Tagged: Draft

Thoughts On The Draft 8

Thoughts On The Draft

So the Draft has come and gone and that means it’s time for the fun part: looking at the picks and deciding how dumb WWE is this year. There were a lot of picks...

All 30 Televised Draft Picks 0

All 30 Televised Draft Picks

I’ll be updating this throughout the night with all the picks so keep refreshing.  I also won’t update the tags until after the show in case you don’t want to be spoiled.  There will...

WWE Releases Draft Rules 14

WWE Releases Draft Rules

http://www.wwe.com/article/wwe-draft-rules-2016?sf31145497=1 Just in case you thought Smackdown would be treated equally or better you see.  Of course I don’t know why you would think that when Stephanie runs Raw.