Tagged: 2020

Best Of 2019: Promo Of The Year 0

Best Of 2019: Promo Of The Year

Promo Of The Year This is another important one because while the wrestling world revolves around matches, it’s the promos that make people care about them. A good promo can take a feud (or...

Best Of 2019: Wrestler Of The Year 6

Best Of 2019: Wrestler Of The Year

I’m picking these using a random number generator and I didn’t intend for two of the biggest ones to be included on the first day. This might be the most important award of all...

Best Of 2019: Match Of The Year 0

Best Of 2019: Match Of The Year

We might as well get one of the bigger ones out of the way. Wrestling is a lot of things but at the end of the day, it revolves around what happens in the...