Monday Night Raw – August 3, 2020: May Your Walls Be Sticky

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: August 3, 2020
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Samoa Joe, Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton

Things might be on the verge of a big shakeup around here as we have two big deals going on in a single show. First up we have Shane McMahon making his return after about nine months away with some kind of a big announcement. Other than that, there is a new faction debuting, which isn’t usually the kind of thing you have announced in advance. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

The announcers welcome us to the show and the lights flicker a bit.

US Title: Apollo Crews vs. MVP

Crews is defending and the lights go out again during his entrance. The Hurt Business is here with MVP, who has the new title. Before the match, MVP says this should have happened at Extreme Rules but Lashley went full Lashley. After tonight, this is all done and Crews can go hang out with Ricochet and Cedric Alexander in catering. Crews grabs a headlock to no avail to start so MVP stomps him on the foot as the flickering continues.

Crews is right back with a shoulder and a snap suplex for two. We hit the armbar on MVP for a bit before Crews hammers away on the ropes. MVP is sent outside for more flickering so Crews hits a big flip dive onto the whole team. Back from a break with MVP working on a cravate before putting on something like a camel clutch in the ropes. MVP elbows away in the corner but misses a running big boot. A crossbody into a spinebuster gives Crews two, followed by the Toss Powerbomb to retain the title at 10:35.

Rating: C-. Just a match here and not exactly thrilling stuff. That being said, this has felt like a path to get to Lashley vs. Crews at Summerslam and having a part time wrestler lose isn’t going to hurt anything. Crews getting some more wins where he has to fight from behind is a good thing and hopefully we get somewhere else with him going forward.

Post match Crews has to run from the threat of a full nelson.

In the back, Crews talks about how strong Lashley is. That power kept him sitting at home and not being able to turn his head. His kids thought he was the real champion and now he can give them the old belt to hang in their room to see the first title their daddy ever won. Thanks for paying for the new belt MVP. Good emotion from Crews here.

Back in the arena, MVP rants about the lights flickering causing an unsafe working environment (the line we have to get in at least twice a year). Crews missed Extreme Rules and now he steals his title. MVP wants his rematch at Summerslam.

Sasha Banks and Bayley are very happy with having all of the gold. They don’t like being asked a bunch of questions, like if they will be defending their titles at Summerslam. They’re going to spice things up, so here’s a video tribute….to themselves, mainly focusing on Sasha beating Asuka last week. Asuka interrupts and says revenge will be very, very sweet. Bayley and Banks are not happy but here’s Shayna Baszler to interrupt. She has a bit of a problem with this and slaps Banks down.

The IIconics offer to be on the Kevin Owens Show but he already has guests. They can have a water instead.

It’s time for the Kevin Owens Show but his microphone keeps cutting out. He knows Shane McMahon is back tonight but he would rather talk to his guest: Ruby Riott. Ruby comes out and says she has dealt with “toxic sad broads” like the IIconics her whole life. Then last week she put an end to the IIconic bull****. Riott wished Liv Morgan could have been there to share it with her, so here’s Liv to join them. Liv doesn’t seem happy and asks for Ruby to say what she wants to say.

Owens remembers the two of them when they started and, after his mic cuts out again, says he remembers the two of them and Sarah starting something special. Owens traveled the world with them and doesn’t want this to be messed up. Ruby gets very emotional and talks about coming back here and thinking everything would be the same. Now Sarah is gone though and Ruby blamed Liv for everything.

That wasn’t fair and she looks at the tattoo with their debut date and all she wants is another chance. All she wants is one more chance for the Riott Squad to be stronger than ever, but here are the IIconics to interrupt. Owens: “I had nothing to do with that.” Kay isn’t sure why Ruby was so happy with one win after 400 losses in a row. Peyton, with her mic cutting in and out again, talks about how they are best friends.

Liv says that she and Ruby aren’t IIconic but they can start a riot like no one else. Owens thinks the IIconics should leave but a challenge is issued instead. The IIconics can’t decide who should do their catchphrase, so Owens asks if we can get some more technical difficulties for just the two of them. Peyton slaps him so the Squad jumps them to start the fight.

Back from a break and a delivery man tries to bring some drinks to a locker room. A rather large security guard glares him off. This seems to be associated with Shane McMahon.

Riott Squad vs. IIconics

Owens is on commentary and Kay Regal Cutters Riott for an early two. Peyton comes in for the chinlock before it’s back to Billie, who gets superkicked down. Liv comes in and hits some clotheslines into a spinning faceplant to Peyton. Kay kicks her down though and drags Peyton over for the tag. Not that it matters as Ruby grabs a rollup for the pin at 2:34.

Post match the IIconics jump Liv again but Ruby makes the save. A double STO plants Kay.

Earlier today, a loud noise was heard and some crates were knocked over backstage with some technical equipment falling out. Some people say it was deliberate but MVP comes in to complain about losing earlier. There is some good news for him though: he gets his rematch for the title at Summerslam. Shelton Benjamin comes up to say someone stole his title.

Here’s Drew McIntyre for a chat. He talks about Randy Orton has spent twenty years preying on vulnerability and then coming after McIntyre last week after an Extreme Rules match. McIntyre should have seen it coming and that’s on him. He has gotten in trouble for being lazy before and that was why Vince McMahon fired him. Orton has had everything handed to him over the years though and has gotten in so much trouble over the years that he should have been fired a long time ago.

Cue Orton with Ric Flair to say he wants to be here because he enjoys being here. He enjoys hitting RKOs and punting heads. Orton likes Drew’s spirit, which is going to make beating him at Summerslam all the sweeter. McIntyre says Orton should have been fired years ago and he’s right. Orton should have been fired multiple times but Drew was the one who was fired. That’s because Orton was more valuable to this company than Drew ever could be. He has gotten chance after chance because he is the chosen one, then now and forever.

Drew has been quoting legends, but what has he done that makes him that great. McIntyre talks about Undertaker saying he pulled Orton up to his level in the Last Ride, but when has Orton ever done that? How about ten years ago? When Drew’s career was falling down around him and he was self destructing, a kind word from someone like Orton could have changed everything.

Drew looks at Orton and sees a selfish jerk, so at Summerslam it’s time to cash in some receipts both for himself and all the legends that Orton has kicked in the head. This time though, Orton will see it coming. This was good stuff and the kind of thing that can build up a match that makes all the sense in the world on paper.

Ric Flair comes up to Kevin Owens in the back and asks the Riott Squad to leave them alone. Flair talks about the history the two of them have and how much he respects Owens. However, Flair thinks Owens might be too worried about everyone else. Owens isn’t trying to be a guidance counselor but now he is trying to be a better person. Like what Randy Orton could be if he wanted to be.

Flair thinks that’s pretty strong and says he’s giving Owens advice he needs to listen to. Mind your own business and take care of yourself and maybe you can get your own Summerslam title match. Owens says if Flair cares so much, Owens can show him how much fight he has against Orton next week. Flair seems to like the idea.

Here are Nia Jax and agent Pat Buck, who Jax attacked last week. Nia seems emotional about it but doesn’t like a scrawny runt from management who couldn’t make it in his own career stepping to her, it is her responsibility to step back. She didn’t see Buck there but offers him a match right here and right now.

Buck says no and he’s only here for an apology. Jax says he can have one after their match and this is his big chance. That’s still a no, but she was expecting more fire from a ginger like him. Jax tells him to say what he has to say so Buck suspends her without pay. That earns him a quick knockdown and a kick to the floor as Jax screams a lot.

Jax goes to leave but here’s R-Truth with the 24/7 Title as he runs away from Akira Tozawa and the Ninjas. Shelton Benjamin comes out as well and it’s time for a scheduled title match.

24/7 Title: Akira Tozawa vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. R-Truth

Shelton, with the Hurt Business, is defending and beats up Truth to start. Tozawa’s rollup gets one and it’s time to panic. Tozawa misses his spinning kick to the head and the punches to the ribs have no effect. Shelton hits a heck of a powerbomb on Tozawa (that looked great) but Truth is back to kick away. Paydirt plants Truth but one of the ninjas comes in to flip around a lot. Shelton kicks him in the head and throws him into the ropes (that wasn’t good) and the rest of the Hurt Business goes after the other Ninjas. Back in and Tozawa hits the top rope backsplash to pin Truth for the title at 2:07.

We see a bunch of people standing around a ring with no ropes and two guys grappling. Shane McMahon pops up and says tonight at 10pm, it’s Raw Underground.

We look back at Murphy taking out Aleister Black’s eye last week, plus Dominic Mysterio attacking Murphy and Seth Rollins.

Dominic is asked a rather important question: why is he still here? Dominic says he’s here because his dad was blinded, so of course his mind hasn’t been in the right place as of late. If people think he’s crazy now, how crazy will they think he is when he challenges Seth Rollins to a match at Summerslam?

Shayna Baszler vs. Sasha Banks

Non-title and Sasha has Bayley in her corner. Sasha slaps her in the face to start and is quickly taken down, allowing Baszler to tease a kick to the face. Instead she shoves Sasha a bit and Banks isn’t pleased. A kick to the leg cuts Banks down again and stomps down on the hand for a bonus. Baszler grabs a double underhook into a cross armbreaker but Banks rolls over to the ropes for a break on the floor.

A Bayley distraction lets Banks send Shayna into the corner for two. Baszler rolls through a high crossbody though and hits a nasty/somewhat messed up backbreaker for two of her own. The Kirifuda Clutch is blocked though and Banks pulls her into the Bank Statement. That’s broken up as well so Banks hits a knee to the face. That earns her a knee to the face though and they’re both down. Cue Asuka to go after Bayley though….and that’s a DQ at 4:50?

Rating: C+. It was nice while it lasted but this show needs to work on its DQ rules. I went back to make sure I didn’t miss anything on the DQ but how else are they going to get to the tag match? Asuka and Baszler are a weird team, but who else is supposed to challenge for the titles at Summerslam? The Riott Squad?

Post match Asuka chases Banks to the floor and I think you know where this is going.

Indeed it’s a promo from Asuka, who is asked about last week when she went to save Kairi Sane, costing herself the Raw Women’s Title in the process. After seeing the ending of the match, Asuka says Kairi will be ok but for now, she is here and so are Bayley and Banks. She wants her rematch for the title at Summerslam but Shayna pops up next to her. Baszler is cheering for Asuka because she wants Asuka to get the title back so she can take it next. Cue Banks and Bayley to say Asuka can face Bayley next week. If she wins, then she gets the title shot. Bayley doesn’t seem pleased.

Angel Garza hits on a woman named Demi, who is from the Bachelor. Andrade doesn’t seem pleased and neither does Zelina Vega, who says Demi doesn’t belong here.

Back at Raw Underground, Shane declares one of them men the winner as some women dance in the background. This has the potential to be a disaster in the making.

After a break, Shane introduces Raw Underground, where there are very few rules and a lot of carnage. We’ve got a fight to start between Daba Kato, who is over 7’ tall, and a much smaller guy. The smaller guy charges at him to no avail. Kato beats the tar out of him for the win in 19 seconds. Another guy comes up and gets taken down with a spinning Rock Bottom. Elbows to the face finish him in about 15 seconds. Kato throws the guy to the floor and asks who is next. More on this later.

Here are the Street Profits for a pair of singles matches, but first Dawkins wants to hit on Demi. Ford wants him to be more serious, because it’s time to get ready for Summerslam. They have a bond like James, unlike the Angel Garza and Andrade, who Zelina Vega threw together. They want the smoke.

Angel Garza vs. Angelo Dawkins

Dawkins starts fast by sending Garza outside. That means a ram into the Plexiglas and we take a fast break. Back with Dawkins working on the arm before hitting a dropkick for two as Demi is watching backstage, with the rose Garza gave her. Garza fights back up and TAKES OFF HIS PANTS, setting up his own middle rope dropkick. The Wing Clipper is blocked and Dawkins hits his spinning splash in the corner. There’s a bulldog but Ford falls down without being touched. Garza hits a superkick and a dropkick to the side of the face for the pin at 5:52. Not enough shown to rate but the Ford deal seems more important.

Montez Ford vs. Andrade

Joined in progress with Ford slipping out of an armbar and grabbing a waistlock as commentary wonders what was wrong with him. Ford is fine enough to flip out of a wristlock and slap on a headlock. That’s reversed with a belly to back suplex and Andrade kicks him to the floor where Ford is holding his ribs. Ford reverses a whip into the barricade and they head back inside, where Andrade gets in a hard shot to the face. A snap suplex gives Andrade two and we hit the chinlock.

That brings Ford back to life for some elbows and a flip over Andrade. A jumping clothesline has Ford’s eyes bugging out again but he charges into a shot to the chest. Ford is back up with a dropkick to knock Andrade off the top and there’s the big running flip dive to take him down again. Back in and Ford shakes the ropes…but collapses again and the referee stops it at 4:58.

Rating: C. The storylines are strong with this show and I’ll give them points for seeing where they are going with this one. It’s certainly different and something that we haven’t seen in a long time so maybe they have something different. That being said, I’ll need to see where it is going before deciding how good it is.

Murphy watches a clip of him attacking Aleister Black’s eye last week and doesn’t seem pleased with himself. Seth Rollins is proud of him though and says focus on the future. As for the Summerslam challenge from Dominic, Murphy thinks it’s ridiculous but Seth smiles and walks off.

We go back to Raw Underground with Erik of the Viking Raiders fighting another unnamed fighter. Erik takes him down and hammers away, followed by a hard German suplex. The other guy is kicked out of the ring but gets thrown back in for some knees to the chest. Erik finally wins via stoppage. Adding in a wrestler we know is a better idea.

There is no update on Montez Ford but Angel Garza comes up to offer Charly Caruso a rose. Zelina and Andrade come up to say they’re worried about Ford as well, but what does this mean for the Summerslam Tag Team Title match? Angelo Dawkins walks out of the trainer’s room and says someone might have poisoned Ford. Bianca Belair comes out of the room as well to say Zelina has one chance to say what happened. Zelina asks how stupid Belair thinks she is so the earrings come off and they both have to be held back.

We see some security camera footage from earlier where five people in masks threw a fireball at a power generator and blew it up, likely causing the technical issues all night long.

The Hurt Business doesn’t like being asked about their bad night when everything is going insane around here. They find it interesting that this is happening when the Raw Underground stuff starts up and go to look into it.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

We look back at Seth Rollins destroying Rey Mysterio and tormenting his family.

Here are Seth Rollins and Murphy so Seth can make a statement, but first he wants to ask Tom Phillips if he is an unbiased journalist. What was he doing last week when Dominic was attacking Seth with a kendo stick? Rollins starts shouting about Phillips cheering him on and inciting his rage. It’s the bias (oh it’s time to get topical) that causes these problems, so Murphy is going to take care of Phillips. Samoa Joe stands up and says that isn’t happening because he was laughing harder than anyone last week.

Rollins says Joe doesn’t want to do this but Joe says he does. Rollins and Murphy roll inside and tell Joe to come join them. Joe takes off the coat and we go to a break. Back with Joe still not in the ring but here’s Dominic with a kendo stick to lay out Murphy and Rollins. Dominic hits a big dive off the top to take both of them down and the two run off. Rollins grabs the mic and says the match is on for Summerslam.

Back at Raw Underground, Dolph Ziggler beats someone up and chokes him out in a hurry. The Hurt Business shows up and says they’re taking over, with Lashley ruling the ring. A guy comes after him and is immediately taken down with no trouble. MVP gets in the ring as well and Shelton Benjamin throws someone else inside to get beaten up as well. That’s enough for MVP to be called off by a referee so Lashley throws the guy to the floor.

MVP asks who is next but someone has said something about Shelton’s mama (ANYONE but Mama Benjamin). Shelton dispatches him with ease and the Hurt Business drops tot he floor and beats up a bunch of people without much effort. Shane seems pleased and says anything goes around here. They can come back anytime they want and MVP says business is booming to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. Well it was certainly different, and that’s a good thing given how the show has been going as of late. That being said, I’m not exactly thrilled with the idea of an underground fight club breaking out at the arena. It’s certainly a far cry from the Brawl For All of course, but we could be in for some interesting ideas in the coming weeks.

This was definitely the “throw stuff at the wall and see what doesn’t bomb” show, and after everything else going as it did recently, that might not be the worst idea. I’m disappointed in a faction being “introduced” as I wouldn’t call seeing them blow stuff up to be an introduction, but it was better than nothing. I’ll have to see where a lot of this goes, but it has me somewhat interested and that’s a good thing.


Apollo Crews b. MVP – Toss powerbomb

Riott Squad b. IIconics – Rollup to Kay

Akira Tozawa b. R-Truth and Shelton Benjamin – Top rope backsplash to R-Truth

Sasha Banks vs. Shayna Baszler went to a no contest when Asuka interfered

Angel Garza b. Angelo Dawkins – Dropkick to the side of the head

Andrade b. Montez Ford via referee stoppage



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Monday Night Raw – July 27, 2020: Every Single Minute

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: July 27, 2020
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, Samoa Joe

We’re less than a month away from Summerslam and that means things need to start picking up. You can see a lot of what they have in mind from here, but there are still a few things that need to be ironed out. Hopefully some of those things are set up tonight, as the wheels need to start turning. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The announcers welcome us to the show and tell us what we have coming up.

Here’s Randy Orton to get things going and we see some clips of what he did to take care of Big Show last week. Orton knows he has had a great career and we hear about his history, including the Legend Killer and Evolution. This business has some greats like the Rock and Steve Austin, but neither of them are anything compared to him.

Now he needs something else though, which means becoming WWE Champion again. Drew McIntyre may be WWE Champion, but their resumes don’t quite line up. McIntyre doesn’t know how much trouble he is in now because Orton gets what he wants. Orton wants the title shot at Summerslam and Drew isn’t seeing the RKO coming.

Here’s the returning Nia Jax to say she gets what Orton meant. She wants to be Raw Women’s Champion, but cue Shayna Baszler to say not so fast. The brawl is on with referees breaking it up as we take a break.

Viking Raiders vs. Ricochet/Cedric Alexander vs. Andrade/Angel Garza

The winners get the Street Profits at Summerslam so the Profits are here to introduce everyone. Garza and Andrade clear the ring to start and Garza TAKES OFF HIS PANTS, which he throws straight at Dawkins. Joined in progress with Ricochet jumping over Ivar as Garza and Andrade chill on the floor with Zelina Vega. An enziguri into a headscissors takes Ivar down so Erik comes in instead.

Actually scratch that as the Raiders throw Garza inside and then beat up Andrade on the floor. This includes Erik slamming Ivar onto him while Ricochet and Alexander chop Garza in the corner. Back in and the German suplex/springboard clothesline hits Garza but Ricochet dropkicks Ivar. Andrade is back in to jump Erik from behind and it’s a double team on Erik. Ricochet goes for the cover to break up the alliance, allowing Ivar to come in and clean house. A splash (Ford: “The Love Splash!” Tom: “The Love Splash?” Ford: “THE LOVE SPLASH!”) connects and the Raiders clear the ring as we take a break.

Back with Andrade hitting his running knees in the corner to crush Erik for two. Everything breaks down and Andrade hits the spinning elbow to Ivar. Erik knees Andrade in the face but the dive is cut off by Garza’s kick to the head. Ivar goes up top to cannonball onto Ricochet, Alexander and Erik by mistake. Back in and the Wing Clipper hits Alexander for the pin and the title shot at 15:02.

Rating: C. The action was good, though I’m not a fan of having the Profits beat a team one week and then having the same team getting a title shot the next week. That being said, who else is there to get the show? The division is basically three teams at the moment and while Ricochet and Alexander are a team, they aren’t in a position to get that kind of a shot. It’s annoying, but they didn’t have another option.

Shayna Baszler vs. Nia Jax

The brawl is on and they go straight to the floor for the countout at 48 seconds.

Post match the referees try to break it up with both of them beating up a referee in the process.

Video on Eye For An Eye.

Murphy looks upset and Seth Rollins asks if he’s with him. Murphy is worried about Dominick Mysterio showing up tonight. Rollins hopes so because people like Dominick can’t get out of their own way. The greater good will move forward and tonight will be different.

Here are Rollins and Murphy for a chat. Rollins brags about beating Rey Mysterio and Aleister Black on back to back nights but something is preventing him from being happy. That would be Dominick, who is here tonight to confront him. This is a recurring theme as every time the Greater Good (sounds like they have a group name) tries to do something, someone steps in their way.

Kevin Owens had a broken ankle, Mysterio lost an eye, and now Black has an injured arm. That’s why Rollins wants to talk it out with Dominick so they can do it the right way. Cue Dominick to very slowly get in the ring with Rollins talking about how he understands how Dominick is feeling. If Dominick needs any guidance or help…and Dominick takes him down. Murphy is right back though and Dominick is sent outside for a whip into the barricade. Dominick is sent into the announcers’ table as well and Rollins looks at the steps.

Rollins takes too much time though and here’s Aleister Black to jump the Greater Good. The arm is sent into the apron though and Rollins whips him into the barricade. The Stomp plants Black on the floor and Rollins looks at the steps. He asks Murphy if he is in this so Murphy grabs Black and puts Black’s eye into the steps, as referees….just look at him. Dominick comes back with a kendo stick for the save. That was the best fire Dominick has ever shown but it might not be the best idea to have that happen just after the eye angle.

R-Truth comes up to Mustafa Ali in the back because Ali is going to be on the MVP Lounge. Ali isn’t going after the 24/7 Title, which is a good thing because Truth wants his baby back.

It’s time for the VIP Lounge with MVP running down non-Hurt Business people. Last week, MVP saw someone come back from a seven month absence and he’s this week’s guest. Cue Mustafa Ali, who is very happy to have helped put the Hurt Business out of business last week. He is happy that he is back in WWE and on Raw, where he can become a champion. And he means a REAL champion, which doesn’t sit well with MVP.

That could happen, but MVP thinks it depends on Ali making the right decision. Ali doesn’t like the sound of that because he can think for himself. MVP says that sounds like what Apollo Crews said and now he is at home on the couch. So what is Ali’s decision? Cue R-Truth to go after Benjamin for two but the Hurt Business chases him off.

Mustafa Ali vs. Bobby Lashley

Lashley draws a line on the mat and tells him to come get it and then shoves Ali down without much trouble. A big toss across the ring sets up a running shoulder to the ribs in the corner and Ali is in trouble early. There’s the faceplant and Lashley stomps him down in the corner. Now it’s a delayed vertical suplex for two but here’s Akira Tozawa to go after Benjamin as well. MVP and Benjamin beat up the Ninjas and Lashley gets in on things as well, including a crazy hard head first ram into the post. Ali gets in a shot from behind though and we take a break.

Back with Ali in trouble again as Lashley breaks up a springboard attempt and knocks him to the floor. That means some trash talk from MVP, plus an elevated Flatliner back inside. Ali slips away from the spinning Dominator though and the middle rope tornado DDT connects. The 450 misses and Lashley gets the full nelson for the tap at 11:31.

Rating: C-. Well so much for Ali being something important around here. This was 90% squash with Ali getting destroyed for most of the match until he hit a tornado DDT and that was it. This was almost depressing in a lot of ways as I was hoping to see Ali be a bigger deal, but then this happened.

Dolph Ziggler says he’s going to Summerslam after he beats Drew McIntyre tonight.

Long video on Sasha Banks vs. Asuka for the Raw Women’s Title.

Raw Women’s Title: Asuka vs. Sasha Banks

Asuka, with Kairi Sane, is defending and can lose the title via countout, DQ or interference. Banks has Bayley here with her and before the match, Sasha talks about how there is no bigger bully than Stephanie McMahon. That’s because they run the whole company because they’re role models who stand against injustice. That’s why Bayley interfered at Extreme Rules and counted the pin on Asuka. Bayley: “Any role model would have done the same thing.” Before the bell, Sane chases Bayley off and we take a break.

Back with the Big Match Intros, followed by Asuka kicking away in the corner to start fast. The Shining Wizard gets two but Asuka can’t get a Fujiwara armbar. A Backstabber out of the corner gives Banks two and the half crab goes on. Banks lets that go and starts working on the leg until Asuka kicks her out to the floor. That’s enough for Banks as she tries to leave, but it’s the old Eddie Guerrero trick of throwing the belt to Asuka and falling down, but Banks doesn’t get the timing right and the referee doesn’t buy it. Asuka kicks her in the head instead and we take a break.

Back with Banks working on the leg again but Asuka fights up and strikes away. A knee to the face sends Banks to the apron but the knee is too hut to follow up. Banks is back with a kick to the head and the Meteora gets two. We’re right back to the half crab but Asuka grabs a kneebar instead. That’s switched into an ankle lock to keeps Banks in trouble until she rolls Asuka into the corner. A top rope Meteora is countered into a Codebreaker to put them both down again.

Asuka kicks the knee out again and gets two off a release German suplex. The hip attack gets the same but Banks gets in a shot of her own. The frog splash gives Banks two and the Bank Statement goes on. Asuka slips out but can’t get the Asuka Lock as Banks sends her outside instead.

Banks drops the bad knee onto the announcers’ table for nine, with the dive back inside ruining Banks’ posing. Asuka’s rollup is countered into the Bank Statement, which is reversed into the ankle lock. Asuka hits a middle rope dropkick but we see Bayley beating up Kairi Sane in the back. The distracted Asuka still hits a German suplex as Bayley beats the heck out of Sane. Bayley rams Sane into the steel wall over and over and Asuka finally goes to the back for the save, giving Banks the title via countout at 19:30.

Rating: B. They set this up well and I can go for Banks winning the title here, as it could set up something big at Summerslam. If nothing else, it’s nice to see Banks and Bayley getting a major rocket push as WWE tries to fill in the void left by Becky and Charlotte leaving. Good match too, as you would expect from these two without the stupid shenanigans.

Post break, Bayley and Banks are VERY excited and dance around in celebration. Asuka comes out of the trainer’s room and screams a lot.

Video on Regis Philbin, who passed away over the weekend.

Humberto Carrillo vs. Buddy Murphy

Carrillo goes straight at him to start and chops away in the corner, followed by a springboard back elbow. A springboard kick to the face sends Murphy outside for a suicide dive but Murphy shoves him off the ropes for a crash into the barricade. Back in and we hit the chinlock but Carrillo is right back up with a kick to the head. An enziguri sends Murphy into the corner and a missile dropkick to the back of the head gets two. Back up and Carrillo heads up top, only to dive into the jumping knee. Murphy’s Law is good for the pin at 6:36.

Rating: C+. These two having a good match is hardly a surprise, though I’m not sure how wise it was to have Murphy do the evil stuff to Black and then come out for a regular match later in the show. That’s part of having such a limited crew at the moment though and that is causing issue after issue. More Murphy is a good thing though so I’m rather pleased.

Video on Drew McIntyre vs. Dolph Ziggler at Extreme Rules.

Here’s Drew McIntyre for the main event, but first he needs to address Randy Orton. The title match is set for Summerslam, and while Orton has promised Drew won’t see the RKO coming, Orton will sure see the Claymore coming. With that out of the way, here’s Ziggler for the stipulation. Drew liked Ziggler’s thinking at Extreme Rules for the Extreme Rules match, so tonight they’ll do it again, with Drew being able to get extreme too.

Drew McIntyre vs. Dolph Ziggler

Non-title and Extreme Rules. Drew goes outside to get a chair so Ziggler superkicks him without much trouble. Ziggler sends him into the post and Plexiglas but Drew is back with an elbow to the face. A lawn dart sends Ziggler hard into the Plexiglas and it’s time for the kendo stick. The Russian legsweep with the kendo stick sends Ziggler into the Plexiglas again and Drew wraps the stick around Ziggler’s mouth.

They head back inside with a bunch of chairs and a table coming with them. Ziggler can’t get a chair so McIntyre cracks him over the back with one instead. A low blow gets Ziggler out of trouble and he finds a second kendo stick to unload on McIntyre. Ziggler does everything McIntyre did to him but McIntyre takes the stick away.

Ziggler is placed on the apron, where his dive is caught for a big drive through the barricade as we take a break. Back with Drew hitting a top rope ax handle but not being able to hit the Future Shock. Instead Ziggler goes up but gets top rope superplexed right back down. The Zig Zag gives McIntyre two more so Ziggler grabs a chair, only to get Claymored through the table to give McIntyre the pin at 14:31.

Rating: B-. This was fine enough, though the lack of the title being on the line kind of took away the interest and that’s not the best idea given the way the TV numbers are going at the moment. McIntyre and Ziggler have chemistry together, but they can only do so much when you’re counting down to the pin. They have already been close enough to this place earlier this month, so seeing the match again wasn’t quite the draw.

Post match Drew holds up the title, earning every bit of the not so surprising RKO from Orton to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. The two big matches carried the show and they had to do just that, as this week felt every second of the three hours and a lot more than that. As usual, it felt like they crammed weeks worth of material into a single week, which they kind of have to do because it’s time for Summerslam. I like the title change and Orton vs. McIntyre was inevitable (in a good way) but they need to find a way to make the show feel faster. I’m not sure if that is possible though, and that’s a big reason why the audience is leaving.


Andrade/Angel Garza b. Viking Raiders and Ricochet/Cedric Alexander – Wing Clipper to Alexander

Nia Jax vs. Shayna Baszler went to a double countout

Bobby Lashley b. Mustafa Ali – Full nelson

Sasha Banks b. Asuka via countout

Murphy b. Humberto Carrillo – Murphy’s Law

Drew McIntyre b. Dolph Ziggler – Claymore through a table

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – June 22, 2020: Don’t Do Stupid Things

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 22, 2020
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Samoa Joe, Byron Saxton

We’re less than a month away from Extreme Rules but tonight is going to get a serious focus on the title picture with four title matches in one night. There almost has to be a title change in there somewhere, though the threat of Charlotte winning the Raw Women’s Title again makes me cringe. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

A voiceover runs down the four title matches, plus everything else.

Here’s Drew McIntyre to open things up. He explains last week’s title defense….but here’s Dolph Ziggler to interrupt. Ziggler explains that he and Robert Roode have been traded to Raw in exchange for AJ Styles. We hear about McIntyre’s redemption story, with Ziggler bringing him up from nothing and now McIntyre is WWE Champion.

That sounds like a reason for Ziggler to get a title shot at Extreme Rules, but McIntyre doesn’t remember Ziggler winning many matches without Big Daddy Claymore there to help him out. Ziggler has become exactly what the two of them used to despise: an entitled jackass. It was Ziggler who named him the Scottish Psychopath so imagine what McIntyre will do with the title on the line. Ziggler wants the match, so it’s set for Extreme Rules for the title.

Here’s Nia Jax to sit in a chair and complain about Charlotte getting another title shot at the snap of her fingers. Where is the fairness after Nia got cheated out of her title match last week? Cue R-Truth to interrupt, saying he was supposed to face some ninja here. Unless Nia is Akira Tozawa, because ninjas are masters of disguise. Nia doesn’t want to deal with this, but here’s Tozawa behind the commentary table.

The Ninjas appear to chase Truth off, leaving Nia alone in the ring to say she isn’t leaving….and here’s Charlotte. She’s glad to explain that Nia just dropped the ball again, but Nia brings up how much Charlotte’s dad helped her career. Charlotte says it wasn’t her dad who beat Asuka for the first time. The insults are on as is the brawl, with referees breaking it up. Charlotte comes up favoring her left arm.

We recap the Viking Raiders vs. the Street Profits, setting up their Tag Team Title match.

The Raiders and Profits agree that they are friends, but they’re fighting for the titles once the bell rings. That’s cool, and the four of them head to the ring. Zelina Vega pops in to smile.

Tag Team Titles: Viking Raiders vs. Street Profits

The Profits are defending and the winners win their entire series. Erik drives Dawkins into the corner to start and Ivar is sent into Dawkins’ face fort he early two. Dawkins comes up with a heck of a right hand and it’s off to Ford for a pair of leapfrogs. There’s a dropkick to put Erik on the floor for the big flip dive….but Erik catches him in a crazy power display. Ford is powerbombed onto Dawkins and we take a break.

Back with Ford making the hot tag to Dawkins so house can be cleaned. A Viking Experience gets two on Erik so it’s a shot to Ford’s face to take him down. The handspring elbow drops Ford again but he’s right back with an enziguri. Dawkins comes in and it’s a cartwheel off until Erik powerbombs Ford and World’s Strongest Slams Dawkins at the same time. Ivar’s top rope splash misses Dawkins so it’s the Cash Out to Ivar for the pin as Dawkins spears Ivar down at 8:35.

Rating: C+. Pretty nice match, though I’m not sure if it was worth the two month setup. What matters though is they FINALLY had a match and got somewhere with the story. I could have gone with some more of this but what we got was good enough. Somehow the Profits have the longest reign since New Day’s record run, which makes you realize how weak the division really has been in recent years. Still though, nice match here.

Post match respect is shown but Angel Garza and Andrade run in to jump the Profits. The Raiders make the save.

A serious Seth Rollins has a message for Rey Mysterio tonight.

We recap Dominick jumping Rollins last week and then running away from near destruction.

Rollins talks about how sometimes in life, people are put in roles they aren’t ready for. The difference between himself and Mysterio is that Rollins has accepted his role while Mysterio has allowed his son to get involved in the situation. The greater good is coming and Rey needs to know that legends never die, but they can outlive their welcome.

We look back at Nia and Charlotte getting in a fight earlier.

Charlotte’s arm is taped up but she’s not postponing anything tonight.

Charly Caruso asks Zelina Vega what was up with the attack but has to shake off Angel’s advances. They’re a united front and coming for the titles.

Raw Women’s Title: Charlotte vs. Asuka

Charlotte, with the bad shoulder, is challenging and stomps Asuka into the corner to start. Back up and Asuka is smart enough to kick at the arm and send it into the mat. The running hip attack in the ropes misses but Asuka snaps the arm across the top. There’s a kick to the face for a bonus but a dropkick off the apron misses, allowing Charlotte to hit her own boot to the face. They head back inside with Charlotte grabbing the Figure Four Neck Lock but she has to bail out of the moonsault.

Instead it’s a Downward Spiral to send Asuka into the middle buckle and we take a break. Back with Charlotte hammering away in the corner until Asuka grabs a German suplex. Asuka gets kicked in the face but manages to pull Charlotte into a cross armbreaker. Charlotte gets over to the ropes though and the spear connects for two. Asuka is right back with a triangle, so Charlotte powerbombs her way to…well actually right into the Asuka Lock for the tap 11:41.

Rating: B-. Well she beat Charlotte, and all it took was a bad shoulder injury. It wasn’t exactly a straight up win but I’ll take it over Charlotte getting the title again. That being said, I see no reason to believe that she won’t have it by the end of say Summerslam, but that is always the case with Charlotte around. It was a good match as usual, though I was more relieved than happy that Asuka won.

In the back, Nia says it would be a shame for someone to kick the Queen when she is down.

We look back at Randy Orton beating Edge at Backlash, then challenging Christian to a match and Punting him as well, thanks to a Ric Flair low blow.

Edge is sitting in a ring and says Orton won at Backlash but he didn’t live up to his claim of being the better pure wrestler. He tore Edge’s tricep off the bone so it’s another surgery but Edge felt the panic. The Anti-Venom was about to be locked in and it was an accidental low blow so Orton could save himself. Edge is disappointed that he didn’t do it first and now this injury has kept him from hugging his daughters on Father’s Day. The second that Orton hit the Punt and then backed Jay into a corner, Orton showed what kind of a man he was.

Christian was ecstatic to be back for one night but then Orton went too far. Edge is thankful for waking up a side of Edge that has been gone and he doesn’t care how many backs he has to step on to be back. Now he’s going to make Orton wish that Cowboy Bob was firing blanks on the night he was conceived. Orton’s kids are going to come running up to him and ask if he’s ok, but he won’t be. Edge is going to be screaming louder than all of the voices in Orton’s head. Thank you for waking up the evil.

Orton talks about what happens when you back a snake into a corner. That snake is going to defend itself and do what it has to do to survive. Edge and Christian backed him into a corner and he struck so he’s going to do what he has to do to protect things. That’s Mother Nature and he hopes Edge and Christian recover and live healthy lives far, far away from him.

Charlotte is about to be interviewed by here’s Nia to jump her from behind.

24/7 Title: Akira Tozawa vs. R-Truth

Tozawa is challenging and has the Ninjas with him. Hold on though as here are Bobby Lashley and MVP to beat up the Ninjas before getting in the ring. There’s the full nelson on R-Truth to leave him laying in revenge for last week. Tozawa runs in to steal the pin and the title. The bell never rang so the match never actually started but….yeah you get the idea.

Natalya interrupts an update on Charlotte and says the division needs her leadership. Charlotte isn’t the kind of person to give motivational speeches and since the interviewer screwed up and didn’t schedule an interview with her, everyone will have to wait on Natalya’s announcement.

Liv Morgan vs. Natalya

Lana is here with Natalya. A discus lariat gets an early two on Liv and it’s a bunch of stomping in the corner. An over the shoulder backbreaker sends Morgan over to the ropes so Natalya tosses her to the floor. Liv gets in a shot of her own but Lana’s distraction lets Natalya hit a chop block. The Sharpshooter makes Liv tap at 2:00.

Post match, the celebration is on. No announcement is made.

Big Show is confused by all of the Ninjas around here. He was only here last week to see some old friends but when else is he going to get to punch a ninja? After a plug of the Big Show Show, he reminds us of the angry giant inside him. That man is heading to the ring right now.

Ziggler vs. McIntyre is confirmed for Extreme Rules.

Here’s Ric Flair to anoint Randy Orton as the Greatest Wrestler of All Time. Before we get to that, Flair warns Nia Jax of what is coming for her when Charlotte is healthy again. That brings Flair to Orton, who Punted Edge and Christian back into retirement last week. Cue Orton, with Flair holding the ropes open for him. Flair offers a bunch of praise and Orton talks about getting rid of Edge and Christian for the last time. It made him the Legend Killer again and now he’s back where he….can be interrupted by Big Show.

Edge and Christian are his friends so Orton is going to pay. Show has always known Orton is a parasite and they both know Edge isn’t done. Orton doesn’t like Show threatening Flair because Flair paved the way for people like them. It’s true that Show may be a legend but he’ll suffer the same fate as Edge and Christian. Show is ready to fight but Orton bails to the floor. Orton is motivated, and he’ll deal with Show later.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: IIconics vs. Sasha Banks/Bayley

Bayley and Banks are defending. Kay kicks Banks in the face for a very fast two but Bayley breaks up the running knee. Royce is sent into the announcers’ table so Kay gets tossed into the corner. Bayley comes in but gets sent into the other corner for a knee from Peyton as we take a break.

Back with Kay winning a slugout with Bayley but getting sent into the corner again. Bayley’s running elbow in the corner connects so Royce tags herself in. The fisherman’s suplex give Peyton two with Banks making the save. A double powerbomb gives the champs two on Royce, who gets caught in two of Three Amigos. The third is broken up but Banks is back with the Bank Statement to retain the titles at 6:47.

Rating: C-. They might have something here with Banks getting the win while Bayley keeps getting her into trouble, but at some point they need to just have the big title match already. The build has been on long enough now and with Boston not likely for Summerslam, just do it already. They need some new challengers for the titles, but I have a bad feeling it’s going to wind up on Natalya/Lana somehow.

Post match Banks says she’s a little tired of hearing Bayley bragging about having two titles. She wants a title shot at Extreme Rules….against Asuka. Cue Asuka to yell in Japanese and the match is on. The beatdown is on as well with Banks getting the Bank Statement.

Bobby Lashley and MVP say this is the new Lashley, just like it could be a new Apollo Crews. See, MVP say what Crews used to beat Shelton Benjamin last week, which makes it more confusing to see Crews agree to face Benjamin again tonight.

Liv Morgan is banged up when Ruby Riott stops her. Morgan isn’t interested right now because she couldn’t feel much worse.

It’s time for the VIP Lounge with MVP talking about how great Apollo Crews has been lately. Crews comes out, with MVP talking about how Crews is talented but he needs someone to help guide his way through these stupid decisions. MVP mentions Crews’ daughter but Crews cuts him off, saying he got here without MVP’s help so the answer is no.

That doesn’t work for MVP, so Crews asks what MVP is going to do to take the title. See, MVP has won the title twice but isn’t going to hold it a third time. Crews doesn’t like what MVP is saying so here’s Shelton Benjamin to cut things off. An MVP distraction lets Benjamin get in a cheap shot though, with MVP saying always watch your blind side.

Shelton Benjamin vs. Apollo Crews

Non-title and joined in progress with Crews’ favoring his shoulder from before the match. Shelton kicks away but Crews gets in a shot of his own, setting up the standing moonsault. That’s pulled into a quick armbar, which is quickly countered for a crash out to the floor. Shelton’s charge hits post so Crews takes him back inside for the Toss Powerbomb and the pin at 2:10.

Post match MVP gets in Crews’ face again but Lashley runs in for the full nelson to leave Crews laying.

Rey Mysterio assures Dominick that he’s ready to do this.

Here are Mysterio and Dominick for a chat. Rey talks about how scary it can be to not be able to get in touch with your child. That was the case last week when Rey didn’t know Dominick was coming here to go after Rollins. Mysterio isn’t happy with what Dominick did and no matter how big or strong he may be, he’s still Rey’s son. Last week, Dominick fought for him, so tonight, Rey is going to fight for him. He needs to get revenge on Rollins, but he needs to do it on his own.

Dominick isn’t going anywhere though, so Rollins can come fight a family. Cue Rollins to say Mysterio has put him in a difficult situation. Should he come to the ring to destroy a father in front of his son, or should he sacrifice Dominick in front of Rey? Actually never mind, because this is fate, prophecy and destiny, so he’ll take both of them at once. Austin Theory and Murphy join Rollins….but Aleister Black and Humberto Carrillo jump them from behind.

The brawl is on with Theory and Murphy being taken down, leaving Rollins surrounded. Mysterio gets in a 619 and the good guys try to take out Rollins’ eye like he did to Mysterio, only to have Murphy and Theory make the save. Rollins goes for Dominick’s eye but Black and Carrillo make the save to end the show. Dominick still isn’t all that interesting but this was a hot brawl to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This show did some interesting things and that’s a good sign for the future. One thing I did like was they kept some stories going throughout the show instead of having a segment end and the person never being seen again. You can do that without burning through a bunch of stories in one night and that is what they did here. They’re getting ready for Extreme Rules and while Ziggler getting a World Title match makes me cringe (like focusing on Natalya), they do seem to have a plan on the way to the pay per view. Now just don’t do stupid stuff to slip up.


Street Profits b. Viking Raiders – Cash Out to Ivar

Asuka b. Charlotte – Asuka Lock

Natalya b. Liv Morgan – Sharpshooter

Bayley/Sasha Banks b. IIconics – Bank Statement to Royce

Apollo Crews b. Shelton Benjamin – Toss Powerbomb

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – June 15, 2020: Course Correction

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 15, 2020
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, Samoa Joe

We’re done with Backlash and on the way to Extreme Rules, but the question now is how much of a change we are going to be seeing under the new creative direction. I’m not sure what that is going to mean but we’ll probably be seeing some big changes taking place in one night. Let’s get to it.

Here is Backlash if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Randy Orton to open things up. He talks about seeing Edge’s intensity back in January and knew that he needed to save Edge from himself, just like Edge saved Orton back in the day. Orton knows he’s the greatest and doesn’t need the WWE Title to prove it. He owes Edge a thank you though, because Edge reignited a fire to be the Legend Killer. Orton wishes Edge was here to see him face to face but he’s in a hospital having his muscle reattached to the bone. He’s heard that Edge is going to be cleared in July…..of 2029. Maybe their paths can collide again, say in nine years?

Cue Christian of all people to say Edge’s redemption is not done. Orton injured him but Christian knows that Edge will be back. Orton thinks Christian wants one more match but Christian says no way because he isn’t medically cleared. There is a way around that though: tonight, Christian vs. Orton, unsanctioned. Orton turns his back on him and says the offer expires at the end of the night. If Christian says no, it proves that he’s nothing more than a coward. Christian doesn’t say anything as Orton leaves.

Angel Garza is asked if he feels guilty about last night’s United States Title match. Zelina Vega tries to answer for him but Garza says he has this. Garza talks about how if you care for anything, you have to fight for it, like they’ll fight Kevin Owens. Garza offers Charly Caruso a special interview after he beats Owens. Charly thinks they could arrange something but here’s Andrade to say Garza will disappoint him if he loses to Owens.

Angel Garza vs. Kevin Owens

Garza goes after the knee to start but Owens is ready for him this time. Cue Andrade to watch and we actually don’t take a break. Instead they trade waistlocks and Owens TAKES OFF GARZA’S PANTS. The threat of a Stunner sends Garza to the floor but Andrade tells him to get back in. Vega breaks it up, says she’s sick of this, and leaves. Back from a break with Garza missing a Bronco Buster but hitting a missile dropkick for two. The leg cranking is on until Owens fights out, only to have Andrade grab Owens’ foot. Garza yells at Andrade and walks into the Stunner for the pin at 6:41.

Rating: C. They started fast here but with a good chunk of it in the commercial, it wasn’t going to be able to do much. Zelina and company fighting each other isn’t the most thrilling story but I’ll take them actually having a story to tell rather than just throwing stuff out there week to week. Owens getting into the US Title picture could help as well.

Post match, Zelina comes back out to say they need to work together. The three leave together.

We look at Drew McIntyre surviving against Bobby Lashley.

MVP and Bobby Lashley don’t appreciate being asked about the loss last night. That wasn’t Lashley’s fault and they’re going to do something about it.

Here are MVP and Lashley to rant about Lana’s interference and Drew McIntyre not giving him an immediate rematch. Cue Lana to say that she does everything for Lashley, including coloring her hair brown and getting a divorce for him. MVP blames Lana for everything but she cuts him off and calls him a snake. Lana says stop the tone because she is a woman thank you very much.

She and Lashley were on a hot streak, but Lashley cuts her off over the “we” part. When is the last time Lana won anything other than a bunch of Facebook likes? He accuses her of using their sex life to get famous but Lana says if that’s what she wanted, she would have slept with someone more famous. Like Drew. Lashley: “I WANT A DIVORCE!” Lana is crushed as MVP and Lashley leave together.

We recap the Street Profits/Viking Raiders over the last few weeks, including last night’s insanity.

The Profits and the Raiders talk about wanting a cinematic universe and an animated series, but here are Akira Tozawa and the motorcycle ninjas. Tozawa wants in the sequel, so the Profits say they’re down for a fight anytime. The giant ninja appears and Erik has to be held back. The ninjas leave and the Viking Profits know what they have to do.

Viking Profits vs. Ninjas

Erik knees Ninja 1 down as the giant ninja is watching from ringside. Ford comes in for a dropkick to Ninja 2 and everything breaks down in a hurry. Double spinebusters set up double frog splashes to give the Profits the pin at 1:24.

Post match Akira Tozawa sends in the Giant Ninja so the Viking Profits huddle. They want the smoke….and here’s the Big Show.

Seth Rollins finds it interesting that no one has seen Dominick Mysterio yet but he knows Dominick is here. Rollins is heading to the ring with a message.

Christian is on the phone and doesn’t seem sure about anything.

Here’s Rollins to talk about how Rey Mysterio has been invited here but has declined the invitation. That’s taking the coward’s way out, but his son Dominick is here instead. Cue Rey on screen to say this is Rollins’ one warning. Rollins doesn’t understand the warning and asks Rey to be a good father for once and have his son join Rollins’ movement.

Austin Theory and Murphy are out to find Dominick right now so Rollins will get him sooner or later. Rollins says Dominick is an adult who makes his own choices. As Rollins drops to his knees, cue Dominick from behind to jump Rollins. Murphy and Theory charge in so Dominick runs away and gets out, with Rey coaching him from the screen.

R-Truth wants to give Lashley and MVP his condominiums for the loss last night. Last night, Lashley went to Claymore Country so he must be jet lagged. That must be a raw deal, and yes that’s a pun. Tonight it’s Truth/Drew McIntyre vs. Lashley/MVP, but Truth runs from a fight at the moment.

Post break, Lashley and MVP find Truth under a training ring but here’s Drew for the staredown. MVP says Drew is a pretender and wants tonight’s tag match to be winner take all. Truth: “YAHTZEE!” Drew says it’s on, but doesn’t seem thrilled as Truth doesn’t seem to get what “winner takes all” means.

Liv Morgan/Natalya vs. IIconics

Natalya goes after Kay to start but gets kicked down by Royce. Kay gets in a top rope double stomp to the back for two but Natalya grabs a rollup for the same. The kickout sends her over to Morgan for the tag and a springboard dropkick gets two on Kay. Everything breaks down and Morgan’s rollup gets one on Kay. Instead it’s Royce getting a blind tag and A Fall From Grace finishes Morgan at 2:22.

Post match the IIconics want the Women’s Tag Team Titles. They call out Bayley and Sasha Banks right now but no one comes out. They’ll do it next week instead.

Big Show talks with Christian about how this might be a trap with Orton.

Natalya yells at Morgan for making rookie mistakes and understands why Ruby Riott let her go. Morgan walks away and Natalya rants about the lack of respect after she built this division brick by brick. Lana comes in to say Natalya thinks she has it bad. Lana was supposed to be married to the WWE Champion and now this happens. Natalya gets it.

Here’s Christian for a chat with Charly on the stage. Christian says he won’t be disrespected, so if Orton wants to give him one more match, he accepts.

MVP comes up to congratulate Apollo Crews on being United States Champion. It’s one thing to be a champion but you need to be a smart US Champion. Crews is going to need someone to guide him and MVP offers his services. That’s not happening, but MVP gets serious by saying the only way Crews keeps the title is with MVP’s help.

Charlotte and Ric Flair have a chat about Charlotte having plans for later tonight.

Apollo Crews vs. Shelton Benjamin

Non-title and Crews has new music. Benjamin suplexes him into the corner for a running knee to start as MVP is watching from the back. The chinlock doesn’t work and Crews nails an enziguri. The standing moonsault gives Crews two but Benjamin slips out of a gorilla press. Shelton grabs a rollup with feet on the ropes for two but the referee catches him. That means a rollup from Crews, who grabs the rope himself to finish Benjamin at 2:08. It didn’t feel like a heel turn, but rather Crews giving Shelton his own medicine.

Tozawa and the ninjas, one of them a referee, comes up to Truth and shouts something while pointing at the 24/7 Title. The threat of a crane kick sends them running, though Drew standing behind Truth might have something to do with it. Drew wants Truth to be serious for a second because this is a big deal. Truth gets serious and understands.

We recap Asuka vs. Nia Jax, which started when Nia got annoyed at Asuka for being awarded the Raw Women’s Title for winning Money in the Bank. They went to a double countout last night.

Asuka is ready to finish Jax.

Truth has good news for Drew: only the WWE Title will be on the line tonight. Truth knows what it’s like to lose a title and Drew won’t have to feel that tonight. Drew doesn’t look convinced.

The Viking Profits talk about a chariot race next week when Big Show comes in. They thank him for his help and he thanks them for the free shirts. Show has liked the competitions but maybe they should have a Tag Team Title match. Say next week. The Profits are in so Show demonstrates some dancing.

Raw World Title: MVP/Bobby Lashley vs. Drew McIntyre/R-Truth

McIntyre is defending and Lashley or MVP can pin either McIntyre or Truth to win the title. Drew drives Lashley into the corner to start and it’s a Glasgow Kiss to rock Lashley in a hurry. Lashley goes with the power and starts elbowing McIntyre in the head, allowing the tag to MVP. Drew gets to clothesline Lashley outside and hits a neckbreaker on MVP, but Truth tags himself in.

A suplex sends Truth into the corner and it’s off to Lashley to send Truth into the barricade as we take a break. Back with Truth kicking MVP down and making the hot tag to McIntyre to clean house. McIntyre suplexes MVP and hits the top rope shot to the head for a bonus. The Futureshock connects with Lashley making a save. Lashley’s spear to Truth goes into the steps and the Claymore hits MVP….but McIntyre tags in Truth. A Rocket Launcher pins MVP at 9:12.

Rating: C. This felt like it could have been a fine house show main event around the horn for a few weeks and that’s not bad for a quick TV match like this one. They were playing up the drama but it wasn’t exactly easy to buy early in the third hour on Raw. Still though, what we got was good enough for a short deal.

Ric Flair can’t talk Christian out of the match.

Here are Bayley and Sasha Banks for a chat. Bayley says she’s ready to celebrate the win but it’s also her birthday! It’s going to be a week long celebration, starting tonight, then moving on to NXT to beat Tegan Nox and Shotzi Blackheart before they go back home to Smackdown. Sasha isn’t happy with the IIconics, but here they are to interrupt. They didn’t hear an answer to their challenge and call out Sasha for collapsing under pressure. Royce slaps Banks, sending Bayley into such a frenzy (Bayley: “IT’S MY FRIGGIN BIRTHDAY!”) that she accepts the challenge.

We look back at Dominick jumping Rollins and vamoosing while the vamoosing was good.

Rey Mysterio will be back next week.

Raw Women’s Title: Asuka vs. Nia Jax

Asuka is defending in a rematch from last night’s draw. Jax goes at her to start but has to power out of a cross armbreaker. The running hip attack misses though and Jax ties her in the ropes. What looked like a Samoan drop is countered into a quickly broken sleeper, meaning Asuka can start kicking at the legs. Jax’s big right hand drops the champ but she has to power out of a triangle. This time it’s a powerbomb on the floor to drop Asuka and we take a break.

Back with Asuka having to fight out of a torture rack and hitting a running basement dropkick for two. Jax puts her on top but Asuka slips out of a super Samoan drop and hits a running dropkick to the ribs for two more. The kicks to the chest are shrugged off though and the Samoan drop connects. There is no count though as Asuka’s foot is under the rope. Jax shoves the referee so he holds up the DQ, only to have Asuka roll her up for a pretty fast pin at 8:54.

Rating: C. Well Jax didn’t kill anyone and Charlotte wasn’t involved so I’d call this a big win. The ending would suggest a rematch at Extreme Rules and while a third match in about a month is a bit much, neither match has broken ten minutes so it’s not like we’ve seen them doing this over and over for long stretches. Just find the right gimmick or it could be bad in a hurry.

Orton thinks Christian is a legend but he’s ready to finish him with the RKO.

Randy Orton vs. Christian

Post match Orton says he didn’t want this to happen and asks why Christian is here. Medics check on Christian and Orton says he didn’t want to finish Christian….but it’s Christian’s fault. He interrupted Orton a few hours ago and now this is what he gets. More glaring ends the show.

Overall Rating: C+. Well, it wasn’t boring. That’s quite the compliment for the show and it’s a good sign for one night. There were enough stories to keep the show moving and they had a little drama in the right places. This did feel like something of a course correction and while a lot of the stories are things that have been set up before, they are heading in somewhat different directions. That being said, I have little confidence in WWE to keep something like this up as they have haven’t shown much in the way of maintaining momentum in recent years.


Kevin Owens b. Angel Garza – Stunner

Viking Profits b. Ninjas – Double pin off frog splashes

IIconics b. Liv Morgan/Natalya – Fall From Grace to Morgan

Apollo Crews b. Shelton Benjamin – Rollup with a grab of the rope

Drew McIntyre/R-Truth b. MVP/Bobby Lashley – Rocket Launcher to MVP

Asuka b. Nia Jax – Rollup

Randy Orton b. Christian – Punt

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Backlash 2020: What A Busy B Show

IMG Credit: WWE

Backlash 2020
Date: June 14, 2020
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Tom Phillips, Samoa Joe, Byron Saxton

It’s back to pay per view again and this time it’s not a themed show. The main event certainly has a theme though, as Edge and Randy Orton are supposed to have the Greatest Wrestling Match Ever. I’m not sure if anyone actually sees that as being a realistic possibility, but it’s a heck of a tagline. Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: United States Title: Andrade vs. Apollo Crews

Andrade is challenging and has Zelina Vega and Angel Garza with him. Hold on though as here’s Kevin Owens (with a tie) to join commentary. Crews misses the dropkick to start and gets caught in a headlock as Owens accuses Garza of not being so angelic. Andrade chokes on the rope and they head outside where Crews backdrops him onto the ramp. The apron moonsault connects and Andrade is rocked early on.

Back in and the release Falcon Arrow gives Crews two but Andrade drop toeholds him face first into the middle buckle. The Alberto double stomp misses and Crews grabs an overhead belly to belly into the corner. Crews suplexes him to the apron and Andrade gets in a slingshot DDT for two. Back up and Crews hits the gorilla press into the standing moonsault. Owens cuts off Garza and the toss powerbomb retains the title at 7:23.

Rating: C-. Totally run of the mill Raw match here though Owens as a potential challenger is interesting. He’s needed something to do since Wrestlemania (and yes the injury slowed him down) so a US Title run could be interesting. Just do something of note with him for the sake of not having him float around. Crews doesn’t seem like a long term champion, but at least he didn’t lose the title immediately.

The opening video is all about Edge vs. Orton, complete with clips of other great matches. The two World Title matches apparently aren’t important enough to warrant even a clip.

Bayley and Sasha Banks are ready to defend the Women’s Tag Team Titles. After dubbing herself Bayley Dos Straps (I didn’t know you could use that word), Bayley says nothing is stopping her friendship with Sasha. If Kayla has another stupid question like that, get Charly Caruso to ask it. Burn…..maybe?

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Bayley/Sasha Banks vs. IIconics vs. Nikki Cross/Alexa Bliss

Bayley and Banks are defending and Cole makes it clear that you can only tag your own partner. Nikki slugs away at Billie and Bayley to start but the double teaming slows her down. Everyone tags out and it’s a six way staredown for a second. An exchange of rollups gets a bunch of near falls and then more rollups get more near falls to change things up. Everyone comes in again until Bliss sends Peyton into Banks in the corner.

Peyton spinwheel kicks Cross down and Banks brings in Bayley as Cole lists off all of the titles that Bayley has won over the years. Bayley grabs Billie in a wheelbarrow so Banks can hit a running knee for two with Nikki making a save. Nikki sends Bayley into Billie and it’s back to Bliss to clean house. Everything breaks down and Royce crossbodies Bliss and Banks off the apron onto everyone else. Back in and Twisted Bliss hits Peyton but Banks steals the rollup on Bliss to retain at 8:49.

Rating: C. The match was non-stop action for the most part but it was so fast paced that it got messy by the end. That’s almost always going to be the case with this many people flying around the match at once and that’s not always the best idea. They’ve done a nice job of rebuilding the division in a hurry though and it’s because of a really simple idea: have people fight over the titles. I have no idea if this is going to last (it probably won’t) but it has been a nice few weeks for the belts. Or straps as Bayley now calls them.

Braun Strowman came to work earlier today.

Extreme Rules is on July 19.

We recap Jeff Hardy vs. Sheamus. Hardy is back after a knee injury and Sheamus doesn’t like him for having so many personal demons. Sheamus may have framed him for a drunk driving crash that took out Elias but Hardy swears he was framed. Then there was some stuff with bodily fluids to bring things down a good bit.

Jeff Hardy vs. Sheamus

Hardy grabs a headlock to start as his artistic way of expressing his anger at someone who almost cost him everything. The slingshot dropkick in the corner connects but Sheamus comes straight back with the running shot to the face. They head outside with Hardy diving off the steps to take him down and, after a painful obvious spot call, sends Sheamus back inside. Hardy teases using the steps but Sheamus catches him on the way back in and drives the elbows into the back of the neck.

Sheamus drops Hardy onto the top and the knee hits the post for a nasty crash. A middle rope knee gives Sheamus two and, after calling the fans enablers, he plants Hardy with some Irish Curses for the same. Sheamus hits a nasty running knee to the face and the chinlock goes on, complete with some rakes to the eyes. Hardy fights up with a belly to back suplex but Sheamus cuts him down with a clothesline.

The top rope clothesline misses though and Hardy hits the Whisper in the Wind for two of his own. The legdrop between the legs into the basement dropkick gets two and Hardy adds a mule kick. Hardy’s Sling Blade lets him go up top but Sheamus meets him on the rope. That’s broken up but Sheamus blocks the dive and hits White Noise for two. Hardy’s knee is banged up so Sheamus slaps on the Texas Cloverleaf.

Hardy makes the rope so Sheamus starts kicking at the knee and adds the forearms to the chest. Sheamus goes shoulder first into the post though and the Swanton connects for two with Sheamus getting his foot on the rope. They head outside with Hardy trying the run off the barricade but Sheamus Brogue Kicks him out of the air. Back in and another Brogue Kick connects to give Sheamus the pin 16:45.

Rating: B-. Pretty good power vs. speed match here but it’s pretty clear that they are heading for a gimmick rematch at Extreme Rules. I’m almost scared to imagine what that is going to be given how they have set things up so far, but hopefully we can get something as lame as a tables match or something instead. Hardy being knocked backwards and then overcoming the odds will be fine. It’s not like losing to Sheamus is some big upset.

Miz and Morrison aren’t happy with hearing that if they beat Braun Strowman, the winner will be the sole Universal Champion. Otis comes in to say they might not be champion that long. Mandy Rose clarifies that Otis means they might not be champion that long.

We recap Asuka vs. Nia Jax. Asuka won Money in the Bank to become champion and Nia is being her usual jerk of a self. Title match ensues.

Raw Women’s Title: Nia Jax vs. Asuka

Asuka is defending and goes for the sleeper early. That’s broken up and Nia hits a headbutt, only to have Asuka grab an Octopus in the middle of the ring. Nia powers out without much trouble and, after shrugging off a Fujiwara armbar attempt, runs Asuka over with straight power. The spinebuster sets up a cobra clutch but Asuka is back with a guillotine.

Nia powers out with a Jackhammer for two but Asuka scores with the Shining Wizard for the same. A middle rope dropkick gets two and there’s the running hip attack for two more. Jax grabs a sitout powerbomb for two of her own and Asuka goes for the armbar. That sends them outside where Asuka grabs the armbar again. The hold takes some time though and Asuka kicks her in the head, only for both of them to get counted out at 8:25.

Rating: C. It was a fun match while it lasted with Asuka trying to take down the monster, but it’s a little hard to get invested in the feud when the monster has been slayed so many times before. It feels like we’ve seen the same Jax story over and over and that can get old in a hurry. Not a bad match at all, but I’m not really wanting to see them fight again, especially if they manage to get Charlotte involved.

MVP is getting Bobby Lashley’s celebration ready when Lana comes in. Lana asks why MVP has banned her from ringside for Lashley’s matches, but MVP says he didn’t do it. Go ask Lashley why, unless she’s scared of the answer.

We recap Braun Strowman vs. Miz/Morrison for the Universal Title. Strowman beat both of them and then agreed to face them both at once, so they started “pranking” him, meaning destroying the windshield of his expensive car and failing to slime him. Strowman wrecked a van and is ready to destroy.

Smackdown World Title: Miz/John Morrison vs. Braun Strowman

Miz and Morrison are challenging and before the match, they show us their new music video for Hey Hey Ho Ho. Morrison is knocked into the corner without much trouble so it’s off to the terrified Miz for a kick to the face. That just annoys Strowman, who kicks Miz outside. The freight train around the ring is cut off by a dive from Morrison and the champ is in trouble for a change.

The chinlock keeps Strowman down and Miz comes in for the YES Kicks. He wants some singalong time, but the delay lets Strowman get in a chop. A charge goes into the post though and Morrison adds the Flying Chuck. The Skull Crushing Finale with a stomp from Morrison connects but they fight over who gets the pin. Miz finally lets Morrison cover but Strowman kicks him out to the floor. The chokeslam plants Miz and the running powerslam to Strowman retains the title at 8:23.

Rating: D+. So that’s about exactly what was expected and all it should have been. This was a pretty big waste of a pay per view title match (put Nakamura in there for a one off challenger if nothing else) as we’ve seen Strowman beat both of them before. Did we really need to see him beat both of them on pay per view?

We look at AJ Styles winning the Intercontinental Title over Daniel Bryan on Smackdown.

Styles promises a big title presentation on Friday and wants Bryan there. Bryan is great, but he isn’t phenomenal and has a lot to learn.

We recap Drew McIntyre vs. Bobby Lashley. MVP has gotten in Lashley’s ear and made him a lot more aggressive, plus getting him his first title match in thirteen years. McIntyre knows what a threat Lashley is but is ready to fight as usual.

Raw World Title: Bobby Lashley vs. Drew McIntyre

Drew is defending and MVP is here with Lashley. Before the bell, Lashley grabs the full nelson with a bodyscissors and a bunch of referees have to pull it off. McIntyre says ring the bell anyway so Lashley throws him down for two. We see Lana watching in the back as McIntyre can’t even get his gear off. Lashley hits a knee to the head and chokes on the rope (MVP: “How you feeling champ? Feeling like a loser yet? Don’t worry. It’s coming.”).

McIntyre manages to knock Lashley outside and drives him back first into the Plexiglas. A glare at MVP takes too long though and Lashley gets in a hard shot. MVP: “One, two, you hear the clock ticking.” Lashley sends McIntyre into the post but he charges into a suplex into the barricade. McIntyre muscles him up for a suplex and hits the top rope shot to the head back inside.

The spinebuster gets two but Lashley hits his own for one. Lashley grabs a lifting Downward Spiral for one more so MVP tells him to hit something McIntyre can’t kick out of. The full nelson doesn’t work so Lashley climbs to the middle rope, only to get countered with the reverse Alabama Slam for two. Lashley is right back with a Crossface but McIntyre powers up. A Tombstone is teased but Lashley slips out and grabs the ankle lock.

That’s broken up and McIntyre grabs a Kimura of all things. Lashley grabs the rope so McIntyre takes him to the top for a superplex and a big crash. The Claymore is countered with the spear for two and both MVP and Lashley are shocked. Cue Lana to get on the apron though, with McIntyre hitting the Glasgow Kiss to knock Lashley into her. The Claymore finishes Lashley at 13:15.

Rating: B. This was the match I was looking forward to in the buildup and they delivered with a good, hard hitting fight. They made this two big, strong guys beating each other up, but the Lana interference was annoying. Odds are we have a Last Man Standing match or a cage match next month, as the rematch is certainly warranted. Plus a lot of Lashley yelling at Lana of course. Oh and a lot of credit for MVP here too. I was never a fan of his back in the day but he has been pure gold in this role with Lashley.

The announcers talk about the Raw Tag Team Title match and we cut to the back where the teams are fighting near Strowman’s car. Erik is slammed through the windshield so they run off and fight into the building. We enter cinematic mode with the Profits pulling out golf clubs but the Raiders counter with shields, an axe and a bowling ball. Profits: “NO!” The chase is on again and they go into a tunnel where they agree to put their weapons down.

The Profits hits them in the face to take over, leaving Ivar with his bowling ball. Ivar flashes back to the bowling match, then rolls the ball down the tunnel between Ford’s legs. Ivar heads outside to find Erik down but Dawkins spears Ivar through a glass door. That means another flashback to bowling where they pulled a turkey leg out of the ball return. With that out of the way, Ivar wants to head outside, where they already are.

Cue a seven person motorcycle gang, as led by Akira Tozawa. He says anything you can do, we can do better, and throws his helmet at Ivar. The Raiders and the Profits huddle up (with a camera looking up at them), to say those are ninjas on bikes. They have to do this together, so a bunch of lightning strikes and they pull out red solo cups and turkey legs.

With a Viking Profits graphic coming up, they want the smoke and start beating up the ninjas with the cups and turkey legs. The ninjas are dispatched and the Viking Profits throw their fists together for a pose. Tozawa gets up to shout a lot and waves a huge ninja (as in over 7’) over. Ivar summons a turkey leg ala Captain America and the hammer in Avengers so the ninja pulls out a sword.

They climb onto the top of the production truck with Ivar not being able to keep up. Then they argue over who beat up the ninjas and start fighting again, with Dawkins diving off the truck with a bulldog to send Erik into a trashcan. Ivar throws Ford in, shouts AIR IVAR, and Swantons in after them. That means another flashback to all of the women finding Ivar cute but not so much with Erik. Cue referee Jessika Carr to say their match is next and that Ivar is cute, but not so much with Erik. Then what looks like an alligator tail appears in the trashcan and they all scramble to escape.

That was such a waste of time that I don’t know where to start. The only thing I can say is this: just wrestle. Have the two talented teams who have torn the house down before tear it down again. This match was announced earlier today and we get this stupid thing to flash back to the month long series of jokes that have left everyone involved looking goofy. The Raw Tag Team Titles haven’t been defended in over two months, but we’ve had bowling and basketball between the teams that had a non-title match before the whole thing started. Just have a freaking match already. Is that too much to ask on the wrestling show?

And no, the match isn’t taking place, because they set up the match about eight hours ago just to not do it on the pay per view.

Commentary announces that they will be offering an enhanced viewing and audio experience for the next match.

We recap Edge vs. Randy Orton. Edge won in a Last Man Standing match at Wrestlemania and now it’s a wrestling match, which will be the Greatest Wrestling Match Ever because that’s what they billed it as and that’s what it’s going to be.

Edge vs. Randy Orton

They pipe in the fake crowd noise on the entrances, just in case you were wondering what you were getting here. We get a voiceover from Howard Finkel and the old MSG microphone for the entrances as Charles Robinson is wearing the 1980s WWF referee uniform. After referee instructions, Tom instantly declares this the greatest wrestling match ever. Edge snaps off some armdrags but the third misses as Orton puts on the brakes. Orton grabs a headscissors with Edge powering out in a hurry.

They trade leapfrogs until Orton sends him outside. Edge suckers him in for a big boot though and they press play on the “crowd cheers” audio file. Back in and Edge armdrags him into an armbar (they’re playing up the history of injuries, with Edge’s neck and Orton’s shoulder), with Edge wrapping the legs around Orton’s arm. It’s off to a headlock but Orton gets up to take him into the corner and kick at the leg.

A headscissors sends Orton outside and Edge goes up, only to have Orton pop up top to meet him. Edge headbutts him down and Orton is busted open, prompting some far louder than possible THIS IS AWESOME chants from the crowd. Back in and Orton misses the RKO so Edge can grab the head and arm choke, sending Orton over to the ropes. They fight to the floor with Orton sending him into various things and then drops him onto the announcers’ table.

Back in and Orton goes with the Garvin Stomp, followed by the chinlock. That’s broken up so Orton looks up and hits two out of Three Amigos. Edge blocks the third and hits his own Three Amigos to put them both down. They head outside again with Edge being sent chest first into the post, setting up a top rope superplex back inside. Joe: “EDGE IS NOT GOOD RIGHT NOW!”

That gets two and they get back up for stereo crossbodies and another knockdown. Edge drapes him over the top and hits the Edgecution for two, followed by a knee to the face. A sliding forearm to the chest (Joe: “Stee-rike!”) gets two on Orton and a high crossbody is good for the same. Edge gets the Crossface on the shoulder he hasn’t been working on but Orton switches into a rollup for two instead. Orton snaps off an Angle Slam for two and the frustration is setting in.

Back up and Edge can’t hit an Unprettier but manages to counter the RKO into the Edge-O-Matic for two. Now the Unprettier connects for two, followed by Orton hitting a Pedigree for the same. Edge busts out a Rock Bottom for his own near fall and they’re both down again. The Edgecator is blocked and Orton hits the RKO for the closest near fall yet. Orton can’t believe it so Edge spears him down and hits a second for two, meaning it’s time for him to be stunned as well. Edge goes back to the head and arm choke but Orton goes low and hits the Punt for the win at 44:49.

Rating: B. This was a great example of a lot of the problems with WWE in a nutshell. They have some outstanding talents and wrestlers, but they can’t just let them do their thing. Instead it was over hyped, overproduced and overly long (this easily could have been trimmed down by twenty minutes) and now we’re going to hear about how great it was for the next few days. Why can’t it just stand on its own as a big match between two of the best ever?

It was a heck of a match too, with both guys working on their opponent’s weak spots and playing off the history. I could have gone without bringing in the legends’ finishers, but it tied in a bit to the legends being brought in for predictions. The problem wasn’t the wrestlers or what they did, but all of the additional weight that was put on them, which may have been a nice marketing idea on paper, but didn’t do anyone involved any favors.

Post match Orton whispers something in Edge’s ear (sounded something like telling Edge’s daughters Uncle Randy says hi but I couldn’t make it out) and Edge is helped up after a long while to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. I’m not sure what to think of this show as the wrestling was pretty good for the most part, but between the back to back cinematic matches and the feeling that it was a dress rehearsal for Extreme Rules, it was a little hard to care. It did exceed my expectations, but sweet goodness can we cool it on the cinematic matches already? It feels like we’re getting at least one per show now and that’s a good bit too much.


Bayley/Sasha Banks b. IIconics and Alexa Bliss/Nikki Cross – Rollup to Bliss

Sheamus b. Jeff Hardy – Brogue Kick

Asuka vs. Nia Jax went to a double countout

Braun Strowman b. Miz/John Morrison – Running powerslam to Morrison

Drew McIntyre b. Bobby Lashley – Claymore

Randy Orton b. Edge – Punt

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Backlash 2020 Preview

IMG Credit: WWE

For the first time in several months, we have a show that doesn’t have a gimmick or theme to the whole thing. That can be either a blessing or a curse, as there is nothing to lean on but it also leaves WWE relying entirely on the wrestling, which might not be the best thing. I’m not entirely sure what to expect from it, but there is one major focal point to the show, which could get them in a bit of trouble. Let’s get to it.

Jeff Hardy vs. Sheamus

We’ll start with one of the more discussed matches on the show, as Hardy’s substance abuse issues have been turned into a story. I can get why a lot of people aren’t comfortable with this (I’m not entirely) but it’s what we’re getting, including bodily fluid jokes on SmackDown. These two have been feuding for a bit now and there is a good chance that they’ll continue after this.

I’ll take Sheamus to cheat to win here, as Hardy has already beaten him once and they need a reason to keep the feud going. There is still the question of who was actually driving the car that took Elias out, so we could be moving towards something else in the future. For now though, Sheamus needs something to brag about and Hardy can still get the big win in the end, even if it’s not over Sheamus.

Raw Women’s Title: Asuka(c) vs. Nia Jax

This match has kind of been forgotten as everything regarding the women has turned into the Charlotte Show. WWE isn’t hiding the fact that whomever wins here will probably face (and likely lose to) Charlotte, making this a little less interesting than it should be. Jax has been her usual condescending giant self throughout this feud and that is going to be the case going forward no matter what.

In this case it’s going to be after a loss as Asuka retains. Jax has such a history of choking in these big matches and even though Charlotte vs. Jax would actually be a fresh match for a change, we’re getting another instance of Charlotte vs. Asuka. They’ll need to build Asuka up before then though and she’ll get a win here to do just that.

SmackDown World Title: Braun Strowman vs. Miz/John Morrison

Then there’s this, which might be the worst pay per view World Title match in recent memory. Strowman pinned Miz and Morrison in back to back weeks so now the solution is to have him beat up both of them at once. The build has included a variety of pranks, which have wound up damaging a car and a van. Why that is supposed to make me think Miz and Morrison have a chance is beyond me, but that’s where we are.

Of course Strowman retains, because much like Asuka vs. Charlotte (you have to mention her in at least one extra match you see), this is all about killing time until the Fiend is back to take the title from Strowman. It says a lot about SmackDown that the best thing they can do with their World Champion is have him beat up a tag team but here we are, with absolutely nothing else possible for him. You might want to work on that a bit.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Bayley/Sasha Banks(c) vs. Alexa Bliss/Nikki Cross vs. IIconics

For the first time since the Tag Team Titles have been around, WWE is actually making them seem important for a change. These three teams have fought over the titles for a bit now (plus Charlotte and Asuka, who beat them the IIconics and Bayley/Banks on Monday in a match that doesn’t seem to count but needed to exist to give Charlotte another win) and that makes the titles seem valuable.

For the sake of sanity, I’ll go with Banks and Bayley retaining here, as the revolving door of champions needs to slow down for a bit. Hopefully they can continue this in the future though as it has turned the titles from nothing into something in just a few weeks. It really isn’t that complicated but WWE took almost a year and a half to figure out the concept. Bayley and Banks retain here, but it really could be any of the three.

US Title: Apollo Crews(c) vs. Andrade

Now this one has become a lot more interesting in the last few days as Paul Heyman, Crews’ biggest supporter, was fired as Executive Director of Raw. Crews didn’t seem to be on the strongest footing as champion in the first place and it wouldn’t shock me to see the title change back here for the sake of getting rid of a Heyman guy in the first place. Then again you would think they might come up with someone more interesting that Andrade, whose first title reign didn’t exactly set the title on fire.

I’ll go with Crews retaining here in a pick likely to go wrong, but he isn’t going to hold the title much longer. Crews has all of the physical attributes that you could want but he still isn’t exactly an interesting character. Unfortunately Andrade hasn’t been interesting at all as champion, though I have a feeling he or someone else just as uninteresting will get the title back. The problem isn’t the wrestler though, but rather what they do with the title. WWE has shown that they’re fine with Andrade just sitting on the thing, and I think that’s what we get again, though not just yet.

Raw World Title: Drew McIntyre(c) vs. Bobby Lashley

This is the one match on the show that I’m especially looking forward to as they have done a great job of making me care about these two fighting. McIntyre is a successful champion so far but needs to slay a few dragons. That’s where Lashley could come into play but WWE has done a rather nice job of making you think that the title change is a possibility. It isn’t easy to make that work so points to them for a successful build.

McIntyre retains here, but I have a bad feeling that we’re on the inevitable path towards another Brock Lesnar title reign. The ratings for Monday Night Raw haven’t been great (to put it mildly) as of late and if there is one thing WWE likes to do, it is shifting back to Lesnar because why try something new when you can try something that hasn’t fixed the ratings issue? McIntyre keeps the title, but Lesnar is getting closer every day.

Edge vs. Randy Orton

There’s almost no way this doesn’t headline as WWE needs to do something else to set these guys up to fail. The problem here is simple: they are going to have a rather good if not great match, but billing it was the Greatest Wrestling Match Ever has put them so far behind the eight ball that it doesn’t matter. Couple that with the instant classic from SmackDown two days earlier and what in the world are they supposed to do?

I’ll take Orton to even things up, as there is a good chance this is going for a third match at Summerslam. That isn’t the best idea as Edge doesn’t have a ton of matches left in him and using two if not three of them on Orton isn’t exactly brilliant, but there are bigger problems here. The story here is going to be the build, plus listening to commentary tonight and tomorrow as they talk about how this might be the best match ever. It won’t be, but it should be pretty good.

Overall Thoughts

Man this card doesn’t seem like much, but there are a few bright spots in there. You can probably pencil in Shinsuke Nakamura/Cesaro (either of whom would have been a better challenger for Strowman) vs. New Day to flesh the card out a bit, but this is all going to be about the Raw World Title and Edge vs. Orton. That might be enough to carry it, though the card doesn’t look great overall.



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – June 1, 2020: Not Having It

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 1, 2020
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Samoa Joe, Byron Saxton

We’re less than two weeks away from Backlash and that means it’s time to get the hard push going. They’re doing something right with Drew McIntyre vs. Bobby Lashley as last week’s brawl went pretty well. What matters is getting something else underneath that and pushing “the greatest wrestling match ever” isn’t really working. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here are Seth Rollins and company to open things up. Rollins talks about wanting to face Aleister Black soon but later tonight, it’s Rey Mysterio’s retirement ceremony. Rey won’t be here to retire himself though so Seth, as the leader, is going to appreciate Rey for the rest of us. See, Rey was a sacrifice for the greater good of Monday Night Raw, which was a moment that will live in time forever. Rollins has prepared a video on Rey’s career, which starts off as a nice tribute and then jumps to Rollins taking out Rey’s eye. Cue Black to deck Rollins and clear the ring.

Seth Rollins vs. Aleister Black

They slug it out to the floor to start with Black getting the better of things. Rollins hits a dropkick on the way back inside though and it’s time to stomp away. There’s a dropkick and Rollins talks trash about Black disrespecting Mysterio. Black is sent outside for the suicide dive into the barricade but Rollins misses an enziguri back inside. Black hits a kick to the head but gets backdropped over the top to land face first on the apron in a nasty looking crash.

Austin Theory and Murphy go after Black but here’s Humberto Carrillo (ERG) for the save with a chair before anything happens. Back from a break with Rollins choking away in the corner and slugging off a comeback attempt. The top rope knee to the head misses and Black slugs away with some more success. The Lionsault gives Black two and a German suplex is good for the same. Rollins gets in a low superkick into the Falcon Arrow for two more.

The frog splash hits knees though and they head to the apron for a kickoff. Black kicks him into the steps and hits a moonsault to the floor as we take another break. Back again with Rollins knocking Black off the top and hitting the frog splash for a delayed two. The Stomp misses though and Black grabs an armbar. That’s broken up so Rollins tries another springboard, only to get kneed out of the air. Humberto cuts off Theory and Murphy from interfering, allowing Black to roll Rollins up for the pin at 21:08.

Rating: B-. This felt long but the bigger problem is Rollins losing again. He’s one of the featured stars of the show and he hasn’t exactly won anything important in a good while. I do like Black getting a win though as it gives him a nice boost, though I’m not sure where he is supposed to go at the moment.

Post match the beatdown is on and Black has to watch Carrillo take the Stomp. Rollins asks if Black wants to be a hero and then Stomps him as well.

We look back at Angel Garza beating Kevin Owens last week.

Garza talks about how everything goes in love. In competition and seduction, you must always be one step ahead. He even has a rose for Charly Caruso, but Zelina Vega rips it up.

Shawn Michaels talks about Edge and Randy Orton because he knows about having the greatest matches ever. He picks Edge.

Video on Drew McIntyre vs. Bobby Lashley.

Lana again yells at MVP, who cuts her off and says he isn’t getting sucked into a bunch of attention seeking drama. She accuses him of trying to revive his career but MVP isn’t really phased. Lana calls him a leach, which MVP says means there are two of them. That earns him a slap but no screaming this time.

We recap the opening sequence.

Kayla Braxton brings out Apollo Crews for a chat. Crews talks about how it hasn’t sunk in yet but for tonight, he gets to pick his own opponent. Here’s the opponent for the title defense.

US Title: Apollo Crews vs. Kevin Owens

Crews is defending and Owens has a bad knee coming in. Before the match, Owens thinks Crews is giving him the title shot out of pity. Crews insists that he deserves it, but Owens says the first title reign will be a short one. They start fast with Crews hitting a dropkick for one but Owens is back with his own dropkick. A clothesline to the floor looks to set up the flip dive but Crews is smart enough to step to the side.

Crews’ moonsault off the apron misses so Owens hits a Cannonball off the apron instead. Back in and the Swanton gets two on Crews in a near fall. We pause for a quick injury to Crews, who was goldbricking so the slugout can be on. They fight out to the floor and we take a break. Back with Crews charging into a superkick but coming back with an enziguri for two. A corner splash connects but Owens knocks him down, only to have the Swanton hit knees. They’re both down so here are Andrade and Angel Garza for the double DQ at 10:24.

Rating: C. This was starting to get good near the end and at least Crews looks like a fighting champion instead of someone who loses in his first defense. That being said, it’s more interference to set up an impromptu tag match because that’s one of the favorites around here. A four way at Backlash wouldn’t surprise me.

Angel Garza/Andrade vs. Kevin Owens/Apollo Crews

Never let it be said that this company doesn’t change up something that they like. Joined in progress with Crews being stomped down and Andrade hitting a running knee to the face. Garza comes in for a kick to the face but Crews gets over for the hot tag to Owens. That’s fine with Andrade, who pops him in the face and grabs a half crab. Owens breaks it up and brings Crews back in for an Angle Slam to Andrade. Garza hits Owens in the knee, leaving Andrade to take the Toss Powerbomb for the pin at 4:59.

Rating: D+. It was the short form version of the same kind of match we’ve seen for years. There was nothing interesting here but at least Crews got a pin. Odds are it’s a four way for the title somehow, which could be a nice win for Apollo, assuming they don’t put it on Garza as fast as they can.

We recap the Viking Raiders vs. the Street Profits in various competitions.

Tonight, it’s bowling, with the Raiders being rather good at the game. The Profits are terrible for the sake of tying the score. The Raiders even provide beverages, in the form of goat’s milk. With the Profits not being able to hit a single pin, the Raiders raid the snack bar but don’t get thrown out because Ivar is cute. The Profits want the smoke so the lights get all flashy and the comeback is on. It’s 130-121 to the Profits with one Raiders ball to go, so Ivar is thrown down the alley and hits a strike to win by one pin. That ties the competitions at 2-2.

We recap the IIconics attacking Nikki Cross and Alexa Bliss last week.

Cross/Bliss and the IIconics have to be separated in the back.

Nikki Cross vs. Billie Kay

Cross sends her into the corner over and over to start, setting up a basement dropkick for two. A big boot gives Kay two and she elbows Cross for the same. The kickouts are getting on Kay’s nerves so Cross slugs away and even hits a slingshot dropkick to the ribs. The missile dropkick doesn’t work though and Kay hits a sitout Rock Bottom for the pin at 5:10.

Rating: D+. They’re sticking with the greatest hits tonight as we get the challenger pins champion checked off the list. It’s an interesting idea to have the champs trying to fight two battles at once and coming up a bit short though so points for trying something different. And having the champions actually do something of course.

Drew McIntyre is ready to Claymore MVP again if that’s what he wants.

Rey Mysterio joins us via satellite and says he isn’t sure when he’ll be back. If the wound is infected, his career is over. His retirement isn’t in his hands anymore and he may never be cleared to compete again. As for Seth Rollins, he certainly has a lot of negativity for someone who claims to be a messiah. Dominick comes in to say that someone from this family needs to fight back and no he won’t calm down. Rey isn’t happy with what Rollins has put his family through and leaves. Dominick stays and says an eye for an eye.

Here’s Nia Jax to say she didn’t start this with Kairi Sane. This is all smoke and mirrors, just like Asuka’s title reign. Asuka is champion because of Becky’s hormones and now Nia is the victim in all of this.

We recap R-Truth and Rob Gronkowski arguing over the 24/7 Title.

Earlier today, Gronkowski was doing a Tik Tok photo shoot when R-Truth, as the gardener, rolled him up to steal the title back. Good. Now stay gone.

Kairi Sane vs. Nia Jax

Nia shoves her down to start and pats her on the head, earning a shot to the face. Sane gets in a sleeper but Jax slips out, leaving Sane to kick away at the back/shoulder. Back up and a headbutt catches Sane on top but she pulls Jax down with a DDT for one. The sliding elbow in the corner looks to set up the Insane Elbow but Jax rolls outside. Sane’s slide is countered and Jax sends her head first into the steps. Back in and the big leg finishes Sane in a hurry. This would be the match where Sane was busted open badly so they did a nice job with the editing there.

Rating: C-. Now stop me if you’ve heard this one before, but Nia is laughing off the idea that anyone could beat her and is being all dominant as she heads into a title shot. That feels like the only story that they know how to tell with her and it gets a little tiresome seeing it every single time. That’s the same problem that so many stories have these days and it’s not going away.

We look back at Edge’s comments on Randy Orton last week.

Orton talks about Ric Flair calling him the best to ever lace up a pair of boots. A few weeks ago, Edge talked about Orton not having a passion for wrestling and having everything handed to him. It’s true, and Edge is angry that it took a half effort from Orton to accomplish everything. All he has to do is wake up, lace up his boots and get in the ring. At Backlash, Edge’s storybook ending is being rewritten by the RKO.

Charlotte vs. Asuka

Non-title. Before the match, Charlotte talks about how she wants one of the NXT wrestlers in the crowd to step up and become her next challenger so she can make them bow down. We hear about Asuka’s resume and Charlotte thinks the Empress wants to be the Queen. The threat of the Asuka Lock is broken up early on and Charlotte strikes away. A shot to Asuka’s knee sends us to an early break.

Back with Charlotte staying on the knee, including a kick to said knee to cut off Asuka’s striking. Charlotte charges into a kick to the head though and a German suplex into a Shining Wizard gets two. Joe: “A flying knee each day keeps the coherency away.” Asuka pulls her into the triangle choke, which is reversed into a Boston crab.

Asuka rolls out and grabs a kneebar but Charlotte stands up and grabs her own German suplex. That just means another triangle from Asuka, with Charlotte powerbombing her way to freedom for two more. Charlotte kicks her to the floor….so here’s Nia Jax in Asuka’s mask to Asuka’s music for a distraction and the countout to give Charlotte the win at 9:47.

Rating: B-. I never need to see Charlotte again and I certainly don’t need to see her beat Asuka again. The love for Charlotte around here is sickening at times and this time we even got Nia Jax mocking thrown in to keep up the greatest hits. They were having a good match and I’ll take the countout over a clean fall any day. Just give me a break from Nia and Charlotte. Please.

Lana is asked if Bobby Lashley or MVP came up with the idea of her not being at ringside for Lashley’s matches. She isn’t sure, but she can be ringside for other matches.

MVP vs. Drew McIntyre

Non-title and here is Bobby Lashley to watch. Hold on though as here’s Lana to stand next to a confused Lashley. McIntyre hammers him down in the corner to start and adds a clothesline, followed by the Glasgow Kiss to the floor. Lashley offers a distraction though and MVP sends McIntyre into various things. Back in and a running big boot gives MVP one but McIntyre shrugs it off and hits the top rope shot to the head. Lashley pulls MVP outside so McIntyre dives onto both of them. The Claymore finishes MVP at 2:56. Lana added nothing here.

Post match Lashley grabs the full nelson on McIntyre to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. Man alive I did not care about this show or anything on it. They were doing a bunch of by the book angle advancement and while the wrestling was good, it was a chore to watch and didn’t make me want to see anything on the pay per view. The Edge vs. Orton stuff started off pretty dumb and is now just getting annoying, just like the Rollins vs. Mysterio feud, which seems to be bringing in Dominick for a replacement. Not a good show from a storytelling perspective (though Lashley vs. McIntyre still has me interested) but the wrestling was a bright spot.


Aleister Black b. Seth Rollins – Rollup

Kevin Owens vs. Apollo Crews went to a double DQ when Angel Garza and Andrade interfered

Apollo Crews/Kevin Owens b. Andrade/Angel Garza – Toss Powerbomb to Andrade

Billie Kay b. Nikki Cross – Sitout Rock Bottom

Nia Jax b. Kairi Sane – Legdrop

Charlotte b. Asuka via countout

Drew McIntyre b. MVP – Claymore

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – May 25, 2020: The Return Of The Raw Special

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: May 25, 2020
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, Samoa Joe

It’s Memorial Day and that means the tributes will be strong this week. We’re also on the road to Backlash and I’m not sure what that is going to mean. We do at least already have a World Title match with Drew McIntyre defending against Bobby Lashley. Odds are we get more gaming hijinks between the Street Profits and the Viking Raiders. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a long Memorial Day video.

Opening sequence.

There are NXT wrestlers around the stage to act as a makeshift audience. We have some Plexiglas around ringside, making it feel almost like a hockey arena. It took long enough.

We start with the Kevin Owens Show and he likes having the fans around here too. Owens brings out Asuka as his guest and that means a quick plug for the Man/Mom shirt. Owens: “Now available at”. We see clips from last week of Nia Jax attacking Kairi Sane but getting taken out. Before we can see where that goes, here’s Charlotte to say that she’s winning the #1 contenders match tonight and beating Asuka, as she always does.

Now it’s Natalya (who is in the #1 contenders match also, because Shayna Baszler beating her twice in a row has already been forgotten), who apologizes for last week’s tantrum. Charlotte says that’s not going to help her win but here’s Nia Jax (also in the #1 contenders match) to interrupt. Owens: “I can see where this is going.” He leaves, which Nia says is a good idea. Nia promises to win and Owens says Asuka is about to hit her in the face. The brawl is on and Asuka clears the ring.

Apollo Crews promises to win the US Title.

US Title: Apollo Crews vs. Andrade

Andrade is defending and has Zelina Vega with him. Crews slams him down to start and drives Andrade into the corner without much effort. The spinning elbow gives Andrade two but he knocks Vega off the apron by mistake. Back from a break with Crews posting him and working on an armbar but Crews sends him into the corner for a Stinger Splash.

A superplex attempt is countered into an Alberto double stomp for two and we cut to Angel Garza in the back. He talks to Kayla Braxton and compares wrestling to making love to a beautiful woman. We get some rather detailed comparisons and Braxton certainly seems interested. Back with the toss powerbomb being countered into a hurricanrana in the corner. Andrade hits the running knees for two but Crews is back with the gorilla press into the standing shooting star press for the pin and the title at 8:21.

Rating: C. What we saw was good enough at least as there was a break and then the interview with Garza so there was only so much going on here. Crews winning wasn’t the biggest surprise but there was no reason to keep the title on Andrade. He has been champion for nearly five months now and it’s not like he has done much as champion. Just move on and let us see what Crews can do. It’s not like the title can lose much more value.

Post match Crews says it was a long time coming and now it is all worth it.

Andrade throws a fit in the back.

Seth Rollins is holding Rey Mysterio’s mask and is very happy to be better than ever. Mysterio was the sacrifice that he needed and Rollins couldn’t be more pleased with the pain that Mysterio had to endure. If that was Mysterio’s final act as a WWE star, it allowed them to move into the future. Murphy and Austin Theory come in so Rollins can say they understand what it is is like to be underappreciated. They needed guidance and now their ceiling is limitless. Both of them offer praise to Rollins and are ready to move forward.

Charlotte is ready to become a dual champion and no one else compares. Asuka comes in and dances around with the title before speaking in Japanese.

Here are the IIconics for a chat. They apologize for their issues last week and talk about wanting to be the Women’s Tag Team Champions again. Their first title reign was ignored because WWE never let them defend the titles but here are Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross. The IIconics don’t think much of them and tell Cross to go play, sending Cross into a rant about how she grew up in Scotland and worked every day to get here. Now she and Lexi are champions because Lexi has kept her from bouncing off the wall. Cross has taught her about friendship and that’s iconic. The fight is on and the IIconics stand tall and hold up the titles.

Lana comes up to MVP and says they need to talk. MVP: “No we don’t.”

It’s time for the VIP Lounge with MVP talking about how no one can offer this kind of star power. His guest this week is Drew McIntyre, who is soon to be the former WWE Champion. Drew wastes no time in asking where Bobby Lashley is but MVP says don’t worry because we’ll save that for Backlash. MVP remembers taking a Claymore kick and he knew McIntyre would win the WWE Title, but MVP would have a hand in him losing it.

Lashley has a title shot after thirteen years, but Drew took nineteen years to get here. Then he was in the main event of WrestleMania and beat Brock Lesnar in five minutes. Drew doesn’t need anyone talking or fighting for him and Lashley is going to have to pry the title from his cold dead hands. MVP: “That could be arranged.” Cue Lashley so Drew Claymores MVP just in case. McIntyre is ready for him and tells Lashley to get in. The half conscious MVP holds Lashley back and gets him up the ramp.

Natalya can’t answer a question because she gets a phone call from her husband. She apologizes for not apologizing enough earlier and has to go for her match later. Now she’s out of time on the interview. Ok then.

Kevin Owens vs. Angel Garza

Garza chop blocks him during the introduction and we take a break. Back with the bell ringing and Garza going right after the knee. The leg is sent into the corner and wrapped around the rope, setting up an early leglock. Owens makes the rope and grabs the DDT. The comeback is on but the leg gives out before the Cannonball. A superkick gives Garza two but Owens elbows him off the top. The Swanton gets two on Angel only to have the knee gives out on the Pop Up Powerbomb attempt. Garza hits the Wing Clipper for the win at 3:31.

Rating: C-. This didn’t have the time to go very far and I’m a little surprised that Garza go the win in Owens’ first match back. They did something smart by having Owens come in hurt though and that takes away some of the sting of the loss. I’m not sure where this goes but it’s a different kind of idea.

We recap the Street Profits vs. the Viking Raiders in various challenges.

This week, it’s time to play golf. The Profits are decent but the Raiders just cause chaos, including leaving turkey legs everywhere and wrecking general havoc. Therefore, let’s try some mini golf. Again, the Profits are a little better and the Raiders get in trouble. The final score is 144-28 in favor of the Profits, though only after they explain that the low screw wins in golf. That makes the score 2-1 (and yes there is a scoreboard). Ivar reaches into the final hole and pulls out a red solo cup and a turkey leg, but he stops to stare down an alligator. This has to be the dumbest thing they do this year. It has to be, right?

Lana offers MVP some ice for his face but MVP yells at her, saying that Lashley’s career is finally going somewhere. Lana needs to send McIntyre a message saying that they are going to take care of things.

Humberto Carrillo/Aleister Black vs. Murphy/Austin Theory

Seth Rollins is here with Murphy and Theory. Carrillo starts fast with the springboard armdrag to the floor (going up with Theory to start and then diving over to armdrag Murphy in a cool switch), setting up the big dive to take them both out. Back in and Black fires off the kicks to Theory and it’s already back to Carrillo to start on the arm. Carrillo has to hit an enziguri to cut off Murphy’s comeback so it’s back to black. That means a bunch of kicks, including causing Murphy to kick Theory down. Theory’s rollup with trunks only gets two but Carrillo misses the moonsault to Theory. The ATL finishes Carrillo at 4:20.

Rating: C+. It was short but it was almost all action the entire time and that’s the best thing they could have done. Theory should have gotten the fall here like he did because there is no reason to set up the new stable and then have him lose, even if his team doesn’t win the fall. This was as good as they were going to get in such a time and it worked rather well.

Post match Carrillo is puled outside and Rollins has his goons tease sending him eye first into the steps. Black is told to back off instead of fight for Mysterio and drops the chair, causing Rollins to throw Carrillo down so the villains can leave.

Edge talks about how Randy Orton woke him up last week. Now he has to prove that he still has it, which he has learned over the years from people like Kurt Angle, Mr. Perfect, British Bulldog, Eddie Guerrero and Christian. He was a five tool workhorse for this company but everything he said was in the past tense. Maybe he can’t do those things anymore but he’s going to dig into his soul at Backlash because that’s all a man can do.

The Viking Raiders tell the Street Profits that they let them win at golf. Ivar says he had many birdies, meaning turkey legs. Either way, the Raiders can pick the next challenge and go with bowling. The Vikings leave but MVP and Lashley come up to say this is another example of talent being wasted. The Profits ask how MVP’s jaw is feeling so it’s a tag match later tonight.

Charlotte vs. Nia Jax vs. Natalya

For the #1 contendership and Asuka is on commentary, where she really doesn’t seem impressed with Jax. Charlotte drops Natalya to start but Jax drives her into the corner for the shoulders to the ribs. Some double teaming staggers Jax and send her into the post for a trip to the floor. That leaves Charlotte to nip out of Natalya’s headscissors and grab one of her own.

Jax is knocked off the apron again so Charlotte shoulders Natalya from the apron. It’s time to load up the announcers’ table and Jax pulls Natalya to the floor as well. Charlotte and Jax fight over the table top and then Charlotte chops her on the apron. There’s the double powerbomb through the table to crush Jax, leaving Asuka stunned as we take a break. Back with Natalya hammering away on Jax in the ring as Asuka is rather pleased.

Charlotte comes in to replace Natalya and the moonsault gets two on Jax. All three are in again and Jax clotheslines both of them down, setting up a double splash in the corner. Natalya gets sent outside again and Charlotte starts in on the knee. The Figure Eight goes on but Natalya makes the save. There’s the Sharpshooter to Charlotte but Jax makes another save.

Natalya is sent outside again (yes again) so Charlotte kicks Jax in the face, only to have to knock Natalya off the apron one more time. Jax catches Charlotte on top with a superplex but Natalya turns it into a Tower of Doom. Charlotte doesn’t exactly get elevated enough and takes a pretty nasty landing. Jax has to break up the Figure Eight with a legdrop to Charlotte and the Samoan drop to Natalya sends Jax to Backlash at 15:13.

Rating: B-. Even if Jax was a pretty obvious winner here, they did a nice job of making you wonder if that was where they were really going. Jax vs. Asuka should be a good power vs. striker match and that could make for a solid first title defense. The lack of Baszler is interesting here though and makes me think she’s lurking for the winner.

Drew McIntyre is ready for the main event and Backlash.

We look back at Rob Gronkowski winning the 24/7 Title at Wrestlemania.

R-Truth promises to win the title back and will tackle any football player to win the title. He can’t remember Gronkowski’s name and puts on some children’s shoulder pads.

Gronkowski says bring it on and says 24/7 Gronk is the present. He grew up with four brothers and knows how to fight anywhere anytime. The sunglasses go on backwards, because he has eyes in the back of his head.

MVP and Lashley are ready for the main event.

Ric Flair picks Randy Orton to beat Edge at Backlash.

We look at part three of the Undertaker documentary, featuring the Shawn Michaels rivalry.

Liv Morgan talks about wondering what life had in store for her since she was six years old. Then she found WWE and knew she belonged here. She is alive and will fulfill who she is destined to be because she is living her best life.

Next week: Aleister Black vs. Seth Rollins and Rey Mysterio’s retirement ceremony.

Street Profits vs. MVP/Bobby Lashley

Non-title. Ford jumps away from Lashley to start but eventually gets sent into the corner so MVP can stomp away. It’s already back to Lashley for a delayed suplex but Ford slips out and brings in Dawkins. The double dropkick takes Lashley down but he knocks Ford hard into the barricade to take over. Ford gets posted as well and we take a break. Back with MVP handing it off to Lashley for more elbows in the corner.

Lashley stops to knock Dawkins out of the apron and then hits a side slam for two on Ford. MVP misses the running boot in the corner though and Ford dives over for the tag to Dawkins. House is cleaned, including a flapjack, which has to be saved by a camera cut. Everything breaks down and the Cash Out hits MVP but Lashley comes in for the full nelson on Ford. Lashley isn’t legal though and it’s a DQ at 11:31.

Rating: C-. The match was ok, though you can tell how much age has impacted MVP. He moves pretty slowly and while he is still very far away from looking horrible, this kind of limited action is the best thing that they can do with him at the moment. I was rather pleased that they didn’t have the Profits take a loss here, but my goodness the stuff with the Vikings has sucked the life out of them.

Post match here’s McIntyre for the brawl but since there is no security, some NXT wrestlers come in for the failed save. Lashley spears McIntyre down but the brawl continues. Even more wrestlers fail to break it up so here’s another batch to finally separate them to end the show. They’ve got something pretty good here with this feud as I want to see these two fight.

Overall Rating: C+. This is what I once dubbed the Raw Special. Had this been a two hour show, it would have been an excellent week, but instead they had that extra hour (not the third hour, but an extra hour throughout the show) that dragged it down. You could tell they were trying to come up with anything they could think of to fill in time and that became a problem. What we got was good, but they just had too much time to fill. Finally, yes the NXT wrestlers did help, but there’s only so much that they can add in a situation like this.


Apollo Crews b. Andrade – Standing shooting star press

Angel Garza b. Kevin Owens – Wing Clipper

Murphy/Austin Theory b. Humberto Carrillo/Aleister Black – ATL to Carrillo

Nia Jax b. Natalya and Charlotte – Samoan drop to Natalya

Street Profits b. MVP/Bobby Lashley via DQ when Lashley would not let go of the full nelson

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Money In The Bank 2020: They Can Do It

IMG Credit: WWE

Money In The Bank 2020
Date: May 10, 2020
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Samoa Joe, Byron Saxton, Tom Phillips

It’s a special event this time around as the majority of the show will be taking place in the Performance Center but the two ladder matches, taking place at the same time because reasons, are to be held at WWE Headquarters in Connecticut. This could be anywhere between a disaster or fascinating, or perhaps a combination of both. Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Cesaro vs. Jeff Hardy

This is Hardy’s first match in over two months. Cesaro grabs a headlock to start but Jeff goes old school with an atomic drop. Jeff sends him outside but gets dropped onto the barricade for his efforts. Back in and Cesaro chokes with the boot to put Jeff in more trouble. A middle rope elbow to the back gives Cesaro two and we hit the chinlock.

Jeff fights up and takes it outside again, only to be whipped hard into the apron. Cesaro stomps on the ribs even more and we hit the abdominal stretch. A hiptoss breaks that up but Jeff takes him down into another chinlock. Jeff hits the legdrop between the legs but gets crotched on top. An elbow to the face knocks Cesaro down though and Whisper in the Wind connects (with Hardy landing on Cesaro’s leg in a scary crash).

The Twist of Fate gets two but Cesaro blasts him with a clothesline. They head outside again with Cesaro hitting a running uppercut against the barricade but Hardy sends him knee first into the steps. Hardy’s running clothesline from the barricade drops Cesaro and it’s the Swanton finishes at 13:28.

Rating: C. That was a long one so maybe they were trying to get Hardy’s ring rust off. Cesaro made him work here and the match wasn’t too anyway. Hardy’s comeback story could be a long form one and that isn’t a bad thing. Hardy is a major star and someone who could add some much needed energy to the show. Hopefully it works out well, because Hardy isn’t going to have much time left to go.

The opening video focuses entirely on the ladder matches, with what sounds like an automated voice over talking about how you have to climb the corporate ladder. The risk is worth the reward.

Smackdown Tag Team Titles: New Day vs. Lucha House Party vs. Forgotten Sons vs. Miz/John Morrison

New Day is defending, Jaxson Ryker is here with the Sons and it’s one fall to a finish. Gran Metalik wristlocks Kofi to start but gets flipped down in a hurry. There’s a running shoulder to drop Metalik again but Blake tags himself in and sends Kofi outside. Morrison comes in as well and catches Metalik on top as everything breaks down. The super Spanish Fly onto everyone else puts everyone down in the huge crash.

Back in and Cutler elbows Metalik down for two and it’s off to Blake, who is thrown at Metalik for the hard knockdown. Elbows to the head put Metalik in more trouble until a tornado DDT gets him out. The hot tag brings in Dorado for a dropsault to Miz/Morrison for two. A hurricanrana gets the same with Blake making the save as Kofi comes back in. Morrison’s springboard kick to the head drops Kofi, who is right back up with the Boom Drop to Miz.

Trouble in Paradise is blocked so it’s off to Cutler to stomp on Big E. in the corner. Kofi is right back in again to take over on Cutler as the fast tags continue. Miz makes a blind tag as the double stomp/reverse DDT plants Big E. The Skull Crushing Finale gets rid of Blake as Morrison gets two on Big E. with the House Party making the save.

A springboard hurricanrana takes Morrison down and it’s a top rope splash into a rope walk elbow for two on Big E. Back up and Big E. sends the Sons to the floor so he can launch Kofi onto Blake. Cutler posts Kofi hard and Ryker tries to get involved, earning himself an ejection. Everyone is down on the floor until Big E. gets inside. Metalik springboards at him but gets caught in the Big Ending to retain the titles at 12:01.

Rating: B. This took some time to get going but once they got into the higher gear, everything got better in a hurry. New Day continues to hold the titles but at some point they need to have someone new take over the top spot. Kofi and Big E. are great, but how long can they be champions before that starts wearing off?

Lacey Evans is ready for Money in the Bank thanks to preparations and planning. She has memorized the layout of WWE Headquarters so she’ll win the briefcase and then take the title from Bayley.

Drew McIntyre doesn’t like the idea of being called an underdog. He looks like Goliath but he has definitely been in a David story. Seth Rollins is great but Drew has more heart, passion and desire. Plus the WWE Championship, which he isn’t losing tonight.

R-Truth vs. MVP

Truth seems to hear the fans shouting WHAT’S UP back at him. Before the match, Truth offers to teach MVP about ballin, including an explain of how scoring works in basketball. MVP isn’t interested….so here’s Bobby Lashley to interrupt. He’ll be taking MVP’s place, which MVP says is what’s up.

R-Truth vs. Bobby Lashley

Truth tries to take the night off too and accidentally slaps Lashley, meaning the pain is imminent. The HEY LOOK OVER THERE strategy doesn’t work as Lashley throws him into the corner and then across the ring for a bonus. The spinebuster and spear finish Truth at 1:43.

We get the Real Heroes video, featuring athletes honoring healthcare workers.

King Corbin says he’ll win the briefcase for the second time.

Bayley doesn’t want to hear about possible strife with Sasha Banks. No she doesn’t blame Banks for losing the tag match on Smackdown.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Bayley vs. Tamina

MVP gets swapped out but this match goes on. Good to know that WWE hates us. Bayley is defending and has Sasha Banks in her corner. Tamina doesn’t like being hit in the face to start and Bayley’s trash talk makes it worse. Some forearms give Bayley a breather so she goes up top, only to get shoved in the face. Bayley gets down and Tamina says bring it, meaning the chase is on.

Tamina gets pulled down so her leg can be wrapped around the post. More shots to the knee keep her in trouble but Tamina shoves her away. The superkick to the chest is countered into a kneebar, sending Tamina over to the ropes. Bayley can’t Samoan drop Tamina so she rolls outside for some water. After a few sips, Bayley throws the water in her face.

That earns Bayley a hard clothesline and a whip into the barricade, which even knocks one of the ladders over. Back in and the Samoan drop is blocked so Tamina superkicks her to the floor. Bayley is thrown over the announcers’ table before going back inside for the superkick and Samoan drop. Sasha’s distraction means no cover so Tamina grabs her by the leg. Bayley uses the distraction to grab a crucifix for the retaining pin at 10:28.

Rating: D-. That’s as good as this was going to be as there was nothing good about this. I still don’t know why WWE thinks we need to see Tamina on television whatsoever and the match was as terrible as expected. Tamina is not good at any of this and pushing her, even as a challenger of the month, feels like such a waste of time and resources. Just never do this again, please?

Post match Tamina tries another Samoan drop and gets chop blocked.

Seth Rollins says Drew McIntyre knows that it is his destiny to lose the title tonight. Drew is still willing to step into the fire though and Seth admires that courage. Tonight, Seth will take away his burden.

Quick preview of the Last Ride.

We recap Braun Strowman vs. Bray Wyatt. Strowman was part of the Wyatt Family back in the day but has since broken free and become Universal Champion. Bray wants the title back.

Smackdown World Title: Bray Wyatt vs. Braun Strowman

Strowman is defending and it’s Bray rather than the Fiend. Braun grabs him by the throat and shoves him into the corner to start. Bray: “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning!” A clothesline puts Bray down in the corner and he agrees that Braun is strong. Strowman sends him outside again but the running charge around the ring is sent over the announcers’ table.

Bray gets back inside and laughs at him but the evil seems to be coming out. Cue Huskus the Pig to say Bray can do it, meaning it’s a DDT on the floor for Bray’s first offense. Back in and Bray’s running clothesline gets two, followed by a tornado DDT into Sister Abigail for two more. Bray looks shocked for the first time and screams a lot. Ref: “It was two!”. Bray: “I KNOW!” Another Sister Abigail is countered into a chokeslam and they’re both down.

Strowman sends him outside so the running shoulder can connect but Bray kicks him off the apron. As Bray laughs inside, Strowman comes up in the black sheep mask. Bray is thrilled because he knew this would happen as Strowman rips his shirt off. Strowman drops to his knees and poses in front of a kneeling Bray. They hug as the puppets pop up to celebrate Braun being home. Then Braun takes the mask off and steps on it, setting up the running powerslam to retain at 10:43.

Rating: D. I know the Wyatt Family was a big deal for a long time but it’s not like Strowman was that important of a part. The angle makes sense but it’s not like it’s something that is going to draw that much interest. Strowman still doesn’t feel like the next big thing or a long term champion but at least the they gave him the first title defense, which he certainly needed.

Post match Bray glares at him and the Fiend pops up.

The hacker pops up to say he sees everyone and hears everything. He is the truth and no one is safe. He presses a button and we see all kinds of wrestlers on his multiple monitors.

We recap Drew McIntyre vs. Seth Rollins for the WWE Championship. Drew won the title at Wrestlemania and now Rollins is coming after the title because it is his destiny.

Raw World Title: Seth Rollins vs. Drew McIntyre

Drew is defending and Seth has new music. Rollins grabs a headlock to start so Drew hits a running shoulder to take care of that. The arm cranking doesn’t get Seth very far as Drew goes with more shoulders, followed by a running clothesline to the floor. Back in and one heck of a chop puts Rollins down, followed by an even louder one to make it worse. Seth gets smart by going after the leg before weakly sending Drew shoulder first into the post.

The suicide dive to the floor sets up a Sling Blade for two back inside. Seth stays on the leg with the half crab and then switches to an STF. A Crossface sends McIntyre outside so Seth hits the running knee from the apron. Another jumping knee off the barricade knocks McIntyre even sillier so let’s load up the announcers’ table. The third knee connects from the table and Seth goes inside to talk trash as Drew tries to get up.

Another suicide dive is countered into an overhead belly to belly onto the table though and they’re both down outside. More suplexes connect back inside and Drew kicks him in the head. There’s the top rope shot to the head but Seth rolls to the apron before the Claymore. Drew goes with a spinebuster for two instead but Rollins kicks him back down. The frog splash gets two so Seth goes to grab a chair. That gets thrown away so Drew blocks the Stomp with a Glasgow Kiss.

Rollins catches him on top with the superplex into the Falcon Arrow for two. The Stomp is countered again, this time into the Future Shock for two more. They head up again with McIntyre’s leg getting tied in the Tree of Woe so Seth can step on it. That’s fine with Drew, who pulls himself up for a belly to belly superplex. The Claymore is cut off by a superkick and the Stomp finally connects for two. Drew has had enough and Glasgow Kisses him again, setting up the Claymore to retain at 19:30.

Rating: B. That’s how this should have gone as you get McIntyre over with one big win after another. Let him stack up wins for a few months before giving him the really big test (and I don’t mean Brock Lesnar) with someone new. It’s worked for years and it will again, despite what WWE seems to think for whatever reason.

Post match Drew shows respect and says that’s what he needed.

R-Truth says he beat MVP, even though MVP has lost a lot of weight. He’s happy with his win but he has no one to celebrate with. That’s why he’s coming for the 24/7 Title, so Tom Brady better look out. Charly: “He means Rob Gronkowski.” In case you didn’t get the joke you see. Because if you’re watching this, you have to be a moron of course.

Men’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match/Women’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match

Men: Aleister Black, AJ Styles, Otis, Daniel Bryan, King Corbin, Rey Mysterio

Women: Lacey Evans, Nia Jax, Asuka, Shayna Baszler, Dana Brooke, Carmella

There is no commentary for this. Both matches are going on at the same time and they all get entrances to start in the lobby of WWE Headquarters. Well not Asuka actually as she is nowhere to be seen. Actually hold on as she’s standing on a ledge above the other five. The men start brawling in the gym as Asuka dives onto the other five and goes for the elevator. She gets the doors closed so Shayna, Carmella and Lacey give chase up the steps.

The men fight in the gym with Corbin throwing a weight at Bryan but hitting a mirror instead. AJ punches Otis as Corbin sends Bryan into some weights. Otis gets smart by putting a barbell over AJ’s chest. The other five run off and wind up near the bathroom. Brother Love pops out of a stall and tells Rey that he loves him. Rey: “I love you too but I’ve got to go.” They wind up in the offices and then get in the elevators, but Rey can’t get inside in time.

Back to the women with the trio going to the elevators and nearly being run over by the men stumbling out. The men fight into a room with ropes in front of the walls, where Bryan ties Corbin up for the kicks to the chest. Black is smart enough to use this moment to escape as Bryan kicks Otis down as well. Bryan runs off as well, as Doink pops out from behind a chair.

The three women run into Nia, who knocks Carmella into a meeting room. Shayna and Dana join them with Shayna and Nia knocking each other down. Dana sees a briefcase above the table and pulls it down, but Stephanie McMahon pops in to say that’s not the right one. And clean this place up. Carmella breaks a poster over Dana’s head and moon walks out but gets dropped with the Woman’s Right.

AJ has gotten up but runs into a Rey Mysterio poster, which he has to stop and punch. He goes hunting for Rey (passing a Roman Reigns painting on the wall, launching a thousand internet reports) but gets freaked out by an Undertaker painting for some continuity. AJ goes into an Undertaker themed room and we get flashbacks to the Boneyard match. Black pops in and kicks him into said room before shutting the door and smiling. Now it’s off to catering, where Paul Heyman is having a lot of food.

Cue nearly everyone involved in the match for a big staredown, because they need to yell at each other instead of going up. Otis stops for food but destroys a sandwich…..and declares a food fight. Heyman takes food to the face and it’s time to throw stuff at each other. Shayna chokes out Rey, who is then crushed by Nia and Otis. Nia throws Dana into a Coke machine and then powerbombs Carmella through the table. That leaves Nia and Otis (eating) to have an awkward staredown before going their separate ways.

Otis goes into the cafeteria and is VERY happy… Johnny Ace (in the white suit) scooters up. Johnny declares PEOPLE POWER and gets pied in the face. Asuka finally pops up again and yells at a janitor for not knowing how to get to the roof. The other women come in so she throws the mop at them. Dana slips on the wet floor and Nia beats up Lacey and Shayna. Black and Bryan are fighting near an office when AJ comes in to jump Bryan.

They fight into Vince’s office (complete with dinosaur skull), realize where they are, and are immediately ordered out. Well after they fix the chairs they messed up of course. Vince makes sure to sanitize before sitting back down to work. Outside, AJ says Bryan looked like a coward in there but it was AJ who fixed the chairs. The fighting continues but Black and Corbin join them, with the latter throwing Bryan over the big conference table. Corbin: “I’m going to the roof!”

And now we go to said roof, with Nia throwing Asuka into the ring. Lacey joins them and is dispatched in a hurry so Nia can load up the first ladder. Asuka gets sent into the ladder but it’s the Woman’s Right to put Nia down. Asuka drops Lacey and shoved the ladder down, straight onto Nia’s head for your first OW of the match.

Lacey goes up but is pulled down again, only to go up at the same time as Asuka. An elbow knocks Lacey onto Nia so Asuka is alone on the ladder….but here is Corbin to go up as well. For some reason Asuka knocks him down and then unhooks the women’s briefcase for the win at 21:30.

Otis is up there as well but breaks the ladder as he tries to climb. Corbin misses a charge into the corner so it’s the Caterpillar on the roof. Black is in to kick Otis down with Mysterio adding a top rope seated senton. Rey and Black go up at the same time but AJ is in for the save. With Rey down, Corbin throws him over the roof for the huge thud. Black gets the same treatment as Corbin seems to have murdered two people on television.

Bryan is up there as well but Corbin pulls him down and sends him into the ladder. AJ Phenomenal Forearms Otis and fights with Corbin on top of the ladder. They take the briefcase down at the same time but here’s Elias to break a guitar over Corbin’s back. AJ drops the briefcase though and Otis catches it for the win at 26:57.

Rating: B. This is going to be one of those matches where I need to think about it a lot in the coming days. I definitely had fun with it, but there were parts that made my head hurt. Some of the people disappeared for way too long to be believable (like some of the women who never made it to the roof) and it was a little too much on more than one occasion.

That being said, I has a great time with this and it was one of the more unique things I’ve seen in a very long time. One of the big criticisms of recent WWE is how similar so many things have looked. That was absolutely not the case here and they had a very unique match as a result. I was completely wrong about Otis winning, but there is a good chance he loses it or doesn’t get a World Title match somehow. Asuka winning makes sense, though I’m starting to worry about Shayna. Either way, this is definitely worth seeing at least once, if nothing else for all of the moving parts.

Overall Rating: B+. It worked a lot more than it didn’t, as the Smackdown singles title matches were the only glaringly bad spots. They needed to do something out of the box to shake things up a bit around here and this was as good as they could have done. I liked it more than I expected to and the main event delivered, though I’m worried about how boring things will get when they’re back to the same formula over and over again. The main event is worth checking out, but it’s almost even more frustrating when you know what they can do but just won’t do it most of the time.


New Day b. Forgotten Sons, Lucha House Party and Miz/John Morrison – Big Ending to Gran Metalik

Bobby Lashley b. R-Truth – Spear

Bayley b. Tamina – Crucifix

Braun Strowman b. Bray Wyatt – Running powerslam

Asuka won the Women’s Money in the Bank ladder match

Otis won the Men’s Money in the Bank ladder match

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Money In The Bank 2020 Preview

IMG Credit: WWE

It’s time for another unique one as we have Money in the Bank split between the WWE Headquarters in Connecticut and down at the Performance Center. Depending on which reports you believe, the ladder match (Is it matches or match?) may be taking place throughout the show, because just having the match as usual is too simple or something I guess. Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Jeff Hardy vs. Cesaro

There aren’t a lot of good things going on in WWE at the moment but they are doing an excellent job with making Hardy’s return a big deal. Hardy is a living legend and treating him like one is a very good idea. Above all else (and this will come into play later), if you weren’t watching twelve years ago, you might not know of Hardy’s mega singles run. Bring your fans up to date with that amazing video production team that they had. It can work wonders and it was awesome here.

In case you didn’t get it, of course Hardy wins here as he seems primed for some sort of a run. Cesaro is a perfect choice for a first opponent in nearly two months as he can work with anyone and works a similar style to Sheamus, who is the big prize for Hardy at the moment. Hardy is a heck of a star and Cesaro can make him look good, though I’d love for Cesaro to get one big singles run. I’d think he’s earned it at this point.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Bayley(c) vs. Tamina

We’re starting the main card with this one for the sake of getting it out of the way. I like Bayley quite a bit but my goodness she can be dull at times. It also doesn’t help that there is no reason to believe that this is leading to anyone but Sasha Banks in the big blowoff. Then there’s Tamina and egads how much more can I complain about her? For the sake of my blood pressure, we’ll move on from this as fast as possible.

Bayley retains here and there’s no reason for anything else to go down. We’re likely heading for Bayley vs. Banks at Summerslam and the idea of Tamina winning….well my goodness hasn’t there been enough suffering in the world lately? This match could be a disaster and I’m not expecting much more, but hopefully they get in and out quickly without doing something stupid.

R-Truth vs. MVP

This was added to the show on Saturday and I’m really not sure why. With all of the people they’ve been pushing as of late, they pick R-Truth and the new manager? It could be a nice little match, but this makes the main card instead of Hardy’s return to the ring? If nothing else I’m curious to see what R-Truth does with no fans, because he could make something entertaining out of it.

I’ll go with MVP here as he at least has something going on. R-Truth hasn’t been around since WrestleMania and I think we’ve long since proven that he doesn’t need to win anything ever again (outside of another 15 24/7 Titles) to stay over. MVP can get a nice win to show that he still matters, though a video package might be better. He’s a great example of someone who was something a long time ago but WWE needs to refresh us on who he is. It works with Hardy and it would work with MVP, who wins here.

Smackdown World Title: Braun Strowman(c) vs. Bray Wyatt

This one really hasn’t been working for me and I don’t see it going much better once they get in the ring. Strowman just does not feel like a top guy and their segment on the go home show was excruciating. It was Wyatt trying to make it sound like some big deal and Strowman reading from a script. The match feels like a clash of styles, but above all else I don’t care about it very much. Give me a reason to care and it might work better, but “you were in the Wyatt Family” isn’t enough.

I’m not sure what to think here but I’ll take Strowman retaining as the match is against Wyatt instead of the Fiend. I don’t think there’s any secret to the fact that the long term plans is Reigns vs. Fiend, but they’ve made it clear that this is against Wyatt. If nothing else, Strowman needs to retain in his first major defense for the sake of making him not look like he has some staying power, which has always been an issue for him. Strowman retains, but the Fiend is coming.

Smackdown Tag Team Titles: New Day(c) vs. Miz/John Morrison vs. Forgotten Sons vs. Lucha House Party

I know I’ve said this before but it’s still the case: New Day has felt like transitional champions for years now and I’m not sure how much of an impact another title reign has. They’ve good for a short term reign until we get to the next big thing, but the next big thing never comes. That seems to be the case again here, though they might at least have someone to drop the titles to here.

The Forgotten Sons seem to be the easy choice here so I’ll go with them, though I could see the Lucha House Party winning the titles and dropping them to the Sons almost immediately. The Sons aren’t my favorite team or even all that interesting, but you have to pick someone at some point so go with what you have available to you and see what happens.

Raw World Title: Drew McIntyre(c) vs. Seth Rollins

McIntyre has been behind the eight ball since he won the title in an empty arena, wrestled in front of an empty arena, and then gets blamed for the show crashing around him when there are about 184 different factors. I don’t think WWE is going to pull the plug on him or anything, but the Brock Lesnar shadow is getting bigger and bigger every single day that things stay bad.

McIntyre retains here though as there is no reason to switch it back to Rollins for the third time in thirteen months. The Monday Night Messiah character could have some legs if it is tweaked a bit (or if he hadn’t lost to Kevin Owens last month) but I can’t imagine him getting the title here. McIntyre should hold onto the title, as it would be completely unfair to blame him for everything that is going south right now.

Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match

And then we have the namesake matches, which are going to be complete insanity. I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing yet, but it’s certainly going to be different. If nothing else, having this with six people instead of eight should do a lot of good, though with both matches taking place at once like some wacky game show, how much sense can they really make out of the whole thing?

I’m going with the safe pick of Shayna Baszler winning here, though I can’t shake the feeling of Dana Brooke getting a dark horse win. Baszler and Nia Jax would seem to be the logical picks though as Becky Lynch survived against Baszler and a rematch would make sense. Jax would be the same and her cashing in on a gassed champion would be fine. But yeah, I’ll go with Baszler, who almost has to win the title at some point soon.

Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match

The bigger question here isn’t who wins the briefcase but rather who is taking the big plunge that has been teased/flat out promised by Lynch in recent weeks. This really is a wide open field and anyone involved could win the thing. No one has stood out above the rest of the options and that could make for a fascinating match. Now if only they can make it as wacky and entertaining as they seem to be planning.

I’ll take AJ Styles here, with Rey Mysterio as the second possibility. You could go with any of the six options and I don’t remember the last time that was a realistic option. They need someone to fight McIntyre after he gets done with Rollins and Styles is someone who makes as much sense as anyone else. Styles wins here, and I have absolutely no confidence in that choice.

Overall Thoughts

As much as I can’t stand the build to this show, I’m very curious to see what they are going to do with the ladder matches. They’ve got my interest up and while there is a chance for a disappointment, hopefully this is more Boneyard match than anything else. I like the idea of the change on the normal format and that might be what Money in the Bank has been needing for a long time now.



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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