Ring of Honor TV – August 24, 2016: A Star Is Drawn

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Date: August 24, 2016
Location: 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Attendance: 850
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly

Jonathan Gresham vs. Hangman Page

The Cabinet is ready to beat up Dalton Castle and the Boys next week.

Video on Shane Taylor/Keith Lee vs. War Machine before their match next week.

The Young Bucks are ready for their World Tag Team Title shot next week and superkick the cameraman for no apparent reason.

Kamaitachi vs. Stuka Jr.

Jay Briscoe vs. Jay White

White has the Motor City Machine Guns in his corner. The much younger White takes Briscoe to the mat and grabs a rollup for two, which makes Briscoe take this more seriously. Briscoe forearms him in the corner and hits a running boot to the face for two. Back from a break with Briscoe slowly beating on White until a running forearm puts Briscoe down.


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Ring of Honor TV – August 19, 2016: The Second Half Of A Go Home Show

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Date: August 14, 2016
Location: 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Attendance: 850
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly

We open with a recap of Cole getting himself a title shot by taunting Lethal last week.

Opening sequence.

War Machine and the Motor City Machine Guns are both out with injuries so the Tag Team Title situation is up in the air.

Donovan Dijak vs. Lio Rush

Earlier today, Shane Taylor and Keith Lee beat down War Machine to take them out of the Tag Team Title shot.

Hangman (Adam) Page talks about the Bullet Club wanting every piece of gold they can find. That includes the Briscoe Brothers and their IWGP Tag Team Titles. Cue Jay Briscoe for the brawl until security breaks it up.

Young Bucks vs. Roppangi Vice

Post match Addiction gives Matt Celebrity Rehab onto the title belt.


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Ring of Honor TV – August 10, 2016: They Nailed It

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Date: August 10, 2016
Location: 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Attendance: 850
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly

Opening sequence.

Will Ferrara vs. Jay White

White is, say it with me, from New Japan. Well at least from their Dojo. For some reason this is treated like his debut even though he was on ROH a few weeks back. White grabs a wristlock to start but Will gets up for a stalemate. A middle rope hurricanrana gets two for Ferrara but White starts twisting his wrist around to take over. Ferrara sends him outside though and a suicide dive takes us to a break. Back with Ferrara hitting a bouncing DDT but getting caught with a missile dropkick for another near fall. A loud dropkick and spinning Rock Bottom get two for White, followed by the Kiwi Crusher for the pin at 9:26.

We look back at Mark Briscoe beating ACH to become #1 contender for the TV Title.

The Addiction is ready to take care of the Motor City Machine Guns.

ROH World Title: Colt Cabana vs. Jay Lethal

Lethal is defending in a rematch after Adam Cole and the Young Bucks interfered last time. Feeling out process to start as they have a lot of time to work with here, save for an angle at the end that is. Lethal is sent outside in frustration and Cabana is nice enough to hold the ropes open for the champ.

Back in and Lethal dropkicks him outside to earn a nice face chant. Lethal holds the ropes open for Cabana and the fans are getting into the idea here. Back in again and we get some very obvious spot calling with Cabana hitting another dropkick to put Jay on the floor. They quickly switch places so Jay can hit back to back to back suicide dives and the fans are WAY into Lethal here. I think we can call that a successful face turn.


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Ring of Honor TV – July 20, 2016: …..THE TASKMASTER???

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Date: July 20, 2016
Location: Cabarrus Arena, Concord, North Carolina
Commentators: Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness

Opening sequence.

Kamaitachi vs. Jay White

Addiction/Kamaitachi vs. Motor City Machine Guns/Jay White

but I need a little more of a reason to care about the two newcomers. Having four others in there helped but White and Kamaitachi need some work.

Shane Taylor/Keith Lee vs. Victor Andrews/James Anthony

War Machine comes out for the brawl with Lee, who probably goes about 350lbs, hitting a huge flip dive over the top to take everyone out.

Dalton Castle vs. Roderick Strong


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