown Bruno to Abe Knuckleball Schwartz to Cena himself.

That’s a good idea, and since there is no boss around here, let’s get Punk out here to make up his own mind. Instead here is JBL to say he’s facing Punk tonight and that he’s declaring MARTIAL LAW in WWE. JBL brings out security to escort Cena out of the building because he more or less runs WWE these days. Security and JBL beat him down and Cena is (finally) carried out. Well that didn’t make Cena look very good.

Cody Rhodes/Ted DiBiase vs. Darren Wade/Steve Anthony

Non-title. Cody takes Anthony down without much effort to start and it’s quickly off to DiBiase for some stomping. The DDT gives Cody the fast pin.

Post match Rhodes talks about how annoying Hardcore Holly was, with his talk about doing things the “right way”. All that got Cody was a job carrying Holly to keep the baby boomer’s career alive. You don’t tell someone as talented as Cody to pay his dues because he couldn’t even focus on himself. So he moved over to a new partner who is young, good looking and dynamic. DiBiase talks about how people under thirty are spoiled but they took matters into their own hands, which makes them….priceless.

Katie Lea Burchill and Paul Burchill talk about how she should be/will be Women’s Champion. He goes to deal with something so here is Jamie Noble to hit on her. Noble plans to go up to the biggest, meanest guy around and go after him. Cue Kane so Noble goes up to him for the threats, including a knock knock joke with a threat as the punchline. Kane sends him running off. Noble comes running into the arena with Kane following. While Noble manages a few shots of his own, the beating doesn’t take long and Noble is chokeslammed onto the announcers’ table.

Intercontinental Title: Chris Jericho vs. Kofi Kingston

Kingston is defending in a rematch after winning the title last night. Before the match, an annoyed Jericho talks about how WWE.com called him Y2 Jaded after he was cheated out of the Intercontinental Title. As for tonight, Shawn Michaels isn’t in the building, which is what Jericho has heard for weeks now. Believe it or not, Shawn is involved in another lie! There is a problem with Shawn’s eye but Jericho is challenging him for the Great American Bash.

With that out of the way, we’re ready to go and we’re joined in progress after a break with Jericho working on a neck crank. Kofi fights up and hits a running forearm into the Boom Drop. Back up and Jericho gets a boot up in the corner, setting up the Lionsault for two. They trade rollups with both using the tights but only Jericho gets caught….and that’s a DQ.

Rating: C. They didn’t have time to do much here but this was about Jericho making his challenge for Shawn Michaels and being all upset. That’s a fine way to go and it makes for a different way to go for Jericho. This is one of the more interesting things on either show at the moment and the match with Shawn should be awesome.

Post match Jericho lays Kofi out.

We look back at the CM Punk title win.

Edge blames Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins for his loss and tells them to get in the car and drive him away.

Raw World Title: CM Punk vs. John Bradshaw Layfield

Punk is defending and cue JBL’s security as we get going. JBL takes over in the corner to start as the fans are cheering for Cena. Back up and Punk knees him out to the floor, where JBL hits a heck of a clothesline. A boot to the face hits Punk as the fans are getting behind the champ for a change. JBL grabs a sleeper but Punk elbows his way out and gets a boot up in the corner. Punk kicks him in the head and hits the springboard clothesline for two. Cue John Cena and Cryme Tyme to brawl with the security, with the distraction letting Punk hit the GTS to retain.

Rating: C. This was another short match that didn’t exactly make Punk look like a star but he did get the pin. It just might not be the best sign that the fans were chanting for John Cena, though that was kind of the problem with what happened earlier tonight. For now though, it’s a nice enough start for Punk, who played the underdog well here.

Punk gets in on the fight to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. Well this show was all about making CM Punk the new champ and setting up JBL as the top heel against both Punk and John Cena. That might make sense on paper, but there is the fact that it’s JBL getting this much time. He’s in his slow talking phase here and hearing him talk about how rich and powerful he is isn’t going to last long. At the same time, there is the Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho feud, which should be a lot better once Shawn is back.



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37. First Step: More Details On Nick Aldis To WWE, Backstage Reaction. October 14, 2023.


38. WATCH: Logan Paul Issues Challenge To WWE Superstar, Wants Title Shot. October 15, 2023.


39. He Did It: Details On Why Triple H Took Vince McMahon’s Place In WWE Creative. October 15, 2023.


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