Impact Wrestling – February 17, 2022: All The Right Pieces

Impact Wrestling
Date: February 17, 2022
Location: Charles Dodge Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

It’s the go home show for No Surrender and the show is looking good. We have a double main event of W. Morrissey challenging Moose for the World Title, plus Honor No More fighting Team Impact to stick around the company. There is enough other good stuff here to make me interested in the show so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Here is Moose (meaning no opening sequence, which is a shame as this show has a catchy theme song) for the No Surrender contract signing. Scott D’Amore is in the ring but before W. Morrissey comes out, Moose explains what a contract signing means (I think it’s pretty clear). There is no Morrissey for some reason, but D’Amore says Morrissey can sign the contract any time in the next two days.

Moose isn’t happy, but if Morrissey makes the match, pain is waiting on him. He signs and then goes to leave, where Morrissey jumps him on the ramp. The fight is on and Moose gets chokeslammed off the stage and through a well placed table. Now Morrissey signs the contract as Moose is left laying.

Here’s what’s coming tonight.

The Bullet Club is ready for tonight but they’re looking forward to No Surrender as well, where they’re going to win the Tag Team Titles and get closer to the X-Division Title. Jay White finds if funny that Eric Young is trying to make his own Bullet Club but maybe he can join the real one. Maybe Young can do some laundry, or maybe White can just take him out at No Surrender. Too Sweeting ensues.

Masha Slamovich vs. Kiah Dream

Masha gives her a free shot and then hits a Burning Hammer. Dream gets pulled up at two so the Russian Doomsday Device can finish her at 47 seconds. That worked.

Ace Austin vs. Blake Christian vs. Laredo Kid

The winner is in the No Surrender X-Division Title #1 contenders match and Madman Fulton is here with Austin. Kid and Christian knock Austin down to start and trade dropkicks until Kid gets him into the corner. Austin is back up to send Kid outside and kick Christian in the head. Christian sends Austin outside but the suicide dive bounces off of Fulton’s back. A dropkick knocks Austin off the apron though and we take a break.

Back with Austin getting two on Kid and then stomping away. Christian gets stomped down as well but Kid is back up with a running knee to Austin. The three moonsaults are broken up by Christian, who puts them both down and hits a split legged moonsault for two on Kid. A big flip dive to the floor sets up a double reverse DDT to leave Christian as the only one up. Another dive takes out Fulton but Kid plants Christian with a poisonrana back inside. The frog splash gets two but Austin makes the save. Christian’s Spanish Fly gets two on Austin, who is right back up with the Fold to finish Christian at 12:05.

Rating: B-. I know it’s a simple idea and something that has been done for years, but just having the X-Division go out there and do their thing for ten or so minutes is always going to work. They’re crazy athletic and know exactly how to do this kind of a match, which made for a rather entertaining spectacle here. Yeah it’s a bunch of spots going a hundred miles an hour, but dang does it still work.

Decay doesn’t think much of humans, especially Jonah.

The IInspiration come in to see Kaleb With A K and thank him for those photos he took of them last week. He was the best they ever had and they seem to offer him a job.

Lady Frost vs. Gisele Shaw

This is Shaw’s debut. The fans are behind Frost as Shaw shoves her in the face. Frost flips over her and hits a dropkick to the back before something like a Cannonball gives Frost two. Shaw is right back with a hanging DDT out of the corner for two more and a big right hand rocks Frost again. A running knee to the back of the head gives Shaw two more but Frost kicks her down again. The Temperature Drop moonsault gives Frost two but she takes too much time loading up another one. That means a super Spanish Fly can bring Frost back down and a corkscrew Vader Bomb finishes Frost at 4:39.

Rating: C+. Frost got in a lot here but Shaw wasn’t exactly looking nervous, which seems to fit in well for her. That being said, it isn’t like there was much to see here and Shawn only stood out so much. I’m not about to pretend that a four and a half minute match is enough to make an opinion on someone, but this was a nice enough start.

Honor No More’s Kenny King is ready to make Chris Sabin bend the knee tonight.

Deonna Purrazzo isn’t worried about Mickie James because she is the champ champ rather than just the champ. Anyone who wants a shot at either of her titles can come get it at No Surrender.

Kenny King vs. Chris Sabin

Honor No More is here, as is Team Impact, minus Steve Maclin. They go technical to start as Ian Riccaboni (on commentary) explains what you should expect from King (which he does rather well). King is sent outside for a quick meeting with Honor No More but Sabin stomps on Matt Taven’s fingers to cut him off. Back in and King hits a powerslam for two and we hit the reverse chinlock. The knee in Sabin’s back makes it even worse so he gets to the ropes without much trouble.

King kicks him in the head for two and the reverse chinlock goes right back on. Sabin fights out of that too and it’s a double clothesline for a double knockdown. Back up again and this time it’s Sabin hitting a running boot in the corner, setting up a tornado DDT for two. King grabs a spinebuster for a breather, which has Honor No More talking to Riccaboni even more. A tiger driver gives King two more but the Royal Flush is countered into a crucifix to give Sabin the pin at 8:30.

Rating: C+. Another case where these two work well together because they are talented wrestlers who work styles that mesh. King is still very athletic and Sabin can wrestle a good match against anyone while still having the ability to keep up in any match. Good stuff here, as Team Impact gets a win to keep things even.

Post match Maria says that Honor No More is a team but they didn’t take out Jonathan Gresham, suggesting that someone on Team Impact did.

Post break, Team Impact isn’t sure what to do and seems to accuse Steve Maclin as he comes in. Maclin gives them a unifying pep talk and the team is in.

Tasha Steelz/Savannah Evans vs. Chelsea Green/Mickie James

Green starts with Steelz, who tags out almost immediately, as you might have expected. Evans gets rolled up for two and send into the corner to make it worse. Mickie comes in for some knee lifts, setting up a hurricanrana out of the corner a neckbreaker for two. It’s back to Green for a Natural Selection for two on Steelz but Evans shoves her off the top.

We take a break and come back with Green fighting out of a chinlock and rolling Steelz up for two. The choking in the corner cuts Green off again but she is up in a hurry for the hot tag off to James. Some clotheslines have Steelz rocked and the Mick Kick gets two. Everything breaks down and the Mick Kick/MickieDT put Evans down, only to have Steelz hit a crucifix bomb to finish James at 12:23.

Rating: C. Not the most exciting match here but it was designed to have Steelz get some momentum going into a title match that does not have the most drama. That is something that can be done well enough with something like this and it should be fine for Saturday. James is a far bigger star than Steelz so the win should help her a bit, even if the title doesn’t seem to be in serious jeopardy.

It’s time for the final chapter of Brian Myers’ How To Be A Professional, with Myers yelling at VSK and Zicky Dice for letting him get beaten up by W. Morrissey last week. The Learning Tree is done and the two of them are cut.

Here’s what’s coming at No Surrender.

Violent By Design vs. Bullet Club

That would be Eric Young/Deaner/Joe Doering vs. Guerrillas of Destiny/Jay White, with the rest of both teams here too. Young and White start things off with neither being able to get very far. An exchange of chops in the corner goes nowhere so White drags him over to the corner for the tag to Tama Tonga. Deaner comes in as well and gets taken down so Doering comes in, only to get triple teamed in the corner.

The Guerrillas double clothesline him to the floor and Violent By Design needs a breather on the floor. We take a break and come back with Doering covering Tama Tonga for two and handing it off to Young. Tama Tonga can’t quite get over for the hot tag so Doering is there with a crossbody for two. Some elbows get Tama Tong out of a fireman’s carry and it’s off to Tonga Loa for the Doering showdown.

They collide a few times and shout at each other a lot so we’ll try Young vs. White instead. The rapid fire chops rock Young in the corner and everything breaks down. The Guerrillas give Doering a Magic Killer but Young saves Deaner from the same. Young’s top rope elbow gets two on White but Young gets sent outside. That leaves Deaner to take a 3D into a top rope headbutt into a frog splash to give Tonga Loa the pin at 13:39.

Rating: C+. Pretty good main event here, as the Bullet Club continues to look more and more dominant every single week. White is starting to come off like the star that he was in New Japan and the Guerrillas are some of the scariest people in all of wrestling. Violent By Design might not be the best competition, but at least they have a reputation around here.

The Good Brothers come out for a staredown with the Guerrillas to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Another solid show this week as they have put the pieces in the right place to make for an entertaining two hours. What makes this show work is that there are a lot of entertaining parts. You have the World Title, the Bullet Club, Honor No More, the various women’s stories and more. It makes for a good, balanced show and that is what makes this work. Things are getting better around here and No Surrender has my attention, so nice job.

Masha Slamovich b. Kiah Dream – Russian Death Machine
Ace Austin b. Blake Christian and Laredo Kid – Fold to Christian
Gisele Shaw b. Lady Frost – Corkscrew Vader Bomb
Chris Sabin b. Kenny King – Rollup
Tasha Steel/Savannah Evans b. Chelsea Green/Mickie James – Crucifix bomb to James
Bullet Club b. Violent By Design – Frog splash to Deaner



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Impact Wrestling – February 10, 2022: Stop Making Me Want To Watch This

Impact Wrestling
Date: February 10, 2022
Location: Charles Dodge Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re almost up to No Surrender and the card is starting to look good. What makes things all the better is that the entire show has been working in the last few weeks. The Bullet Club is here and seems to be going after the Tag Team Titles, which is better than putting them near the top of the card. Other than that, Honor No More continues to look interesting and I want to know where they’re going in the long run. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening recap looks at W. Morrissey attacking Moose on the way to their World Title match.

Opening sequence.

Here is Josh Alexander for a chat, but first he has to soak in some WALKING WEAPON chants. He isn’t about to let Impact Wrestling go to war against Honor No More without him so he’ll be there at No Surrender. That isn’t the only match at No Surrender, as W. Morrissey is going for the World Title against Moose. While he’s going to war, he’s next in line for whoever comes out of No Surrender with the title. Cue Big Kon (Konner of Ascension fame) to interrupt so Alexander says he’ll do this right now. Kon didn’t even say anything. Maybe he wanted to sell some Girl Scout cookies.

Josh Alexander vs. Big Kon

Alexander beats him up in the corner and wins with the ankle lock in 40 seconds.

Post match the ankle lock stays on until Alexander lets go to beat up security. Cue Scott D’Amore for the save, but Alexander shoves him down too. Alexander knows he screwed up so D’Amore talks about their history together. D’Amore remembers him showing up at the Team Canada dojo as a kid still wet behind the ears. Then one of his best friends told him that she had met the one, and that was Alexander.

D’Amore has been there for almost every major event of Alexander’s life, including signing with Impact. Then he became the World Champion, so what does D’Amore want? Alexander gets serious and says he wants his coach instead of the boss. All he can think of is looking at his wife and son crying because he was never able to put the World Title on.

D’Amore says it’s a process to get back to his rematch but Alexander doesn’t want to hear that. That’s too far for D’Amore, who takes Alexander out of No Surrender and sends him home. Alexander: “I AM HOME!” Well that escalated quickly, but it’s amazing to see what kind of a star Alexander has become. At the same time, D’Amore is sounding ridiculous, as Alexander got to the World Title shot at Bound For Glory, lost to an instant cash in, and has run through everyone else since. Why isn’t he getting a title shot?

Post break, Steve Maclin offers to take Alexander’s place at No Surrender. Scott D’Amore says he’s letting Team Impact pick the replacement.

Here’s what’s coming tonight and at No Surrender.

Deonna Purrazzo comes out and we have an open challenge for either of her Women’s Titles.

Ring of Honor Women’s Title: Deonna Purrazzo vs. Santana Garrett

Garrett is the surprise challenger. They trade the rollups to start but Purrazzo isn’t interested in a handshake. Instead, she sends Garrett to the apron and then knocks her into the barricade a we take a break. Back with Purrazzo staying on the arm but Garrett starts firing off some running forearms. Something close to a Muta Lock sends Purrazzo crawling to the ropes before she switches into a Koji Clutch. That’s broken up as well and Garrett kicks her in the face. Garrett goes up, only to dive into the Fujiwara armbar. She manages to spin out for half a second but Purrazzo pulls her into a rollup to retain at 9:33.

Rating: C+. It was nice while it lasted, but you knew they weren’t going to have Purrazzo lose one of her titles to a newcomer here. Odds are she is in for a big showdown with James sooner than later and racking up wins is a good thing for her. Then there is Garrett, who keeps bouncing around from one company to another (including this one before her time in NXT) but never makes a big impact. I’m not sure why, but she was little more than cannon fodder here.

Team Impact wants to pick Jonathan Gresham, but they might want to talk to him first.

Mickie James vs. Chelsea Green

Non-title with Tasha Steelz on commentary. They fight over a lockup to start until Green works on a wristlock. Mickie does it again as commentary turns into an argument over the New England Patriots. A headlock frustrates Green but she slips out, meaning Mickie needs to bail outside. Steelz: “MAKE DONOVAN (Mickie’s son) PROUD!” Chelsea uses the distraction to hit a baseball slide, followed by a cutter back inside. Steelz says that is HER move and throws trash at Green. Cue Savannah Evans to trip Green for the DQ at 3:56.

Rating: C. This was little more than storyline advancement as Steelz continues to annoy James before their title match. I’m curious to see where Green goes in the story, which seems to have some legs after the No Surrender title match. They’re building something up here and that is a great thing to see.

Bhupinder Gujjar is proud to be here after leaving his family to come here. Cue Raj Singh but Gujjar walks away.

The IIconics come up to Kaleb With A K and try to get him to take their photos. Madison Rayne comes up and she isn’t happy. The IIconics leave so Madison yells at him.

Here is Bullet Club for a chat. Jay White says he is back and this time he has brought his friends. Tama Tonga brags about the Guerrillas of Destiny’s success and says they’re coming for the Impact Tag Team Titles. Then there is Violent By Design, because the Good Brothers want their own group.

Cue Violent By Design, with Eric Young saying this is a family instead of a bunch of guys trying to do what was cool ten years ago. White laughs off the idea and lists off everything he has done. Young can face him at No Surrender, but Young says let’s do a six man next week. The fight is teased for now but here are the Good Brothers to interrupt.

The Brothers would appreciate a thank you for everything the Club is enjoying but Tama Tonga laughs it off. Anderson says that they have dominated every company with letters that matters, but Tama says it’s because they keep getting fired. There were some bombs being thrown in there and it was pretty good stuff.

Jonathan Gresham has been attacked.

We look at Matt Cardona turning heel to take the Digital Media Title from Jordynne Grace last week.

Cardona talks about how he was screwed out of the World Title last month. No one apologized to him, so he knew he needed to do something different this year. He has been in the ring with everyone and Grace was his toughest opponent ever. She has a rematch for No Surrender, so she better be ready.

Matt Taven/Mike Bennett vs. Rhino/Rich Swann

The rest of Honor No More and Team Impact are here too, with Maria on commentary. Taven knocks Swann down to start as Maria lists off Taven and Bennett’s successes. Swann is sent outside, where the threat of a beatdown means Honor No More is ejected (Maria is not happy).

We take a break and come back with Team Impact gone as well as Taven hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for two on Swann. Bennett’s brainbuster gets two more but the spike piledriver is blocked. Swann enziguris his way out of trouble and the hot tag brings in Rhino to clean house. Maria pops up to throw powder in Rhino’s face though and it’s the Climax to give Taven the pin at 9:14.

Rating: C. Honor No More continues to do pretty well around here as the numbers advantage from the unified team works over a thrown together group of Impact wrestlers. It’s hard to imagine the story ending at No Surrender and that is a good thing, as this has been one of the better things going in Impact. If nothing else, it is nice to have Maria in the role she plays best, because she is kind of perfect for what she is doing.

Post match Swann gets beaten down and former Ring of Honor owner Cary Silkin isn’t happy. Cue Steve Maclin for the save and Rhino Gores the heck out of Bennett.

In the back, Maclin pitches himself for Team Impact but Eddie Edwards doesn’t buy it. Ian Riccaboni thinks Maclin is a good idea and Chris Sabin welcomes him to the team. The rest of the team doesn’t seem sure but Maclin appears to be in.

Gisele Shaw says she didn’t steal Lady Frost’s spotlight because Frost never had it in the first place. Shaw seems to be the latest stuck up/better than you woman.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

W. Morrissey vs. Brian Myers

No DQ and the Learning Tree is here with Myers. Morrissey takes the Tree out before the bell though and the destruction seems to be starting fast. The Tree comes back in so Myers can hit the Roster Cut. Instead of covering though, it’s time for a table. Zicky Dice is kicked through said table and another one falls down as soon as Morrissey is laid on it. Morrissey fights up again and chokeslams VSK off the top through a table leaned up against the ring.

We take a break and come back with Myers hitting Morrissey with a kendo stick and suplexing him on the ramp. Back in and more kendo stick shots keep Morrissey in trouble, but Myers makes it worse by duct taping him to the middle rope. Myers hits him with various things, including several trash can shots.

Coast To Coast drives the trash can into Morrissey and Myers untapes him for two. Another Roster Cut is blocked with a hard clothesline from Morrissey, who is rather fired up. The kendo stick is broken over Morrissey’s knee and there’s the powerbomb. The fans want one more so Morrissey obliges, albeit on some thumbtacks. A second powerbomb onto the tacks finish Myers at 14:41.

Rating: C+. I’m trying to get my mind around Morrissey as a face (albeit a VERY intense one) and it’s still hard to fathom. Either way, this made him look like a beast who could be a very serious threat to Moose at No Surrender. Myers needed the stipulation to have any kind of a chance here and even then the match was only so competitive. That’s how you make Morrissey look like a monster though and they have done a pretty good job so far.

Post match Moose runs in for the beatdown and wraps a chair around Morrissey’s throat. Another chair is used like a hammer to crush said throat to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. These shows are still rolling along and I’m almost tempted to watch No Surrender. Making me want to see another show that I had no interest in just a few weeks ago is a great sign for what they are doing and I could go for more of it. Good show here, as the World Title gets some more focus after lacking it for a little while now. I didn’t quite need the tacks in the main event, but the rest of the show made up for a lot of it.

Josh Alexander b. Big Kon – Ankle lock
Deonna Purrazzo b. Santana Garrett – Rollup
Chelsea Green b. Mickie James via DQ when Tasha Steelz interfered
Matt Taven/Mike Bennett b. Rhino/Rich Swann – Climax to Rhino
W. Morrissey b. Brian Myers – Powerbomb onto thumbtacks




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Impact Wrestling – January 27, 2022: Two Guys Steal The Show

Impact Wrestling
Date: January 27, 2022
Location: Charles Dodge Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We continue on the road to No Surrender and now we know what we are going to be getting in the show’s main event. W. Morrissey will be challenging Moose for the World Title in what should be a heck of a hoss fight. Other than that, we have the continuing adventures of Honor No More, which at least now has a name. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Chris Bey vs. Jake Something

Bey dropkicks him into the corner at the bell but runs into a big backdrop. A right hand rocks Bey and it’s time to head outside. That means a face first drop onto the apron but Bey is right back with a positing. There’s a dive to the floor to drop Something again and a basement dropkick sends him into the corner. Something’s comeback is cut off with a neckbreaker and a superkick drops him for two. The chinlock doesn’t last long as Something fights up to plant him for a breather.

Back up and Bey’s running hurricanrana is countered into a heck of a sitout powerbomb for two. The spear misses in the corner though and Bey stomps him in the back. Bey kicks him in the head and hits a poisonrana for two more and they’re both down. A low superkick doesn’t do much good for Bey as Something is right back up to run him over hard. Bey goes up top but dives into the swinging Boss Man Slam to give Something the upset pin at 9:39.

Rating: B. That might be a bit high but I had a great time with this one. Bey can work well with anyone and this was Something’s best match to date as he was hanging in there move for move. The ending caught me by surprise too as you wouldn’t expect Something to pick up this kind of a win. Heck of a match here and I had a lot of fun with it.

Post match the Guerrillas of Destiny run in and beat Something down. Mike Bailey runs in for the save but Jay White returns and takes him down. The Guerrillas say they’re coming for the Tag Team Titles as New Japan is here (again).

Honor No More is in the crowd so here are a bunch of Impact wrestlers to tell security to let them in the ring. Scott D’Amore comes in to say these guys don’t represent Ring of Honor because they don’t even work there anymore. People like Jonathan Gresham represent Ring of Honor but Maria says they just want an opportunity. Rhino wants to give them an opportunity at a beating so D’Amore makes a match for No Surrender, with Honor No More’s futures around here on the line. We can even have a preview tonight with PCO vs. Chris Sabin.

Madison Rayne tells Kaleb With A K to not screw up during tonight’s scouting mission against the IInspiration.

Scott D’Amore has Honor No More stay in a private locker room….which happens to be a storage room. Former Ring of Honor owner Cary Silkin comes in and doesn’t seem pleased with these people. D’Amore and Silkin leave together.

Kaleb With A K/Madison Rayne vs. IInspiration

Non-title because Tenille Dashwood can’t be here. Cassie armdrags Madison down to start and a headscissors sends Madison over to Kaleb With A K (in a neck brace). That means another armdrag but Kaleb With A K blocks another one, allowing the tag to Jesse. The IInspiration kicks Kaleb With A K down but Madison offers a distraction so he can superkick Cassie down.

We take a break and come back with Rayne elbowing Cassie in the face for two. That doesn’t last long as Cassie gets over for the tag to Jesse, who hits a reverse DDT for two on Madison. Kaleb With A K comes in off a blind tag and flips Jesse down so it’s back to Cassie. Everything breaks down and Cassie reverses Kaleb With A K’s powerbomb into a sunset flip for the pin at 11:12.

Rating: C. It’s so strange to see the IInspriation as faces but it’s even stranger to see them doing well in the roles. This was a good way to go with the team pinning the goofy manager and that’s all they should have done. It says a lot that the IInfluence vs. the IInspiration is such a showdown but I do kind of want to see the match, so well done.

Jake Something thanks Mike Bailey for having his back but here are Ace Austin and Madman Fulton to check on Bailey. A teamup against the Bullet Club is suggested but Austin isn’t sure. Gail Kim comes in and she certainly is sure.

The Quintessential Diva, Gisele Shaw, is coming.

The Good Brothers tell Violent By Design about the Bullet Club but Violent By Design don’t see that being their problem. The Brothers want to kill the Club that they created and say it gets Violent By Design closer to the titles. That gets Violent By Design’s attention so they’re in.

The Knockouts are around the ring and Gail Kim introduces Mickie James for a State of the Knockouts Address. Mickie is honored to be out here in front of everyone here because the Knockouts division has never been better. She puts over the other champions and talks about how awesome it was to have a Knockouts Ultimate X match.

Then there is Deonna Purrazzo, who might be the worst human she has ever been in the ring with, but at worst she is the third best Knockouts Champion ever. That is too far for Purrazzo, who thinks this is a waste of time because she knows she is the greatest of all time. Purrazzo leaves, which Mickie says proves her point.

In two days, herstory will be made again when a Knockouts Champion is going to be in the Royal Rumble and go on to Wrestlemania to set up a champion vs. champion match. Chelsea Green gets in the ring to praise James and goes over her resume. She wants the first shot but here are Tasha Steelz and Savannah Evans to say no one cares about Green.

Steelz brags about how great she is and says she’ll be taking the title at No Surrender. She hits Mickie in the ribs with the X and the big beatdown is on with Mickie and Chelsea cleaning the ring. This was a long setup for a reminder that James is in the Rumble and that Steelz is still coming for the title.

Steve Maclin is upset that he lost to Jonathan Gresham last week in a Pure Rules match. He throws the interviewer out but Gresham comes up, saying Maclin can have a non-title match next week without Pure Rules.

We look at Jordynne Grace successfully defending the Digital Media Title at Terminus.

Grace will give Matt Cardona a shot at the Digital Media Title. Cardona is a pioneer in this area, but that was back when MySpace was a thing. He can have his shot, but don’t go crying about it on Live Journal.

Here is Brian Myers with the Learning Tree, now with several new recruits.

W. Morrissey vs. Learning Tree

There are nine people for the Learning Tree and the destruction is on in a hurry, with some people being thrown over the top onto others. A powerbomb sends one of them onto VSK to give Morrissey the pin at 2:35.

Post match, Brian Myers goes after Morrissey but it’s Moose running in to jump Morrissey as well. The Learning Tree comes back in but gets cleared out, allowing Moose to spear Morrissey down.

Raj Singh has a new protege for next week but an unimpressed John Skyler pops up. Skyler will take on said protege next week.

Johnny Swinger vs. Jonah

This is the result of Swinger running his mouth earlier (I’m shocked too). Swinger’s single leg doesn’t work as Dan Lambert is watching. Jonah throws him down, this a backsplash, and finishes with the Tsunami at 1:17.

Post match here is Decay to check on Swinger and stare at Jonah. That’s a weird way to go.

Here’s what’s coming at various shows.

PCO vs. Chris Sabin

Good thing Honor No More already has a tron video. The rest of the team is here with PCO so Sabin’s friends come out with him as well. PCO drives him into the corner for a shot to the face but Sabin isn’t having that. He is however having a drive right back into the corner as PCO hammers him down again without much trouble. Sabin’s arm is sent into the buckle a few times but he fights back anyway. Honor No More trips him down so Eddie Edwards does the same to PCO, meaning the Impact guys are out.

We take a break and come back with Sabin raining down right hands in the corner but PCO tosses him outside with ease. The running flipping suicide dive takes Sabin down on the floor again. PCO makes it worse with a posting and there’s the big flip dive off the top to the apron.

Back in and a DDT plants Sabin again but the PCOsault misses. Sabin manages a middle rope dropkick and PCO gets knocked to the floor. That means a suicide dive from Sabin and a high crossbody gets two back inside. A side slam plants Sabin but he gets his knees up to block another PCOsault attempt. Sabin has to deal with Honor No More though and PCO grabs a Bubba Bomb for the pin at 15:15.

Rating: B-. That’s the only way this match could have gone and it was an entertaining path to the correct ending. You can’t have Honor No More lose so early in their run and it isn’t like Sabin is going to be hurt by taking a fall after interference from the rest of the team. No Surrender shouldn’t be that big of a surprise either, but it’s nice to see how things are going on the way there.

Post match the Impact guys come back out and the big brawl is on. Josh Alexander gets Vincent in the ankle lock but a save is made to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. Rather good show this week as they built things up, continued some stories and had solid action throughout the night. There are things going on here that I want to see and for the first time in the better part of ever, I’m looking forward to what Impact is doing on more than one front. Well done, and the Honor No More stuff is keeping my interest above all else.

Jake Something b. Chris Bey – Swinging Boss Man Slam
IInspiration b. Kaleb With A K/Madison Rayne – Sunset flip to Kaleb With A K
W. Morrissey b. Learning Tree – Double pin
Jonah b. Johnny Swinger – Tsunami
PCO b. Chris Sabin – Bubba Bomb




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Impact Wrestling – November 11, 2021: The Turning Point Turning Point

Impact Wrestling
Date: November 11, 2021
Location: Sam’s Town Live, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators: Matt Striker, D’Lo Brown

We continue on the way towards Hard To Kill, though it is going to take some time to actually get there. There are a few things going on at the moment as well, which includes the build towards Turning Point. That could mean a few different ways to go on this show so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Bullet Club vs. FinJuice

The winners get the Tag Team Title shot at Turning Point and Hikuleo is here with the Club. Bey headlocks Finlay to start and gets a grand total of nowhere. Instead Finlay takes him down and drops a knee to the chest. Robinson comes in for a slam and a backsplash crushes Bey again. Bey slips out of a delayed vertical suplex though and a distraction lets Robinson get dropped throat first across the barricade.

Back in and a legsweep takes Robinson down so El Phantasmo can hit a Lionsault. The top rope back rake wakes Robinson up a bit though and he starts firing off the snap jabs. The double tag brings in Finlay and Bey so the pace can pick up in a hurry. A running dropkick/Russian legsweep combination gets two on Bey and a modified Demolition Decapitator is good for the same. What looks like a Doomsday Device is broken up so Finlay dives onto the rest of the Club at ringside. Instead, Robinson rolls Bey up for two but Phantasmo hits a superkick to give Bey the pin and the title shot at 8:04.

Rating: C+. These guys work well together but it feels like a match we have seen far too often as of late. What we got was good with both teams doing their thing until the numbers game got the better of FinJuice. I’m not sure how well the Club vs. the Good Brothers is going to go, but at least it’s a fresh match, even if it involves the Good Brothers.

Post match the Good Brothers come out and the brawl is on, including Hikuleo clearing out Doc Gallows (who is shorter for a change).

Commentary previews Turning Point and tonight.

Scott D’Amore talks about Josh Alexander getting his rematch for the World Title but things are complicated. Cue Alexander, who says D’Amore won’t answer his calls. D’Amore knows Alexander is focused on Minoru Suzuki, so they can fight next week. When that is taken care of, then Alexander can go after the World Title.

We look back at Sam Beale pinning Brian Myers in a tag match on Before The Impact.

Brian Myers blames the Learning Tree for the loss. Zicky Dice keeps getting hit in the face off camera. Myers vs. Sam Beale is set for a singles match at some point.

Kaleb With A K vs. Minoru Suzuki

I sense pain. We see Josh Alexander watching in the back as Kaleb bails to the ropes to start. A variety of submissions send Kaleb to the ropes again but for some reason he tries slugging it out. This goes as expected and Suzuki hits the Gotch style piledriver to finish Kaleb at 1:37.

Moose isn’t worried about Eddie Edwards, Matt Cardona or W. Morrissey, who are in a #1 contenders match tonight.

Decay vs. Undead Bridesmaids

Decay clears the ring before the bell but here is the IInspiration to watch on the stage. We take a break and come back with the opening bell as Lee kicks Rosemary in the head for two. Rosemary pops up to beat on Lauren and Havok comes in to add a corner splash. Everything breaks down and Rosemary spears Lauren so Havok can get the pin at 2:10. Well that was fast.

Heath and Rhino are back together but it’s not done with Violent By Design. Rhino wants to get rid of Eric Young and they’re ready for Turning Point.

The IInspiration isn’t happy with the Undead Bridesmaids and will beat them up next week.

Chris Sabin doesn’t like Ace Austin’s “I Beat Chris Sabin” shirt and is ready to take him out at Turning Point.

Last week, Madison Rayne ranted about Mickie James so Scott D’Amore comes in to make Rayne vs. Mercedes Martinez for this week.

Madison Rayne vs. Mercedes Martinez

Martinez doesn’t like Madison running her mouth and hits an early delayed vertical suplex. Madison slips out of something though and hits a Codebreaker into a Backstabber for two. Some choking on the ropes and shoulders in the corner have Martinez in more trouble but she’s right back with a tiger driver. A short DDT connects but Madison is right back with an enziguri. There’s a Blockbuster to give Madison two more so she loads up the cutter, only to have Mercedes counter into a rollup for the pin at 5:28.

Rating: C-. I was a bit surprised at how much Madison got in here, as you would think this would be the place where Martinez should run through her to look like more of a threat to Mickie at Turning Point. Madison continues to be rather good in her latest comeback and I wouldn’t be shocked to see her in the title picture again at some point. That isn’t the case at the moment though, as Martinez vs. James should be great.

Post match Madison jumps her again and grabs a chair, only to have Mickie James make the save. With Madison gone, Mickie helps Martinez up and gets planed with an Air Raid Crash.

Steve Maclin is annoyed that he has lost twice in a row without getting pinned. Trey Miguel comes in and wants Maclin added to the X-Division Title match at Turning Point. Scott D’Amore comes in to say that Maclin can get in the title match if he beats Laredo Kid next week.

Sam Beale is ready to face Brian Myers next week because it’s time to show what he learned. Rich Swann and Willie Mack have his back but he has to do this alone next week.

Last week, Rohit Raju yelled at Rocky Romero.

Rohit Raju vs. Rocky Romero

Raj Singh is with Raju. They trade takedowns to start as Striker talks about how he used to be the opening match on a lot of cards back in the day. Yeah you’re still Matt Striker. Raju tries a leapfrog but gets poked in the eyes as Romero starts getting smart. Romero sends her outside and hits a running dive off the steps as we take a break.

Back with Raju chopping in the corner and Singh getting in some choking on the rope. Raju doesn’t get very far by cranking on the arm so Romero is right back with a running clothesline. The middle rope double stomp to the back gets two on Raju and a tornado DDT is good for the same. Raju takes him down and goes up top, only to miss a top rope knee. Romero’s running hurricanrana gets two and he takes Singh out for a bonus. There’s a running Sliced Bread for two more but Raju is back with the jumping knee. The running knee finishes Romero at 11:30.

Rating: C+. As usual, your mileage on both guys may vary, but they had a nice match here. The Singh stuff was annoying as Raju can’t get away from fairly lame tag partners for whatever reason. He’s good enough to do this on his own and I have no idea why Impact keeps having him do this stuff over and over. At least he can still do well enough in the ring though and that was the case here.

Hernandez has gotten Johnny Swinger a match with the two of them against Decay and the Demon. Swinger isn’t happy, so here is John E. Bravo to offer Fallah Bahh to even things up. That’s still not enough for Swinger, but the match is on anyway.

Chelsea Green wants the Digital Media Title and now she is in a #1 contenders match.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

W. Morrissey vs. Matt Cardona vs. Eddie Edwards

The winner gets a title shot against Moose at Turning Point. Cardona gets knocked down in the corner to start so Morrissey shoves Edwards over the top by the throat. That leaves Cardona to get beaten up but Edwards dives back in…and right into a choke from Morrissey. There’s the double chokeslam and we take a break with Morrissey dominating.

We take a break and come back with Morrissey splashing Cardona in the corner and hammering away as Edwards is down on the floor. The neck crank goes on, followed by the fall away slam to send Cardona flying. Edwards is back in with a knee to Morrissey, who sends him flying with another fall away slam. Edwards slips out of a suplex and gets his head kicked off for messing with Morrissey’s plans.

Cardona is back in to knock both of them down and it’s finally time to double team Morrissey. That goes well for all of ten seconds before he runs both of them over in a hurry. Edwards goes up top and Morrissey follows him, setting up the Tower of Doom. There’s a double suplex to put Morrissey down and he falls out to the floor. Cardona and Edwards slug it out but stop to deal with Morrissey again. The Boston Knee Party off the apron drops Morrissey again and a running knee to the back of Cardona’s head gives Edwards the pin and the title shot at 16:25.

Rating: C+. Another case where they stuck with the formula here and getting some positive results. Edwards vs. Moose is the right call for the title match as it’s hard to imagine Cardona getting the spot and Morrissey sounds like a big Impact main event. They told a nice story with having to deal with Morrissey and Edwards beating Cardona without much trouble, so this went as it should have.

Moose is watching from behind the stage to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. I liked this show as it did a nice job of setting up both next week as well as Turning Point. That’s the kind of show that you need from time to time and they made it work here. As usual, Impact knows how to set things up and then pay it off almost every week. Add in the fact that we had some good matches on top of it and I had a rather nice two hours.

Bullet Club b. FinJuice – Superkick to Robinson
Minoru Suzuki b. Kaleb With A K – Gotch style piledriver
Decay b. Undead Bridesmaids – Spear to Lauren
Mercedes Martinez b. Madison Rayne – Rollup
Rohit Raju b. Rocky Romero – Running knee
Eddie Edwards b. Matt Cardona and W. Morrissey – Running knee to the back of Cardona’s head


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Impact Wrestling – October 21, 2021: Bound To Be Good

Impact Wrestling
Date: October 21, 2021
Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Josh Matthews, D’Lo Brown

It’s the go home show for Bound For Glory and the card is set. That could leave a few different directions to choose this week and I’m curious to see where things are going to go. The good thing is that Impact has earned the benefit of the doubt over….dang a year plus or so? Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Bullet Club vs. FinJuice

For the Bound For Glory Tag Team Title shot and that would be Chris Bey/Hikuleo for the Club. Finlay starts with Hikuleo with the big man knocking Finlay down without much effort. It’s already off to Robinson, who backsplashes Bey for a fast two. Robinson knocks Bey off the top and a double bulldog drops Hikuleo for two. Finlay gets knocked down though and it’s Bey coming in with a springboard rake to the back.

The chinlock goes on but Finlay gets up and, with Bey holding a leg, hops over for the tag to Robinson in a unique visual. Everything breaks down and a Russian legsweep/running big boot gets two on Bey with Hikuleo making the save. The referee gets bumped so Hikuleo’s chokeslam gets no count. Another referee runs in to count two but Finlay manages a cutter. The double tag brings in Robinson to strike away on Hikuleo but a snap powerslam plants Robinson back down. Everything breaks down and it’s a double rollup to give us a double pin at 9:22.

Rating: C+. These teams have some good matches with each other and that was the case again. The draw isn’t exactly surprising as I couldn’t imagine one of these teams being left off of the Bound For Glory card. You just learn to live with the three way matches and it could be fun watching these two trying to make the Good Brothers look better.

Post break the referees explain things to Scott D’Amore, who will make a decision by the end of the night.

Here’s what’s coming tonight and at Bound For Glory.

Josh Alexander talks about growing up in the middle of nowhere and not being able to afford to play hockey. Then he found pro wrestling and he was instantly hooked. He started wrestling but broke his neck and had to have surgery. Somehow he came back and then broke his neck again but actually came back one more time, albeit with a different attitude. Now he wanted to put in the work to become the best he could be, even if it was just in Canada. He won the Destiny Wrestling World Title and then got signed by Impact Wrestling (with a clip of Scott D’Amore handing him the contract in a great moment).

It was off to Impact Wrestling, where he wanted to win the X-Division Title, after being inspired by Low Ki. He held the title for so long that there was only one thing left for him to do, which led him to Option C and the main event of Bound For Glory. It isn’t that failure isn’t an option, but Alexander doesn’t think he can fail. This was REALLY good and showed you a different look at Alexander, which had been lacking for a long time. I want to see him win now and that had not been the case coming in.

Jordynne Grace/Fallah Bahh vs. Chelsea Green/Crazzy Steve vs. John Skyler/Tenille Dashwood

Three way tag between the six people in the Digital Media Title match at Bound For Glory. Grace powers Green into the corner and it’s off to Bahh, who doesn’t seen to scare Green. It’s off to Steve to hammer away on Bahh in the corner. Skyler comes in to take over on Steve, who bites Dashwood in the face to escape.

That’s enough for the hot tag to Grace, meaning it’s time to clean house. The running knees in the corner set up the running backsplash to crush Skyler. Everything breaks down and Skyler has to save Dashwood from the Banzai Drop. Steve hits the middle rope DDT on Bahh but Dashwood sneaks in with the Spotlight Kick to finish Bahh at 4:25.

Rating: C-. I’m not wild on these this kind of a match as it is little more than a preview for Sunday’s title match. They threw everyone in there and one of them happened to get a win. I guess that counts as momentum, but this is such a lower card title that it is hard to get overly interested in a short and wild match like this one.

Here is a serious Rhino for a chat but Heath cuts him off before anything can be said. Heath says it has been a little while but they have been through a lot over the years. Their families know each other but Heath didn’t hear from him throughout the course of his injury. Heath knows it’s Eric Young doing this to Rhino but the one thing he wants Rhino to know is that he misses you. His daughters miss Uncle Rhino (you know that’s a chant) and that’s good for a smile, but Violent By Design interrupts.

Eric Young says Violent By Design isn’t something you walk away from. Heath makes it sound like a cult and says Rhino is brainwashed. The brawl is on and Heath gets beaten down until Rhino finally pulls Young off. Rhino teases Goring Heath but walks out instead, leaving Heath to get beaten down. They are managing to make me care about a Rhino/Heath/Eric Young story so well done.

Minoru Suzuki is coming.

Savannah Evans vs. Mickie James

This is James’ first Impact match in six years and Tasha Steelz is here with Evans. Mickie gets shoved down by the much bigger Evans to start but slugs away anyway. Some forearms are cut off by a Steelz distraction, allowing Evans to choke on the ropes. We hit the bearhug, with Mickie biting her way to freedom. The MickieDT is blocked so Mickie settles for the middle rope Thesz press for a near fall. Cue Deonna Purrazzo for a distraction, allowing Evans to hit a full nelson slam for two of her own. Evans misses a charge into the post, so Mickie kicks her in the head and hits the MickieDT for the pin at 7:27.

Rating: C. This was a way to get Mickie in the ring and give her a win over a monster and that worked out just fine. They didn’t need to make this complicated and what we wound up getting was the right way to go. Mickie vs. Purrazzo might not be a dream match but it’s a heck of a match for the biggest show of the year.

Post match, Purrazzo gets in James’ face but there is no contact allowed. Instead, here is Matthew Rehwoldt to lay Mickie out instead.

Post break, Scott D’Amore isn’t cool with what just happened. While Purrazzo didn’t break the agreement, she broke the intent of it and should be stripped of the title. That’s not what D’Amore wants though, because he would rather see her lose it at Bound For Glory. Purrazzo isn’t happy so D’Amore bans Rehwoldt from ringside for the title match to make it worse.

Brian Myers isn’t happy with the Learning Tree for screwing up last week and fires Manny Lemons (who seems to explode). Sam Beale is cut as well, but he asks for an autograph from Myers. Instead, he has to settle for VSK in a disappointing downgrade.

Scott D’Amore is in his office for the Knockouts Tag Team Titles contract signing but no one shows up. Cue RD Evans, the IInspiration’s entertainment lawyer (and former barrister for Deonna Purrazzo), with Decay appearing as well. Rosemary isn’t happy about having to sign in ink instead of blood but the champs are in anyway. Evans signs for the IInspiration and we get the promise of heads being bitten off. I’ll let you guess who promises to do so.

Alex Zayne vs. Trey Miguel

They go with the grappling to start with Miguel throwing him down, giving us a standoff. Zayne rides Miguel down to play some mind games of his own as commentary promises that it is going to pick up. Miguel sends him outside and loads up the dive but Zayne comes back in and we get a kneeling staredown to keep up the mind games. Zayne scores with an enziguri and they both crash out to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Miguel pulling him down into something like a reverse Koji Clutch to put Zayne in trouble. With that broken up, Miguel goes up but Zayne hits a running flip super hurricanrana (because he can just do that) to bring Miguel back down. Some kicks rock Zayne, who is back with a jumping knee. Zayne puts him on top but has to block a sunset bomb. The 619 around the post rocks Zayne though and the top rope Meteora finishes for Miguel at 11:56.

Rating: C+. This was just starting to cook when it wrapped up. Miguel getting the pin is a good way to build him up for Saturday and Zayne looked good in defeat. I’m not sure what is next for Zayne, but there is always the chance that he falls into the pack in the X-Division. That’s better than doing nothing on 205 Live, but not by much.

Post match here is Steve Maclin to lay Miguel off but Bullet Club comes in to jump Maclin. El Phantasmo hits the big low blow on Miguel so the Club can stand tall (more so in Hikuleo’s case).

Bound For Glory rundown, including the announcement of the triple threat Tag Team Title match.

Here is Josh Alexander for the final chat before Bound For Glory. He is two days away from a shot at the World Title and doesn’t understand what a risk is. Alexander spent years at a construction site but took the chance to prove that he could do everything he dreamed of doing. That was a risk, but the risk that he will not take is letting his boys think he won’t take a shot. Cue Christian Cage to say he knows what it’s like to be on this stage. Everything comes down to emotion and you have to be able to keep it in check. Some people crack under the pressure but some people thrive and win World Titles, like Christian himself.

Over the last few weeks, Christian hasn’t seen anything to suggest that Alexander has what it takes. Alexander has heard all of this before, including about Christian when he first came here in 2005. As long as Christian is getting paid by a billionaire in another company, he can’t be the face of Impact Wrestling. At Bound For Glory, he’s slamming the Forbidden Door in Christian’s face because he’s the best in the world. Christian: “You’re not even the best wrestler from Canada.” The brawl is on and security/wrestlers break it up to end the show. This was good stuff, though that Alexander video from earlier was hard to top.

Overall Rating: B. They were in a weird spot here as the wrestling was taking a distant backseat to everything else going on. This show was about the final push towards Bound For Glory and very few people on the pay per view card were active on this show. What mattered was making me want to see Bound For Glory and that worked very well. Impact is doing everything they need to do right now and if they can stick the landing on Saturday, they could be in a heck of an awesome place for the first time in the better part of ever.

Bullet Club vs. FinJuice went to a double pin
John Skyler/Tenille Dashwood b. Jordynne Grace/Fallah Bahh and Chelsea Green/Crazzy Steve – Spotlight Kick to Bahh
Mickie James b. Savannah Evans – MickieDT
Trey Miguel b. Alex Zayne – Top rope Meteora




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Impact Wrestling – September 30, 2021: After All This Time

Impact Wrestling
Date: September 30, 2021
Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: D’Lo Brown, Matt Striker

We are on the way to Bound For Glory and we now have the main event set for the World Title. As a result of Josh Alexander giving up the X-Division Title to set up the main event, we need a new X-Division Champion and the tournament begins tonight. It’s time to get serious around here so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

X-Division Title Tournament First Round: Laredo Kid vs. Alex Zayne vs. Trey Miguel

The winner goes on to the title match at Bound For Glory. Zayne hiptosses Kid over to Miguel for a hurricanrana but they’re all back up to miss dropkicks and that means a standoff. Kid is sent outside and Zayne hits a running twisting backsplash for two on Miguel. That doesn’t last long as Kid is back in to send Zayne outside but Miguel does the same, setting up a running hurricanrana over the top to flip Kid off the apron.

Back in and Miguel ties Zayne up for the Cheeky Nandos kick and then up Zayne’s legs while suplexing Kid at the same time. Kid is back up with a 450 to break it up so Zayne suplexes Kid down. Miguel takes Zayne down and hits a jumping double stomp to the back. With Zayne down, Kid springboard cutters Miguel off the top onto him for a crash in a cool spot. Miguel is fine enough to go up top and hit the super Meteora to put Kid away at 8:42.

Rating: B-. It worked in WCW and it worked here, as they had three young, talented high fliers go out there and go nuts for a few minutes, which is all you should do in something like this. It’s an idea that is always going to work and it is nice to see Miguel get a win. Now give him the title already!

Miguel is very fired up over his win.

Matthew Rehwoldt was watching that match and wants to attack Laredo Kid’s mask. They’ll fight next week. He was watching the match live and had a pre-tape ready? That’s some fast production.

Sami Callihan has been attacked and suffered a broken ankle at the hands of W. Morrissey and Moose. That’s about the best option they had to write him off for a legitimate injury.

Eddie Edwards is ready to face W. Morrissey in a street fight for revenge. Tonight it ends once and for all, and then Eddie is coming for Moose.

Here’s what’s coming tonight.

Influence vs. Jordynne Grace/Rachael Ellering

For the Knockouts Tag Team Title shot at Knockouts Knockdown and Kaleb With A K is here with the Influence. Dashwood starts with Ellering and we hit the stall button so both teams can pose together. They eventually fight over a wristlock with Ellering getting the better of things and taking her down over and over. There’s a headlock takeover to do it again as Dashwood can’t get anything going to start. Dashwood slides outside, where she trips Ellering down as we take a break.

Back with Grace coming in for some shoulders in the corner to put Dashwood in trouble. A backsplash into a double suplex gets two on Dashwood but Rayne gets in a kick from the apron to rock Grace. Rayne’s knee to the face gets two and the Influence stand on Grace’s hair to make it worse.

Grace fights up in a hurry and brings Ellering back in to clean house. Everything breaks down and Ellering’s STO sets up a Vader Bomb from Grace for two, with Kaleb With A K putting the foot on the rope. Rayne gets in another cheap shot to take over but Ellering kicks her in the head. Kaleb With A K distracts Grace though, leaving Ellering to take a double Stroke for the pin at 12:44.

Rating: C. This might not have been the best match ever or anything but it was a perfectly competent match between two teams who felt like they belonged together. The division is starting to take a little shape and that is because we have some actual teams. You don’t get that very often around here and it is nice to see for a change.

Christopher Daniels is back to deal with Madman Fulton when Josh Alexander comes in. Alexander is glad he’s back, but Christian Cage comes in to say he didn’t need help. Daniels leaves and Christian says Alexander needs to be ready.

Brian Myers teaches the Learning Tree about physical fitness. Sam Beale thinks VSK is being treated better but Myers doesn’t want to hear it. Beale tells the other two to take some notes.

The Good Brothers are still on vacation, where they have been putting themselves over on Twitter and beating up Jon Moxley. They aren’t worried about any of the teams around here. Bound For Glory is coming though and they need opponents, so Bullet Club can face FinJuice for the title shot.

Deonna Purrazzo drives onto Mickie James’ horse farm and jumps her in the stables. Purrazzo hits her with a bucket but Mickie fights back and screams a lot. A pitchfork misses Mickie, who gets in a shot with….something hard. They fight outside where Mickie blasts her with a hose (the white shirt is just a coincidence I’m sure) but gets sent face first into a water bucket (the white shirt is just a coincidence I’m sure). Purrazzo leaves with Mickie down.

FinJuice doesn’t like the Bullet Club having a numbers advantage but Chris Sabin is here to even the odds. Six man next week.

Madman Fulton vs. Christopher Daniels

Ace Austin is here with Fulton. Daniels does get a nice reaction and it feels like a special return. Fulton throws him down to start and grabs an early delayed vertical suplex. Daniels slips out of a powerslam though and hammers away, including knocking Fulton outside. The Arabian moonsault takes Fulton down again but he kicks Daniels in the face to take over again.

Some elbows and choking in the corner keep Daniels in trouble but he comes back with a running DDT. A middle rope hurricanrana sets up the running STO for two on Fulton, who is back with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam (Striker: “Through the wasteland. The water is currency!”). Austin offers a distraction so here is Josh Alexander to cut him off. Angel’s Wings gets one and Daniels is stunned, so he tries a middle rope Downward Spiral instead. That sets up the BME to finish Fulton at 6:58.

Rating: C. I’m not sure I get the point in having Fulton kick out of the Angel’s Wings so easily when he was going to get pinned a few seconds later, but that’s a fairly minor point. What matters here is Daniels looked good and could still be a player around here. The guy seems immune to time and it is cool to see him back here where he was quite the big deal in the company’s glory days.

We go to Swinger’s Palace where Scott D’Amore comes in. Johnny Swinger tries to talk D’Amore out of taking Bound For Glory to Las Vegas but that isn’t happening. Swinger promises to make it the class of Las Vegas, but admits he doesn’t have a gaming license. That’s too bad, because D’Amore has no choice but to have them shut down.

Ace Austin and Madman Fulton go to see D’Amore because they don’t like Christopher Daniels and Josh Alexander. D’Amore makes a tag match…but with Christian Cage instead of Daniels. Makes a bit more sense.

Here is Violent By Design for Rhino’s decision. Eric Young talks about how the team was in full control (it was just the Tag Team Titles) but Rhino let the sickness back in. Now Rhino needs to make a decision because he’s either all the way in or all the way out. Cue Rhino, who looks confused about what to do. Young tells him to make the right decision so he can avoid the violence. Rhino is surrounded….so here is Heath to interrupt. The brawl is on and Heath clears the ring….but Rhino leaves through the crowd without making a decision.

The Digital Media Title is coming, with matches taking place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays on the various web shows. I kind of like that.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Eddie Edwards vs. W. Morrissey

Street fight as Edwards is out for revenge. Morrissey starts fast by kicking Eddie in the face and it’s time to go outside. It’s already time to bring in the weapons, with Morrissey hitting him with a wet floor sign. Eddie low bridges him to the floor though and hits a heck of a suicide dive. A replica TNA World Title knocks Morrissey silly and it’s time for a table. Morrissey sends him into the steps though and starts taking his time, which probably isn’t a good idea. Eddie manages a drop toehold into the steps (I knew it was a bad idea) and we take a break.

Back with Morrissey hitting a splash in the corner and unloading with trashcan lid shots to the head. Eddie gets in some shots of his own though and there’s a Blue Thunder Bomb onto the trashcan. It’s time for a barbed wire chair but Morrissey kicks him in the face again. Morrissey puts a chair onto Eddie and drives another chair onto him before setting up four chairs, two by two.

A superplex is loaded up but here is Alisha Edwards with a kendo stick for the save. Eddie powerbombs him onto the chairs and unloads with the stick, but Alisha has an idea. She puts the barbed wire chair over Morrissey’s head and the Boston Knee Party finishes for Eddie at 15:18.

Rating: B-. This was what you would want from a match like this and it was entertaining while it lasted. Alisha coming in to help her husband was a good way to go, though Edwards is going to need some help to deal with Morrissey and Moose at the same time. It was a good start to the next leg of the story though, especially when everything had to be reset due to Sami Callihan’s injury.

Post match here is Moose to throw Alisha down and spear Eddie through a table in the corner. The giants grab Alisha, with Morrissey holding her in place as Moose wraps a chair around Eddie’s neck. The chair is sent into the post and Eddie is out to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Impact being this good feels completely normal. It has been the case for a long time now and the good thing is that it seems like a new era for the show instead of a nice run. Impact has such a terrible reputation and while the idea of it being a player has long since sailed, it is very nice to have the show be such a steady offering. Another positive effort this week as we get close to the biggest show of the year.

Trey Miguel b. Alex Zayne and Laredo Kid – Super Meteora to Kid
Influence b. Jordynne Grace/Rachael Ellering – Double Stroke to Ellering
Christopher Daniels b. Madman Fulton – Best Moonsault Ever
Eddie Edwards b. W. Morrissey – Boston Knee Party into a barbed wire chair




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Impact Wrestling – September 23, 2021: Bound For Good?

Impact Wrestling
Date: September 23, 2021
Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: D’Lo Brown, Matt Striker

We are a month away from Bound For Glory and it seems that we have a main event. At Victory Road, X-Division Champion Josh Alexander announced that he was using Option C to cash in his title for a shot at Christian Cage’s World Title. This has been teased for a few weeks now and is the absolute best idea that they have at the moment. Alexander feels unbeatable and that comes from months of putting in the effort. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Scott D’Amore to get things going. He explains Option C and brings out Josh Alexander, but reminds him that once he hands over the title, a tournament begins to crown a new champion. Therefore, make sure this is what you want. Alexander talks about having neck surgery six years ago and having doubts about his future. He has no doubts this time though, because he knows he can be the face of this company.

This brings out Christian Cage, who says Alexander almost lost his career but Christian DID lose his career for seven years. Cage tells him to think about this, because right now he is the face of the X-Division, but he won’t be the face of this company. Instead, he’ll just be a face in the crowd. Alexander says that makes his decision that much easier and hands over the title.

D’Amore leaves but here are Ace Austin and Madman Fulton to interrupt. Austin doesn’t go away quietly after a loss at Victory Road and calls out Alexander for being a quitter. He would never give up the title like that….but Alexander says that wasn’t an option because Alexander took the title from him. The fight is on but Austin’s cane shot hits Cage by mistake. There were some great lines in there and I like where this is going.

Rich Swann and Willie Mack aren’t happy with losing their Tag Team Title shot at Victory Road but they want their next shot. Mack wants in the X-Division Title tournament and Swann wants in the Call Your Shot gauntlet match. Cue Brian Myers to say he’s in the gauntlet as well, but he whines so much that a tag match is set for later tonight.

Josh Alexander complains about Ace Austin so Scott D’Amore makes the match between them for later tonight.

Here’s what’s coming tonight.

Hikuleo vs. David Finlay

Chris Bey and Juice Robinson are the seconds. The massive Hikuleo drives him up against the ropes to start but can’t hit a shot to the face. Instead he hiptosses Finlay into the corner, making Finlay pause for a second. Finlay’s crossbody is countered into a slam and Bey tripping him from the floor makes it worse. Hikuleo kicks him in the face for two and we take a break.

Back with Hikuleo getting two off a powerslam and grabbing a chinlock. Finlay fights up and grabs a jumping neckbreaker, setting up a middle rope crossbody for two. The sleeper slows Hikuleo down for a bit until he powers his way out and hits a heck of a clothesline for two of his own. The chokeslam is countered into a Stunner though and Finlay avoids a charge, setting up a rollup for the pin at 11:14.

Rating: C+. This was a totally fine big man vs. little man match, though pinning the giant so early on in his time around here seems to be a bit questionable. FinJuice continues to grow on me though and it is nice to see two guys getting over so well, mainly due to their talent alone. Nice match, and I’m curious to see where they are going.

Post match the brawl is on again with FinJuice getting the better of things, but El Phantasmo, also Bullet Club, runs in to help with the beatdown.

Violent By Design says what happened to Rhino last week was necessary. Violence is the only cure for the sickness and while Rhino can apologize, he needs to decide and do the right thing. They need an answer next week.

Matt Cardona is done with Rohit Raju and Shera but Chelsea Green is ready to take out Raju herself.

Su Yung’s followers present her with…..a red belt, which doesn’t seem to please her. Ok then.

Chelsea Green vs. Rohit Raju

Matt Cardona is here too. Raju shoves her into the corner to start but she’s back with a pair of kicks to the face for two. That earns her a hair takedown and a snap suplex gives Raju two of his own. Green Thesz presses him for some right hands to the face and a snap German suplex makes it worse. The jumping knee connects for Green but she can’t get the Unprettier, allowing Raju to grab a rollup and the ropes. Cardona breaks up the latter but here is the returning Raj Singh to send him into the steps. Raju grabs a small package for the pin at 4:07.

Rating: C-. Great, the Desi Hit Squad is back. Things have gotten better for Raju but the team was such a horrible waste of time before that I’m almost depressed at the idea of having to watch them again. The match itself was fine enough, and Green looked like was hanging in there rather well.

We look at W. Morrissey taking out Alisha Edwards at Victory Road.

Eddie Edwards swears vengeance but doesn’t want to hear from Sami Callihan. That doesn’t work for Sami, who wants revenge of his own. Moose comes in for the brawl but gets beaten down as Eddie wants to know where W. Morrissey is.

Rich Swann/Willie Mack vs. Brian Myers/???

Myers says his learning tree isn’t ready to team with him in this match so he has a surprise partner: VSK, another of Myers’ students. Swann and VSK start things off with the latter hitting a surprise dropkick to take over early on. Back up and Swann nails his own dropkick, setting up a double flapjack with Mack’s help.

Myers comes in and gets flattened with a flying shoulder but a Zicky Dice distraction lets VSK score with a sliding German suplex. Mack fights up and forearms the heck out of Myers, allowing the double tags to Swann and VSK. The rolling splash gives Swann two but VSK grabs an elevated DDT for the same. Swann superkicks him out of the air though and a high crossbody (possibly due to Dice’s mistimed shove) is good for the pin at 5:16.

Rating: C. Just another match here as VSK isn’t exactly a threat to a former World Champion. I know he has been around AEW for a while now but that doesn’t make him feel like a star here. The same is true of Myers, who feels about as firmly midcard as you can possibly be.

Johnny Swinger is worried about Impact going to Las Vegas and putting him out of business. He writes a letter to Scott D’Amore, who he thinks has just bought the company from Bob Carter’s daughter (Swinger: “Babe.”). Therefore, D’Amore needs to come to Swinger’s Palace next week and talk about this. Signed, JJ Dillon.

The Good Brothers are still on vacation because they have beaten every team around. They are on the top of the mountain and the only thing to do is knock any other team off the mountain. Can they get lost on the mountain while they’re up there?

Video on the Good Brothers.

Here is Mickie James for a chat. She is rather touched by her reception and talks about how awesome Empowerrr was, but Deonna Purrazzo has changed everything. Mickie calls Purrazzo out for a face to face chat so here is the champ. Purrazzo doesn’t like Mickie even saying her name after attacking her last week, which Mickie doesn’t buy.

Mickie throws out the Bound For Glory challenge, but Purrazzo isn’t interested in giving Mickie a boost with nothing in it for her. It’s a no, but the brawl is on anyway with security breaking it up. Cue Scott D’Amore to make the match for Bound For Glory. You know it was happening but it had to be set up.

Flashback Moment of the Week: Mickie James wins the Knockouts Title on Impact, May 23, 2013.

Eddie Edwards and Sami Callihan go after W. Morrissey, but get cut off by security. Scott D’Amore makes the street fight for next week.

Gail Kim announces a tournament for Knockouts Knockdown, featuring an eight woman tournament with four Knockouts and four from elsewhere. The winners get a Knockouts Title match, but here is the Influence to interrupt. Madison Rayne thinks they should get a Knockouts Tag Team Title shot, but Kim says they have to beat Rachael Ellering and Jordynne Grace next week.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Ace Austin vs. Josh Alexander

Madman Fulton is here with Austin, who bails into the corner to start. Austin drives him up against the ropes for a clean break but Fulton trips Alexander from the floor. That doesn’t seem to bother Alexander, who snaps off a suplex to send Austin outside. Austin jumps up to the apron, where he gets caught with a quickly broken ankle lock. Back in and Alexander gets two off a delayed vertical suplex but a Fulton distraction lets Austin get in a kick to the head.

We take a break and come back with Austin grabbing the chinlock with a bodyscissors. That’s reversed into a quickly broken ankle lock so Austin hits a belly to back slam. Alexander pops up with a German suplex and Austin is rocked again. A running big boot drops Austin but the C4 Spike is broken up. Instead, Alexander rolls some German suplexes until Austin grabs the rope for a break.

Another C4 Spike attempt is broken up and Austin grabs a neckbreaker for two. Alexander knocks him to the apron for a suicide dive to the back (that’s a new one), sending them both outside. Back in and Austin hits a heck of a superkick to knock Alexander off the apron and outside onto Fulton. The Fold is countered into a powerbomb onto the knee though and the C4 Spike finishes for Alexander at 15:12.

Rating: B-. Are you surprised that these two had a good match? There was no serious doubt about the winner here, as there shouldn’t have been. What mattered here was making Alexander into a bigger star and that is what they did, as he beat the most recent #1 contender. Good match with the right result.

Post match Fulton comes in to stomp on Alexander and the beatdown is on. Christian Cage comes in for the save and helps clear the ring but Alexander isn’t pleased. Fulton and Austin come back in to jump the good guys….until Christopher Daniels of all people makes a surprise return for the save. Everyone is stunned as Daniels clear the ring to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This was what they needed as Bound For Glory is beginning to take shape with a month to go before the pay per view. The Daniels return was a surprise and a nice one at that, especially if AEW isn’t going to be using him. I’m liking where things are going in Impact and if they can keep it up, we could be in for another strong month from them.

David Finlay b. Hikuleo – Rollup
Rohit Raju b. Chelsea Green – Small package
Rich Swann/Willie Mack b. Brian Myers/VSK – High crossbody to VSK
Josh Alexander b. Ace Austin – C4 Stack



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Impact Wrestling – September 16, 2021: The Future Plans

Impact Wrestling
Date: September 16, 2021
Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: D’Lo Brown, Matt Striker

We’re on the way to Victory Road and ultimately Bound For Glory, which should make for a pair of back to back big shows. The main story this week is a ten man tag with most of the biggest feuds in the company being thrown into one big match. That should be enough to set up Victory Road so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening recap sets up the ten man tag, as there isn’t anything else worth mentioning on the show.

Opening sequence.

Violent By Design vs. Decay

Rhino/Deaner for the team here, with everyone else at ringside. Rhino jumps Black Taurus to start and it’s already off to Deaner to kick away at the ribs. That’s broken up with an elbow in the corner and Crazzy Steve comes in for a backsplash. Deaner takes him into the corner though and the villains start taking turns in a violently designed way. Steve neckbreakers his way to freedom and bites Deaner in the head so Eric Young gets on the apron. The distraction lets Deaner…accidentally hit Rhino with a flag, setting up Steve’s middle rope DDT for the pin at 3:36.

Rating: C-. This didn’t have time to get going and was all about the storyline anyway. The idea of having Rhino’s troubles with the team continue is only kind of interesting, but Rhino is better than some of the options that Impact has. You know what you’re getting with him, but he still does his thing at a completely acceptable level.

Post match Young yells at Rhino, who isn’t having this. Young goes to turn away but Rhino grabs him by the wrist. That’s too far for the rest of the team and Rhino is beaten down. Seems like the team is minus a member.

We go to Swinger’s Palace, where Johnny Swinger seems happy that they’re heading to Las Vegas. That being said, he thinks Dixie Carter is still running this place and the idea of Scott D’Amore, the guy from Team Canada, being in charge, has to be a rib.

TJP is happy with winning money off of Steve Maclin beating Petey Williams last week. Williams comes in and I think we have a match for later.

Johnny Swinger thinks Billy Corgan runs the company.

Team Christian Cage is ready because none of them are afraid to fight. Chris Sabin tells Josh Alexander that they’re on the same team tonight but that changes at Victory Road. Eddie Edwards and Sami Callihan are willing to work together tonight too. That’s why Cage likes the team. As for Ace Austin, he better be ready, but it won’t be enough.

We run down the Victory Road card.

TJP vs. Petey Williams

TJP goes technical to start but gets taken down into a front facelock. That’s broken up so Williams goes with a headscissors on the mat instead. TJP is back up as well and hangs in the ropes to annoy Williams again, earning TJP a Codebreaker to the floor. Back in and the tilt-a-whirl Russian legsweep drops TJP as we take a break.

We come back with TJP having to fight out of a chinlock and grabbing a DDT out of the corner. The boot scrape in the corner sets up a missed Swanton but Petey can’t hit the Canadian Destroyer. Instead he grabs the Sharpshooter, which sends TJP over to the ropes. TJP loads up la majistral but Petey drops down for the pin at 9:30.

Rating: C+. They were having the near technical marvel you would expect and that is a good thing. Williams can be a fine member of the roster and it is nice to see him do more than just the Canadian Destroyer. TJP can work well with anyone and they had a rather nice, albeit a bit short, match here.

Post match Steve Maclin comes in to wreck both guys.

Flashback Moment of the Week: Chris Sabin wins the X-Division Title on July 4, 2013.

The Good Brothers say Rich Swann might have had a chance in last week’s Bunkhouse Brawl but Willie Mack is still in the hospital. Cue Swann and Mack to take them out in a hurry.

Post break, Mack says he’s back because it’s time to take out the Brothers and win the Tag Team Titles. Scott D’Amore comes in to make the title match for Victory Road.

Here is John Skyler for a chat. Laredo Kid beat him on Before The Impact so he’ll beat him now.

John Skyler vs. Laredo Kid

Skyler swats away a handshake offer to start so Kid slaps him in the face. With Skyler knocked to the floor, Kid takes him down with the suicide dive. Back up and Skyler snaps off a belly to belly before taking Kid inside. Kid manages a double clothesline for a double knockdown, setting up a slugout. Skyler goes for the mask like a villain should, setting up the rollup for the pin at 3:46.

Rating: C-. Another short match here and that’s probably a good thing. I like that they are actually building up someone new with Skyler, as they could use some fresh faces. Even if Skyler isn’t going to break through to the next level, it is nice to see Impact taking a shot at someone. Maybe they get something out of him, but at least it isn’t the same people over and over again.

It’s time for It’s All About Me with co-guests Madison Rayne and Kaleb With A K. Since this show is a little backwards, here is “host” Taylor Wilde, who brings in Rachael Ellering and Jordynne Grace. They don’t seem to like each other but Wilde asks what happened when she and Dashwood wrestled. Dashwood shouldn’t be scared of a match at Victory Road so the match is on.

Earlier today, Matt Cardona jumped Rohit Raju and Shera as they arrived.

Scott D’Amore yelled at Cardona so the match is made for Victory Road, No DQ. That’s cool with Cardona.

Matthew Rehwoldt vs. Trey Miguel

They fight over a lockup to start until Rehwoldt goes after the eyes to take him down. A running clothesline puts Miguel on the floor and Rehwoldt drops him face first onto the apron for a bonus. Back in and Rehwoldt twists him down by the arm for two, setting up some knees to the back for the same.

Miguel fights up and kicks him in the face so a springboard missile dropkick can connect for two. A split legged moonsault misses though and the Director’s Cut gives Rehwoldt two of his own. Rehwoldt misses a Swanton for the big crash and it’s a suplex into the Hourglass to give Miguel the pin at 7:49.

Rating: C. Much like the earlier matches, this was a way to bring in some fresh people and see what they can do. Rehwoldt might not be a top star, but he can go fill in some time on the show without being the same people we’ve seen over and over again. Perfectly watchable match and it’s always nice to see Miguel get a win.

Post match Deonna Purrazzo comes out to hit Miguel low. Mickie James runs in for the save and brawl, setting up the big dive off the top to take out the pile.

Tasha Steelz says she and Savannah Evans didn’t steal the titles because from Decay they had the titles stolen from them at Slammiversary. If the champs want them back, come get them at Victory Road.

We recap Hikuleo showing up last week and attacking Juice Robinson. At Victory Road, it’s Hikuleo/Chris Bey vs. FinJuice.

Bey says he and Hikuleo do whatever they want around here. On Saturday, one shot will be too sweet.

Victory road rundown.

Team Christian Cage vs. Team Ace Austin

Austin: Ace Austin, Madman Fulton, Brian Myers, Moose, W. Morrissey
Cage: Christian Cage, Sami Callihan, Eddie Edwards, Chris Sabin, Josh Alexander

Myers has Sam Beale and his prospects with him. Callihan and Austin start things off with Callihan taking him into the corner and stomping away. Eddie comes in to chop Callihan down and we get the rare Sami/Eddie collaboration. We get the big ten man staredown and that’s enough to take a break.

Back with everyone brawling on the floor until Callihan throws Austin back inside to keep up the beating. Hold on though as Beale comes in, earning himself a low blow, allowing Myers to get in a cheap shot of his own. Fulton sends Callihan into the corner but he gets in a shot of his own to put Fulton down. Sabin and Austin come in to pick up the pace with Sabin taking over. Now Cage is willing to come in to uppercut away at the also legal Fulton.

This lasts all of a few seconds before Cage has to slip out of a slam. Eddie comes in to help take Fulton down but it’s off to Moose, who gets caught in a belly to belly. Moose tosses Eddie outside though and we take another break. Back with Eddie not being able to sunset flip Austin, as Fulton comes in and keeps Eddie in trouble. Morrissey finally comes in to rip at Eddie’s face and the villains keep alternating the beatdown.

A big elbow keeps Eddie in trouble and Morrissey chokes with the boot in the corner. Eddie is fine enough to hit a running clothesline out of the corner and it’s time for the parade of secondary finishers. Austin kicks Christian low and goes up but Eddie catches him on top with a superplex onto the pile. Back in and Christian can’t hit Myers with the Killswitch but Alexander can hit Divine Intervention for the pin at 21:18.

Rating: B. This was about as efficient of a match as you could have as it was taking so many feuds and putting them all together. That opens up a lot of doors, as you can have some fresh matches while also pushing towards what is already set for Victory Road. Good action here too, with the ending sequence building up Alexander as well. Is it that insane to think he might be the Bound For Glory title challenger?

The winners pose to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. Impact has been doing some rather watchable stuff over the last few months, but it has been so far under the radar that it does not get the credit it deserves. This did a nice job setting up Victory Road, albeit partially by rapid firing matches to the card. To be fair, that is often the best way it can go and we had a good show as a result. Nice job again, which has been the norm around here for a long time.

Decay b. Violent By Design – Middle rope DDT to Deaner
Petey Williams b. TJP – Cradle
John Skyler b. Laredo Kid – Rollup
Trey Miguel b. Matthew Rehwoldt – Hourglass
Team Cage b. Team Austin – Divine Intervention to Myers


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Impact Wrestling – September 9, 2021: The Numbers Game

Impact Wrestling
Date: September 9, 2021
Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: D’Lo Brown, Matt Striker

We are almost up to Victory Road and that means Bound For Glory is not too far away. Victory Road should be good on its own, but there are a few other things to get to first. The shows have been good enough as of late and if they can keep that going, or even improve on it, we could get some where. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Tasha Steelz vs. Rosemary

Savannah Evans and Havok are here too. Steelz grabs a rollup to start so Rosemary bites her in the face to even things up. There’s the Upside Down to put Steelz in more trouble but she avoids a top rope dropkick. Some running shots in the corner set up a running kick to the chest to give Steelz two and we hit the chinlock. As tends to be the case with chinlocks, Rosemary is back up in a hurry so Steelz drops her with a jumping knee. Stratusfaction gets two and Steelz dodges a desperation spear. Not that it matters as Rosemary is right back up with the spear for the pin at 4:40.

Rating: C-. This was mostly a squash until Rosemary hit the spear. That’s a bit of a weird way to go with an established name like Rosemary but it isn’t like Steelz is some unknown loser. Steelz got to show off some different offense here as she is rarely in the ring by herself in a featured spot like this one.

Post match Evans gets in the ring but Steelz steals the Knockouts Tag Team Titles. The distraction lets Evans nail Rosemary and Havok from behind so the villains can run off.

Here’s what’s coming tonight.

Ace Austin is ready to win the World Title but walks off to talk to Scott D’Amore. Ace has an idea for next week: Christian Cage vs. Madman Fulton. D’Amore thinks it needs to be bigger and we have a ten man tag.

Post break, Ace and Fulton recruit Brian Myers to their team, who agrees without a second thought.

Rhino is still in prison with Violent By Design as Eric Young tries to cleanse him. Young pours water over Rhino’s head and declares him new.

Rich Swann vs. Karl Anderson

Bunkhouse Brawl, meaning street fight, so there are some plywood boards set up in the corner and weapons at ringside. Swann starts fast by flip diving onto Luke Gallows and then sending Anderson through one of the boards in the corner. There’s a kick to Anderson’s head on the ramp and Swann whips him hard into the apron. A low blow cuts Gallows off again and Anderson gets one of his own. Swann takes a bit too much time though and Anderson unloads on him with a trashcan lid. There’s a suplex onto the ramp to keep Swann in trouble and we take a break.

Back with Anderson wedging a chair in the corner but getting thrown face first into it instead. Not that it matters as Anderson throws him through a board in the corner because the Elite doesn’t sell their head hitting a chair. Anderson misses a running trashcan lid shot and crotches himself though, allowing Swann to make the comeback. Gallows offers a distraction though and a spinebuster cuts Swann down again.

The Gun Stun is blocked with a handstand so Anderson blasts him with a clothesline. A table is loaded up but Swann kicks Anderson in the face and goes up top. That’s broken up thanks to a distraction though and they switch places, with Anderson coming off the top with a Gun Stun (not) through the table to finish Swann at 13:38.

Rating: B-. Anderson’s selling issues aside, this was a hard hitting brawl with Swann fighting for revenge for his friend. The numbers game caught up with him in the end though as we continue the build to the big Tag Team Title match (and likely change). This is an easy story but it is working out well, assuming you can ignore Anderson shrugging off being sent head first into a chair.

We get a sitdown interview with Mickie James, who didn’t like Deonna Purrazzo attacking her at NWA 73. She’s bringing back Hardcore Country to go after Purrazzo.

Matthew Rehwoldt talks about how this is art and he is coming for Trey Miguel.

Flashback Moment of the Week: Chris Sabin wins the X-Division Title at Bound For Glory 2013 in Ultimate X (with the help of a ladder).

Josh Alexander doesn’t think as much of Chris Sabin being an eight time X-Division Champion because it means he’s an eight time loser. Christian Cage comes up to introduce himself and gets Alexander on his team for next week. Alexander seems interested in the World Title.

Rohit Raju says Chelsea Green wanted to be kneed in the face last week because she wanted a real man to take control. Well that was disturbing.

Chris Bey vs. David Finlay

Rematch from two weeks ago where Bey cheated to win. Bey hides in the corner to start and then goes to the floor to hide again. It’s kind of easy to see a professional wrestler outside of the ring though and Finlay goes outside to chop away. Bey flips out of a belly to back suplex and runs back inside, only to get elbowed in the face. A backsplash gives Finlay two but Bey is back with an elbow to the back of the head. Bey hits a corner enziguri into a top rope clothesline for two but the Art of Finesse is blocked.

Now the belly to back suplex can connect and a Rock Bottom backbreaker gives Finlay two more. An STF has Bey in big trouble and we’ll switch that to a Crossface like the cool kids do these days. Make that the Rings of Saturn, with Bey finally making it over to the ropes. Bey jumps over him in the corner though and grabs a spinebuster for two. Some YES (or BEY in this case) kicks rock Finlay but here is Juice Robinson to break up Bey’s cheating pins. The distraction lets Finlay get his own pin at 8:43.

Rating: B. I liked this one a good bit and that shouldn’t be a surprise. Bey has been a consistently solid star and Finlay is rather talented as well. They got some time on their own and the ending was the right way to go as it tied into what they did before. Good match here, as the story continues without much in the way of ridiculous moments.

Post match the beatdown seems imminent but Hikuelo, the giant Bullet Club member, comes in for the save. Robinson’s leg gets Pillmanized to make it worse.

We go backstage for the Chris Sabin/Josh Alexander contract signing for the X-Division Title match at Victory Road. Sabin respects Alexander and signs. Alexander points out the eight losses and says Sabin isn’t winning again before signing as well. Scott D’Amore says they’re both great and gets a handshake as Alexander leaves without incident. Christian Cage comes in and gets Sabin on his team as well.

TJP, Fallah Bahh and No Way come in to Swinger’s Palace and don’t like the odds on Steve Maclin vs. Petey Williams. It’s time to fix that.

Steve Maclin vs. Petey Williams

Maclin doesn’t waste time and counters a crossbody into a suplex. A butterfly backbreaker has Williams in more trouble but he chokes back up with chops and right hands. Williams German suplexes him out of the corner into the spinning Russian legsweep. There’s the dropkick through the ropes into a dive onto Maclin, setting up the slingshot Codebreaker. The Canadian Destroyer is loaded up but here are No Way, Fallah Bahh and TJP, and the Conga Line, to interrupt. Maclin’s reverse inverted DDT driver is enough to finish the distracted Williams at 3:29.

Rating: D+. Not much of a match as it didn’t exactly have time to go anywhere before the distraction finish, but Maclin winning in the end is the right call. They might have a little something here with Maclin and that is a good thing for Impact. The company needs some stars who haven’t had a big run yet and Maclin could fit that bill. That being said, a second straight distraction finish might not be the best way, especially when he needed a save against Petey Williams.

Williams glares at TJP, who doesn’t seem to think much of it.

We look at W. Morrissey and Moose taking out Eddie Edwards last week.

Eddie Edwards doesn’t care about the odds but Sami Callihan comes in to interrupt. Christian Cage comes in to break that up and gets them on his team as well. Sami is in, but Eddie says it’s one or the other.

W. Morrissey and Moose interrupt Ace Austin’s interview to say they’re in for next week. That’s cool for Austin.

Victory Road rundown.

Moose vs. Eddie Edwards

Moose runs Eddie over to start and sends him straight into the corner. Eddie chops his way out of the corner and snaps off the rapid fire chops to get a breather. That’s too much for Moose, who runs him over again. They head outside with Eddie getting posted as we take an early break.

Back with Eddie catching him with an enziguri on top, setting up a super hurricanrana. They chop it out until Eddie manages to turn him inside out with a clothesline. A missed charge in the corner lets Eddie hit the Boston Knee Party but Morrissey puts Moose’s foot on the ropes. Back up and Moose hits the spear for the pin at 10:26.

Rating: C. This was shorter than I was expecting but at least they let Moose get a win. You don’t see that enough anymore and again, the numbers game plays a factor. They are definitely focusing on that idea more and more lately and it is a different way to go around here. At least there seems to be a focus, and that is a good thing.

Post match the beating is on but Chris Sabin runs in for the save, setting off a rapid fire series of people involved in next week’s ten man tag. Alisha Edwards comes in to try and save Eddie but gets caught by Morrissey. Cue Sami Callihan with a bat each for himself and Eddie and the ring is cleared again. The bats are clinked together and Christian’s team is complete to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This started to go downhill a bit near the end but at least they had a good enough first hour to carry the show. What we got here was a lot of stuff to set up future shows but there was enough here to make it work on its own. It’s a solid show, which has become the norm around here more often than not.

Rosemary b. Tasha Steelz – Spear
Karl Anderson b. Rich Swann – Gun Stun onto a table
David Finlay b. Chris Bey – Rollup
Steve Maclin b. Petey Williams – Reverse inverted DDT driver
Moose b. Eddie Edwards – Spear



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Impact Wrestling – September 2, 2021: That’s Not The New Norm

Impact Wrestling
Date: September 2, 2021
Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: D’Lo Brown, Matt Striker

We’re still on the road to Victory Road and that means more of Ace Austin, which is not a bad thing. Tonight we have Tommy Dreamer vs. Austin with Dreamer possibly being added to the World Title match if he wins. That’s the kind of threat that Impact might actually follow up on, which doesn’t give me much hope. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

In Memory of Daffney. That was a really hard one.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Madison Rayne/Kaleb With A K/Tenille Dashwood vs. Taylor Wilde/Rachael Ellering/Jordynne Grace

Ellering and Kaleb With A K start things off with Rachael wrestling him into the corner without much effort. A release gutwrench suplex drops Kaleb With A K for two and it’s Grace coming in for some standing clotheslines. Rayne gets in a cheap shot though and Dashwood gets to come in and take over. Grace powers out of a chinlock by slamming Rayne backwards but Kaleb With A K cuts off a tag.

A kick to the face cuts that off without much effort though and Wilde comes in to clean house. Wilde’s tornado DDT gets two on Kaleb With A K with Dashwood having to make a save. Back up and Rayne has to grab Kaleb With A K’s hands to block a German suplex, only to have Ellering break it up, meaning the German suplex can give Wilde the pin at 5:04.

Rating: C. This is a good example of how to do intergender wrestling, as Kaleb With A K was a perfect fit to take this kind of a beating. It can be put together well without going too far into being ridiculous and that’s what they pulled off here. That is quite the trick, so well done on making it work.

We look at Deonna Purrazzo retaining the Knockouts Title at NWA Empowerrr and then attacking Mickie James at the 73rd Anniversary Show.

Deonna Purrazzo and Matthew Rehwoldt don’t care for Mickie James or Trey Miguel.

Tommy Dreamer talks about the time he took the ECW World Title from Christian Cage, though Cage pops up to say Dreamer didn’t pin him in that match. That’s true, but Dreamer just wants one chance to be the face of Impact Wrestling. He asks Cage to not get involved tonight because he wants to do it himself. Sure.

Here’s what’s coming tonight.

Black Taurus/Crazzy Steve vs. No Way/Fallah Bahh

The rest of Decay is here, as is No Way’s Conga Line. Actually hold on as part of the Conga Line attacked Rosemary, because it’s Tasha Steelz in disguise. We come back from a break for the opening bell, with Steve slugging away at Bahh in vain. Bahh throws him down with ease and it’s off to No Way vs. Taurus. A Sling Blade drops No Way and a hard right hand has him in more trouble.

No Way gets in a quick tag to Bahh and sunset flips Taurus, who gets crushed by Bahh’s splash. A belly to belly lets No Way come back in for two and Bahh hits the running hip attack in the corner. Bahh drops No Way down into a legdrop for two on Taurus but a double clothesline gives him a breather. The hot tag brings in Steve to slug away as everything breaks down. Steve bites Bahh in the head and a middle rope DDT is good for the pin at 6:45.

Rating: C-. Totally run of the mill tag match here and that’s about all there is to say. No Way was playing things a bit more heelish here, which is kind of weird when you have him doing the dancing deal before the match. It might be nice to see him doing something else, because right now he’s the same guy he was in WWE but with a different company name at the top of his contract.

Flashback Moment of the Week: Christian Cage b. Sting at Final Resolution 2007.

W. Morrissey doesn’t like Sami Callihan for saving Eddie Edwards. He does have a bit of respect for the two of them for hating each other….and here is Moose to interrupt. Moose agrees with everything Morrissey has said since he got here. Neither of them like Sami Callihan, but Moose is looking for an alliance instead of a friend. Glaring ensues.

Steve Maclin is very intense and wants Petey Williams next week.

Here is Moose for a chat. He doesn’t like that everyone, like Eddie Edwards, wants to be a hero. They have a long history together, but Moose is a different guy now. So get out here so Moose can teach him that the hero doesn’t always save the day. Cue Eddie so the brawl can be on. W. Morrissey runs in for the beatdown and a double powerbomb leaves Eddie laying. No Sami Callihan for the save, as per Eddie’s request.

No Way and Fallah Bahh didn’t know anything about Tasha Steelz attacking Decay. TJP comes in to reform the team with Fallah Bahh and is cool with No Way too. They’ll head to Swinger’s Palace next week.

Eric Young is ready to cure Rhino and chains him up in a prison.

X-Division Title: Josh Alexander vs. Jake Crist

The returning Crist is challenging after Alexander wanted to fight any former X-Division Champion. Alexander drives him into the ropes to start and catches a charging Crist in a powerslam. Crist sends him to the apron so Alexander goes up top, only to be pulled back down for a neckbreaker. The front facelock goes on for a bit and Jake plants him down again. Crist grabs the front facelock again but this time Alexander strikes his way to freedom in a hurry. Alexander rolls some German suplexes to knock Crist silly and Divine Intervention retains the title at 5:36.

Rating: C. Not much to see here, other than Alexander ending Crist with those suplexes. This was little more than a workout for Alexander, who is going to need someone special to take the title from him. That’s kind of a problem, but I’m curious to see where they go with the whole thing.

Post match Alexander is asked why he put the title on the line. That’s because he has to so he is challenging people for the title. Cue Chris Sabin to say he is a big Alexander fan but Alexander is a one time champion, compared to Sabin’s eight title reigns. The challenge is on for Victory Road and Alexander is down for that. Makes as much sense as anything else right now.

Sam Beale is offering Brian Myers’ offer to find a new wingman and we see some applications. One of them looks like David Arquette.

The applicants are here and Brian Myers isn’t impressed. He makes a few random cuts, including one who likes Mojo Rawley. We get down to two, with one of them being Zicky Dice of minor NWA fame. The two of them (Dice and Manny Lemons) will be back next week.

Rohit Raju/Shera vs. Matt Cardona/Chelsea Green

Raju and Cardona start things off but it’s quickly off to Shera to run Cardona over instead. The big elbow crushes Cardona and it’s back to Raju, who is quickly slammed down. Green comes in to work on Raju’s arm before kicking some non-existent dirt into his face. A headscissors sets up a slap to Raju, who brings in Shera. That’s fine with Green as she slaps Shera into Radio Silence from Cardona. Raju posts Cardona though and a jumping knee finishes Green at 3:33.

Rating: C-. Just a quick match here but you’re only going to be able to get so much out of Green working on the arm and slapping the heels in the face. This feud has been going on for a little while now and it isn’t all that interesting, but at least they are doing a few things to keep it fresh. Now just find a way to keep it from being so dull and we might get somewhere.

Su Yung and Kimber Lee have turned Brandi Lauren into one of them. Maniacal laughter ensues but Yung doesn’t seem pleased.

Here are the Good Brothers for a chat because we can’t escape them for a week. Karl Anderson tells the fans to sit down and shut their fat mouths. He knows the fans feel like they are seeing some rock stars but be quiet for a bit. They aren’t happy with Rich Swann and Willie Mack stealing a pin on them last week but Mack got powerbombed through a table for what he did. Mack is in traction right now so now his name is Willie Lack The Ability To Walk. Cue Rich Swann with a chair but referees are out there in a hurry to break it up.

Post break, Rich Swann has to be held back again so Scott D’Amore gives Swann a Bunkhouse Brawl with Karl Anderson next week.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Ace Austin vs. Tommy Dreamer

If Dreamer wins, he’s in the World Title match at Victory Road and Madman Fulton is here with Austin. Dreamer is wrestling in a Dusty Rhodes mask because reasons. Austin takes him down for a kick to the back to start so the mask comes off to make things serious. A Cactus Clothesline puts them on the floor and Dreamer posts him hard. Fulton saves Austin from going into the barricade though and Austin kicks Dreamer in the face.

Back in and a powerbomb gives Austin two but Dreamer crotches him on top. A neckbreaker out of the corner gives Dreamer a breather and the slugout is on. Dreamer hammers away in the corner and bites Austin’s head, setting up a powerslam for two. An enziguri drops Austin again but he’s right back up with a springboard Fameasser for the same. Back up and Austin charges into a cutter but Fulton breaks up the cover. Dreamer posts Fulton but gets caught with the Fold for the pin at 7:44.

Rating: C. It probably isn’t a good sign when I have a sigh of relief that the good guy loses. This was your usual Dreamer match, as he doesn’t do much outside of his hits. Dreamer is fine enough in the ring and can do his usual stuff, but it is a good idea to keep him limited. Now if they can keep him limited from talking too, we should be in better shape.

Overall Rating: C-. Pretty run of the mill show here without much of anything standing out. They did a nice enough job of building Victory Road, but there was nothing that really grabbed me. What makes me a little more hopeful though is the fact that this feels like a one off instead of a new normal. Impact has actually built up some good will in recent months and that is rather nice to see.

Jordynne Grace/Rachael Ellering/Taylor Wilde b. Kaleb With A K/Tenille Dashwood/Madison Rayne – German suplex to Kaleb With A K
Black Taurus/Crazzy Steve b. No Way/Fallah Bahh – Middle rope DDT to Bahh
Josh Alexander b. Jake Crist – Divine Intervention
Rohit Raju/Shera b. Matt Cardona/Chelsea Green – Jumping knee to Green
Ace Austin b. Tommy Dreamer – Fold


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