Monday Night Raw – October 25, 2021: Same Very, Very Old

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 25, 2021
Location: Toyota Center, Houston, Texas
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

It’s time for the season premiere and that means we have the new roster officially finalized. We are done with the weird post Draft season, meaning everyone is here for good, assuming you ignore Becky Lynch going to Smackdown last week. We also need to start getting ready for Survivor Series, where it’s Raw vs. Smackdown again. Let’s get to it.

Here is Crown Jewel if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Big E. to open things up and talk about how great it is to have the season premiere in a city like Houston, Texas. We get a LET’S GO ASTROS chant before Big E. congratulates Xavier Woods on winning the King of the Ring. He also needs to talk tip his cap to Drew McIntyre for pushing him even harder than expected at Crown Jewel. There is no rest for the weary though and now he needs a new challenger, so here is Seth Rollins to interrupt. Rollins thinks he should get a shot but Big E. points out the loss to Edge at Crown Jewel.

That doesn’t work for Rollins, because he thought Big E. wants to be a fighting champion. The challenge is on for tonight but here is Rey Mysterio to interrupt (NO! NOT AGAIN WITH THESE TWO FIGHTING!). Mysterio lists off his resume and Big E. isn’t sure where he should go here. Cue Finn Balor (hey he lost at Crown Jewel too) to list off his resume and say he should get a shot at the one title he hasn’t won yet.

Now it’s Kevin Owens to do the same thing as I’m still waiting on someone who actually won a match at Crown Jewel to come out and challenge. Rollins starts swinging but bails from the threat of the Stunner. Sonya Deville comes out to make a four way #1 contenders match. That’s not big enough, so let’s make it a ladder match. I mean, it has been about three months since the last ladder match around here and that’s a long sabbatical for WWE. This would be the latest code for “please don’t watch football”.

Street Profits vs. Alpha Academy vs. Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler

The winners get a Tag Team Title shot later tonight. Ford armbars Gable to start but gets taken down, allowing Gable to yell a lot. Back up and Ford flips out of a release German suplex, allowing the tag off to Dawkins. House is cleaned in a hurry, leaving Otis vs. the Profits. A double dropkick puts Otis on the floor and we take a break. Back with Roode suplexing Ford for two and stopping for some pushups. Ford manages to knock Roode down and a charging Ziggler is caught in a Batista Bomb.

Otis gets smart though by coming in to drag Ziggler to the Academy corner, allowing Otis to come in instead. A missed charge hits post though and it’s Gable coming in to grab the leg, only to have Ford kick him away. The hot tag brings in Dawkins to clean house and there’s the Silencer to Gable as everything breaks down.

The discus lariat/German suplex combination hits Dawkins hard but Ford hits one of the fastest frog splashes I’ve ever seen for the save. Ford hits the big flip dive onto Otis, leaving Dawkins to hit the Anointment on Roode. Cue Omos and AJ Styles with the former punching Dawkins in the face, setting up the Zig Zag/spinebuster combination to give Roode the pin at 10:23.

Rating: C. This was perfectly watchable and that is all it needed to be. You’re only going to be able to get so much out of a ten minute match with six people and interference so they were working with some limitations. What matters most is it seems that we are getting something close to a tag division, with the three teams involved, RKBro and Styles/Omos. There isn’t a ton there, but it’s a heck of a lot better than two teams fighting over the titles and nothing else.

Here is Zelina Vega for her official coronation as Queen. Vega makes the ring announcer say her introduction again before asking what kind of queen she will be. With a British accent coming in and out, she says she’ll be every kind of queen and she knows that she can beat Doudrop again. People will talk about her reign for years.

Doudrop vs. Zelina Vega

Doudrop grabs the scepter to start and pulls Vega in for a clothesline. There’s a big toss to send Vega flying and let’s do that again. Vega has to slip out of what looks like an over the shoulder piledriver but an elbow to the back just annoys Doudrop. A trip sends Doudrop into the corner though and Vega kicks her in the face. Vega scores with a middle rope Codebreaker for two so it’s time to go for a turnbuckle pad. That means the distracted referee misses the scepter shot to Doudrop’s face for the pin at 2:33.

We look at Roman Reigns cheating to beat Brock Lesnar at Crown Jewel, setting up Lesnar’s path of destruction and suspension on Smackdown. Adam Pearce’s massacre is included as well.

Here is the new Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch for a chat, with commentary bringing up the testy exchange of titles on Smackdown. Becky says she never lost this title and she is going to pick up right where she left off. We hear about her winning the triple threat match at Crown Jewel and she knows that no one wants to see Bianca Belair getting anywhere near the title. What about Rhea Ripley getting beaten up? Or maybe Liv Morgan!

Cue Bianca Belair, who takes off the earrings on the way to the ring. Belair says it is always something with Becky, who always gets what she wants because she never faces adversity. See, Belair keeps beating Sasha Banks and last week she beat the Raw Women’s Champion, but now that is Becky. Belair says she is the new face of Raw, but Becky has her beaten again. We see some photos of their faces at Crown Jewel, with Becky looking happy and Belair looking mad.

Belair laughs it off and thinks that Becky has nothing behind the title. She FINALLY gets around to the title challenge and the fight is on, with Becky finding a kendo stick because WWE. Belair takes it away and beats Becky down but the KOD is escaped with a rake of the eyes. A Russian legsweep with the kendo stick drops Belair and Becky says she can have the title match….but not tonight. This was one of the most scripted segments I’ve seen in a LONG time, as Belair was just saying words over and over again to get to the point of “I want a title match”.

They could have cut out two minutes of dialogue (because wrestling has dialogue) and made this that much better, but that might mean the show only needs 22 writers instead of 37. Also, WHY WAS THERE A KENDO STICK AT RINGSIDE??? Why? Someone tell me a logical reason for that to be at ringside other than it was needed for the brawl and was put in the script. If you absolutely must do Becky vs. Belair again, find a way to cut about ¾ out of this because it sounded so stupid.

We look back at the opening segment.

Kevin Owens tells Finn Balor he has to win.

Wrestlemania XXXVIII will be two nights.

T-Bar vs. Damian Priest

Non-title but it’s a CHAMPIONS CONTENDER match, because that still needs to be a thing. T-Bar kicks him in the face to start and drops Priest face first onto the buckle for two. Priest gets planted again for two more, setting up a good looking moonsault for a one count. Back up and Priest hits a running elbow in the corner, setting up the Broken Arrow. T-Bar gets knocked outside, where he throws the announcer’s chair at Priest for the DQ at 2:40. This was the first time T-Bar has come close to feeling like Dominick Dijakovic in over a year.

Post match Priest snaps and beats the heck out of T-Bar, including the Reckoning back inside.

Carmella doesn’t like Liv Morgan trying to mess up her face.

Carmella vs. Liv Morgan

Yes, again. Carmella puts the mask on to start and jumps Morgan in the corner. Some shots to the face get two, allowing Carmella to remind us that she is hot and we aren’t. Morgan tries the comeback but charges into two boots in the corner. We hit the chinlock but Morgan fights up with a jumping enziguri. Morgan takes it outside but can’t kick Carmela into the announcers’ table. She can however bulldog her onto it, allowing some trash talk to Corey Graves. Back in and Oblivion misses so Morgan has to settle for two off a small package instead. Carmella is back with a floatover into an X Factor for the pin at 2:58.

Bearcat Lee vs. Cedric Alexander

Lee’s entrance now ha a bearcat growl to hammer home the idea. Cedric is sent flying to start and needs a meeting with Shelton Benjamin on the floor. Back in and Lee shoves him around and shoves Alexander down by the head. A running splash in the corner sets up a missed charge, allowing Alexander to kick away at the leg. Lee runs him over again and shouts a lot before the Big Bang Catastrophe finishes Alexander at 2:38. Finisher aside, this felt like they took everything that made Lee feel unique and replaced it with generic power stuff.

Post match, Lee glares at Shelton Benjamin.

Earlier tonight, Dominik Mysterio gave Rey Mysterio a pep talk but Austin Theory interrupted. Theory asks Dominik to take a selfie for them (back in my day, that was called a photo) but we’re getting a match instead, with Rey saying he’ll be out there if Dominik wants him do be. Dominik says Rey has enough to do already so he’s got this. Everything seems cool.

Dominik Mysterio vs. Austin Theory

Theory dropkicks Dominik down to start and hits the Eddie Guerrero dance, which has Saxton losing his mind on commentary. Dominik is back with a high angle springboard armdrag and does the dance as well. There’s a hurricanrana to Theory but he grabs a half nelson backbreaker for two. Theory misses a charge into the corner but is right back with the ATL for the pin at 2:58.

Post match, Theory gets a selfie with the referee. Theory piling up wins is a good thing for him as they are building him up more and more every week.

Riddle thinks he and Randy Orton could be Mario and Luigi or the creepy girls from the Shining. Orton says they can talk about Halloween later but for now, they need to worry about Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler.

Video on Veer.

Tag Team Titles: RKBro vs. Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode

RKBro is defending. Riddle and Ziggler start things off and go nowhere, so Orton comes in (to the fans’ delight) to face Roode. Orton uppercuts him into the corner but it’s too early for the RKO. Roode bails to the floor but gets beaten down back inside. An assisted Floating Bro gives Riddle two and Roode is knocked outside again. The apron kick to the chest is cut off though and we take a break.

Back with Roode missing a charge in the corner, allowing the hot tag off to Orton. There’s the snap powerslam to Roode but Ziggler’s distraction breaks up the hanging DDT. Orton gets sent knees first into the barricade, setting up a Crossface from Ziggler back inside. With that broken up, Roode grabs a chinlock but Orton fights up again. The hot tag brings in Riddle to clean house as everything breaks down. The RKO hits Roode but Ziggler superkicks Orton and rolls Riddle up for two. Riddle is right back with his own rollup for the pin at 11:48.

Rating: C+. This started off kind off slowly but then picked up steam to make it that much better. RKBro is starting to get better as a team in the ring and now that they actually have some fresh opponents, we might be able to get somewhere. Nice match here, and it was a good change of pace after so many short matches throughout the match.

Seth Rollins says of course he has a target on his back but he doesn’t care because he’ll win the ladder match tonight.

Video on Goldberg vs. Bobby Lashley at Crown Jewel.

Seth Rollins vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Kevin Owens vs. Finn Balor

Ladder match for a future title shot against Big E. It’s a brawl to start and everyone heads outside, with the referee checking on Owens after a shot with a ladder. Owens is fine enough to pick up a ladder and start cleaning house. Back in and Owens powerbombs Balor onto a ladder bridged against the rope. The Swanton only hits ladder though and we take a break.

Back with Rollins cleaning house with the ladder and shouting about how he shouldn’t be in this match. Balor breaks that up and heads up top to get a hand on the contract, with Mysterio making the save. Owens shoves both of them down though and German suplexes Balor down. Mysterio gets planted as well and Owens goes up but Mysterio manages to make the save. With everyone else down, Owens sets up a table, only to get jumped by Balor. Rollins dives onto both of them but Rey is up with some ladder shots of his own. Balor hits another big flip dive to the floor though and we take a break.

Back with Rollins shoving a ladder over but getting taken down by Mysterio. Owens plants Mysterio but can’t follow up, leaving Rollins to bridge a ladder between the announcers’ table and the apron. Balor goes up and vets a hand on the contract but gets pulled down into a Stunner from Owens. Mysterio’s hurricanrana is countered into a powerbomb through the table at ringside. Rollins cuts off Owens’ climb and sends him through the bridged ladder (check the box) and Stomps Balor. That’s enough for Rollins to get the contract at 22:17.

Rating: B. I’m sick of ladder matches. Absolutely sick of them. This one had all of the required stuff too: illogical table setup, someone going through a ladder bridged horizontally at ringside, people suddenly forgetting how to pull down a clipboard/other object, “LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT LADDER HE JUST PULLED OUT!” and “I can’t believe he won!”. WWE has run this match into the ground so hard for so long now that I never need to see another one, but I’d be shocked if we don’t have at least two more by Thanksgiving at the latest. As for this match, it was the usually entertaining and completely not memorable WWE ladder match.

Post match Big E. comes out for the staredown with Rollins, who offers a handshake.

In the back, Rollins says this is his show and he is back and better than ever. Maniacal laughter ends the show.

Overall Rating: C. This show feels so exhausted that it’s hard to even get annoyed at it. The stuff they’re doing is still ok enough most of the time, but it feels like there hasn’t been anything original in so long. It comes off like they are doing nothing but playing the hits or ideas that worked before and that makes for a very, very tiring three hours.

That’s the word for this show, and Raw in general: tired. The show feels like it is just completely out of energy and ideas and if they stumble into a good match, it’s more out of luck than anything else. Between taking the Smackdown women’s feuds and just moving them over to Raw to “hey I want a title shot/no I want a title shot/NO! I WANT A TITLE SHOT!” to T-Bar being called T-Bar, this show felt like it was cobbled together from pieces of other shows pulled out of a bag.

I don’t know if this was over another script being ripped up at the last minute or WWE not preparing for tonight or just Raw in general, but this show has no spark whatsoever. I don’t get that feeling with Smackdown or NXT and certainly not with any AEW show. Instead, this was the latest example of a show that might not be the worst quality wise (and there have been FAR worse episodes than this in the last few months), but it was so hard to bring myself to care about almost anything they were doing.

You know what was actually the bright spot this week? The tag team stuff, which featured multiple teams wanting to go after the titles and a new feud being set up with Omos/AJ Styles vs. the Street Profits while RKBro dealt with Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler. That actually felt different and it was such a breath of air on a show without much else on it worth seeing (along with Austin Theory, who comes off like a star in the making).

All things considered, Raw is not the worst wrestling show, but it is the least interesting because WWE has made it hard to care about. It feels like they are going out of their way to take away anything that might get the fans’ attention and are just getting by week to week. The show doesn’t so much need an overhaul as much as it needs some fresh minds behind the scenes, and that isn’t going to happen anytime in the future.

Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler b. Alpha Academy and Street Profits – Zig Zag/spinebuster combination to Dawkins
Zelina Vega b. Doudrop – Scepter to the face
Damian Priest b. T-Bar via DQ when T-Bar threw a chair
Carmella b. Liv Morgan – Floatover X Factor
Bearcat Lee b. Cedric Alexander – Big Bang Catastrophe
Austin Theory b. Dominik Mysterio – ATL
RKBro b. Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode – Rollup to Ziggler
Seth Rollins b. Kevin Owens, Finn Balor and Rey Mysterio – Rollins pulled down the contract




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Monday Night Raw – May 21, 2007: They’re At It Again

Monday Night Raw
Date: May 21, 2007
Location: Mark of the Quad, Moline, Illinois
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

We’re past Judgment Day and believe it or not, John Cena has somehow done it again, this time by making the Great Khali tap out to retain the WWE Title. That is going to make for some interesting futures for both of them, as Khali loses a big step and Cena beats another giant with less than two weeks to go before the next pay per view. I think you know where this is going so let’s get to it.

Here is Judgment Day if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the pay per view, including Bobby Lashley winning the handicap match in just over a minute but not winning the ECW World Title because he pinned the wrong McMahon.

Here is an annoyed Bobby Lashley to get things going. Since he has to beat Vince McMahon to get the ECW World Title back, get Vince out here right now. Cue Vince (unfortunately minus the snappy doorag), Shane McMahon and Umaga to say no. Vince is on to bigger and better things, like One Night Stand, where he will defend the title in a street fight against the Blue Meanie. Lashley: “Why not me?” Shane talks about how great Vince is and lists off his street fight wins. You might even say he is “inVinceable”. Vince says Lashley can have a street fight at One Night Stand, but he is going to be running a gauntlet.

Saturday Night’s Main Event is back next week.

Ric Flair vs. Carlito

Rematch from last night where Flair won. Flair chops away in the corner to start but Carlito knocks him into another corner and stomps him down. It’s time to go after the arm again, which worked well enough for Carlito last night. Back up and Flair fires off more chops before a Cactus Clothesline takes them both outside. More chopping ensues until it’s a double countout.

Rating: D+. I’m really not sure why we’re seeing the feud continuing after Flair beat him last night but that has never stopped WWE before. You would think that they would have something else for Flair to do but why do that when you can have Carlito spinning his wheels even more? Nothing match again, but what else were you expecting?

Post match Carlito lays Flair out, including a Backstabber and apple spitting.

Melina vs. Candice Michelle

Non-title. Melina starts fast by choking on the ropes and then cranking on both arms. That means some neck stretching on the ropes but Candice is back up with a backbreaker. Some kicks have Melina in trouble and Candice pulls her away from the ropes for a crash. A rake to the eyes slows Candice down but she blocks an O’Connor roll and grabs a jackknife cover for the fast pin.

Great Khali is yelling at Runjin Singh.

The Condemned needs to go away already.

Bobby Lashley vs. Chris Masters

This is the first match in Lashley’s gauntlet. Lashley wastes no time in taking him down, only to miss a charge into the corner. Masters starts stomping away and goes after the banged up arm. The Masterlock goes on but Lashley makes the rope to save himself. Lashley is back up with a powerslam for two, followed by the spear for the pin.

Rating: C-. They kept this short and it’s not like Masters was going to be any kind of a threat to Lashley. Masters got in his best move, had it shrugged off and then got pinned. What else were they supposed to do in something like this? Lashley is on to bigger and better things while Masters is the same guy he has been for a long time now.

Hardys vs. Johnny Nitro/Kenny Dykstra

Non-title with the World’s Greatest Tag Team on commentary. Matt and Kenny start things off with Matt getting caught in the wrong corner. A clothesline gets Matt out of trouble and it’s off to Jeff to pick up the pace. The sitout gordbuster plants Nitro and Hardy goes up, where he has to shove Nitro down. A top rope sunset flip finishes Nitro in a hurry.

Post match the World’s Greatest Tag Team runs in to jump the Hardys but Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch make the save, as this is still going too.

Here are Great Khali and Runjin Singh for a chat. Through translation, Khali says he was cheated last night because his foot was under the rope. John Cena never knocked Khali off his feet, because he needed to use the steps to hurt him. Khali can defeat Cena in the ring or out of the ring, but here is Cena for a rebuttal. Cena says that the foot was under the rope but he made Khali tap. Tonight though, Khali has called Cena a coward and that’s not cool. Last night, Cena was scared but he stood toe to toe with Khali and survived, so he knows he can do it again. Cena wants a rematch and gets dropped by the chop and chokeslam.

Bobby Lashley vs. Viscera

More gauntlet action, though you don’t often see such long breaks between the matches. Lashley gets driven into the corner to start but avoids a shot to the face. Viscera runs him over a few times but Lashley is back with a slam (nearly dropping him) for two. Back up and Viscera takes him down again for some standing on the chest. The swinging Boss Man Slam gives Viscera two and a spinwheel kick is good for the same. Viscera misses a charge in the corner though and the spear gives Lashley the pin.

Rating: C-. This was actually a bit better than the previous match as Viscera felt more like a monster as opposed to someone who was just there for Lashley to beat. Lashley actually had to work at this one a bit and Viscera’s offense looks that much more devastating just because of his size. Not exactly good, but it made sense for what they were trying to do.

Cena vs. Khali II is set for One Night Stand and it’s falls count anywhere.

Here are a bunch of the WWE Divas to introduce the video for Timbaland’s Throw It On Me, setting up the world premiere.

Shawn Michaels has a concussion at the hands of Randy Orton, so here is Orton for a chat. Orton is sorry for what happened last night and we see a video on the attack, including Shawn’s wife checking on him. Back in the arena, Orton wonders if that was Shawn’s last match. Orton did what any wrestler would have done last night and beat Shawn, but it wasn’t because of the concussion. No, Orton beat him because he is the Legend Killer.

Vince McMahon fires Umaga up.

Bobby Lashley vs. Umaga

The gauntlet continues. Umaga wins an early slugout and some kicks to the back keep Lashley in trouble. The bearhug goes on to work on Lashley’s back before Umaga plants him down. A middle rope headbutt misses though and Lashley fights back, including sending him into the post. They fight outside with Umaga superkicking Lashley out of the air. After throwing the timekeeper aside (and making him look like a mannequin in the process), Umaga chairs Lashley down for the DQ.

Rating: C-. Another match that made sense as Umaga’s job was to weaken Lashley rather than flat out beating him. You don’t need to have Umaga take another pin so this was about as good of an idea as they had. The damaged Lashley gets to keep going while Umaga looks like a monster, which works out well for everyone.

Bobby Lashley vs. Shane McMahon

During the break, Umaga Samoan Spiked Lashley to make this even more one sided. Shane knees away at the bad back and hits a baseball slide to send Lashley’s ribs into the post. Umaga loads up a chair but here is Vince McMahon to say no and send Umaga to the back to avoid the DQ. Makes sense.

The distraction lets Lashley come back with a spinebuster but Shane gets in a cheap shot. The Boston crab has Lashley in trouble but he powers out with straight leg strength. Shane knees him in the back though and we hit the camel clutch. That’s broken up as well and Lashley hammers away in the corner. His back gives out on him but Shane takes too long going up top and is speared out of the air for the pin and the title shot.

Rating: C. This was the big finale, but it felt a bit lacking as Lashley beat someone he shouldn’t have had trouble beating. I don’t think there was any doubt about Lashley getting the title shot so there wasn’t much drama. That being said, how much drama can you really build up with two weeks between pay per views?

Lashley stares at Vince to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. Oh we’re going full steam ahead on the rematch train here and that is not exactly thrilling. This show was built around setting up a bunch of rematches after a lot of them were already settled at Judgment Day. Now we’re on to One Night Stand, but we only have one more week to build it up. They’re running out of steam with these stories and that is starting to show, as this was the weakest Raw in a pretty long time.




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Monday Night Raw – January 25, 1993: The First Classic

Monday Night Raw
Date: January 25, 1993
Location: Manhattan Center, New York City, New York
Attendance: 1,000
Commentators: Vince McMahon, Bobby Heenan, Rob Bartlett

We are done with the Royal Rumble and I wouldn’t expect to hear much about that, as this show was taped last week. As for what we will be seeing this week, we have the Repo Man vs. Randy Savage in a battle over a hat, plus Mr. Perfect vs. Ric Flair in a Loser Leaves the WWF match. One of these things is not like the other so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Repo Man is outside and REALLY excited about getting to fight Randy Savage so he can repossess Savage’s career.

Opening sequence.

Commentary runs down the card.

Randy Savage vs. Repo Man

Hat’s off to them for starting with a big one. Makes sense as they are in Man-Hat-Tan. Savage charges in and the beating is on, with Savage knocking him outside to keep up the pain. Back in and Repo Man gets choked down as we hear about how close Savage got to winning the Royal Rumble (in commentary that was probably recorded later). The running knee sends Repo Man outside as Bartlett mocks Repo Man’s bald spot.

Repo Man tries to leave but gets pulled back in for some choking in the corner as the total squash continues. They head back to the floor, with Savage being sent face first into the steps to give Repo Man a breather. A posting keeps Savage down as Bartlett talks about Repo Man’s…feet. Heenan: “Where did you get this guy?” The chinlock with a bodyscissors goes on but Savage fights up and blocks a kick to the ribs as we take a break.

Back with Repo Man dropping a leg for two as Bartlett talks about Savage writing a letter to Jodie Foster. The bodyscissors keeps Savage in trouble and it’s time to choke away on the ropes. Commentary talks to politics as the chinlock goes on to keep Savage in trouble. A backbreaker lets Repo Man walk around and talk trash, only to get clotheslined out of the air. He takes so long that Savage clotheslines him out of the air and drops the elbow for the pin at 12:31.

Rating: C-. What were you expecting from Randy Savage vs. the Repo Man in a fight over a stolen hat? This felt like a way to set something up for a short form story early on in the show’s history. Savage added some star power, but you’re only going to get so far with a story that is this silly. The match was fairly slow too, but an intense Savage is always worth seeing.

Bob Backlund thinks you need to help him put a Headlock On Hunger.

Wrestlemania is coming in April.

Kamala vs. Brooklyn Brawler

Slick is here with Kamala. Brawler actually gets in some shots to start but makes the mistake of trying a slam. A chop into a kick to the face into another chop puts Brawler in the corner so Kamala can hit a reverse Banzai drop. Another knockdown sets up the reverse cover as Vince thinks Kamala and Suzanne Somers would make an interesting couple. Kamala kicks him in the face and slides into the corner for another reverse cover. The chop sets up the splash but Kamala rolls him over four times before finally getting the pin at 3:36.

Rating: D. It takes something special to get repetitive in a three and a half minute match but Kamala made it work here. Kamala’s face turn is so goofy that it is hard to not draw at least a smile, but egads it was not easy to watch him in the ring. It was a total squash and somehow hard to watch, which isn’t something you see very often.

Post match Slick thanks the fans for Kamala being converted. Kim Chee and Harvey Wippleman need to stay out of Kamala’s way though because they may not like what happens if he sees them.

We get the Royal Rumble Report, with recaps of Bret Hart and Yokozuna winning their respective matches to set up the main event of Wrestlemania. Gene Okerlund talks about the debuts of Lex Luger and Giant Gonzalez, the latter of whom destroys the Undertaker. It still feels so weird to hear Okerlund talking about the Undertaker. Such a clash of generations.

Ric Flair vs. Mr. Perfect

Loser leaves WWF and Heenan gets up and watches at ringside. They stare each other down to start with Perfect slapping him in the face a few times. Flair drop toeholds him down but gets slapped in the face, allowing Perfect to bust out a quick shuffle. That’s enough to send Flair outside for a breather, plus a meeting with Heenan. Back in and they go technical, with Perfect taking him down for a hammerlock.

With that broken up, Perfect wins a chop off as Heenan goes back to commentary to suggest Perfect is going to be in trouble. Back up and Flair backs into the corner, leaving Perfect to take down one of the straps. Flair finally gets it together and tosses Perfect outside, setting up a chair shot to the back.

We take a break and come back with Perfect being tossed over the corner for a messy crash out to the floor. Perfect is busted open (that’s not something you saw very often at this point) and Flair starts hammering away, setting up a chinlock with feet on the ropes. Back up and they strike it out again with Perfect hitting him in the face for two. Perfect finally gets him down for a backslide before pulling Flair out of the corner. The right hands in the corner have Flair in more trouble until he atomic drops his way out of trouble.

Perfect suplexes him off the apron for two more, only to have Flair come back with a sleeper. That’s good for two armdrags until Perfect manages to send him into the corner. Perfect tries….a jumping sleeper to take it to the mat (they mistimed something there but it worked out well enough) and now it’s Flair in trouble. Flair powers up again and sends him into the corner, setting up a Figure Four, complete with a grab of the rope. The referee finally catches him so Flair kicks away at the knee in the corner. Flair goes up and comes crashing back down as we take another break.

We come back with Flair getting in a right hand with a foreign object but Perfect gets his foot on the rope. A chop in the corner wakes Flair up and the comeback is on. Clotheslines abound, including one to knock Flair out of the air for two. Flair sweeps the legs in the corner and puts his foot on the rope for a bunch of near falls, only to duck his head and get PerfectPlexed for the pin at 24:58.

Rating: A-. You were expecting something less? This was a heck of a match as the two of them had time to do something great and were allowed to do whatever they wanted. Perfect really can have a great match when he is given the chance and the first half of 1993 might be the best run of his career. This was it for Flair in the company (mostly) for about eight and a half years and he went out on an absolute classic. Great match and the best one that the show would have for a LONG time.

Post match Heenan goes into a long bleep as Flair walks out.

Vince tells us that Ric Flair will honor all of his commitments for the weekend before leaving.

Overall Rating: B. You can tell that the company is trying to figure out what to do with the show so they’re throwing everything they can at the wall so far. That’s a good thing as we get something like this, which is one of the best Raw matches ever. I’m not sure what is coming next, but we can start the long form build towards Wrestlemania, which should be a good way to go. Check out Flair vs. Perfect though as it absolutely holds up.


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Monday Night Raw – May 14, 2007: There’s The Bump

Monday Night Raw
Date: May 14, 2007
Location: Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, Virginia
Attendance: 7,200
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

It’s the go home show for Judgment Day and we are on the way towards John Cena vs. Great Khali for the Raw World Title. Other than that, we have a new Smackdown World Champion in Edge, who happens to be a Raw wrestler. That could cause some issues, which we will likely touch on this week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is WWE Champion John Cena, who doesn’t have his belt. Cena seems rather sad without the title, because Great Khali took it from him last week and Cena couldn’t do anything about it. Now he could make excuses but that isn’t what he does. Cena has been up against giants before but it has never been like this. You can hit Khali in the mouth and he just looks at you with those eyes. There are people who have been telling him that this Sunday is a bad idea and it won’t be much of a match. That may be true, but that isn’t going to stop Cena from giving Khali one heck of a fight…tonight.

Cue Khali on screen, complete with translator Runjin Singh. Khali speaks, with Singh sending us to a video on Khali’s recent path of destruction. Apparently if Cena wants some, he can come get some. That’s fine with Cena, who goes to the back and gets wrecked in a hurry, including the chokebomb onto a golf cart.

Trevor Murdoch vs. Jeff Hardy

Lance Cade and Matt Hardy are here too. Jeff grabs a headlock takeover to star but gets rolled over into a headscissors to take care of that in a hurry. An exchange of armdrags goes to Hardy so Murdoch elbows him in the face. Hardy sends him outside though and scores with a slingshot dive, only to miss the slingshot dropkick back inside. The chinlock just wakes Jeff up though and the Whisper in the Wind gets two. The Swanton hits knees though and Murdoch gets two, complete with the stunned look on his face off the kickout. He’s so stunned that Hardy grabs a small package for the pin.

Rating: C. Hardy can have a good match with just about anyone and it helps when you have someone as talented as Murdoch. I’m rather sick of seeing this feud take place but at least they had what is probably going to be the best combination. It might not have been great match, but it was a completely nice one and that’s good enough.

Post match, Cade and Murdoch offer a handshake, with the Hardys accepting without any violence.

Video on Snitsky.

We look back at Bobby Lashley attacking Coach last week, with Vince McMahon looking on.

Coach is not happy about having to face Bobby Lashley tonight, but Shane McMahon says he shouldn’t worry. Shane, Umaga and Vince McMahon, in a lilac (or some light pink) suit and doorag, will be in his corner. That’s enough for Coach, who goes off to get ready.

Intercontinental Title: Santino Marella vs. Chris Masters

Marella is defending and is now billed from New Jersey. They start fast with Santino snapping off some hiptosses but Masters powers him into the corner. Some kicks to the leg stagger Masters but he runs Marella over without much trouble. The Masterlock is blocked but the spinebuster connects for two. Masters tries another Masterlock, only to get reversed into a sunset flip (with a nifty reversal that saw Marella spin around the back) to retain Santino’s title.

Post match Masters puts him out with the Masterlock to blow off some steam.

Wrestlers talk about the Condemned.

Candice Michelle vs. Victoria

Melina is on commentary and does the splits entrance on the announcers’ table. Lawler loses it and Candice’s entrance makes it even worse. Candice starts with the hair takedown (Melina: “Oh geez.”) but Victoria sends her face first into the mat. Some hair pulling keeps Candice down but she comes back up with the kicks to the chest. The GoDaddy dance sets up an elbow for two as Melina says all Candice can do is take her clothes off. Victoria’s spinning side slam is countered though and Candice scores with the spinwheel kick for the pin.

Candice wants the title, but Melina thinks she is showing off the fat rolls.

Here is new Smackdown World Champion Edge for a chat. After quite a bit of pyro, Edge talks about how he had the greatest week of any wrestler in history. We see Edge winning the Money in the Bank briefcase, plus the cash in later in the week on Undertaker. Edge was going to have one last great Raw match, but Great Khali has already left.

That leaves him with Batista on Sunday, but Edge has already done what Batista couldn’t do in three months: beat the Undertaker. Edge goes to leave but here is Shawn Michaels to cut him off. Shawn says if Edge wanted to leave with a lasting impression, he could just leave (that’s what he was trying to do man). Edge cuts to the chase and challenges Shawn for later, which seems to be set.

Bobby Lashley starts talking about his title match on Sunday but Shane McMahon cuts him off. Shane reminds Lashley that there can be no contact and does the I’m Not Touching You deal.

Bobby Lashley vs. Jonathan Coachman

Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon and Umaga are here too. An exchange of shots to the face goes to Lashley and a running clothesline puts Coach down as well. A torture rack goes on as JR thinks this is about the Hardcore Title. The spear finishes Coach in a hurry.

Post match the brawl is on with Lashley falling tot he numbers game in a hurry. The Umaga Attack misses though and Lashley hits a spear but Shane cuts him off again. Lashley chases Shane to the back but the villains leave in the limo. Vince sneaks up from behind and belts Lashley down to leave him laying. That sneaky champ.

Carlito vs. Val Venis

Venis starts fast with his running knees to the ribs but Carlito takes him down and hammers away. The fans want Flair but have to settle for Venis’ forearms not having much effect. A springboard dropkick puts Venis down but he makes another comeback with elbows to the face. Venis’ neckbreaker gets two, only to take too long setting up the Money Shot. Carlito hits the Backstabber for the pin.

Rating: C-. This was a way to give Carlito a win and set him up for the showdown with Ric Flair on Sunday. Not much of a match of course, but Venis was always a fine hand. Granted I had no idea he was still working here and somehow he had almost two years left, but he could still put in a passable match.

Post match Ric Flair runs in and Carlito bails through the crowd.

Shawn Michaels is getting ready for the main event when Randy Orton comes in. Orton wishes him well tonight but Shawn wonders if there is a point to this. Actually there is, as Orton thinks he can beat Shawn, so the match is made for Sunday.

Next week: Timbaland’s new video debuts, featuring a bunch of the Divas.

We look back at Great Khali taking out John Cena earlier tonight.

Judgment Day rundown.

Edge vs. Shawn Michaels

Non-title and commentary suddenly remembers that Shawn has a concussion thanks to Great Khali last week. Shawn grabs a headlock takeover to start but Edge is out in a hurry with a shot to the head. A swinging neckbreaker gives Shawn a breather so Edge kicks him in the face to keep up the target. Edge gets tossed outside though, allowing Shawn to hit a Thesz press off the apron.

We take a break and come back with the referee checking on Shawn, whose head is looking a bit loopy. Another shot to the head sets up a cravate, followed by a big boot to drop Shawn again. More right hands and a neckbreaker get two and Edge grabs a chinlock with a knee in the back. Shawn fights up again and this time manages to crotch Edge on top. Edge hits a headbutt to stagger Shawn but misses a high crossbody. Somehow Shawn gets up top for the elbow and the superkick finishes Edge off.

Rating: B-. This was a weird one as the concussion wasn’t mentioned until the start of the match (not a bad thing as Shawn had gotten beaten up last week so it was covered) and then Shawn just won clean over the new champ. It’s like they had this match booked and then had to do the Money in the Bank deal without making any changes. Good match, but a rather strange way to go at times.

Post match here is Randy Orton to beat Shawn down. A low blow puts Shawn in trouble and we get what I believe is the first ever Punt to knock him cold to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. Much like the main event, this was a bit off all night, with Cena vs. Khali all set and Shawn vs. Orton being thrown together to give both of them something to do. It feels like they ran out of stuff to do before the pay per view and had to struggle to fill in the time here. Judgment Day feels like a B show and this didn’t exactly shake that feeling, as it was a bit of a lame way to take them home.


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Monday Night Raw – October 11, 2021: The Pre-Revolution Is Upon Us

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 11, 2021
Location: Chase Center, San Francisco, California
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

We’re less than two weeks away from Crown Jewel and last week, Smackdown added a Hell in the Cell match to the card. That could mean Raw needs to add a huge match of its own, but you never can tell with these things. Hopefully this show can add a nice feeling to the Queen’s Crown Tournament, as the Smackdown matches were nearly insulting last week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is Drew McIntyre, with his sword, to get things going. He thinks it’s a fun idea that the Scottish Warrior is kicking it off in the home of the Warriors and welcomes us to the show. Drew runs down the Crown Jewel card and says he’ll be winning the WWE Title in the match everyone is going to be talking about. McIntyre has a story from earlier today but here is Big E. to interrupt.

Big E. talks about the sweet nectar of being champion dripping down his chin and between his nipples. While Drew may be a specimen, he is not going to take the title from him. Drew can get to moving, or stay on the tracks and get run over. That makes Drew chuckle and he talks about how Big E. remembers what it means to win the title because it wasn’t that long ago. Drew is a two time champion who held the title for over 300 days, but he is still looking for his moment. That moment is coming at Crown Jewel and there is nothing Big E. can do about it.

Cue the Usos to say they’re hyped up for the match and that the Bloodline is in their city. They know that Roman Reigns is going to beat Brock Lesnar at Crown Jewel, but who is he facing at Survivor Series? Either way, they think that Reigns is going to take the WWE Title and add it to his trophy case. The Usos go to leave but Big E. calls them back, with the challenge being set for tonight. A double superkick drops McIntyre and Big E.

Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston are in the back and have no comment about the idea of facing each other in the King of the Ring. Good thing they were there for that non-answer and not out there to help chase off their longtime rivals the Usos, who have titles they might want and just attacked their best friend.

King of the Ring First Round: Xavier Woods vs. Ricochet

Kofi Kingston is here with Woods and all three of them admire the crown. Feeling out process to start with neither being able to get very far. Woods knocks him to the apron and breaks up a springboard to bring Ricochet right back down. That means Woods can go up top, with Ricochet walking over for a top rope superplex and a heck of a crash to leave both guys in trouble as we take a break.

Back with Ricochet dropping Woods again and getting two off a backsplash. Woods manages to send Ricochet ribs first into the ropes though, setting up a stomp to the back and a middle rope legdrop for two. Back up and Ricochet grabs a fireman’s carry for a rolling Death Valley Driver and a kick to the face. Woods is smart enough to roll outside, only to have Ricochet hit a huge flip dive over the post to take Woods down again. Back in and Ricochet nails a suicide shoulder. Make it an attempt at a pair but this time Woods sends him into the barricade two. Back in and the rope walk elbow finishes Ricochet at 10:45.

Rating: B-. As much as I don’t like seeing Ricochet lose, I do like seeing Woods getting a chance to do his own thing. Woods has been obsessed with winning the tournament over the last few months and it makes sense to go with that. If nothing else, Woods has never gotten any singles glory so even a nice run in the tournament would be more than he usually gets.

We recap RKBro fighting with AJ Styles/Omos last week.

Riddle comes up to Randy Orton and says he has challenged Omos to a match tonight. Riddle says he was following Orton’s example from last week because he thinks of Orton as a mentor. Orton says there is no plan because fighting Omos one on one isn’t a good idea. Tonight, Riddle is on his own. Riddle thinks “no plan” is the plan and knows he’ll see Orton out there later. With Riddle gone, Orton sighs a bit.

Cedric Alexander/Shelton Benjamin vs. Mustafa Ali/Mansoor

Ali slips a bit while backflipping out of an atomic drop so it’s off to Mansoor, who kicks Alexander in the face. Everything breaks down and Alexander Michinoku Drivers Ali for the pin at 1:22.

Post match Mansoor goes to help Ali up but gets shoved back down.

We recap Shayna Baszler’s recent path of destruction, with Doudrop saving Dana Brooke’s arm last week.

Queen’s Crown Tournament First Round: Dana Brooke vs. Shayna Baszler

In case last week’s squash wasn’t enough. Brooke gets powered into the corner to start but fights back with some right hands in another corner. The Kirifuda Clutch is countered into some rollups for two on Baszler but she is back with a knee to the face for the pin at 1:25. So yeah, somehow after the complaints over the Smackdown matches not getting time, they managed to make this one even shorter.

Charlotte doesn’t care about the tournament because she only cares about herself. Tonight she is in a match with a bunch of women who can’t walk the walk, because Charlotte is the greatest ever. This was also longer than the tournament match.

Riddle vs. Omos

Before the match, Riddle talks about how he has been thinking lately, which is something he does a lot. He was the one with the idea of Brogurt, but it is clear Omos has been on the brotein. Riddle forgets what he is talking about, which probably happens to everyone at some point. Riddle: “OK RANDY NOW!” Singing Orton’s song doesn’t work either so AJ Styles says Riddle is just stalling, as everyone can see. Riddle: “RANDY! RANDY! RANDY!”

The bell rings so Riddle drops to the floor to kick away at AJ, leaving Omos to pull him back inside. A corner splash sets up the chokeslam to cover Riddle, but AJ says not so fast. AJ wants to see some of the martial arts Omos learned in second grade, so we see Omos kicking him in the head. AJ calls for two replays and then the chokebomb finishes Riddle at 2:29.

Post match Orton’s music hits but there is no Orton. AJ even turns around to see if Orton is running in and then sends Omos outside to watch. Somehow Orton gets inside anyway and hits the RKO on Styles.

We recap the opening segment.

Drew McIntyre comes up to Big E. to yell about what happened. Big E. thinks they need to get on the same page. For one night only, they’ll let bygones be bygones. Drew agrees, thinking that Roman Reigns is scared of them. Big E. talks about his nipples before we get a mock Mega Powers handshake. I have no idea why Drew waited 45 minutes to find Big E. and have this chat.

Here’s Bobby Lashley to look at a recap of his feud with Goldberg. Back in the arena, Lashley asks if fans saw Goldberg talking about ending Lashley’s life. Lashley talks about how that is a horrible thing to a father and how he is a man who defended the WWE Title for half a year. Or would you rather cheer for a guy in cutoff sleeves screaming about MURDER? Lashley talks about how the match at Crown Jewel has to be No Holds Barred because Goldberg is a bit crazy. Goldberg can’t beat him, and he certainly can’t kill the Almighty.

Bianca Belair doesn’t want to hear about Bianca Belair because she is the blueprint of greatness. Tonight she’s beating Charlotte and then winning the Smackdown Women’s Title at Crown Jewel.

Jeff Hardy vs. Austin Theory

Hardy sends him into the corner to start and scores with a middle rope ax handle. The Twisting Stunner is blocked early on and Theory hits a rolling dropkick. The armbar goes on….and it’s time for the 24/7 Title chase, because presenting a potential future star in Theory isn’t as important as a comedy title. With that waste of time out of the way, Hardy does his usual but misses the Swanton, allowing Theory to roll him up (with pants) for the pin at 2:06. That’s a huge relief after where it felt like they were going.

We recap the non-contract signing from Smackdown.

Bianca Belair remembers beating Sasha Banks at Wrestlemania and she is never forgetting what Becky Lynch did to her at Summerslam.

King of the Ring First Round: Jinder Mahal vs. Kofi Kingston

Before the match, Xavier Woods and Kofi still can’t talk about a potential match between the two of them. Veer, Shanky and Woods are here too. Mahal takes him down to start and stomps away in the corner but Kofi hurricanranas him to the floor. The middle rope trust fall drops Mahal again and we take a break.

Back with Kofi hitting the SOS but landing on the back of his own head for a scary landing. Kofi is good to continue so Mahal hits a gutbuster for two before taking Kofi up top. That’s broken up and Kofi’s top rope splash to the back gets two. Kofi loads up Trouble in Paradise but has to deal with everyone brawling outside. The top rope ax handle misses though, allowing Mahal to hit the Khallas for the pin at 9:00.

Rating: C. I can see both sides of this, as while it is annoying to have Mahal win anything, a battle between the New Day members should be something that matters. Throwing them out there on a week’s notice in a semifinal match would be a big waste so Mahal winning here was the right call. Assuming they don’t do something crazy like having Mahal advance to the finals, this was their best move.

Becky Lynch promises to leave Crown Jewel with the title.

Becky Lynch/Bianca Belair vs. Sasha Banks/Charlotte

Becky’s entrance now has a huge 3D image of herself looking over her sunglasses to send terror into your dreams. It’s a huge brawl before the bell and a bunch of referees come down to yell at everyone. Charlotte loads up the moonsault but gets broken up, with Belair tossing Banks onto the other two. Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville come out to yell as well and say the match is happening.

Back from a break and the bell rings so Charlotte and Banks can trade some standing switches. A wheelbarrow drops Banks but she kicks Charlotte in the face. Belair and Becky come in with Bianca working on the arm, but Banks doesn’t seem happy to be coming back in. Becky avoids Belair’s middle rope ax handle but Belair is right back with a suplex. Banks knocks Belair down but Charlotte tags herself in as Becky tries the Disarm-Her. Charlotte yells at Becky to get out so Banks gives Charlotte the Backstabber. Belair comes back in to clean house, including on her own partner, so the referee throws it out at 3:39.

Rating: C-. This existed for the sake of being able to say it existed, which isn’t quite what I had in mind when I saw it announced. That being said, it was looking like Charlotte was going to win a match over the three people fighting for a title next week so this could have been a lot more annoying. I’m over the partners who are about to fight each other trope, but we have another version of it for later tonight so I can’t get that annoyed yet.

Post match Belair can’t hit the KOD on Becky so Banks takes Belair down. The Manhandle Slam and Backstabber are both countered until Becky kicks Banks in the face and gets the Slam to leave her laying.

We recap the opening sequence.

The Usos are on the phone with Roman Reigns and tell him not to worry. Tonight, their job is to complete the mission.

Queen’s Crown Tournament First Round: Doudrop vs. Natalya

Natalya slaps her in the face to start but a headlock doesn’t get Natalya very far. Doudrop misses a backsplash though and gets caught in the abdominal stretch. That’s broken up as well and Doudrop misses the Cannonball. Natalya’s discus lariat gets two so she tries the Sharpshooter, which is countered into a small package to give Doudrop the pin at 3:04.

Rating: D+. It shouldn’t be a celebration when they break three minutes but that is where we are with this thing. Doudrop beating Natalya to set up the match with Shayna Baszler isn’t a bad idea, but it’s kind of sad seeing Doudrop as the dancing woman already. You knew it was coming, but it doesn’t make things that much better.

John Morrison is meditating when Nikki Ash and Rhea Ripley come up. He’s trying to get ready to expand his mind because there is a lot in there. They think that’s cool but once they leave, they admit they have no idea what he’s talking about. This is something WWE decided was worthy of time on this show.

Austin Theory photo bombs a warming up Big E.

Mustafa Ali yells at Mansoor, saying Mansoor only wants to dance and make friends. Ali has had his back but he should have told him the truth from day one: he is a loser and NOTHING. With Ali gone, Mansoor says he’ll talk to him later but Ali comes back in and jumps him from behind.

Big E./Drew McIntyre vs. Usos

Non-title. Big E. powers Jimmy into the corner without much effort to start and we get the non-New Day version of the Unicorn Stampede. Drew suplexes Jimmy for two but Big E. gets caught in the wrong corner so the Usos can make a wish. The chinlock goes on for a bit before Big E. makes the comeback. That’s broken up as well and Big E. is sent into the steps as we take a break.

Back with Big E. still in trouble but suplexing his way out of the corner. That’s enough for the hot tag to McIntyre for the house cleaning, including a spinebuster for two on Jimmy. The double superkick gets two on McIntyre but he’s right back up with the jumping neckbreaker.

The Claymore is loaded up but Big E. tags himself in (as McIntyre did last week), only to get superkicked down for two. Jey misses the Superfly Splash but counters the Big Ending as well. Drew gets knocked off the apron though and now the Big Ending connects, only to have Drew break up the pin. The fight is on and Big E. is counted out at 15:12 as the brawl continues.

Rating: C+. Better match than the tag match with a similar story and the Reigns factor looming over everything helps, but I’m so sick of this tag team deal. It’s one of WWE’s favorites and they run it so frequently, as the idea of diminishing returns continues to be lost on this company. That being said, there was good action and they went with the smart finish so it could have been much worse.

Post match the Usos jump Big E. and McIntyre and load up the announcers’ table. McIntyre (busted open) and Big E. fight back and get inside, where McIntyre hits the Claymore to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. There was some good stuff on here, but egads the bad things dragged it back down. I’m rarely a fan of setting up two shows at once, but they have already started on the main event of Survivor Series (which must be champion vs. champion, due to reasons of “well, that’s what we do”) without getting Crown Jewel out of the way first. They didn’t officially add anything to the card tonight, though I think you can pencil in Ali vs. Mansoor, as you have been able to do for a few months now.

The biggest problem here though is the Queen’s Crown. The four first round matches combined to be just over eight minutes combined, or less than any one of the men’s first round matches. There is no hiding the fact that WWE does not care about the tournament and it makes me wonder why I’m supposed to care about it either. Even if the semifinals and finals are better, and they almost have to be, WWE has sunk the thing before it can get started. It’s a shame that we waited this long for the thing and now have to see it take place under a regime that has such little interest.

There were some bright spots on the show (Ricochet vs. Woods was good, the Drew vs. Big E. build has gone as well as could be expected under the circumstances, and Theory looked like a star), but this was a rough sit as we move into one of the weaker times of the year. The show is trying to do a lot of things at once and since WWE can barely single task most of the time, multitasking is completely lost on them. Not the worst show, but a rather frustrating one in a trend that is likely to continue.

Xavier Woods b. Ricochet – Rope walk elbow
Cedric Alexander/Shelton Benjamin b. Mustafa Ali/Mansoor – Michinoku Driver to Ali
Shayna Baszler b. Dana Brooke – Knee to the face
Omos b. Riddle – Chokebomb
Austin Theory b. Jeff Hardy – Rollup with jeans
Jinder Mahal b. Kofi Kingston – Khallas
Charlotte/Becky Lynch vs. Sasha Banks/Bianca Belair went to a no contest
Doudrop b. Natalya – Small package
Usos b. Big E./Drew McIntyre via countout




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Monday Night Raw – May 7, 2007: Moving Day

Monday Night Raw
Date: May 7, 2007
Location: Bryce Jordan Center, Stage College, Pennsylvania
Attendance: 7,000
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

John Cena has a new big problem in the form of the Great Khali, who took out Shawn Michaels, Edge, Randy Orton and Cena himself last week. That is going to be quite the issue, and the fact that we are coming up on the Judgment Day pay per view should give you a hint about where this is going. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Coach is in the ring to introduce Vince McMahon. Vince: “WHAT UP G?” While Vince isn’t talking to God like Coach was doing when he said the same thing years ago, Vince brings talks about Great Khali’s dominance last week. We look at Khali’s path of destruction over Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton and Edge, before taking out John Cena face to face. Back in the arena, Vince says that was impressive, because you don’t see someone take out four great ones like that in one night.

Therefore, at Judgment Day, it’s Cena…..well hang on a second as Michaels interrupts. He’s the one who was supposed to face Cena last week and beat him once again, so Khali should have to earn his shot tonight. Vince thought Shawn had more guts than brains and tonight, we might see them all over the ring. Shawn can have his match against Great Khali, and we’ll make that a #1 contenders No DQ match.

With that out of the way, here is Bobby Lashley to interrupt. Lashley says Shawn got what he wanted and now he wants something too. Vince reminds him of the no touch rule and taunts Lashley a bit, but Lashley manages to hold back. We see a clip of Vince winning the title from Lashley at Backlash, albeit with help from Shane McMahon and Umaga. Vince: “You want to call me champ?”

Just to rub it in even more, Vince has a photo of a collector’s edition of WWE Magazine, featuring Undertaker, John Cena and Lashley as champions. It’s a collector’s edition because Lashley isn’t champion anymore, so here’s Vince’s face on Lashley’s body. Vince: “You never heard about the grapefruits did you Lashley?” Anyway, Lashley can have the rematch in another 3-1 handicap match at Judgment Day. Lashley wants to show Vince what he thinks of him, but can’t do it. That makes Vince laugh so he leaves….but Coach doesn’t. Violence and destruction ensues, capped off by a spear as Vince poses with the title.

Mickie James has to tie Candice Michelle’s top. King approves.

Mickie James/Candice Michelle vs. Melina/Victoria

Rematch from last week where Candice pinned Victoria in an upset. Victoria and Mickie start but she wants Candice instead. That works well for Victoria, who stomps her down but gets armdragged (after a minor slip). Melina comes in and draws Mickie in as well, allowing a quick cheap shot to take over. Candice manages to escape and gets over to Mickie for the tag (to zero reaction in a weird moment). House is cleaned and there’s a neckbreaker to Melina. Everything breaks down and Candice spinwheel kicks Melina for the surprise pin. They’re trying with Candice and she has gotten better in recent weeks.

We look back at Santino Marella winning the Intercontinental Title, albeit with an assist from Bobby Lashley.

WWE visited some terminal children.

Intercontinental Title: Santino Marella vs. Chris Masters

Marella is defending in his first scheduled match. Masters shoves him down with straight power to start but Marella slugs away with right hands and a dropkick. A hard clothesline drops Marella though and Masters hits a running stomp (that’s different) to keep him down. The neck crank goes on for all of two seconds but Marella is back up with kicks to the leg. A dropkick to the knee gets two and Marella hammers away in the corner. Masters shoves him off but gets sent shoulder first into the post, setting up a rollup to retain the title.

Rating: C-. This was about all you could have expected here and that’s all well and good. What matters here is they went out and did their thing with both guys keeping things simple. You can only do so much with a guy like Marella and Masters isn’t quite the best choice to get a lot out of him. Efficient would be the right word here, and that’s fine enough.

Here is Mr. Kennedy for a chat on the stage. Kennedy talks about how his Wrestlemania countdown continues, as we are only 328 days until Wrestlemania XXIV. That’s when we will have a new champion and his name is Mr. Kennedy (wait for it) Kennedy.

Randy Orton promises to beat John Cena tonight and get his career back on track.

Umaga vs. Highlanders

There is no Armando Alejandro Estrada with Umaga after Bobby Lashley wrecked him on ECW. The dominance doesn’t take long, including the running hip attack to Robbie in the corner. The Samoan Spike crushes both of them to set up the double top rope splash and the easy pin.

The Condemned is still a thing. It isn’t a thing making much money, but it is a thing.

Edge comes up to Mr. Kennedy in the back and doesn’t like him around here. Since Edge is the first person to cash in Money in the Bank, Kennedy shouldn’t be afraid to defend it against him tonight. The match is on, with Kennedy hitting the catchphrase anyway.

Great Khali vs. Shawn Michaels

No DQ and the winner gets the title shot against John Cena at Judgment Day. Shawn charges at him to start and manages to get Khali tied up in the ropes. That doesn’t last long as Khali gets in a shot of his own to knock Shawn away, setting up a slam. Khali misses a legdrop though and Shawn grabs a chair to blast him in the face. There’s the top rope elbow to keep Khali rocked but Sweet Chin Music is countered with a chop to the head.

Elbows and a clothesline keep Shawn in trouble but he goes for the eyes to escape. Shawn chokes him over the ropes and outside ala Chris Benoit against Big Show at the 2004 Royal Rumble, setting up a baseball slide. Shawn’s DDT through the announcers’ table is shrugged away and it’s the double chokeslam through the table instead. That’s enough for the referee, who calls it off to send Khali to Judgment Day.

Rating: C. Well what else were they supposed to do? There aren’t a ton of options for someone of Shawn’s size against Khali and they did about as well as could be expected. It certainly wasn’t a great match or even a very good one, but they did as well as could have been expected. Throw in the pretty clear ending and this was pretty decent.

Shawn is taken out by the medics.

John Cena isn’t worried about Great Khali because he’ll fight anyone of any size, even if they are 7’5 and over 400lbs and talk like Charlie Brown’s teacher.

Cryme Tyme (hey they’re still here) are having a Mother’s Day sale, including steak (cut to Viscera missing a steak), prescription pills (cut to Eugene missing his pills) and a Hummer (cut to Ron Simmons missing his Hummer and hitting the catchphrase). Cue a guy (clearly Big Dick Johnson) in a Spider-Man costume to say he thinks they’re up to something. Shad pulls out a baseball bat, calls himself Batman, and beats up Spider-Man. Were the writers really bored or something this week?

Hardys vs. World’s Greatest Tag Team

Non-title with Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch on commentary. Matt elbows Benjamin in the head to start and then cuts off a charge with another elbow. Haas offers a distraction though and pulls Matt arm down onto the top. Benjamin takes Matt down by the arm and Haas’ northern lights onto the arm makes it worse.

The arm crank goes on as Cade and Murdoch take turns stealing JR’s catchphrases. Matt finally gets up with a reverse DDT and the hot tag brings in Jeff. House is cleaned in a hurry with Jeff dropping Benjamin onto Haas, who gets caught with the legdrop between the legs. The Whisper in the Wind gets two on Haas with Benjamin making the save. That means a Twist of Fate to Benjamin and the Swanton finishes Haas.

Rating: C+. These guys had a nice tag match and that’s not the biggest surprise. You have two rather good teams and they got in a lot of stuff in a short amount of times. Haas and Benjamin might not be the top team around anymore but they can still work well with anyone, and it helps when you’re in there with one of the best teams ever.

Post match, Cade and Murdoch show respect, with the Hardys skeptically accepting the handshake.

We look at Carlito turning on Ric Flair last week.

Video on Snitsky, who seems to have jumped from ECW. I’m sure they’ll survive.

Here are Carlito and Torrie Wilson for a chat. Carlito talks about how Ric Flair embarrassed him in front of Torrie, which Carlito let go because of who was saying it. Flair said they needed to team together so he could grow, but how much more growing does he need to do? Carlito should be WWE Champion by now but Flair was holding him back. He calls out Flair….who commentary says isn’t here tonight. With that not working, Carlito says it’s time to get rid of the garbage in his life and that starts with yelling at Torrie in Spanish. Torrie leaves and Carlito keeps ranting in Spanish until he throws the mic down.

Money in the Bank: Edge vs. Mr. Kennedy

Kennedy is defending but Edge jumps him from behind before the bell. Edge sends Kennedy into the barricade and the post, setting up a monitor shot to the face. They get inside with Kennedy saying ring the bell, meaning Edge can spear him down for the pin and the briefcase at 6 seconds.

Post match Edge beats Kennedy down again to leave him laying. Kennedy was put on the shelf with a shoulder injury, which turned out not to be that bad, as he was back in the ring less than two months later. Either way, this was it for his time near the title in WWE and I’ve always wondered what would have happened if he had gotten the chance. Maybe not much, but it could have been very interesting.

We look at Great Khali decimating Shawn Michaels again.

Randy Orton vs. John Cena

Non-title. Cena rolls him up for a fast two and snaps off a suplex for the same. Orton sends him shoulder first into the post and drops a knee for two of his own. We’re already in the chinlock but Cena fights up and initiates the finishing sequence…but Great Khali is at ringside. Khali picks up the title to distract Cena, making him drop the AA. Instead, Cena pulls Orton into the STF but he goes after Khali instead, charging right into a belt shot from Khali to end the show. So much for a finish.

Rating: C. This was barely a match and that’s fine enough, though they could have done just about the same thing without having a match in the first place. Khali is a different kind of opponent for Cena and they’re making him feel like a major threat. That’s not the hardest thing to do but it is working so far. As for Orton, it still feels like he is being punished for screwing up on the European trip, which is pretty much deserved.

Overall Rating: C. There was a lot here and a good bit of it wasn’t all that great. That being said, this show was more about moving things forward, as you can see a lot of the pay per view card from here, plus the change of the briefcase. I’m curious about where some of these things are going, even if it is for a B pay per view. Not a great show, but an important one and that’s fine.


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Monday Night Raw – October 4, 2021: It’s Getting Drafty In Here

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 4, 2021
Location: Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

It’s time for the second half of the Draft and that could make for a huge night. These are the picks who were not made on Smackdown and the changes do not go into effect until October 22. On top of that though, we also have GOLDBERG making an appearance so you know things are special. Let’s get to it.

Here is the first night of the Draft if you need a recap.

Commentary explains the Draft rules.

Here is Becky Lynch to get things going. Becky says it has been about a year and a half since she has been on this stage but she is ready to make some executives unhappy. The first Draft pick to Raw is…..yeah of course it’s her. Becky talks about how she never lost the Raw Women’s Title and Charlotte can’t stand the idea that she can’t beat her. Maybe it’s time to become Becky Two Belts again….and here is Charlotte to interrupt.

Charlotte reminds Becky that she took the Smackdown Women’s Title from her before and she can do it again. Cue Bianca Belair to interrupt too, saying she has her own unfinished business. The two of them must feel threatened because they both took cheap shots at her on Smackdown. Neither of them are ready for her to become the EST of Raw because she goes here now. Charlotte: “That was really cute but SHH!”

The fans think Charlotte sucks so she mocks the WHAT chants. Belair: “You don’t even go here anymore!” Becky can feel the disrespect and says she would fight Charlotte right now, but she has nothing left to prove. Maybe Charlotte and Belair should fight instead! Charlotte isn’t interested in charity cases but here are Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville to make the match for later tonight. That’s not all either, as we need to have some title matches, starting with this one.

Well first of all, it’s time for the first round of the Draft.

Round One
Raw – Becky Lynch
Smackdown – Usos
Raw – Bobby Lashley
Smackdown – Sasha Banks

So Lynch is the only change, but seeing Paul Heyman’s sigh of relief when the Usos stayed with Roman Reigns was great.

US Title: Damian Priest vs. Jeff Hardy

Priest is defending and drops Hardy with a running shoulder to start. A kick to the face sends Priest outside but Hardy misses the clothesline off the apron. The running flip dive off the steps doesn’t miss for Priest though and we take a break. Back with Priest kicking him in the head but not being able to hit the Reckoning. The Sling Blade sets up the Twist of Fate into the Swanton, but Priest reverses into a crucifix to retain at 6:50.

Rating: C. We didn’t get to see much of this but what we got was good enough. Priest continues to rack up some pretty substantial wins and that is the best way to go. I’m not sure what is next for him, but mowing down one challenger after another is going to work. Just keep them coming and Priest looks like a bigger star every time. It has worked for years and it can work for him too.

Post match Hardy says he loves the fans, even when he has been around for a long time. There have been good and bad times for him and maybe it is time to see his new ego. That’s in a few weeks….but here is Austin Theory to interrupt. Theory doesn’t mean any disrespect and is honored to be here with a legend. He doesn’t mean to fanboy and asks if they can take a selfie. Hardy is glad to….and then gets clotheslined down. A TKO onto the knee leaves Hardy laying and Theory poses next to him on the mat for another selfie. Works for me, as this was one of the more effective debuts in a while on this show.

Riddle is glad Randy Orton is back because it is time for them to get some revenge on AJ Styles/Omos. Orton is even looking great, though Riddle isn’t sure if that is a snake in his pocket. Orton calms him down and talks about how they are facing Styles and Omos at Crown Jewel, but that leaves him free tonight. How about he finally faces Omos one on one? Riddles seems scared by the idea.

Time for round two.

Round Two
Raw – Seth Rollins
Smackdown – King Nakamura/Rick Boogs
Raw – Damian Priest
Smackdown – Sheamus

As long as he isn’t a messiah again, Rollins to Raw is fine.

Shayna Baszler vs. Dana Brooke

Brooke goes after the arm in the corner to start but gets pulled into a cross armbreaker. That doesn’t work so it’s the Kirifuda Clutch to end Brooke at 1:21.

Post match Shayna goes after Brooke’s arm again but Doudrop dances out for the save. Baszler hits her from behind but the shot doesn’t drop Doudrop

Paul Heyman is very happy to have the Usos on Smackdown, because he is the warden of the Uso Penitentiary. He is asked if that is how Heyman maintained Brock Lesnar’s free agent status and everything gets serious, with the Usos staring at him.

Mansoor/Mustafa Ali vs. Humberto Carrillo/Angel Garza

Carrillo splashes Mansoor into the corner to start but gets caught in a reverse DDT. It’s off to Ali, who gets punched in the face by Garza. That lets Garza TAKE OFF HIS PANTS but Ali is back with a suplex. Carrillo and Mansoor go to the floor and the distraction lets Carrillo post Ali for the pin at 1:45.

Time for round 3.

Round Three
Raw – AJ Styles/Omos
Smackdown – Shayna Baszler
Raw – Kevin Owens
Smackdown – Xia Li

Owens doesn’t seem to mean anything anymore, but Li is an interesting change, even if it probably means the end of Tian Sha.

Here is Big E. for a chat. He calls Raw his show and talks about how nice it was to be back with New Day last week. On top of that though, he had a physically grueling match with Bobby Lashley but now he is the rightful WWE Champion. Before he could even breathe though, he already had his next challenger in the form of Drew McIntyre. Big E. wants him out here right now so here is McIntyre in person. McIntyre says he’s going to Smackdown but now he has unfinished business.

Big E. deserves to be the WWE Champion (pause for the YOU DESERVE IT chants) but there is one person who hasn’t congratulated him yet. As much as Big E. deserves it though, he did cash in on an injured champion. Then again, Bobby Lashley helped cause the same thing happen to McIntyre and since no one likes Lashley, maybe Big E. did the world a favor. McIntyre gets to the point and challenges Big E. for the title.

Cue Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode, with the former talking about how he gave both Big E. and McIntyre their big break. We see some clips of Ziggler doing just that and now he wants a thank you. Big E. thinks Ziggler has upgraded with Roode, who doesn’t like the implications. Roode: “They call you Big E. Well they call me Big Bob!” Big E.: “No one, not one person, has ever called you that.” Ziggler just wants his thank you bug the tag match is made instead.

Big E./Drew McIntyre vs. Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode

McIntyre throws Ziggler around to start and hands it off to E. for the apron splash. Roode comes in and gets dropped by McIntyre’s neckbreaker but it’s back to Ziggler for a dropkick on E. A middle rope knee misses for Roode though and McIntyre comes back in for the big boot. Everything breaks down and it’s a superkick to put McIntyre down on the floor as we take a break.

Back with McIntyre fighting out of a chinlock and dropping Roode with the Glasgow Kiss. Big E. gets the tag for some suplexes as everything breaks down. The Zig Zag hits Big E. and McIntyre has to make a save. Roode knocks McIntyre to the floor but dives into an overhead belly to belly. The Big Ending is loaded up but McIntyre tags himself in and hits the Claymore for the pin at 10:20.

Rating: C. I’m sure it had been a few weeks since they had dusted off the idea of two people facing each other teaming together. There isn’t much of a secret in where the feud is going and given how little time they have to set something up, this is about as good as they could do. McIntyre vs. Big E. will be fine and it’s always fun seeing Ziggler get beaten up.

Post match Big E. gives Roode the Big Ending and says he and McIntyre can do it at Crown Jewel. That works for McIntyre.

Reggie has been told that Adam Pearce wants to talk to him about the Draft but that’s not the case. The usual gang of idiots, plus Jaxson Ryker and the Viking Raiders go after the title but escapology ensues. Apollo Crews and Commander Azeez cut him off….but they let him go. The chase continues.

Here is Kevin Owens for a chat but Akira Tozawa interrupts. Tozawa doesn’t want to fight Owens, because he wants the 24/7 Title. Owens gives him a Stunner instead.

We needs more Draft picks!

Round Four
Raw – Street Profits
Smackdown – Viking Raiders
Raw – Finn Balor
Smackdown – Ricochet

As much as I love Ricochet, it’s not like there is any reason to believe this is going to change anything. Balor to Raw could be good though.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Rhea Ripley/Nikki Ash vs. Tamina/Natalya

Tamina/Natalya are defending. Before the match, Nikki promises BSK to anyone who comes after them. BSK would mean Boom, Smash, Kapow, because of course they do. Natalya takes Nikki into the corner to start and it’s off to Tamina to run Nikki over. Nikki reverses into a sleeper but can’t get over to Ripley.

Instead it’s a superkick for two but Nikki slips out of a slam and brings Ripley in. A headbutt sets up a running basement dropkick to drop Natalya, who avoids a charge in the corner. Natalya misses her own basement dropkick though and Ripley gets two off a northern lights suplex. Nikki drops Natalya on the floor and it’s the Riptide to Tamina. A splash off of Ripley’s shoulders gives Nikki the pin at 3:23.

Rating: C-. I’d like to believe that this will end the feud but you never can tell around here. Ripley and Ash are fine enough for the titles but they need someone else to fight for them. You can only get so far with the same teams, but that is not something WWE has ever learned with these titles. At least they kept it short and to the point here.

We have a round five.

Round Five
Raw – Karrion Kross
Smackdown – Humberto Carrillo/Angel Garza
Raw – Alexa Bliss
Smackdown – Cesaro

Well that changes…pretty much nothing, especially if Bliss is going to be gone for awhile.

Here is Goldberg for a chat. Goldberg doesn’t like Bobby Lashley saying that attacking Goldberg’s son was an accident. It was intentional, so Goldberg wants him in this ring so he can intentionally break Lashley’s neck. Cue Lashley to say that it was an accident and he isn’t messing up his suit.

Lashley is willing to give Goldberg the match at Crown Jewel, and we’ll make it no holds barred. Goldberg thanks Lashley and promises to apologize to his kids, because Lashley is next and dead. Lashley cuts off the music and says Gage Goldberg can come try it again, but this time it won’t be an accident. Cue Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander, who are taken out in a hurry.

Seth Rollins is so happy to be here that is is singing, but don’t mention Edge. He’ll deal with that on Smackdown.

New Day vs. Cedric Alexander/Shelton Benjamin

Alexander and Benjamin are beaten up but Shelton manages to take Kofi into the corner to start. That just earns him a tornado DDT and it’s already off to Woods to pick up the pace. Everything breaks down and Kofi’s standing double stomp hits Shelton on the floor. The rope walk elbow gives Woods the pin on Alexander at 2:25. Woods: “CROWN ME! CROWN ME! CROWN ME!!!”

Post match here are the Street Profits to congratulate New Day on their new movie. After Ford says no spoilers, they make it clear that they want the smoke. Kofi has a drink from the cup and dancing ensues.

Video on Finn Balor.

Randy Orton vs. Omos

Well in theory, as Omos has not officially accepted the match yet. Cue AJ Styles and Omos, with the former calling Riddle Gilligan and saying Riddle doesn’t have the brain cells to keep the titles. Omos is ready to fight so Orton takes out Styles, then does it again with an RKO. That’s enough for Orton and there is no match.

One more round.

Round Six
Raw – Carmella
Smackdown – Ridge Holland
Raw – Gable Steveson
Smackdown – Sami Zayn

Well that’s eventful. It says a lot when Sami Zayn is possibly the least interesting pick. And yes, Saxton says Stevenson instead of Steveson.

Steveson’s family is happy with the pick, though he doesn’t say anything.

Here are all of the picks.

Round One – Becky Lynch
Round One – Bobby Lashley
Round Two – Seth Rollins
Round Two – Damian Priest
Round Three – AJ Styles/Omos
Round Three – Kevin Owens
Round Four – Street Profits
Round Four – Finn Balor
Round Five – Karrion Kross
Round Five – Alexa Bliss
Round Six – Carmella
Round Six – Gable Steveson

Round One – Usos
Round One – Sasha Banks
Round Two – King Nakamura/Rick Boogs
Round Two – Sheamus
Round Three – Shayna Baszler
Round Three – Xia Li
Round Four – Viking Raiders
Round Four – Ricochet
Round Five – Humberto Carrillo/Angel Garza
Round Five – Cesaro
Round Six – Ridge Holland
Round Six – Sami Zayn

Charlotte vs. Bianca Belair

Non-title and Becky Lynch joins commentary. Becky reads a poem about being able to beat Sasha Banks as Charlotte takes Belair down with a headscissors. Belair sends her into the corner though and then flips over Charlotte, setting up a dropkick. Charlotte is sent to the apron where she hits Belair in the face but can’t quite suplex her into the post. Instead they head to the floor, where Charlotte sends her into the timekeeper’s area as we take a break.

Back with Belair getting two off the delayed suplex. Saxton: “That could be you Becky Lynch!” Becky: “YEAH KICKING OUT! LIKE I DID BEFORE, BYRON SAXTON!” Well that was feisty. Charlotte is right back with a powerbomb for two but Natural Selection is blocked. The KOD is escaped as well but Charlotte is right back with a spear for two.

Belair runs Charlotte over again but gets caught on top for another crash. The double moonsault gives Charlotte two but the Figure Four is countered into a small package to give Belair two. The KOD (with Charlotte landing on her shoulder) gets two, with Becky pulling Belair out for the DQ at 13:10.

Rating: B-. It was good stuff (save for the kind of messy landing on the KOD) and the ending was the right way to go. You don’t want to have either of them take a clean fall in this one so the ending was the best choice they had. Charlotte leaving unscathed is fine too, as it isn’t like she has anything going on at the moment. Solid main event, with neither looking weak in the end.

Post match it’s the Manhandle Slam to Belair but Sasha Banks comes in to take out Becky and Belair. Banks poses to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. I never know how to grade something like this as there is so much going on that it is hard to keep track of everything. Above all else, it was certainly an eventful show as we find out where the shows are going in just a few weeks while also setting up Crown Jewel. I’m wanting to see where things are going, and hopefully that includes some more short matches. They make the show feel like it is going so much faster and that is a great thing. You can put in some longer matches here and there, but you need to keep the attention up on the longer shows. Good enough show, but slowing down will help.

Damian Priest b. Jeff Hardy – Crucifix
Shayna Baszler b. Dana Brooke – Kirifuda Clutch
Humberto Carrillo/Angel Garza b. Mansoor/Mustafa Ali – Carrillo sent Ali into the post
Big E./Drew McIntyre b. Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler – Claymore to Ziggler
Nikki Ash/Rhea Ripley b. Natalya/Tamina – Splash to Tamina
New Day b. Cedric Alexander/Shelton Benjamin – Rope walk elbow to Alexander
Bianca Belair b. Charlotte via DQ when Becky Lynch interfered

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Monday Night Raw – April 30, 2007: The One Night Whodunnit

Monday Night Raw
Date: April 30, 2007
Location: Gaylord Entertainment Center, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

We are officially done with Backlash and that means it is time to start getting ready for Judgment Day. The show is in less than three weeks so it it probably going to feature a lot of rematches/fallout from the rematch/fallout show. That might not be the best thing in the world but WWE has been on a roll as of late. Let’s get to it.

Here is Backlash if you need a recap.

John Cena, with his title, runs into Vince McMahon, the new ECW World Champion. Vince: “What up Holmes? Peace out! The champ is here!” Cena thinks that unless ECW stands for Extremely Crazy White Guy, all he is seeing is an old guy in a durag. Shawn Michaels comes in to say Cena got lucky last night and wants one more shot. Cena is down but Vince says not so fast, because he makes the matches around here. Let’s do it one more time, but Shawn has to win a match to get a shot at Cena. Then the winner can come for the big one. Vince: “Peace out my brothers!” Cena: “Yeah he’s lost it.” He’ll see Shawn later.

Opening sequence.

Edge vs. Randy Orton

Edge slaps him in the face to start and the chase is on around the ring. Back in and Orton pokes him in the eye (denying it of course) and the circle stomp is on. A knee drop gets two and it’s time to hammer on Edge’s head. Orton chokes on the middle rope and then snaps the neck across the rope to make it worse.

We take a break and come back with Orton being sent shoulder first into the post to give Edge a breather. A spear drives Orton off the apron and into the announcers’ table for the big crash. With commentary taking a bit to come back, Edge only gets two inside. Edge’s jumping knee gets two and the chinlock goes on. That’s broken up so Edge drops him with a spinwheel kick, only to get crotched on top. Edge shoves him down but dives into a dropkick to leave them both down for a bit.

The slugout goes to Edge thanks to a thumb to the eye but Orton grabs a backbreaker for two. The powerslam gets the same so Edge snaps off the Edge-O-Matic for his own near fall. A double crossbody puts both of them down but it’s Edge up first for an attempt to take the turnbuckle pad off. The referee catches him though, allowing Orton to score with a hard clothesline. Edge counters some right hands in the corner to drop him face first onto the buckle, meaning we’ve got some blood. The Impaler gets two and, after countering an RKO, Edge spears him down for the pin.

Rating: B. These two beat each other up very well and that’s the kind of thing that is always a nice idea. It felt like a big time match and odds are this is what we were going to see last week. If they had been able to do that match before a shorter but still great Cena vs. Michaels match, it could have been an all time classic Raw. Instead, it’s a pair of awesome matches on back to back weeks.

We look at the end of Michaels vs. Cena from last week.

We look back at Bobby Lashley helping Santino Marella take the Intercontinental Title from Umaga.

Santino Marella is here for his first interview as champion, so we see him winning the title again. Santino talks about how he can’t believe this is happening. His family is very happy but his first title defense is next week.

Last night at Backlash, Rob Van Dam talked about how happy Vince McMahon must be now that he has crushed ECW. It was counterculture and all about making wrestling fun again, but now Vince is ECW World Champion. This Vince As ECW Champion thing could have been AMAZING if ECW meant anything at this point.

Vince won’t let Shane McMahon hold the ECW World Title belt because he’s too annoyed at Van Dam. Tonight, Shane needs to make sure Van Dam is destroyed once and for all. Vince also thanks Shane for his help last night, prompting Shane to say he loves Vince and hug him. Vince freaks a bit but says Shane can hold the title. As Vince leaves, Shane can’t help but start the ECW chants.

Edge is angry that Shawn Michaels is getting ANOTHER title shot when Edge didn’t lose last night. He is going to insert himself back in the title picture whether anyone likes it or not. Get it? Got it? Good.

Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro

Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch are on commentary and there are no seconds for a bit of a weird change. Hardy wastes no time with a Russian legsweep into the split legged cradle. Nitro is right back with some right hands as Cade and Murdoch are being especially respectful of Hardy. Hardy fights out of a chinlock and avoids a charge in the corner. The Whisper in the Wind drops Nitro again and a sitout gordbuster gives Hardy two. Nitro gets in a shot to the face and heads up, only to get backdropped down. The Swanton finishes for Hardy.

Rating: C. These two could have a passable match in their sleep and they had another completely acceptable one here. I’m not sure why the Hardys vs. Cade/Murdoch seems to be continuing, but it isn’t like there is anything else to do in the tag division. There are a few teams here and there, but are any of them worthy of a title program? Maybe Cryme Tyme? Anyway, were you expecting Hardy vs. Nitro to be bad?

Post match, Cade and Murdoch try to show Jeff some respect but he leaves out of caution.

We see some stills of last night’s pretty great main event.

Video on Vince McMahon winning the ECW World Title last night.

Rob Van Dam vs. Umaga

Shane McMahon handles Umaga’s introduction. We’re joined in progress with Van Dam kicking away but getting shoved off the top for the big crash into the barricade. Back in and Umaga slowly hammers away before cutting off a comeback attempt with the Samoan drop. For some reason Van Dam tries to slam Umaga, which goes as well as you would expect. The sleeper on Umaga’s back works slightly better until Van Dam gets rammed into the corner and tossed outside.

Umaga follows him outside and now the sleeper goes on again. This time Umaga rams Van Dam HARD into the steps for another break for a near countout. Back in and Umaga hits the running headbutt but misses the running hip attack in the corner. A basement dropkick and basement spinwheel kick have Shane panicking and Rolling Thunder gets two. Umaga’s running splash hits the post and there’s the Five Star but Umaga grabs the throat on the landing. Some choking sets up the Samoan Spike to put Van Dam away.

Rating: C+. It was short but hard hitting as Van Dam was a unique challenger to Umaga. That’s what you want out of something like this, though Umaga beating the top ECW star so soon might have been a little rushed. Still though, Umaga gets back on the right path in a pretty good match so it was a good use of TV time.

Vince McMahon comes out to pose, still as the best heel in the company.

Torrie Wilson and Carlito come up to Ric Flair in the back and Flair isn’t happy with Carlito for yelling at him in Spanish last week. Carlito apologizes, which is all Flair needed, but he has also gotten them a match tonight with the World’s Greatest Tag Team. If it goes badly, they can go their separate ways. Flair gives him a pep talk, but says this is his last chance. Flair leaves and Torrie asks if this is a good idea. Carlito: “RELAX!”

Shawn Michaels vs. John Cena

Non-title….and non-match as there is no Shawn. We cut to the back where Shawn is out cold.

Post break, Coach accuses John Cena of taking Shawn out, earning himself a grab by the shirt and a lift off the floor. Vince McMahon comes in to ask what is going on. Coach is going to find out what happened, but Vince wants Shawn wrestling TONIGHT. For some reason, Val Venis is there in street clothes checking on Shawn as well.

Ric Flair/Carlito vs. World’s Greatest Tag Team

Torrie Wilson is here with Flair and Carlito. Flair starts with Haas and WOO’s a bit before hiptossing Haas over. Benjamin comes in to choke Carlito on the ropes but a dropkick gives Carlito two. For some reason Carlito goes into the wrong corner and it’s Haas coming back in to stomp away. A backbreaker gives Haas two and we hit the reverse chinlock. Benjamin’s backbreaker gets two and we hit a chinlock with Benjamin’s knee in the back. Carlito fights up and gets over to Flair for the tag as everything breaks down….and Carlito knocks Flair out with a left hand. The brawl is on and we have a no contest.

Rating: C-. Another watchable match which was only there for the angle at the end. Flair isn’t doing anything important at the moment so a quick pay per view match with Carlito is a good way to go for him. The match itself was what you would expect, but Flair vs. Carlito is going to work out.

Flair and Carlito fight up the ramp, but Carlito rakes the eyes and escapes.

Now Edge has been attacked and Coach isn’t sure what to do. He wants Randy Orton though.

We recap the attacks on Michaels and Edge.

Here’s Mr. Kennedy who says he didn’t do that. You won’t find a glove that fits his hand, because he has this briefcase. Kennedy could have cashed in his briefcase at Backlash but he chose not to. How many fans would like to see him cash in his briefcase right here in Nashville, Tennessee? The fans approve of the idea but that isn’t going to happen.

Kennedy thinks it was wrong for Edge to wait until after John Cena had gone through an Elimination Chamber to cash in. He’s going to be more fair and announce when he’s cashing in. That would be in 335 days at Wrestlemania XXIV, when the new champion will be MR. KENNEDY!!! Kennedy.

Randy Orton has been attacked as well.

Coach comes in to recap the attacks to Vince McMahon, who says he knows who did it. Whoever did it did it because of John Cena, so Coach needs to send Cena to the ring to meet the man who did this.

Mickie James/Candice Michelle vs. Melina/Victoria

Candice chokes Victoria to no avail so it’s off to Melina to miss a dropkick. Mickie comes in for some hair pulling and catfighting, which is not exactly Mickie’s style. It’s back to Victoria, who knocks Mickie outside and drives her into the apron. Melina grabs the cross arm choke but Mickie fights back up with a neckbreaker. That’s enough for the hot tag to bring in Candice and everything breaks down. Mickie saves Candice from a double suplex and a rollup finishes Victoria.

Rating: D+. Candice was getting in a little offense here and there and that’s probably a sign of the next push. It’s easy to see why WWE would want to push her, though she still has a long way to go in the ring. Putting her in there with women like Mickie and Victoria will help a lot though so at least they have the right idea.

The ECW Originals don’t like Vince McMahon as ECW World Champion. Tommy Dreamer cries, because he’s Tommy Dreamer.

We recap tonight’s attacks.

Here is John Cena to say whoever is behind this could have saved themselves a lot of time and come at him face to face. He’s ready to fight…..and here’s the Great Khali, which makes Cena swallow hard. Cena charges out to start the fight on the floor and gets knocked around. They head inside with Cena’s flying shoulder having no effect, earning himself a clothesline. A big boot puts Cena down again but he fights up and manages to get him in the FU. That’s broken up with elbows to the face though and the double chokeslam plants Cena to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. The wrestling started good and then went downhill as the show went on, but I liked the one night mystery to set up Cena’s next challenger. It’s the definition of a spring/early summer title program and there is nothing wrong with that. Khali running through all four members of the fatal four way in one night is a great symbolic move and now we get to move on to what could be an interesting (not necessarily in a good way) title match. Overall, another good night, which is nice to see.



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Monday Night Raw – September 27, 2021: Get Them A Pillow

Monday Night Raw
Date: September 27, 2021
Location: Heritage Bank Center, Cincinnati, Ohio
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

We’re done with Extreme Rules and the biggest changes involve a doll and this show. First up, Charlotte destroyed Lillie the doll last night, sending Alexa Bliss into an emotional breakdown. Other than that we have a WWE Championship match set for the top of the show, because Monday Night Football is going to kill them otherwise. Let’s get to it.

Here is Extreme Rules if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Big E. cashing in Money in the Bank to win the WWE Title, plus pinning Bobby Lashley again last night at Extreme Rules in a six man tag. The rematch is set for tonight.

WWE Title: Big E. vs. Bobby Lashley

Big E. is defending and after the Big Match Intros, we’re ready to go. Lashley powers him into the corner to start so Big E. fires off a slap to the face. That earns him a beating in the corner and a snap suplex for less than one. A clothesline puts Big E. on the floor but he snaps off a belly to belly to send us to a break. Back with Lashley hitting a Downward Spiral into a big clothesline to put Big E. in even more trouble. Lashley takes him up top but Big E. blocks the superplex.

That’s fine with Lashley, who knocks him off the top and down onto the apron for a crash instead. The double clothesline on the floor teases the double countout but they make it back inside. That means the slugout can be on but Lashley has to go to the ropes to avoid the Big Ending. The spear through the ropes drops Lashley….but here are Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander in Hurt Business shirts. Lashley hits a spinebuster and seems pleased but here is New Day to go after Alexander and Benjamin. The spear cuts Big E. down as the other four fight inside for the DQ at 10:00.

Rating: C+. I’m not sure how many people expected a clean finish here so it wasn’t like it was a disappointment. Giving Big E. a DQ loss doesn’t exactly make him look great but I’m sure you are going to see something else from him later tonight. They mostly delivered a nice match though and that’s all they needed to do.

Post match the brawl is on and security comes out to break it up. Actually we’re not done as this match is happening again later tonight inside a steel cage (which they just happen to have lying around).

Erik vs. Angel Garza

Ivar and Humberto Carrillo are here too. Erik powers him around to start but gets caught in an armbar for his early efforts. That’s broken up and Garza is back with his knee to the face. Garza TAKES OFF HIS PANTS, which Carrillo teases throwing in. That brings Ivar over but the distraction lets Garza hit a superkick into the Wing Clipper for the pin at 2:01.

We recap Charlotte beating Alexa Bliss last night and destroying Lillie, plus beating up Bliss again, because it has been so long since Charlotte accomplished anything.

24/7 Title: Reggie vs. Ricochet

Reggie is defending. Feeling out process to start with Ricochet working on a wristlock but they need to trade moonsaults over each other out of the corner. Ricochet sends him outside for the big flip dive as the 24/7 goons are watching from the front row. That’s enough for them to jump the barricade and jump Reggie for the DQ at 1:20.

Post match Ricochet fights back but Drake Maverick has a walkie talkie, telling someone to do it now. Cue Akira Tozawa to go after Reggie, who escapes anyway. Note that Ricochet is the one who is a guest star but we have a continuing story involving four morons trying to catch an acrobat to win a comedy title.

Riddle is on his own tonight because Randy Orton is probably taking a week off to have some Skyline Chili. Or he needed to take a break from Riddle because he wanted to RKO him on the concrete. Riddle thinks that’s a bad idea because it could hurt Orton’s back. It’s cool though, because Riddle has his headphones with Orton’s theme song. Singing ensues.

Akira Tozawa is still in the ring and wants a match with someone.

Keith Lee vs. Akira Tozawa

Yes it’s Bearcat and it’s a splash into the Big Bang Catastrophe for the pin on Tozawa at 35 seconds.

We recap the opening match and a very serious Big E. promises to beat Bobby Lashley again, just like he did when he promised to cash in. A serious Big E. is a good Big E.

US Title: Sheamus vs. Damian Priest

Priest is defending and it’s no countout/no DQ. Why Priest needed to have his entrance before that big recap is beyond me, but letting the US Champ stand around in the ring for three minutes certainly isn’t a bad look or anything. Before the match, Sheamus says this won’t be pretty, but it will be pretty ugly as he gets the title back. They go with the power to start with Sheamus headlock takeovering him down.

Priest fights up but gets elbowed in the face to cut him off. The Broken Arrow is broken up so they head outside, where Priest hits a quick suplex. There’s a big boot and it’s already time for a table. Sheamus isn’t having that and sends Priest into the steps but the ten forearms on the apron are broken up. Instead, Sheamus hits the White Noise through the table in a big crash to send us to the break.

Back with Priest fighting out of a kendo stick choke, because White Noise off the apron through a table is just a spot. Another table is set up in the corner but Priest is back up with kendo stick shots. A chair is brought in but Priest is sent head first into it in the corner (that sounded great). Priest is back up with South of Heaven for two and they slug it out from their knees. An enziguri gives Priest two but he jumps into the jumping knee to the face for the same. The Reckoning is loaded up but Sheamus slips out, only to be sent through the table in the corner. Now the Reckoning can retain the title at 15:50.

Rating: B. This was a heck of a fight and the match they should have had last night at Extreme Rules. I’m not sure what the point was in having an extreme match on Raw when you had a regular match on the extreme pay per view. The other problem here: Sheamus, a multiple time World Champion, just hit his secondary finisher off the apron and through a table. It sent us to a break and we came back with Priest being fine. You could do an injury spot or a title change off of that, but it might not even be the biggest spot in a Raw match.

Mustafa Ali isn’t happy with Mansoor signing the two of them up for a six man tag with Jeff Hardy. Ali rants about Hardy, who pops up behind them, asking what Ali would say to them. After Ali backpedals hard, Hardy talks about how they are up against some scary monsters. He’s ready to twist their fates.

Jinder Mahal/Veer/Shanky vs. Mansoor/Mustafa Ali/Jeff Hardy

Shanky sidewalk slams Ali to start so it’s off to Mansoor, who gets elbowed by Veer. We hit the neck crank for a bit but Mansoor fights up in a hurry and brings in Jeff to clean house. Everything breaks down and Veer’s baseball lariat finishes Ali at 3:44.

Rating: D+. So yes, we really are reheating Jinder Mahal and the final form of the Singh Brothers. This hasn’t worked before and it isn’t likely to work now, but that has never stopped WWE before. Maybe focusing on Veery and Shanky would help, but I have no reason to believe that will be the case.

Karrion Kross promises to hurt people.

Karrion Kross vs. Jaxson Ryker

Kross knocks him into the corner to start and mocks Ryker’s military history. A suplex takes Ryker down but an armbar is broken up. The Doomsday Saito set up the Krossjacket to make Ryker tap at 1:37. That’s good for a smile.

Doudrop is going to answer Charlotte’s Open Challenge for a Women’s Title match.

Bobby Lashley rants about Big E. winning the title with the Money in the Bank briefcase. Tonight, he isn’t injured and he can hurt Big E. even more in a cage.

Riddle vs. AJ Styles

Riddle suplexes him down for an early two but gets hit in the face for a trip to the floor. AJ hits a sliding knee off the apron and we take a break with Riddle in trouble. Back with Riddle striking away but getting caught in a pumphandle gutbuster to cut him off. Riddle kicks him to the floor and hits a big dive to take AJ down again.

Back in and the Floating Bro is countered into a Calf Crusher (that was sweet) but Riddle slips out. The comeback is on as Riddle gets all fired up, even knocking Styles down a few times. That’s fine with AJ, who counters a running knee into a Burning Hammer (geez) into the Styles Clash for the pin at 12:10.

Rating: C+. This match right here might embody Raw’s troubles more than anything else. There is no reason for this match to happen. RKBro beat Styles and Omos for the titles and we have seen several combinations since then. It is continuing just for the sake of having matches and filling in time now. The match will be fine, but find a reason for them to fight other than “they’re fighting again”.

Post match, Omos plants Riddle again with the chokeslam.

We look back at Shayna Baszler snapping on Nia Jax and putting her on the shelf with an arm injury last week.

Shayna has no comment, but does have a nifty deck of cards.

Women’s Title: Charlotte vs. Doudrop

Charlotte is defending. Doudrop shoves her around to start and Charlotte can’t manage to slam her. The big running backsplash crushes Charlotte….and here’s Eva Marie because WWE absolutely refuses to move on from ANYTHING. Charlotte gets in a chop block and Natural Selection retains at 1:52.

Post match Eva poses over Doudrop and gets decked by Charlotte.

Goldberg (OH HERE WE GO) is back and talks about how he and Bobby Lashley are both fathers. He doesn’t know what kind of a father Lashley is but Lashley attacked Goldberg’s son at Summerslam. Now he is going to fulfill the vow he made when his son was born and hurt Lashley a lot. I’m so excited for this. It’s right up there with a bad infection.

Eva Marie is still in the ring and complains about the disrespect. She can beat anyone in the locker room so here is Shayna Baszler. The Kirifuda Clutch knocks Eva out in a hurry and the fans approve. Shayna lets go and unloads on Eva’s arm ala last week with Jax for a bonus. I could go for face Shayna.

Nikki Ash and Rhea Ripley say they have nothing in common except the titles. Nikki thinks they need matching blue gear, but Rhea says it’s a good color on Nikki only. Hey, remember when Riddle and Orton were a team who didn’t agree on anything but they worked well together and one of them was really excited about the team and wanted them to have matching gear and a wacky name but the other wasn’t interested?

WWE Title: Big E. vs. Bobby Lashley

Lashley is challenging in a cage and jumps Big E. before they’re both inside. Big E. is sent into the barricade and the cage as this is one sided before the bell. A posting makes it even worse and we take a break. Back with the bell ringing and Big E. sending him into the cage over and over. A running clothesline drops Lashley again but he’s back up with a trip into the cage wall.

The spear is countered into a hiptoss into the corner but Big E. has to fight out of a Hurt Lock attempt. Lashley settles with a suplex for two and goes up but Big E. is right up there for an attempt at a super Big Ending. That doesn’t quite work as Big E. comes back down but gets caught in a dragon sleeper over the ropes. That’s enough for Lashley to go for a climb but Big E. is back up for the save.

Big E. goes up but the Hurt Business is there to cut him off. Lashley goes for the door but here’s Xavier Woods to slam the door on his head. New Day gets rid of the Hurt Business, with Kofi hitting the trust fall off the cage onto both of them. We take a break and come back with Big E. ducking an elbow and hitting the trio of belly to belly suplexes. The spear cuts Big E. down for two though and Lashley goes for the door. That’s broken up so Lashley tells him to stay down, only to walk into the Big Ending for two. A spinebuster plants Big E. so it’s time to climb but Big E. pulls him back down with the super Big Ending to retain at 16:31.

Rating: B. This was a pair of big strong guys hitting each other very hard and that’s what it needed to be. Setting up the super Big Ending earlier and then actually doing it in the end worked well and it felt like a major victory for Big E. He needed this to solidify himself as the champion and it was a good fight that felt like a pay per view level title match.

Post match the cage is raised, but here’s Drew McIntyre to stare Big E. (who is fine with this) down to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. In something I’ve had to say far too many times over the years, there is a good two hour show in here somewhere, if you trim off a lot of the fat. By fat, I mean a lot of the repetitive stuff that has been done so many times that it doesn’t feel like it matters anymore whatsoever, such as Eva Marie vs. Doudrop, Jinder Mahal and company, the 24/7 Title, Styles/Omos vs. RKBro and probably Karrion Kross. It’s either not going to happen or it has happened so many times that there is no reason to be interested anymore.

The rest of the show did have some good moments, which tended to be when they were focusing on what the talented wrestlers can do in the ring. There were good matches and it felt like important things were happening here. The problem is there was so much other stuff that didn’t work and dragged the good down. That happens far too often on Raw, but it does seem like they are getting out of the horrible depths they had reached a few months ago. I’ll absolutely take that, but the Draft is going to change everything anyway so I’m not sure if it matters.

Bobby Lashley b. Big E. via DQ when Kofi Kingston and Cedric Alexander interfered
Angel Garza b. Erik – Wing Clipper
Reggie b. Ricochet via DQ when R-Truth interfered
Keith Lee b. Akira Tozawa – Big Bang Catastrophe
Damian Priest b. Sheamus – Reckoning
Jinder Mahal/Veer/Shanky b. Jeff Hardy/Mansoor/Mustafa Ali – Baseball lariat to Ali
Karrion Kross b. Jaxson Ryker – Krossjacket
AJ Styles b. Riddle – Styles Clash
Charlotte b. Doudrop – Natural Selection
Big E. b. Bobby Lashley – Super Big Ending


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