Tagged: John Cena

Wrestling Wars Podcast Episode 10 9

Wrestling Wars Podcast Episode 10

Come enjoy us breaking down Elimination Chamber as well as discussing a topic that might get some people talking: has Cena surpassed Austin? http://mightynorcal.podbean.com/e/wwp-episode-10-we-close-out-the-kb-loop-with-a-review-on-ec-congratulating-roh-and-of-course-mocking-tna/   KB

Elimination Chamber 2015: The Future Is Here 20

Elimination Chamber 2015: The Future Is Here

Elimination Chamber 2015 Date: May 29, 2015 Location: American Bank Center, Corpus Christi, Texas Commentators: Michael Cole, Booker T., Jerry Lawler It’s another pay per view just two weeks after Payback but the card...

Elimination Chamber 2015 Preview 1

Elimination Chamber 2015 Preview

It’s time for a “let’s get people to watch the Network and hope they don’t remember to cancel their free month in the hour they have after the show goes off the air” show...

Reviewing the Review: Payback 2015 1

Reviewing the Review: Payback 2015

We continue to marathon these pay per views and the big question here is can Payback continue to be the most unlikely good series in wrestling? The main event is a well enough built...