Tagged: Backlash

Wrestling Wars Podcast Episode #47, Plus A Request 2

Wrestling Wars Podcast Episode #47, Plus A Request

http://mightynorcal.podbean.com/e/wwp-47-join-kb-and-myself-for-brand-split-thoughts-smackdown-and-raw-review-plus-final-thoughts-rolling-in-to-clash-of-champions/   NorCal and I are back (hopefully once a week now) to talk about the Brand Split thus far, along with the rollout of the Cruiserweight division.  All this plus a lot more....

Backlash 2016 Preview 6

Backlash 2016 Preview

Let’s see: college football, first weekend of the NFL, see how the Cleveland Indians manager to screw up the division lead this year. Yeah it’s kind of a bor……Backlash? That’s this weekend? Apparently it...

Backlash 2009: The First Time Cena Got Blown Up 0

Backlash 2009: The First Time Cena Got Blown Up

Backlash 2009 Date: April 26, 2009 Location: Dunkin’ Donuts Center, Providence, Rhode Island Attendance: 8,357 Commentators: Jim Ross, Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler Back with the final chronological Backlash before we jump back to 2006...