Dynamite – October 4, 2023: Waking Up From The WrestleDream

Date: October 4, 2023
Location: Stockton Arena, Stockton, California
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone

We’re done with WrestleDream and more importantly, it’s the fourth anniversary of Dynamite. The card is fairly stacked as a result with the International Title on the line, plus Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho acing the Don Callis Family. Oh and Adam Copeland is here as well. Let’s get to it.

Here is WrestleDream if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho are ready to fight the Don Callis Family when Adam Copeland shows up. Adam is glad to be here and shakes hands with Jericho. Omega introduces himself, saying Adam had him on the edge of his seat at WrestleDream. They shake hands and Omega is looking forward to what Adam brings to AEW and everything seems cool.

International Title: Rey Fenix vs. Nick Jackson

Fenix is defending and Alex Abrahantes, Penta El Zero Miedo and Matt Jackson are here too. A running shoulder doesn’t do much for Fenix so they trade chops. Nick sends him to the apron but a sunset bomb to the floor is blocked, allowing Fenix to grab a middle rope armdrag. Fenix seems to come up a little sore but is fine enough to send Nick over the barricade. A hurricanrana gets Nick out of trouble though and they head back inside.

Fenix slips on the ropes though and Nick gets a Backstabber out of the corner. Fenix is fine enough to kick him off the apron and we take a break. Back with Fenix hitting a superkick but getting caught in a hurricanrana for two. Fenix knocks him to the floor but Nick catches him with a cutter.

Back in and the slingshot X Factor gets two on Fenix but Nick is pulled down on the ropes. He’s fine enough to hit a super cutter for two and they both need a breather. A springboard Canadian Destroyer drops Fenix for two more but Fenix is right back with a knockdown of his own. Fenix’s frog splash gets two but the Black Fire Driver is countered into a rollup which is countered into another rollup to pin Nick at 13:42.

Rating: B-. They kept the pace up here as you would have expected but it wasn’t exactly great. Granted that might be because Jackson isn’t known for his singles matches and isn’t usually as smooth in them. Odds are Fenix doesn’t hold the title that much longer and given the circumstances under which he won it, that shouldn’t be a surprise.

We get a segment with Adam Cole visiting Roderick Strong and the Kingdom. Strong talks about the works of Beethoven but Cole prefers Tchaikovsky. In theory at least, as there is no audio as Cole rides around on a bike that Strong has given him and Strong has a stuffed giraffe.

Wardlow vs. Griff Garrison

The referee stops it after a five movement Powerbomb Symphony at 1:02.

Wardlow leaves through the crowd, which seems to be pleased.

We look back at Adam Copeland’s debut at WrestleDream.

Don Callis says Sammy Guevara is hurt so Kyle Fletcher is taking his place.

We get the Cole/Strong segment, with Strong giving Cole a bike to get around on his bad ankle. As for the emergency from last week, Strong needs Cole to move some furniture. Cole struggles but manages to do it, only to have Strong ask him for one more favor.

Trios Titles: Billy Gunn/Acclaimed vs. Kip Sabian/Butcher and the Blade

Gunn and the Acclaimed are challenging and Penelope Ford is here with the challengers. It’s a big brawl before the match with the champs taking over. We take an early break and come back with everything breaking down. Scissor Me Timbers hits Blade and an assisted flipping slam finishes Sabian at 5:14. Not enough shown to rate but it was about what you would expect.

We get more of the Toni Storm interview as she freaks out over not having it anymore. She’s told she isn’t old, which sends her into saying “I’M TIMELESS” over and over.

Bryan Danielson is very pleased with his win over Zack Sabre Jr. but Sabre says the running knee was a scoundrel move.

Hangman Page says back to the drawing board after the loss to Swerve Strickland. Swerve is rather pleased.

We look back at MJF and Jay White arguing last week, followed by White being attacked to end the show.

Here is Bullet Club Gold, minus White, to mock MJF (after mocking Adam Cole’s ankle injury). He’s supposed to be some generational talent but the best he could think of was “tofu”. They call out MJF to come out here and face them like a man so cue MJF. We get some insults about various body parts and MJF has the fans chant both insults.

MJF lists off some things he’s done over the years, but he didn’t attack White. The challenge is on for a street fight but the Club runs, allowing Jay White to come in with the Blade Runner. White takes the title up to the stage and talks about how MJF is nowhere near elite. The challenge is made for Gull Gear and MJF is in. These segments still aren’t hitting the high points like you would expect from these two working together.

Hook and Orange Cassidy share some clips and talk about how Cassidy should get a title shot.

Chris Jericho/Kenny Omega vs. Kyle Fletcher/Konosuke Takeshita

Don Callis on commentary. Jericho shoulders Takeshita down to start and it’s Omega coming in for a double suplex. Takeshita suplexes Jericho to come back and we take a break. Back with Omega getting to clean house until Fletcher takes him down for two. Jericho comes back in to chop Fletcher in the corner, setting up the super hurricanrana.

Omega and Takeshita fight to the floor, leaving Jericho and Fletcher to chop it out from their knees. Jericho and Fletcher hit stereo clotheslines and we take another break. Back again with Jericho scoring with an enziguri, allowing the tag off to Omega for the slugout with Fletcher. A powerbomb into the knee to the face gives Omega two and Takeshita is knocked down. The Codebreaker into the One Winged Angel finishes for Omega at 15:11.

Rating: B-. This was hurt by having Fletcher, who has nothing to do with the story, included but if Sammy Guevara was injured, there is only so much they could have done. What we got was good, and Jericho teaming with Omega does feel like a big deal. I’m not sure what the endgame for the story with Callis is, but we still could be a long way off from it taking place.

Post match Powerhouse Hobbs runs in to take out Jericho and Omega as Don Callis seems to have a new star. The beating goes on in the crowd for a bit until they go back to ringside, where Omega is tied in the ropes. Callis gets in a chair shot to the head to end a rather lengthy beatdown. Of note: commentary explained that the Young Bucks and Hangman Page left/weren’t here to cover the lack of a save.

MJF is in the trainer’s room and wishes Adam Cole was here. For some reason Max Caster pops in to rub his neck, with MJF threatening a restraining order (apparently they have a running thing on Twitter). With Caster gone, MJF calls Adam Cole but gets voicemail.

Samoa Joe cuts some cigars and talks about needing to regain the hunger that it takes to be a champion. The championship he currently holds is not mentioned.

Toni Storm vs. Skye Blue

Storm is now officially timeless, complete with a black and white intro. Blue gets jumped to start but manages a forearm from the apron. Storm knocks her off the top though and scores with the hip attack. Storm: “We’ll be back after these words from our very important sponsors.” And we go to a break. Back with Blue rolling Storm up for two and firing off the forearms. A high crossbody gives Blue two but Storm’s chokebomb gets the same. The running hip attack into Storm Zero finishes Blue at 6:46.

Rating: C. This was the usual AEW women’s match, as they had so much time cut out that it wasn’t able to do much. Storm’s pitch to the commercial was funny, but other than that she didn’t do much different than her usual matches. That being said, the weird stuff she’s doing at the moment is making her more interesting than she’s been in years and that is great to see.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Here is Adam Copeland for his Mission Statement. After praising (and dismissing) Tony Schiavone, Copeland says he likes the ADAM chant (Copeland: “I’ve never heard that one before!”). He likes the idea of the AEW World Title around his waist and thinks there are a lot of first time matches he likes the sound of facing (Jon Moxley, Miro, Powerhouse Hobbs, Jay White etc).

Not long ago he asked his daughters if he should retire, but one of them said he should go have fun with Uncle Jay, better known as Christian Cage. Cue Cage, with Copeland talking about how they’ve been best friends for 40 years. Copeland isn’t happy with what Cage did to Sting at WrestleDream, because he remembers Cage taking Sting’s picture to the barber shop so he could have the same haircut.

It’s time for the first time in over twenty years for the two of them to….team together again. They could face teams like FTR or the Young Bucks, so let’s do it one more time. They hug, but Cage says “Go CENSORED” and walks off. Cage brings out Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne for the staredown to end the show. This is an interesting way to go, as having Christian around and not tying Edge into him somehow would have felt off.

Overall Rating: C+. This wasn’t exactly a great show as save for the main event and the Hobbs deal, there wasn’t much going on. Wardlow being back is cool, but he was on screen for all of two minutes doing his usual stuff. For an anniversary show, I was expecting more, though I do like having the main event of Full Gear set up this far in advance. Next week’s show is the one that matters, but I was expecting more out of an anniversary/PPV fallout show.

Rey Fenix b. Nick Jackson – Rollup
Wardlow b. Griff Garrison via referee stoppage
Billy Gunn/Acclaimed b. Kip Sabian/Butcher and the Blade – Assisted Iconoclasm to Sabian
Chris Jericho/Kenny Omega b. Konosuke Takeshita/Kyle Fletcher – One Winged Angel to Fletcher
Toni Storm b. Skye Blue – Storm Zero



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Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.


NXT LVL Up – September 29, 2023: Not Anymore

Date: September 29, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

It’s the last show before No Mercy but I’m not sure if that is going to make much of a difference around here. The Global Heritage Invitational has come to an end and unfortunately that probably means the end of any matches with important for this show. Hopefully I’m wrong though so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Fallon Henley vs. Arianna Grace

This is Grace’s first match in almost a year and she knows we all missed her because she is a true beauty queen. Grace armdrags her down and allows Henley to kiss her hand. Henley does the same thing and makes the same offer before kicking Grace in the head. Back up and Grace knocks her into the corner, setting up the reverse chinlock. Henley fights up and starts the comeback, but misses a charge into the corner. Grace grabs a rollup but gets caught with her feet on the ropes. The distraction lets Henley grab a rollup for the pin at 4:20.

Rating: C. Not much of a match here and Grace is pretty much exactly what she was before her injury. I’m still not sure how far she is going to get with an only ok gimmick, but she needs to grow in the ring a lot. What matters is she’s back in the ring, as she can’t do much while still recovering from injuries.

Riley Osborne knows we have seen a quick glimpse of him but tonight he’s ready for another win.

Riley Osborne vs. Myles Borne

Osborne flips around to escape a wristlock and a rollup gets a fast two. Borne drives him into the corner and hammers away until a dropkick cuts him off in a hurry. A dropkick puts Osborne down and Borne grabs a chinlock. That’s broken up and Osborne elbows away before knocking him out to the floor. The big dive connects but a shooting star misses back inside. Borne grabs a dragon sleeper for the tap at 5:04.

Rating: C+. This was a faster paced match than usual around here and Osborne has the energy needed to get himself noticed. It’s going to take some time for him to get noticed but things are already on the right path. Borne has certainly improved as well and is turning into a much more polished star.

Oro Mensah vs. Tavion Heights

The rest of Meta Four is here with Mensah. Heights takes him down by the wrist to start but gets kicked in the face for his efforts. Mensah sends him throat first into the rope to take him down and adds another kick to the face. A rollup gives Heights two but he gets caught with a springboard kick for the same. Heights is back up with a string of suplexes for two each but Mensah kicks him in the face again for the pin at 6:00.

Rating: C-. Not the best match here as there is only so much you can get out of Mensah kicking him in the face over and over. Heights was showcasing himself well enough with the suplexes but at some point he needs something better than what he got from Mensah. He can do more than this, but for some reason it wasn’t on display here.

Overall Rating: C. And we’re back to the same LVL Up that we’ve been stuck on for months. The Global Heritage Invitational stuff helped for a few weeks but here we are again with one nothing match after another. With only one decent match throughout, there is only so much to get out of LVL Up and it was thoroughly covered this week.

Fallon Henley b. Arianna Grace – Rollup
Myles Borne b. Riley Osborne – Dragon sleeper
Oro Mensah b. Tavion Heights – Low superkick



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.

Daily News Update – October 4, 2023

Make sure you check out a recent review:

NXT – October 3, 2023

Next Up: Roman Reigns Set For Next WWE Universal Title Defense.


He Would Know: Kevin Nash Reveals Triple H’s Reaction To Recent Divorce Rumor.


Three Way: WWE, AEW And More Interested In Free Agent Former World Champion.


Coming Attractions: NXT Announces John Cena, Cody Rhodes, More For Next Week.


WATCH: Title Change Takes Place This Week On NXT After Wild Finish.


WRESTLING RUMORS: LA Knight’s Dominance Of WWE Continues.


She’s Got Next: Major Update On WWE’s Plans For Jade Cargill.


As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page and follow us on Twitter (featuring news stories written by ME).

NXT – October 3, 2023: Really Big Coming Attractions

Date: October 3, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

We’re done with No Mercy and that means we are on the way to the two week spectacle that is Halloween Havoc. The big story is Ilja Dragunov taking the NXT Title from Carmelo Hayes, but Dominik Mysterio also lost the North American Title to Trick Williams. The latter has a rematch tonight and Rhea Ripley is back as well. Let’s get to it.

Here is No Mercy if you need a recap.

We open with a long rematch from No Mercy.

Here is Becky Lynch, arm no longer in a sling, to open things up. She’s still not medically cleared to compete, but neither if Tiffany Stratton after the beating she gave her. Now she’s thinking towards the future though, and that is the first night of Halloween Havoc. She knows she has Tegan Nox first, but here is Lyra Valkyria to interrupt.

Valkyria talks about Becky making her NXT debut in 2014 and it was the first episode of the show she ever saw. It made her start training and she can’t believe how far Becky has taken Irish wrestling. Valkyria would love a title shot but here is Indi Hartwell to say she never lost the title. Roxanne Perez comes out (with Becky doing a motion of “come on down”) and says she wants the title back too. Becky says we’ll just do a triple threat for the Halloween Havoc title shot.

We look at the NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament brackets:

Kelani Jordan
Izzy Dame

Arianna Grace
Jakara Jackson

Karmen Petrovic
Jaida Parker

Dani Palmer
Lola Vice

Tyler Bate/Butch vs. Gallus

Joe Coffey is here with Gallus. Butch takes Mark down to start but Wolfgang gets in a cheap shot from the apron to take over. Wolfgang comes in but Butch takes over on his arm, allowing the tag to Bate and a double arm stomp. A double arm snap puts Mark on the floor and a double Bop and Bang puts Wolfgang outside too as we take a break. Back with Butch hitting the ten forearms to Mark and then diving on Joe. Bate comes in for the airplane spin to Wolfgang as everything breaks down. Butch hits a moonsault to the floor and Bate adds a dive. Back in and double butterfly powerbomb finishes Mark at 10:06.

Rating: C+. This was more or less a squash as Gallus barely got in any major offense. That being said, losing to a team like British Strong Style is hardly a terrible result and Gallus going away a bit could be nice for the time being. At the very least, Bate and Butch going forward as a regular tag team has some serious potential.

Post match Gallus runs in for the beatdown but Ridge Holland makes the save.

Here is Ilja Dragunov for a chat (but first he slips on the ropes on the way in). After the MELO MISSED chant, Dragunov praises Carmelo Hayes and talks about how hard Hayes pushed him. This championship reign will be a symbol of unparalleled passion. Cue Trick Williams to interrupt, saying he’s here because he won a title at No Mercy too. Williams says he isn’t stopping, but here is a limping Carmelo Hayes to interrupt. Is he slipping or is Williams thanking Dragunov after Hayes praised him for months?

Hayes talks about his history with Williams and praises him for his title win. Defending the title is another level, which has Williams asking if Hayes thinks he can’t do it. Hayes says that’s not what he means but Dragunov asks what Hayes did mean. Dragunov says this was a champions’ conversation but Hayes says Williams needs to be focus on Dominik Mysterio.

Cue Dominik, with Williams saying he’s going to take Dominik out tonight. Dominik accuses Williams of being 6’4 and 240lbs, but he’s still in Hayes’ shadow. Hayes offers to have Williams’ back tonight but Williams says he’s going to do it himself, which Hayes seems to understand.

Indi Hartwell vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Lyra Valkyria

For a title shot at Becky Lynch, on commentary, in three weeks. Indi misses a double clothesline to start and gets sent outside. That leaves Valkyria and Perez to go to the mat, with Perez rolling her up for two. Hartwell is back in and sends Valkyria outside, leaving Perez to roll her up for two as well. Perez spins around her into a headscissors to the floor but Valkyria breaks up a dive. Valkyria’s dropkick through the ropes hits Perez but Indi blocks another one. Perez dives onto Valkyria, only to get dropped by Indi as we take a break.

Back with Perez hitting a high crossbody on Indi and dropkicking Valkyria into the corner. A Russian legsweep gets two on Valkyria and hammers away on Indi but Valkyria dropkicks both of them down. Valkyria suplexes Perez for two but she’s right back with a super hurricanrana for two. Cue Kiana James to pull Perez to the floor but Lynch drops her. That leaves Valkyria to hit a top rope splash for the pin on Indi at 11:54.

Rating: B-. It has felt like Valkyria has been ready to become the new breakout star in NXT for a long time now and giving her the title shot against Lynch on the big stage will be a major step for her. I’m not sure if she wins the title, but she at least gets a chance. Perez has established herself as a player so the loss doesn’t really hurt her. I still don’t quite get the appeal of Hartwell, but she was perfectly fine here for the most part.

Post match Tegan Nox comes out to point at both of them.

Carmelo Hayes runs into Bron Breakker, who asks where Trick Williams was when Hayes lost.

Ilja Dragunov gets his side plates on the NXT Title when Baron Corbin comes in to remind Dragunov that he beat him not too long ago. He’s coming for the title.

Blair Davenport vs. Gigi Dolin

Dolin jumps her from behind during their entrances as ringside is still full of smoke. Back in and the bell rings with Dolin hammering away but Davenport cuts her off. A kick to the back gives Davenport two and they head outside again. Davenport misses a chair shot ad the referee takes it away again back inside. The distraction lets Dolin grab a rollup for the pin at 3:48.

Rating: C. This didn’t have time to do much and they were trying to cram in a bunch of stuff at once. Davenport has hit quite the wall in recent months and this was another hit for her. She’s still good as a villain, but after feeling like she should have jumped up the ranks, she’s losing to Gigi Dolin in less than four minutes. The match was mainly a way to have Davenport get more annoyed, meaning this will continue.

We look at Roxanne Perez winning the Women’s Breakout Tournament last year.

Kiana James is tired of people hearing about Perez because she was in the tournament as well. If Perez wants to fight her, she has to win a match next week. Against Asuka.

We meet the roster of the Women’s Breakout Tournament.

Women’s Breakout Tournament First Round: Izzy Dame vs. Kelani Jordan

Jordan’s sunset flip attempt is blocked to start and Dame sends her throat first into the middle rope. Some shoulders in the corner keep Jordan in trouble and we hit the chinlock with the arm trapped. Dame grabs an over the shoulder backbreaker but Jordan slips out. A 619 armdrag sets up some dropkicks to put Dame down. Jordan hits a high crossbody for two but Dame boots her down for two. Back up and Jordan sends her into the corner, setting up a split legged moonsault for the pin at 4:57.

Rating: C. This wasn’t the smoothest match and while Jordan wasn’t great, she was the better of the two options. These tournaments have a tendency to be about one or two people and Jordan making a run would not be the biggest surprise. At the end of the day, the women’s division needs some fresh blood and we might be seeing it here.

Chase U runs into Thea Hail and Jacy Jayne, with Andre Chase offering to be in Hail’s corner for her tag match. Jayne: “So, like a chaperon?” Jayne thinks it’s not a bad idea and Hail goes along with it, despite some reservations.

We get another vignette of someone watching TV, this time with several second generation wrestlers included. We also see part of a reflection when the TV is turned off. This is the same vignette that aired at No Mercy, or at least close to it.

Thea Hail/Jacy Jayne vs. Lola Vice/Elektra Lopez

Chase U is here too. Hail mocks Vice and Lopez’s dancing entrance. Hail strikes away at Vice to start but Lopez gets in a cheap shot from the apron. The chinlock doesn’t last long for Vice as Hail is up with a dragon screw legwhip. Vice breaks up the tag though and knocks Jayne down on the apron. Hail gets over for the tag to Jayne without much trouble, meaning it’s a running neckbreaker for two on Vice. Back up and Vice gets in a shot of her own, allowing the tag to Lopez. That means a missed charge sends Lopez into the post and it’s back to Hail. A quick Kimura makes Lopez tap at 4:07. Chase U didn’t play a factor here.

Rating: C+. They kept this moving and Hail being all mature but still intense is an interesting hybrid. I can’t imagine this ends with anything but a big Chase U reunion (having it all be Hail’s psychology project would be hilarious), though it’s letting Hail grow a bit. She could only be the crazy student for so long and this is certainly a different way to go for her. If they can give us the big feel good ending, it should work out just fine.

Carmelo Hayes has requested a match with Bron Breakker next week. Oh, and he’ll have a special guest in his corner: John Cena.

Also next week: Cody Rhodes, with a big announcement. Hey did I mention NXT is going head to head with Dynamite next week?

North American Title: Dominik Mysterio vs. Trick Williams

Mysterio, with Rhea Ripley, is challenging in a No Mercy rematch. Williams shoulders and dropkicks him down to start as Ripley is not pleased. We take an early break and come back with the rest of Judgment Day coming to the ring so Dominik can score with a belly to back suplex. A middle rope corkscrew Swanton gives Dominik two and he chokes Williams on the rope.

Three Amigos are broken up and Williams hits a jumping neckbreaker for a breather. Williams hits a Rock Bottom but a distraction lets Dominik hit a DDT onto the belt for two. The 619 connects but the frog splash hits raised knees. Williams hits the running knee so here is JD McDonagh. He’s kneed down as well but Dominik gets the Money in the Bank briefcase. Balor gets in a belt shot and Dominik adds the frog splash to get the title back at 10:19.

Rating: C+. The match and arguably the result aren’t important here. What matters is NXT just made Trick Williams into a star in the last four days. Not only did he beat Dominik clean(ish) to win the title at No Mercy, but it took FIVE people and a belt shot to beat him here. Dominik is right back where he started while Williams is a star who will have a story with Carmelo Hayes coming out of this. Good stuff, and they made a star out of someone with potential.

Post match Paul Heyman pops up to say that since John Cena will be in Carmelo Hayes’ corner, Roman Reigns has told Heyman to be in Breakker’s corner next week. Well sure why not.

Overall Rating: B-. While the wrestling was very focused on the women’s division tonight, this was ALL about the announcements for next week (and maybe the title change too). WWE is going full blast against Dynamite next week and that is going to make for the biggest NXT in a long time. I’m curious to see how things go, but as for tonight, we had a good show coming off NXT, but it’s all about next week and they aren’t trying to hide it.

Butch/Tyler Bate b. Gallus – Double butterfly powerbomb to Coffey
Lyra Valkyria b. Indi Hartwell and Roxanne Perez – Top rope splash to Valkyria
Gigi Dolin b. Blair Davenport – Rollup
Kelani Jordan b. Izzy Dame – Split legged moonsault
Thea Hail/Jacy Jayne b. Elektra Lopez/Lola Vice – Kimura to Vice
Dominik Mysterio b. Trick Williams – Frog splash



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.


Daily News Update – October 3, 2023

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

WrestleDream 2023

Monday Night Raw – October 2, 2023


WATCH: You Might Know Him: Edge Makes Surprise AEW Debut, Reignites Old Feud.


Family Ties: Huge Betrayal Takes Place During AEW WrestleDream Main Event.


Double Ouch: Injury Takes Place At AEW WrestleDream, Champion Suffers Possible Second Injury.


Well Done: NXT Star “The Talk Of The Show” After No Mercy.


They Can Get Along: Backstage WWE And AEW Reactions To Adam Copeland’s AEW Debut.


She’s Out: Becky Lynch Reportedly Pulled From This Week’s Monday Night Raw.


For The Belts: New Title Match Officially Set For WWE Fastlane.


WATCH: Two Superstars Make Surprise Returns On Monday Night Raw, Get In Huge Brawl.


Give It Back? Original Plans For Recent NXT Title Change Were Very Different.


WATCH: Former Champion Makes Surprise Return To End Monday Night Raw.


Out For Now: Two WWE Champions Not Medically Cleared For Monday Night Raw, Title Defense Set.


Reunion Time: Tag Team Family Reunites And Returns To The Ring After Lengthy Absence.


As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page and follow us on Twitter (featuring news stories written by ME).

Monday Night Raw – October 2, 2023: A Pretty Good Night

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 2, 2023
Location: SAP Center, San Jose, California
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

It’s the last Raw before Fastlane and thankfully the card has crown a bit. Granted by grown I mean there are now four matches so there are still quite a few slots that need to be filled. There is a good chance that some of those spots can be filled this week, as they’re kind of out of time otherwise. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We join the show with a fight in progress between Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax, who are scheduled to face each other tonight. They get in the ring with Baszler grabbing the Kirifuda Clutch but being driven into the corner to break it up. Raquel Rodriguez runs in to brawl with Jax but stops to go after Baszler, allowing Jax to drop her.

Cue Rhea Ripley (looking like a superhero) to double leg Jax but Rodriguez jumps her as well. Agents and security run in to break it up, with Ripley being left in the ring to a heck of a MAMI chant. She says she’s not done yet and orders Judgment Day to get out here for a talk. Cue Judgment Day (minus Finn Balor) and after a break, Ripley says they have some business to tend to.

There is no leader in the Judgment Day but they all have responsibilities. Right Dom? She left her responsibility to Priest, and look what happened. He’s not medically cleared to compete tonight, Finn Balor is hurt, and Dom LOST at No Mercy. Priest says people are coming for the titles but he’s going to shove back harder. He has his titles and his briefcase, but where is Dom’s title? The fans want to know as well, but Ripley says you’re welcome for his rematch tomorrow night on NXT.

Either win the title, or don’t bother coming home. Cue Jey Uso to interrupt but Priest isn’t interested. Jey says Ripley has more testicular fortitude than Roman Reigns ever did, but Priest is tired of hearing him open his mouth. Dominik says he’s got this so Priest goes to the floor, leaving Jey to drop Mysterio for a superkick. Cue JD McDonagh to jump Jey and the double teaming is on. House is cleared, and Adam Pearce comes in to make Judgment Day vs. Uso/Rhodes for the Tag Team Titles at Fastlane.

Alpha Academy vs. Imperium

Maxxine Dupri is here too. Gable and Kaiser trade headlocks to start with Kaiser getting the better of things. Vinci comes in and gets suplexed but Kaiser pulls him to the floor. Otis backdrops Gable most of the way to the floor (that didn’t look great) and we take a break. Back with Gable being sent shoulder first into the post so a running dropkick can put him on the floor.

Vinci drops Gable with a hard clothesline and Kaiser grabs the chinlock. Gable fights up and grabs the ankle lock before handing it off to Otis to clean house. The Caterpillar is broken up by Vinci but Otis plants him down and Caterpillars Kaiser anyway. Vinci breaks up a super fall away slam though and Kaiser kicks Otis in the face for the pin at 10:38.

Rating: C+. Imperium gets back on track after some rough weeks and it would be nice to see them built up for a title shot once Judgment Day loses the titles. For now though, beating Alpha Academy is a good way to go, though they need to beat some bigger teams as well. I’m not sure how many options they have though.

We look at Becky Lynch retaining the NXT Women’s Title at No Mercy. Lynch has suffered an elbow injury and she needed eleven stitches to close it. As a result, she is not medically cleared to compete tonight.

Tegan Nox is disappointed that her match with Lynch is off, but Chelsea Green comes in to say Nox should be happy that she isn’t going to lose. A match seems to be made for later.

Bronson Reed vs. Cedric Alexander

Alexander jumps him to start and manages a knock out to the floor. Back in and Reed knocks him out of the air, only to get caught with the Neuralizer for two. Reed is back with a crossbody into a backsplash. The Tsunami finishes Alexander at 2:14.

Drew McIntyre doesn’t want to hear about the right thing because he doesn’t remember anyone doing “the right thing” when the Bloodline was beating him down.

Here are Tommaso Ciampa and Gunther for a contract signing for their Intercontinental Title match next week. Ciampa is about to sign but stops to talk about how Gunther has been served five star meals since he got here. On the other hand, Ciampa is the kind of guy who is expected to turn roadkill into fillet and then makes it happen. Next week Ciampa gets to fight for something he has wanted since he was five years old and he will have his family in the front row. Ciampa is fighting for himself and signs the contract.

Gunther, wearing a suit, criticizes Ciampa for wearing less than professional clothes and says the title is the most prestigious in all of wrestling. Ciampa is ready to beat him tonight, so Gunther says Ciampa should prove it. Gunther signs and the match is on for tonight. A slap to Ciampa is enough to make him jump the table, which Gunther throws over the top. Ciampa chucks a chair at Gunther’s face and Gunther bails. Heck of a promo here from Ciampa, and he can back it up in the ring as well.

Damian Priest is yelling at the rest of Judgment Day but Rhea Ripley calms him down and JD McDonagh says focus on the Tag Team Titles and dividing their opponents. Priest says that’s not bad but needs to think about it.

Xavier Woods vs. Ivar

Kofi Kingston is on commentary and Valhalla is here with Ivar. Woods goes after him to start but Ivar gets a drive into the corner. Ivar crushes him and takes it to the floor, where Ivar misses a charge. A dropkick off of the barricade hits Ivar and we take a break. Back with Woods getting planted again but avoiding a top rope splash. A small package finishes Ivar at 7:35.

Rating: C+. I know they’re going for Ivar as a monster, but it might be better if he wasn’t losing every singles match he has. Pushing Ivar as a singles star is an interesting idea, but that doesn’t work so well without winning something. Woods winning here only makes so much sense anyway, as Ivar already lost to Kofi a few weeks back. Not a bad match, but kind of a puzzling decision.

Post match Ivar jumps Woods and takes out Kofi for trying to make the save. Ivar stacks them up and hits a moonsault for a double crushing. As always: this might be a bit more impressive if he hadn’t just lost.

Video on Seth Rollins vs. Shinsuke Nakamura.

Here is Rollins for a chat. He’s rather fired up (as usual) and even praises Michael Cole for conducting the interview. Cole talks about calling most of Rollins’ career but thinks that Shinsuke Nakamura is playing Rollins this time. He asks what Rollins is doing, because Rollins might not understand what he’s getting himself into. Cole brings up Rollins’ bad back and how many weapons Nakamura will have at his disposal.

Rollins asks how many years Cole has been behind that desk (26) and how many shows he has missed (2). After some applause for those numbers, Rollins says Cole is addicted to this. That’s what he’s going through as well, because this ring is how he makes a living, how he met his wife and why he has a beautiful baby girl. That’s the best he has because it’s a feeling instead of words.

Shinsuke Nakamura pops up on screen to accuse Rollins of faking his back injury. As Nakamura keeps talking, the real Nakamura comes in to jump Rollins from behind. Kinshasa connects as the taped Nakamura counts…..until Rollins gets up. Nakamura puts him through a chair and hits another Kinshasa before counting his own ten. In other words, the same way every segment before a Last Man Standing match ends.

Becky Lynch’s arm is in a sling but she tells Tegan Nox she’s ready for a fight later on. Natalya comes in to say Nox will get her chance.

Chelsea Green vs. Tegan Nox

Piper Niven is here with Green, who jumps Nox to start and goes for a tag. With that not working, Nox fights back but Niven offers a distraction. Cue Natalya, allowing Nox to knock Green off the ropes. The Shiniest Wizard finishes for Nox at 1:59.

Jey Uso is good with teaming with Cody Rhodes. He darts away.

Here is Drew McIntyre for a chat. Drew: “San Jose….what should we talk about?” He’s tired of getting involved in other people’s fights so he’s done with that. Cue Miz to suggest he was right, but McIntyre tells him to shut up again. Miz thinks McIntyre is taking a stand, so why not embrace who he really is? McIntyre: “Shut up Miz.”

McIntyre isn’t going to be the bad guy and suggests a match right now. Miz says that isn’t going to happen because they aren’t dressed for it. They don’t like each other, with Miz saying McIntyre isn’t worth his time. McIntyre says time’s up and it’s time to fight, so the kilt goes off and he’s ready to go. Miz goes for a cheap shot but gets drives into the corner as referees come in to break it up.

Miz vs. Drew McIntyre

Miz is in a suit and bails to the floor to start. Back in and Miz scores with a quick shot, allowing him to rip at McIntyre’s face. The running corner clothesline connects but Miz takes too long unhooking a buckle. The Glasgow Kiss looks to set up the Claymore….but McIntyre grabs the sword instead. McIntyre rips off a buckle pad, sends Miz into it, and hits the Future Shock for the pin at 3:49.

Rating: C. This was more of an illustration of the new McIntyre than anything else and that made for an interesting situation. McIntyre seems to be on his way to a big heel turn and that might be a very good thing for him, as he has felt a bit stale for awhile now. He certainly has the skill to make it work, though it appears to be a bit of a slow process.

Post match McIntyre says he’s a different man than he was 30 seconds ago. McIntyre: “Now I’m on my way to being forgiven! YEAH!” Then he leaves, high fiving fans along the way.

We look at Trick Williams becoming North American Champion.

Trick Williams introduces himself but Judgment Day interrupts, promising that Dominik Mysterio gets the title back tomorrow night.

Here is Cody Rhodes for a chat. He is ok with teaming with Jey Uso, because the Judgment Day got themselves into this trouble. The team’s plan is to be at Smackdown this week, so Cody will be there too, along with Jey. Then they’re on to Fastlane to win the titles.

Fastlane rundown, still with only five matches.

Chad Gable gets very intense when swearing revenge for the Alpha Academy’s setbacks.

Intercontinental Title: Tommaso Ciampa vs. Gunther

Ciampa is challenging and goes right after him to start. Some clotheslines against the ropes look to set up a jumping knee but Gunther reverses into a Boston crab. Ciampa makes the ropes and gets to the floor where he hits a Thesz press. Back in and Ciampa grabs some kind of a choke and it’s Gunther bailing to the floor this time as we take a break.

We come back with Ciampa being sent into the corner, followed by the sleeper. Gunther breaks the grip as the fans are doing Bray Wyatt’s fireflies deal for some reason. Gunther scores with a big boot for two and the sleeper goes on again. Ciampa fights up again, only to get sent hard into the corner as we take another break.

Back with Gunther taking it to the floor but chopping the announcers’ table by mistake. That’s enough for Ciampa to hit Willow’s Bell for two but the Fairy Tale Ending is blocked. Instead, Ciampa stomps away but the running knee is cut off by Gunther’s big dropkick for two. Ciampa hits the running knee, only to have Gunther come back with the sleeper suplex for two.

The big clothesline is cut off with a shot to the bad hand and the Sicilian Stretch goes on. Gunther can’t stack him up for a cover so Ciampa cranks away again until a boot gets the rope break. They chop it out but Gunther’s hand is done and he falls back into the corner. Gunther manages a gutwrench powerbomb though and the regular version plants Ciampa again. The sleeper goes on and Ciampa is out at 22:49.

Rating: B. I know Gunther gets praise for his power and overall demeanor, but he is a heck of a seller too. He looks like he is being tortured in there and that makes his ability to survive all the more impressive. When he hits that other level, it’s a special moment and the kind of thing that makes him feel like that much bigger of a star. Heck of a performance from both here, with Ciampa throwing everything he had at Gunther but coming up short, like so many others have.

Post match Imperium comes in to beat down Ciampa as Gunther leaves. Cue Johnny Gargano for the save and Ciampa is very happy. They load up Meet In The Middle…and the show ends before it happens.

Overall Rating: B-. The wrestling was mostly just ok though until the main event bailed it off. At the same time, they st up something for Fastlane and nothing on here was anything resembling bad. Three hours is still a very long show, but when it’s moving at this pace and has Rhea Ripley looking like the biggest star around, it’s a pretty good night.

Imperium b. Alpha Academy – Kick to the face to Otis
Bronson Reed b. Cedric Alexander – Tsunami
Xavier Woods b. Ivar – Small package
Tegan Nox b. Chelsea Green – Shiniest Wizard
Drew McIntyre b. The Miz – Future Shock
Gunther b. Tommaso Ciampa – Sleeper



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WrestleDream 2023: Well It Wasn’t A Nightmare

WrestleDream 2023
Date: October 1, 2023
Location: Climate Pledge Arena, Seattle, Washington
Commentators: Excalibur, Nigel McGuinness, Jim Ross

We’re back with the third pay per view in six weeks and this has a bit of a theme to it. The idea of this show is paying tribute to Japanese legend Antonio Inoki, who passed away a year ago to the day. As a result, there are some New Japan stars involved in the show, which does have a strong card. Let’s get to it.

We open with a long video tribute to Antonio Inoki, with wrestlers talking about what he meant to wrestling.

Tony Khan is in the ring with some other people, all with the Inoki scarves around their necks. Khan introduces the men as Rocky Romero, Katsuyori Shibata and Hiroto/Naroto Inoki, Antonio’s grandsons. We get Inoki’s signature phrase to wrap it up.

Zero Hour: Shane Taylor/Lee Moriarty/Diamante/Mercedes Martinez vs. Keith Lee/Satoshi Kojima/Athena/Billie Starkz

Fans: “WE WANT BREAD!” Excalibur: “Of course Satoshi Kojima the leader of Bread Club.” JR: “You might want to explain that.” Diamante and Starkz start but it’s quickly off to Athena for a suplex. JR wants Athena to go on a tear, apparently not realizing that she’s been on one for the better part of the last year. Taylor comes in to punch Keith in the face and manages to knock him down.

It’s off to Moriarty, who gets dropped rather quickly so Kojima can come in to run Moriarty over. A DDT gets two with Diamante making the save, earning her a beating from Starkz. Everything breaks down and Athena hits an O Face on Moriarty, with JR calling it illegal. The ring is cleared, leaving Kojima to lariat Moriarty for the pin at 5:38.

Rating: C. They didn’t have time to do much here as they had eight people with less than six minutes. Kojima is a star from New Japan and still does well despite having been around forever, while Keith is rarely in the ring anymore for whatever reasons. It wasn’t a great match or anything close to one, but it was a way to get a lot of people in the ring.

Zero Hour: Josh Barnett vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Jon Moxley is on commentary and talks about training with Barnett. They grapple to start with Barnett powering him down but Castagnoli manages to take over on the mat. Castagnoli gets in some elbows (Moxley: “ELBOW HIS D*** HEAD OFF CLAUDIO!”) but Barnett reverses into a dragon screw legwhip.

That’s broken up as well but Castagnoli can’t get the Swing. Back up and they slug it out until Barnett gets a quickly broken abdominal stretch. Castagnoli gets in the swing, setting up some kind of leglock. Barnett makes the rope and grabs a suplex before they strike it out. The Neutralizer is blocked so Castagnoli pulls him into an Octopus Hold on the mat. That and a rollup is enough to pin Barnett at 8:20.

Rating: B-. This was a different kind of match as it was more of a grappling exchange between two guys who know what they’re doing in that style. Barnett is someone who is a lot better known in mixed martial arts than in wrestling but he’s good enough to hang with someone like Castagnoli. Good stuff here and probably something different than anything else you’ll see on the show.

Post match Barnett shows respect and says Inoki would be a fan of Castagnoli. Barnett says Castagnoli owes him more time though so keep training. Sounds good to Castagnoli.

Zero Hour: Nick Wayne vs. Luchasaurus

Nigel says this is going to be like Luke Skywalker being dropped into the pin with the Rancor. Wayne fires off a dropkick to start but gets tossed with a nasty release German suplex. Luchasaurus pounds away but Wayne is back up with some kicks. A chokeslam sends Wayne to the floor….where he crawls to his mom in the front row. That earns him a face first swing into the barricade but Wayne scores with some kicks back inside. Wayne’s World is easily blocked and the forearm to the back of the head finishes for Luchasaurs at 4:51.

Rating: C. That went about as it should have, as Luchasaurus is a total monster and Wayne is someone who hasn’t proven himself to be on Luchasaurus’ level. There is something to be said about a smaller guy striking away with everything he has but not being able to overcome. The part with his mom was a nice bonus, making this go according to the logical plan.

Zero Hour: Trios Titles: TMDK vs. Acclaimed/Billy Gunn

TMDK (Shane Haste/Mikey Nichols/Bad Dude Tito) is challenging. Tito powers Caster down to start and hands it off to Haste. Caster punches his way out of the corner though and it’s Gunn coming in to quite the reaction. A running shoulder drops Haste and Gunn loads up Scissor Me Timbers, which connects for quite the reaction.

We settle down with Bowens getting caught in the wrong corner and Tito adding a slingshot hilo. Bowens fights out of a chinlock but gets knocked back again to keep up the beating. An attempt to get over to the corner is cut off as Gunn and Caster are knocked to the floor in a smart move. Bowens manages to duck around and get over to Gunn though and house is cleaned. Tito plants Gunn rather quickly and Caster has to make a save. A step up Cannonball hits Caster in the corner but Gunn is back in with the Fameasser. The Arrival into the Mic Drop retains the titles at 9:18.

Rating: C. That was your Rampage opener of the show and not much more. They had some time to do a bit more here than usual and that helped, but it’s another group of guest stars getting a title shot. That is only going to get you so far and they hit most of that limit here. Not a bad match by any means, but there wasn’t much in the way of drama.

And now, the show proper.

Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles: Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Righteous

MJF is defending on his own, but before the match, he accuses someone of stealing his devil mask and attacking Jay White. As for the Righteous, MJF promises a BODY SLAM. Dutch starts for the team and MJF asks who wants to see that body slam. Instead we get the handshake of sportsmanship before MJF pokes Dutch in the eye. MJF gets in a hip swivel and pulls Vincent in, only to get clotheslined by Dutch.

The chinlock doesn’t last long as MJF fights up….but realizes he doesn’t have a partner. Dutch powerbombs him down so Vincent can hit a Swanton for two. The Boss Man Slam gets two more and Autumn Sunshine gets the same, leaving the Righteous stunned. Vincent goes for a chair but MJF grabs him low to cut it off.

Back up and Vincent kicks him in the face but misses a second Swanton. Everything breaks down and Dutch is rammed into the corner over and over. The body slam connects and the fans are thrilled. With Dutch sent into the corner, MJF sends Vincent face first into the back of Dutch’s tights. The Kangaroo Kick sends the Righteous outside and the Heatseeker finishes Dutch (with feet on the ropes) at 9:35.

Rating: C+. Watching MJF do his goofy, almost parody of wrestling is hilarious and it’s great to see him having fun like this. At the same time, the Righteous being out of the title picture for the time being is nice to see. It still feels like the Kingdom will be the ones to win the titles, but at least we’re having a good time on the way there.

We recap Katsuyori Shibata vs. Eddie Kingston, with Kingston defending his two titles but Shibata not defending his.

Ring Of Honor World Title/New Japan Strong Openweight Title: Eddie Kingston vs. Katsuyori Shibata

Only Shibata is challenging and he goes to the mat to start. With that not working, they trade strikes until Shibata pulls him down into an ankle lock. The rope is reached so Shibata grabs a Figure Four to stay on the leg. That’s broken up as well so Shibata puts on a bow and arrow. Kingston fights up and fires off the chops in the corner but Shibata kicks him in the face. The running basement dropkick in the corner and the fans are behind Shibata.

Kingston is back with a t-bone suplex but Shibata grabs an STO, with Taz being at his best by explaining the leverage and science. The Octopus Hold on the mat has Kingston in trouble but he makes it over to the rope. Kingston knocks him away again but Shibata comes back with the running kick to the chest. They strike it out until Kingston’s spinning backfist gets one. The northern lights bomb gets the same, followed by another backfist and the powerbomb to retain the titles at 10:58.

Rating: B-. This was Kingston striking away and gritting through someone more polished and skilled. It made for a nice story to the match and served as Kingston’s latest fantasy match come to life. Kingston needs some wins to establish himself as a star and wins like this one are going to get him a long way.

Post match Shibata gets the big show of respect.

We recap Julia Hart challenging Kris Statlander for the TBS Title. Hart is on a roll but Statlander was the last person to beat her. Now the title is on the line.

TBS Title: Kris Statlander vs. Julia Hart

Hart, with Brody King, is challenging. Statlander powers her into the corner to start and hits some shoulders to the ribs. The running knee misses but she runs Hart over again without much trouble. Hart manages a hurricanrana but Statlander muscles her over with a suplex for two. They go outside, where Statlander grabs her in a fireman’s carry and carries her back up the steps. It’s right back to the floor, with Hart sending her into the barricade this time.

A backsplash gives Hart two back inside and we hit the quickly broken abdominal stretch. Now Statlander’s running knee in the corner sets up the Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Statlander trips so King yells at her, allowing Hart to load up the mist. That takes too long though and Statlander grabs a fisherman’s driver for two more. Hart pulls her off the top and goes up, meaning it’s the moonsault for a rather close two. Hartless goes on but Statlander muscles her up into a Tombstone, followed by Sunday Night Fever to retain at 8:54.

Rating: B-. I was a bit surprised by the result as it stops Hart’s run cold, but Statlander has been on a roll since getting the title. Having her get another pay per view win is not a bad thing whatsoever, but she needs to start fighting some of the bigger names. The division has the depth to have some stronger challengers come after her, though Hart did rather well here in her biggest match ever.

We recap the four way tag match for the #1 contendership to the Tag Team Titles. There are four teams and they’re fighting for a title shot, end of story.

The Gunns vs. Hook/Orange Cassidy vs. Lucha Bros vs. Young Bucks

One fall to a finish for a future AEW Tag Team Title shot. Fenix and Nick strike away at each other before popping up for a staredown. Cassidy tags himself in but the Gunns pull Fenix outside for a ram into the barricade. Back in and Austin dropkicks Cassidy into the corner before trying to cover Colten. The referee isn’t having that and it’s the Bucks’ turn to clean house.

Hook comes in and gets to clear the ring as well, leaving Cassidy to hit a dive onto both Bucks. Apparently Fenix is down so Penta comes in to kick at the Bucks. We settle down to Colten punching Hook down for two but Penta is back in. Made In Japan gets two on Austin as everything breaks down again. Matt hits a superkick and Nick adds the slingshot X Factor to Austin.

Penta’s big running flip dive connects though Hook tags himself in. Redrum is blocked so Cassidy Orange Punches Austin into Redrum to put him in trouble. Nick tags himself in though and hits a 450 for two with Cassidy making a save. The Bucks double superkick Hook but Penta superkicks the Bucks. Not that it matters as the BTE Trigger finishes Penta at 12:10 to give the Bucks the title shot.

Rating: B-. The Bucks are 2/3 of the Six Man Tag Team Champions, #1 contender to the Tag Team Titles and Nick is getting an International Title shot this week. I know it’s All ELITE Wrestling but this might be taking things a bit too literally. Anyway, this was your usual insane display of people jumping and flipping all over the place, though Fenix being down isn’t a good sign. I’m not sure if they’re going to run FTR vs. the Bucks again, but it would certainly be a big deal if they did. I’m just not sure how big.

We recap Hangman Page vs. Swerve Strickland. Page can’t break through to be a star and Swerve wants to prove what he really is. Then Page stabbed him in the hand with a pen.

Hangman Page vs. Swerve Strickland

The Mogul Embassy, complete with dancing Prince Nana, is here with Strickland (the home area boy). Feeling out process to start until Page knocks him into the corner for a loud chop. The fans are WAY behind Swerve here, even as Page knocks him down into the corner. Swerve is right back with a kick to the face and the middle rope elbow to the back lets him dance a bit.

Page manages a quick suplex and they’re both down again. With Swerve on the floor, Page hits a big moonsault to take him down on the floor. The dive drops Swerve again but they go back inside where he grabs a rolling Downward Spiral. The Brainbuster gives Swerve two but Page catches him on top. That’s fine with Swerve, who knocks him backwards for the Swerve Stomp (the fans approve again).

Swerve’s House Call gets two more and they head to the apron. The Deadeye on the apron is blocked so Page hits it on the steps instead. Page doesn’t cover, instead sending him inside and kicking away, only to get caught in the ropes. They slap it out until the Buckshot Lariat is countered into a rather nasty arm crank. We pause for the doctor to check on Page but Swerve hits a Swerve Stomp onto the apron.

A 450 onto the arm gives Swerve two and he grabs the armbar. Page makes the rope and scores with a left arm lariat. Swerve’s armbar is broken up and Page hammers on the bad hand. Swerve gets in a suplex but misses another Stomp. The Buckshot Lariat connects for a rather delayed two, as Prince Nana puts the foot on the rope. Page chases Nana off, allowing Swerve to hit him in the face with Nana’s crown for two. Back to back House Calls set up the JML Driver for the pin on Page at 20:06.

Rating: B+. That’s the Swerve match that the fans have been waiting to see and it worked very well throughout. These guys beat the fire out of each other and it felt like a big slugout. If Swerve becomes a breakout star around here, there is a good chance that this is what starts it off for him. Awesome match here and the best thing on the card so far.

We recap Ricky Starks vs. Wheeler Yuta. Starks wasn’t happy with losing to Bryan Danielson back to back so he’ll fight Danielson’s teammate instead.

Wheeler Yuta vs. Ricky Starks

Jon Moxley is back on commentary. They go with the grappling to start before opting to punch each other in the face instead. Starks gets the better of things and knocks Yuta up against the ropes, allowing him to stare at the crowd a bit. Yuta slips out of a fireman’s carry and rolls him up for two, only to have Starks get in another shot. Moxley thinks Starks is talented but runs his mouth too much, meaning he isn’t sure if he should fight Starks or take him on a date. Yuta is back with something like a Samoan drop and an armbar goes on.

Cue Big Bill as Starks makes the rope and spikes Yuta for two. Starks hits his own hammer and anvil elbows, which just make Yuta mad. That’s fine with Starks, who takes Yuta’s head off but gets shoved off the rope for a crash onto Bill. Yuta posts Bill to get rid of him and fires off the real hammer and anvil elbows. The Seatbelt gives Yuta two but Starks is back up with the spear. The Roshambo finishes Yuta at 9:54.

Rating: C+. The match wasn’t bad, but I’m not sure if it needed to be on the pay per view. This felt like a Rampage main event or a big match on Collision rather than needing to be on here. What matters here though is that Starks got his big win and regains some momentum so things should be getting a bit better for him going forward. Odds are it sets up Moxley vs. Starks as well and that’s not a bad thing.

We recap Bryan Danielson vs. Zack Sabre Jr. and….yeah I think that’s all you need to know here.

Bryan Danielson vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

Sabre’s New Japan TV Title isn’t on the line. Feeling out process to start as they both seem nervous about going too far. Danielson suplexes him down and Sabre pauses for a standoff. Sabre pulls him into the abdominal stretch but Danielson pulls him into a leglock. That’s broken up and they stay on the mat with neither being able to get control. Instead Danielson pulls him into the surfboard but Sabre slips out again.

Sabre starts going after the arm and gives it a shoulder before adding a nasty stomp. The arm gets twisted around and Sabre is starting to get cocky. Sabre stays on the arm but he takes too long going up, allowing Danielson to cut him off. The arm is snapped over Sabre’s shoulder though and the armbar goes on up top. Danielson headbutts his way out of trouble and a top rope butterfly superplex lets him…not get the LeBell Lock.

Instead Danielson goes with a half crab but Sabre is right over to the ropes. The YES Kicks rock Sabre and Danielson stomps him in the head. The running knee is countered and Sabre pulls him into the European Clutch for two. Moxley (on commentary) is on his feet as they both need a breather. Cattle Mutilation goes on but Sabre rolls out, only to get caught with the elbows to the face.

Danielson gets a leglock but Sabre reverses into one of his own. That earns him a spit in the face and they strike it out, with Danielson getting the better of things. Back up and Sabre goes for the arm while Danielson kicks at the leg. Sabre gets the better of things this time and pulls Danielson into the double arm crank. Nigel: “THINK ABOUT YOUR KIDS! THINK ABOUT YOUR WIFE! RETIRE NOW!”

Danielson makes the rope (Nigel: “You coward!”) so they trade kicks, with Danielson nailing a big one to the head. The stomp to the head misses so Sabre pulls him into the cross armbreaker. That’s reverses into a leg trap belly to back suplex into the running knee for the very near fall. Another running knee finishes Sabre at 23:13.

Rating: A-. Like I said before the match, this was going to work because of the talent involved and then they were allowed to have all the time they needed to tear the house down. You could see two masters in there trying to take the other apart and it worked about as well as expected. Awesome stuff here and as usual, it felt like a clinic from two of the best ever with this style.

Post match respect is offered but Sabre turns it down. Naturally Nigel says that wasn’t technical wrestling so Danielson is NOT the best in the world.

We recap Chris Jericho/Kenny Omega/Kota Ibushi vs. the Don Callis Family. All three hate Callis so they’re fighting his team.

Chris Jericho/Kenny Omega/Kota Ibushi vs. Don Callis Family

Omega and Will Ospreay start things off but it’s quickly off to Sammy Guevara, who lounges on the top rope. They start running the ropes until Sammy flips over him and scores with a dropkick. Ospreay comes back in to get suplexed by Jericho as Sammy shouts at commentary. Jericho punches Ospreay and we get the big standoff. The good guys clear the house, pay tribute to Inoki (oh yeah that’s a thing with this show) and hit stereo dives.

Back in and Omega slugs away at Takeshita, who rakes the eyes to cut him off. Takeshita hits a clothesline but Ibushi comes in for a save. Ospreay puts on an abdominal stretch, with the rest of the Family adding leverage like villains should. The Blue Thunder Bomb gets two on Omega but he gets over for the tag back to Omega. That means an abdominal stretch to Sammy, with the rest of Omega’s partners pulling as well.

Ibushi comes in with a double back elbow and we get an Ibushi/Jericho Sex Gods pose. Omega and Jericho hit stereo moonsaults to the floor, leaving Jericho to hit the Lionsault for two on Sammy. Takeshita breaks up the Walls and drops Omega on his head with a release German suplex. Jericho has to fight Ospreay and Takeshita at the same time but Takeshita knees Ospreay by mistake.

Omega is back up with the big running flip dive to take out Takeshita and Ospreay. Back in and Sammy Spanish Flies Jericho for two, followed by the shooting star to the floor. Omega and Ospreay slug it out back inside but Takeshita is back in with a running knee to put Omega down.

Sammy Codebreakers Jericho for one so Jericho fights up, only to get beaten down again. Ibushi is back up to strike away but Ospreay saves Takeshita from the big boot. The Golden Trigger is cut off by Sammy’s high crossbody. Jericho is back up with the Judas Effect to Ospreay but Sammy superkicks Jericho in the face. Jericho tries to pull him into the Walls but Callis comes in with a baseball bat shot to give Sammy the pin at 22:17.

Rating: B+. This was the match I was expecting to be the best on the card and it came pretty close. The match started with the regular wrestling but then broke down into the wild fight that it was destined to be. The Callis Family stuff isn’t exactly thrilling but the matches have worked so well and that’s what matters most.

We recap Aussie Open challenging FTR for the Tag Team Titles. FTR beat them for the New Japan Tag Team Titles a year ago and now the Aussies want to even things up.

AEW Tag Team Titles: Aussie Open vs. FTR

FTR is defending. Harwood and Fletcher lock up to start with neither being able to get very far. Wheeler comes in and this time Fletcher bails to the floor. Harwood sends him back in, where Wheeler hits a backdrop to take over. It’s off to Davis for a chop off with Harwood, who gets slammed down. Davis hits a backsplash so it’s back to Fletcher, who gets caught with a snap suplex.

Everything breaks down and FTR is rammed into each other on the floor. Back in and Fletcher forearms away at Wheeler before Davis grabs a chinlock. Wheeler fights up and catches Fletcher on top, meaning it’s a belly to back superplex for a big crash. Fletcher is able to grab a brainbuster but Wheeler is up again, this time getting over to Harwood. Rolling German suplexes drop Fletcher as Wheeler and Davis fight on the floor.

Harwood gets two off a Liger Bomb but Davis is back in to break up the PowerPlex. A Doomsday kick to the face gets two on Wheeler but Harwood is back in for the save. Now the PowerPlex can connect, leaving Fletcher to high crossbody Harwood into the cover to break it up.

Wheeler rolls Davis (who appears to have hurt his wrist) up for two, only to walk into a Shatter Machine from the Aussies. The Coriolis gets two with Harwood making the save this time. They head outside again and it’s a spike piledriver on the floor to drop Davis. Back in and a super Shatter Machine finishes Fletcher to retain the titles at 20:23.

Rating: B. It was a good match but this might have been better if they had cut out about four minutes. The problem here came down to the fact that this went long in the semi-main event spot on a show that is going to run over four and a half hours. The Aussies winning felt like a long shot in the first place and while the match was good, it wasn’t able to completely overcome those circumstances.

We recap Darby Allin vs. Christian Cage for the latter’s TBS Title. Allin wants to prove he belongs in the main event in his hometown and the title is on the line.

TBS Title: Darby Allin vs. Christian Cage

Allin is challenging (and bleeding before the match for some reason) and this is 2/3 falls. Feeling out process to start with Cage bailing into the corner and spitting into Allin’s face. Allin is calm enough to pull him into an armbar, followed by a headlock to keep him down. Back up and Christian chops him against the ropes, meaning we get the double bicep pose. It’s too early for the Unprettier though as Allin pulls the turtleneck over Christian’s face and rolls him up for the first fall at 4:55.

We pause for a bit as Cage stops to look at Nick Wayne’s mom in the front row before taking Allin down again. Cage pounds away at the back and cranks on his neck to keep things slow. Allin gets back up for some rapid fire rollups but gets sent outside in a crash. Cage whips him into the barricade but goes after Wayne’s mom again, allowing Allin to hit a suicide dive. Back in and the Coffin Drop hits raised knees, allowing Cage to send him into the announcers’ table. Something like a powerslam off the apron hits sends Allin back first into the steps. That’s enough for a countout to tie it up at 15:18 total.

A stretcher is brought out as Cage is doing something with the ring skirt. He peels the entire mat back and exposes the wood….before hitting a frog splash onto Allin on the stretcher. That’s good for two back inside and Cage grabs a Scorpion Deathlock. Allin makes the rope (the fans approve) and it’s a Scorpion Death Drop for two, followed by the Coffin Drop for the same.

Cage loads up a superplex onto the steps on the floor but gets reversed into a sunset bomb. The spear hits the referee though, leaving Cage to hit Allin low. The title is brought in but Nick Wayne runs in to take it away. Then Wayne hits Allin with the title (his mom is NOT happy) and Cage retains at 25:13.

Rating: B+. This was a smartly worked match as Christian didn’t have to go insane but rather set things up for Allin to go nuts instead. It made for some very good drama and action, with Allin getting the first fall to save some face. I liked the match rather well, though having it as the main event (yes they had to with the ring deal) might have been a stretch.

Post match Cage hugs Wayne, who destroys Allin while yelling about family. Sting comes in for the save but Luchasaurus is here to beat him down as well. The Conchairto is loaded up….and the lights go out. A video of someone driving a car to the arena plays and the lights come up. And yeah EDGE debuts (complete with Metalingus theme), with the villains handing him the chair. He cracks Wayne with it instead and spears Luchasaurus to clear out the villains. Edge and Sting shake hands to end the show. That’s the big deal of the show and while we’ll have to see where it goes, the moment was there.

Overall Rating: B+. As tends to be the case with AEW shows, they wind up being good in the end through the hard work and effort put in from the wrestlers. That was the case again here, with a few awesome matches being more than enough to keep me interested. The show got better as it went on and thankfully they didn’t have some of the lesser matches eat up too much time.

That being said, this was they could be that much more enjoyable with some time trimmed off. There is just SO MUCH STUFF on here and some of it could easily be dropped (like the bonus Rampage described as Zero Hour) and probably Starks vs. Yuta. At some point the energy is going to go away and that isn’t good for the main event matches. That being said, the show was still quite the blast to watch and if they can keep it up, they’re not going to change anything.

Satoshi Kojima/Keith Lee/Athena/Billie Starkz b. Shane Taylor/Diamante/Lee Moriarty/Mercedes Martinez – Lariat to Moriarty
Claudio Castagnoli b. Josh Barnett – Rollup
Luchasaurus b. Nick Wayne – Forearm to the back of the head
Billy Gunn/Acclaimed b. TMDK – Mic Drop to Haste
Maxwell Jacob Friedman b. The Righteous – Rollup with feet on the ropes to Dutch
Eddie Kingston b. Katsuyori Shibata – Powerbomb
Kris Statlander b. Julia Hart – Sunday Night Fever
Young Bucks b. Lucha Bros, Gunns and Orange Cassidy/Hook – BTE Trigger to Penta
Swerve Strickland b. Hangman Page – JML Driver
Ricky Starkz b. Wheeler Yuta – Roshambo
Bryan Danielson b. Zack Sabre Jr. – Running knee
Don Callis Family b. Chris Jericho/Kenny Omega/Kota Ibushi – Baseball bat shot to Jericho
FTR b. Aussie Open – Super Shatter Machine to Fletcher
Christian Cage b. Darby Allin 2-1



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Daily News Update – October 1, 2023

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

Rampage – September 29, 2023

No Mercy 2023

Collision – September 30, 2023


They’re In: New Grudge Match Officially Set For WWE Fastlane.


No More: WWE Stable Officially Disbands For Good.


And NEW x2! Multiple Titles Change Hands At NXT No Mercy.


Mami Will See You Soon: Major Update On Rhea Ripley’s WWE Return.


Family Thing: An AEW Star’s Injury Causes Another Wrestler To Miss Television Time.


As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page and follow us on Twitter (featuring news stories written by ME).

WrestleDream 2023 Preview

So here we have WrestleDream, which is a show designed to honor the passing of Antonio Inoki one year ago. Therefore it’s another AEW show with New Japan guest stars, though New Japan is running a big show of its own on the same day so the visiting stars are limited. There is some good stuff on the card though and hopefully that’s enough to carry it. Let’s get to it.

Zero Hour: Nick Wayne vs. Luchasaurus

This is a side story from Darby Allin vs. Christian Cage as both have interfered in the other feud. It’s a speed vs. power match and that is something that can work under almost any circumstances. AEW really seems interested in pushing Wayne every chance they can these days but at some point he is going to need to win something. I’m just not sure he gets to do it here.

I’ll go with Luchasaurus to win here as he’s coming off the TNT Title reign and isn’t likely to lose to someone with so little experience on this level. I’m sure Wayne will get a bunch of stuff in and get to showcase himself again but that doesn’t mean he’s going to win. Hopefully Wayne gets to throw everything he has at Luchasaurus, but he’ll fall short in the end.

Zero Hour: Trios Titles: Acclaimed/Billy Gunn(c) vs. TMDK

This is the first New Japan match on the show and in this case it was built up as “whoever wins the title match on Rampage defends against TMDK tomorrow night”. That’s not exactly a thrilling story but it’s a way to get the titles on the show. Thankfully in this case it’s just on Zero Hour, meaning it won’t extend the show with a match that has very little in the way of drama.

Of course the champions retain here, as a group of guest stars aren’t going to be the ones to end the reign that is bringing the Acclaimed and the Gunns back to prominence. The (arguably) good thing about these titles is you can throw any three challenges out there and have a title match. That’s more or less what they’ve done here, though at least it’s a regular team from New Japan.

Zero Hour: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Josh Barnett

So this was added the night before the show as the result of a Castagnoli open challenge. Barnett has never wrestled for AEW before but does have experience in Japan so here we are. That makes for a tricky preview because there isn’t any kind of a story going into the match, and Barnett being a complete stranger around here makes it even more complicated.

Since Barnett is not likely to stick around, I’ll go with Castagnoli to win as there isn’t much of a reason to do anything else. Castagnoli needs a big win coming off his loss to Eddie Kingston and while this won’t be some kind of a game changer for him, it should be enough to give him a boost. I’m not sure why this match needed to be added, though more Castagnoli is often a good thing.

Zero Hour: Shane Taylor/Lee Moriarty/Diamante/Mercedes Martinez vs. Satoshi Kojima/Keith Lee/Athena/Billie Starkz

This is another match added during the Collision because MORE MEANS GOOD. There are a few people with some history here but a good chunk of it has been in Ring Of Honor. Taylor seems to be one of the new flavors of the month for AEW and it makes sense that they would want to get him out there in front of people as often as possible. Throw in Lee and this could be a lot worse.

Give me Lee and company to win, as Moriarty being thrown half a mile by Lee would be a good way to get the show going. Other than that, there is always the chance of Athena beating Martinez or Diamante. Either way, there are going to be a bunch of people in this match and there is a good chance that a lot of them are not going to be able to get in that much ring time.

TBS Title: Kris Statlander(c) vs. Julia Hart

Statlander has been a mostly dominant champion in her still relatively short title reign, but Hart has caught fire in recent weeks and suddenly feels like she could be a major threat to the title. The good thing here is that you are seeing two mostly fresh women in the title scene, which is what AEW has been needing for a very long time now. In other words, there isn’t a bad option for a winner here.

I think I’ll actually take hart to win the title, as it would be very deflating for her to lose after the big push that she has gotten in the last few weeks. Granted that might have been just to make her feel like a threat, but the House of Black needs to get something back after losing the Trios Titles, so this would be a nice fit to help get them on track. I’m not sure what is next for Statlander, but I’m thinking she should lose here.

Ricky Starks vs. Wheeler Yuta

This was thrown onto the card earlier in the week as Yuta doesn’t like how Starks has been going after Bryan Danielson. Starks has been on a roll as of late without winning much of anything, which leaves him in a weird place. Granted that is kind of why you put someone like Yuta in this spot as he could go a long way with making Starks look like a bigger deal after his losses.

I’ll go with Starks to win here, as there is little reason for Yuta to win. His role in the Blackpool Combat Club is to put up a good fight in defeat and that is what he’ll be doing here. Starks is red hot and for someone who keeps losing so giving him a win here would be the right way to go. They’ll have a good match, but at the end of the day, Starks needs this way more than Yuta.

Young Bucks vs. The Gunns vs. Lucha Bros vs. Orange Cassidy/Hook

For a future AEW Tag Team Title shot, which sounds a bit like a Money In The Bank deal. We’ll start with getting rid of Cassidy and Hook, who are a fun team, but I can’t imagine they actually get put into the title picture so soon. That leaves a few options, and I could picture any of the three getting the shot. It’s nice to have options here, and unfortunately none of them really stand out.

While the Bucks would be the interesting way to go, I’ll take the Gunns getting the win here. FTR vs. the Lucha Bros doesn’t sound like it would be the most engaging match and the Bucks vs. FTR has been done so many times now. Go with FTR vs. the Gunns, which does have a history but hasn’t been hammered into the ground. This is going to be the “everyone flies all over the place” match and it should be entertaining enough. Just don’t do the Money In The Bank deal, please.

AEW Tag Team Titles: FTR(c) vs. Aussie Open

This one is a little more interesting as I could see the titles changing hands. Aussie Open has come a long way and established themselves as one of the better teams in AEW at the moment. That means they can be put into this spot for a shot at the best team around without much trouble. The teams have even traded some promos to hype things up even more and so far, they’ve done their jobs.

With that being said, for the life of me I can’t imagine FTR losing the belts They can have good to great matches with just about any team and it would feel like a waste to take away that option, especially with them frequenting Collision. The Aussies will give them one heck of a run for their money, but FTR comes out on top of this by retaining the titles, and that’s the right choice.

Chris Jericho/Kenny Omega/Kota Ibushi vs. Konosuke Takeshita/Sammy Guevara/Will Ospreay

This is the Don Callis Family match, which has seen two feuds combined into one for the sake of taking away some of Callis’ television time. Ignoring that aspect though, we should be in for a heck of a match here, especially if Ibushi is able to wrestle more like his old self than the version we have seen in AEW so far. Everything else should work well and I’m wanting to see how this goes.

After dominating for a good while, this should be the match where Callis and company can drop a match to the conquering heroes. Guevara taking a fall from Omega or even Jericho won’t ruin him as they can get set up for another singles showdown in the future. Either way, this has the potential to steal the show and if they can get to that higher level, it very well may be the best thing on the show.

Ring Of Honor World Title/New Japan Strong Openweight Title: Eddie Kingston(c) vs. Katsuyori Shibata

It’s a double title match with Shibata’s ROH Pure Title not on the line, meaning commentary has said that Shibata can become a triple crown champion. At least Shibata is someone who has wrestled in Ring Of Honor more than once, as there is far too much of a tendency for random people to get title shots (like earlier in the show or example). Shibata is also someone Kingston is going to respect so there is a real chance he’ll bring the work here.

As for a winner, much like the Trios Titles, there isn’t much of a reason to believe the title is going to change hands, especially so soon after Kingston won the ROH title in the first place. Kingston needs to rack up some wins to make him feel like a bigger deal and this would be a nice addition. It should be a hard hitting match as well and that should take them far enough, but yeah Kingston retains.

Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles: Maxwell Jacob Friedman(c) vs. Righteous

So this was supposed to be a tag match with Adam Cole included but he’s basically destroyed his ankle, leaving us with a handicap match instead. That puts them in a tough spot and again I’m not sure where this is going to go. On one hand, MJF doesn’t need to have the titles anymore if Cole is injured, but the titles changing hands would involve the Righteous beating the AEW World Champion.

As little sense as it might make, I’ll go with MJF retaining, as I can’t imagine either Vincent or Dutch pinning him or making him give up. There is always the chance of some kind of screwy finish and that is probably coming later, but it is still hard to fathom that anyone but the Kingdom is taking the titles from Cole and MJF. Or is it just MJF these days? Either way, the Righteous don’t win here.

Hangman Page vs. Swerve Strickland

This is the match that has felt the most interesting throughout the build to the show and the contract signing this week kept that interest high. Both guys need a big win and they have me wanting to see them fight, which is a great sign for one of them. Hopefully the loser isn’t going to be hurt that badly but there is a good chance that this is going to continue beyond this match.

Give me Swerve here, as a Page win would seem to wrap things up between them with a tighter bow. As much as Page could use a win, he’s had success before and is a much more accomplished star in AEW. Let Swerve get his win and move up the card a bit, as a win over a former World Champion is going to do a lot of good no matter what. Page should be fine, but either way, this match should rock.

Bryan Danielson vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

What we have here is the kind of match that sells itself on name value alone. The idea of Danielson vs. Sabre Jr. is going to get hardcore fans interested and there is a very real chance that they could live up to or even exceed their expectations. That might be a very hard task to pull off, but these are the kind of stars who might be able to pull that kind of a miracle off.

As has been a trend here, there isn’t much of a reason for the star who is going to be going away after this show winning, so I’ll take Danielson to win here. Yes he did it in a pay per view main event against a guest star this year and that should cover him for well over a year, but I can’t imagine Sabre winning here. Danielson has things to do in AEW and downgrading him (as much as that can be done) with a loss to a one off guest star doesn’t make sense.

TNT Title: Christian Cage(c) vs. Darby Allin

This is the rumored main event for the show and with Allin as the hometown boy in a 2/3 falls match, that is not the worst idea. These two had a rather nice match a month or so ago on Collision and if they do that again with more time and on a bigger stage, we should be in for a pretty solid main event. That leaves a pair of questions though and I think I have the answer to at least one.

Of course I’ll take Allin winning here, as otherwise it would run a real threat of killing Seattle for AEW. Allin winning is the perfect way to go and it would be a great moment to end things on. Then again, there is also the chance that we get an Edge debut here to do something with Cage, though hopefully that doesn’t include giving him an assist to keep the title. Allin wins here, as he should.

Overall Thoughts

That’s a lot of matches. Once I get to the end of the card, I’ve already forgot a good few of the matches involved as there are too many for the show’s own good. Then again that is the case with almost every AEW show, which makes it all the more frustrating. The action will be rather good as it almost always is, but the way the show is presented is such a self imposed roadblock. It still feels like a B show, but now it feels like a rather bloated B show.



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Collision – September 30, 2023: They Needed A Show Like This One

Date: September 30, 2023
Location: Climate Pledge Arena, Seattle, Washington
Commentators: Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness

It’s the go home show for WrestleDream and that should make for a pretty big show. Collision has been in a weird place in recent months but maybe they can do better with some focus. The main event is another all star eight person tag, which might be their norm for go home shows. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Big Bill, Aussie Open, Ricky Starks, Wheeler Yuta, Bryan Danielson and FTR are ready to fight.

Opening sequence.

Andrade El Idolo vs. Juice Robinson

The Gunns are here with Robinson. They go right at it to start but Andrade can’t get the Figure Four. Robinson bails to the floor but Andrade throws him back inside for Three Amigos. A moonsault to the floor takes out all three villains but Robinson manages to send Andrade into the announcers’ table. The Gunns get in some stomping behind the referee’s back, allowing Robinson to hit a neckbreaker for two.

Robinson elbows him down again but Andrade is back up with some right hands in the corner. That earns him a drop onto the buckle and a Cannonball as we take a break. Back with Andrade fighting out of a chinlock and dropping Robinson. The double moonsault hits raised knees but Andrade is fine enough to send him face first into the buckle.

For some reason the referee breaks up the running knees in the corner, allowing Robinson to hit the big left. A layout powerbomb gives Robinson two but Andrade hiptosses him hard into the corner. The running knees connect this time but the Gunns try to interfere again. This time they’re caught immediately though and it’s a double ejection. Andrade hits the spinning elbow for two and the hammerlock DDT finishes Robinson at 13:25.

Rating: B. The resurrection of Andrade has been one of the great things about Collision, as he has gone from just someone on the roster without much going on to having a string of pretty awesome matches around here. I’m not sure if he’s just looking to get WWE’s attention the second his contract is up, but he’s been a gem around here.

Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega are excited to team together, even though they don’t like each other. They’ll have their backs tonight and tomorrow when they face the Don Callis Family.

We get more of the Toni Storm: Portrait Of A Star promo, with Storm insisting that she’s good to talk right now. Storm says her peak is right now but she misses the old days where a pie in the ace was good enough (I’m not sure if that’s a reference to why she left WWE but if it is….it’s a weird one). She accuses the interviewer of coming on to her by holding her hand (which she grabbed) and asks if she’s good enough for him.

The Kingdom vs. Best Friends

The fight starts before the bell with the threat of stereo piledrivers sending the Kingdom bailing to the floor. Trent chops at Bennett to start and it’s off to Chuck for a belly to back suplex. Taven comes in with a missile dropkick to Trent and everything breaks down, with Trent hitting a slingshot dive to Taven. Bennett avoids a charge though and sends Bennett into the barricade.

Trent is sent into a chair and we take a break. Back with Trent coming in to clean house until Taven gets in a shot to the back of the head. Just The Tip gets two on Trent as everything breaks down again. Trent hits a Death Valley Driver to sent Bennett into the steps and a Doomsday knee connects back inside. Rather than cover, we get the Big Hug, followed by the stereo piledrivers…for two on Bennett. With the referee distracted, Bennett punches them both low and a spike piledriver finishes Trent at 9:27.

Rating: C. And that’s the AEW style for you, as dropping someone on his head on the steps, hitting a top rope knee on him and then giving him a piledriver in about a minute gets two. The Death Valley Driver could have been pulled out from the match and it would have only lost an OOO, but that’s just what happens in AEW. Granted the Best Friends losing makes things a bit better, but I really wish someone could get rid of those ridiculous kickouts after big sequences of moves.

Post math the Kingdom pulls out their suitcases because they’re on their way back to Roderick Strong’s bedside.

Don Callis and Prince Nana are found talking in the back. Callis walks away and Nana talks about digging deep into the universe and finding something unique. He implies a big payday if the Gates Of Agony beat Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega.

Julia Hart has a creepy vignette involving masks hanging from strings and promising to end Kris Statlander.

Julia Hart vs. Vertvixen

Hart forearms her down to start and chokes on the rope a bit. A flipping elbow in the corner hits Vertvixen again but Hart misses a charge. Not that it matters as a kick to the chest and the moonsault finish Vertvixen at 2:45. Just a quick win before the title match tomorrow.

Post match Hart calls out Kris Statlander for right now so here she is. Then Hart backs off, leaving Statlander to say Hart’s time is up at WrestleDream.

Claudio Castagnoli has issued a challenge for WrestleDream and Josh Barnett answered.

Chris Jericho/Kenny Omega vs. Gates Of Agony

Toa headbutts Jericho into the corner to start and Kaun nails him with a clothesline for two. A kick to the face gets Jericho out of trouble though and it’s Omega…well not coming in actually as he rams Toa’s head into the buckle from the apron a bunch of times. Then he comes in with a high crossbody and joins with Jericho fr a double suplex (they look at each other in shock that they seem to work well together in a funny moment).

Prince Nana offers a distraction though and Toa knocks Omega into Jericho for a crash out to the floor. That leaves Kaun to suplex Omega for two, followed by a Backstabber into a running elbow in the corner. We take a break and come back with Omega managing a hurricanrana to Kaun, allowing the tag to Jericho. A top rope elbow puts Kaun down and the Lionsault connects. The Walls are broken up though and a gutbuster gives Kaun two on Jericho. Omega makes the save and now the Walls can make Kaun tap at 11:49.

Rating: B-. This was more of a cool moment than anything else, but Jericho and Omega do feel like something of a dream team. I could go for them being in the big match on their own without Kota Ibushi but at least we got to see them on their own once. Good match here, and it’s not like the Gates have much of a status to lose.

Post match Omega and Jericho say this is about Don Callis. Omega has seen the light and it is going to take more than a vicious attack for him to turn his back on his friends. Ibushi takes that kind of an attack as an invitation. Jericho is ready for Sammy Guevara and quotes Judas to prove it. Vengeance is promised to wrap up a promo that went a bit long.

Video on the Righteous.

Video on Darby Allin vs. Christian Cage, with Allin suggesting that the match will be the main event of WrestleDream.

Righteous vs. Judas Icarus/Travis Williams

Williams gets beaten up to start so it’s quickly off to Icarus. Dutch chops him down and adds one to Williams on the apron as well. Autumn Sunshine finishes Icarus at 1:52.

Post match Vincent tells Dutch to look at all the paper people in the crowd. They’ll win the ROH Tag Team Titles at WrestleDream and leave the Devil on one hoof, like his partner. Dutch whips out a block of wood and they crush Icarus’ ankles.

Video on Eddie Kingston vs. Katsuyori Shibata.

WrestleDream rundown.

TMDK is ready to win the Trios Titles but the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn interrupt. Shane Haste wants to do his own right and it’s not so good.

Bryan Danielson/FTR/Wheeler Yuta vs. Aussie Open/Ricky Starks/Big Bill

Zack Sabre Jr. is on commentary. Starks bails from Yuta to start so Fletcher comes in instead. Yuta and Fletcher take turns working on the arms until Yuta scores with a dropkick. Harwood comes in and gets to face Davis for a bit of a power showdown. Everything breaks down and it’s a big staredown on the floor. Back with Harwood suplexing Fletcher and flipping over to Cash for the tag.

House is cleaned until Cash and Fletcher take turns escaping suplexes. It’s back to Yuta for a top rope forearm, followed by a bridging German suplex for two on Fletcher. Yuta’s elbows rock Starks but Bill offers a distraction to break them up. A big boot puts Yuta in more trouble and Starks drops an elbow for two. The seated abdominal stretch keeps Yuta down until he can hiptoss his way to freedom. The Aussies come in for a toss sitout powerbomb and we take another break.

Back again with Yuta and Starks down but Yuta makes it over for the tag back to Danielson. The strikes in the corner have Starks falling down rather quickly, but he’s back up to miss a spear. Danielson scores with the suicide dive into a missile dropkick. Starks clotheslines his way out of trouble and the tornado DDT puts Danielson down. Bill comes in but the chokeslam is countered into the LeBell Lock.

Everything breaks down and the villains are left on their knees for a long series of YES Kicks. A missile dropkick into a top rope headbutt gets two on Bill but all of his partners make a save. The fight heads to the floor and Danielson is sent into the steps, leaving Bill to miss a charge into the post. The Sharpshooter is blocked and Starks spears Harwood for the pin at 19:39.

Rating: B. This is an idea that has worked forever in wrestling and it worked well here too. They tied a bunch of pay per view matches together into one here, with commentary even adding in another, and that makes for a very efficient use of time. It also lets you get some cool pairings you might not see very often and the action was still quite good. This was a smart idea and it wound up working very well.

Post match the big brawl is on until Zack Sabre Jr. stands up. He comes into the ring for the staredown with Danielson before slapping him in the face. Danielson slaps him back and tries the LeBell Lock but Sabre Jr. bails to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. Once we got past the opening matches, which had nothing to do with WrestleDream, this turned into a pretty by the book go home show. In this case, that’s the best thing they could have done as they made me a bit more interested in a show that hadn’t given me much reason to care coming in. WrestleDream should be good, but as usual, the build hasn’t been much until the very last minute. Strong show here, and it’s the one they needed.

Andrade El Idolo b. Juice Robinson – Hammerlock DDT
The Kingdom b. Best Friends – Spike piledriver to Taylor
Julia Hart b. Vertfixen – Moonsault
Chris Jericho/Kenny Omega b. Gates Of Agony – Walls Of Jericho to Kaun
Righteous b. Judas Icarus/Travis Williams – Autumn Sunshine to Icarus
Ricky Starks/Big Bill/Aussie Open b. Wheeler Yuta/Bryan Danielson/FTR – Spear to Harwood



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