Crown Jewel 2023: Getting Ready To Get Ready

Crown Jewel 2023
Date: November 4, 2023
Location: Mohammed Abdu Arena, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

WWE is back in Saudi Arabia for another pretty strong looking show. The main event will see LA Knight challenging Roman Reigns for the Smackdown World Title in a match that could see quite the set of fireworks. Other than that, Seth Rollins is defending the Raw World Title against Drew McIntyre and a good bit more. Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Sami Zayn vs. JD McDonagh

They start slowly and fight over arm control, with the fans rather behind Zayn. An armdrag into an armbar has McDonagh in trouble and Zayn sends him into the corner a few times. McDonagh gets in a shot of his own to take over for a bit, only to have Zayn chop away in the corner.

Some choking has Zayn down again and a Spanish Fly gets two. McDonagh’s moonsault hits raised boots though and Zayn suplexes him into the corner (as there is a nasty bruise on McDonagh’s side). The Helluva Kick into the Blue Thunder Bomb finishes McDonagh off at 9:45.

Rating: C. This could have been on any given Raw and it would have been about the same. Zayn winning is going to get the fans off on the right foot and that should make for a good start to the show. If nothing else it was a bit of a twist to have it be the Kick into the Blue Thunder Bomb so they even shook it up a little.

The opening video looks at Riyadh and some of the bigger matches on the show.

We recap Drew McIntyre vs. Seth Rollins for the Raw World Title. McIntyre is mad that he never got his big moment in front of the fans because of the pandemic but Rollins has told him to get over it. Now McIntyre wants his moment here instead.

Raw World Title: Seth Rollins vs. Drew McIntyre

Rollins is defending. Feeling out process to start with the bigger McIntyre hitting some running shoulders. A snap suplex gives McIntyre one but Rollins knocks him to the floor for the dive….which is countered into a belly to belly onto the floor. Back in and Rollins’ bad back is whipped hard into the corner as McIntyre has a target. They chop it out until McIntyre kicks him down for two.

Rollins manages some kicks of his own, including an enziguri to stagger McIntyre. A knee to the face sets up a springboard Swanton and a Lionsault for two on McIntyre as Rollins mixes it up a bit. The Falcon Arrow gives Rollins two more, followed by the superplex but McIntyre grabs a brainbuster for two of his own. The Futureshock gives McIntyre two more and frustration is setting in.

Rollins plays a bit of possum and clotheslines McIntyre to the floor, setting up the suicide dive. McIntyre is fine enough to send him back first into the steps though and a side slam on the apron makes Rollins’ back far worse. Back in and a desperation Pedigree gives Rollins two but McIntyre kicks him down again. The Claymore is loaded up but Rollins reverses into the Stomp for a rather near fall. Rollins misses the Phoenix splash though and the Claymore gets two more. McIntyre loads up something else but Rollins reverses into a Pedigree and the Stomp retains at 19:25.

Rating: B. Good opening match here and it felt like an important title match, though they never quite hit that higher gear. What mattered here was getting McIntyre cleared out, though it would not surprise me to see him getting a rematch, likely at Survivor Series. He lost here however, and it came after a strong showing from both guys.

Post match Rollins celebrates….and here is Damian Priest to cash in. Before he can do that though, Sami Zayn pops in and takes the briefcase, meaning no cash-in.

In the back, Rhea Ripley gives Drew McIntyre an “I told you so” look.

We recap the Raw Women’s Title match, which is a five way hoss battle for Rhea Ripley’s title.

Raw Women’s Title: Rhea Ripley vs. Nia Jax vs. Shayna Baszler vs. Zoey Stark vs. Raquel Rodriguez

Ripley is defending and gets a very long entrance, with about twenty men carrying cups and making a mini tunnel for her. Jax bails to the floor so the others can trade shots to the head inside. Rodriguez gets taken down on the floor and Ripley’s dive onto Jax is broken up. Back in and Rodriguez gets two clean house but Ripley and Jax are back in for a fight of their own.

Jax crushes Ripley for two as Stark makes the save, only to get Pounced by Rodriguez. Back up and Baszler gets a hold on everyone but Stark, who has to make the save. Stark goes up top but gets caught in a Tower of Doom, leaving everyone but Jax down. That doesn’t last long as Jax is knocked down too, leaving Ripley and Rodriguez to kick each other down for another breather.

Stark is up with a springboard dive onto everyone but Jax on the floor. Back up and Jax runs some people over until an impressive Tejana Bomb puts her down, leaving Ripley to make the save. Riptide hits Baszler so Stark makes the save this time. With that not working, Rodriguez goes after Baszler but Ripley Riptides Stark onto both of them and pins Baszler to retain at 11:05.

Rating: B-. It was the hoss fight but there is only so much you can do with that many people in there. Instead of letting us have a showdown between two, or even three, of them it turned into the usual “these people fight and then someone else breaks up a pin” sequence over and over. Ripley winning is the right call, though I could go or her defending the title against some of these people one on one.

Video on Saudi Arabia, with everyone talking about how absolutely amazing the place is.

We recap John Cena vs. Solo Sikoa. Cena hasn’t won a televised singles match in over five years and is starting to doubt himself. Now he needs to prove he still has it.

John Cena vs. Solo Sikoa

Cena goes after the arm and hand to start, with commentary pointing out that he’s weakening the Spike hand. The hand is sent into the steps but Sikoa headbutts him right back down. A Banzai Drop hits Cena but it’s way too early for the Samoan Spike. Sikoa crushes him in the corner but Cena is right back with a crossface (not the STF Cole). That’s broken up and Sikoa hits a belly to belly for two.

Cena grabs a quick Protobomb but the AA is countered into a Samoan drop. Sikoa takes a bit too much time though and Cena gets up top for a high crossbody and a near fall of his own. A chokeslam of all things gives Cena two but Sikoa is back with Spinning Solo for two. Cena counters the Spike into the STF, sending Sikoa over to the ropes. Back up and Sikoa hits three straight Samoan Spikes but for some reason Sikoa won’t cover. The fourth Spike finishes Cena at 16:15.

Rating: B-. I said in my preview for the match that there was an interesting story to be told with Cena losing but I didn’t think they would go through with it. Cena losing his confidence and thinking that his time is up could lead to quite the story if he is gearing up for retirement, but now there are a few different ways to go from here. This also makes Sikoa look huge and I’m curious to see where this goes. Good ending here, even if the match was only pretty good for the most part.

Post match Cena gets the big respect moment and walks up the ramp rather slowly.

Here’s the Miz for an unadvertised MizTV. Miz wastes no time in bringing out Saudi Arabian actor Ibrahim Al Hajjaj. They exchange pleasantries but before they can get very far, Grayson Waller interrupts. Waller has his people take over and turn it into the Grayson Waller Effect but Al Hajjaj says he can talk to both of them. For now though, he’s here to be on the hottest talk show in WWE: MizTV. Waller doesn’t like that so a fight is teased but Miz makes the save, including an assist from Al Hajjaj. We’re not done as Al Hajjaj adds in a People’s Elbow. Nothing wrong with a quick segment for the live crowd.

We recap Logan Paul challenging Rey Mysterio for the US Title, which isn’t much of a story. Paul challenged Mysterio for the title and Mysterio accepted, with Paul jumping him backstage after the match was made.

Earlier today, Paul drove a fast vehicle of some kind around the desert.

US Title: Logan Paul vs. Rey Mysterio

Paul is challenging and drives said vehicle into the arena. Rey can’t do much with the power game to start and then cranks on the arm. Back up and Rey takes him down with Paul bailing out to the floor. The headscissors sends Paul into 619 position but he sends Rey to the apron instead. A Death Valley Driver into the corner sets up a Lionsault for two on Rey and Paul hammers on the ribs in the corner.

The waistlock stays on the ribs so Rey gets creative by stomping on the foot. Paul grabs a gorilla press drop into a Warrior Splash for two. The bearhug into an over the shoulder backbreaker has Rey in more trouble but he armdrags Paul into the post. A high crossbody gives Rey two but Paul is back up with a slingshot Swanton for two. Rey shrugs if off and pulls him into a crossface, sending Paul crawling over to the ropes.

A springboard moonsault is loaded up but Paul has to catch Rey before he spikes his head on the mat. They go up, where Paul hits a flipping fall away slam for two in a heck of a crash. Rey tries a 619 but Paul pulls him out of the air and takes them up top. A super electric chair is countered into a superbomb, followed by a Code Red to give Rey two. Cue a member of Paul’s entourage to give Paul some brass knuckles but Rey breaks it up. Santos Escobar comes out to take care of the goon but Paul knocks Rey cold with the knuckles for the pin and the title at 17:53.

Rating: B. That’s exactly what it should have been and the ending fit perfectly. There was no reason to keep the title on Rey and Paul has needed to win something for a bit now. There will be a long list of people coming after Paul and he’ll bring some extra eyes to the title. As usual, the match was pretty strong and I’ll take that combined with the right result any day.

Post match Paul praises Rey, who says he knows what Paul did.

Bianca Belair says beating Bayley last night was phase one. Tonight it’s phase two, where she gets the Women’s Title back.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Bianca Belair vs. Iyo Sky

Sky is defending after cashing in Money In The Bank at Summerslam to take the title from Belair. Sky gets taken down to start and a delayed vertical suplex makes it worse. Some shots to the knee slow Belair down and a jumping stomp to the ribs gets two. Sky misses a top rope backsplash though and Belair sends her flying with a fall away slam.

Belair goes up but gets pulled down into the Tree of Woe to stay on the leg. The knee is fine enough to snap off a release German suplex. Belair wins a slugout but Sky rolls her up out of a Glam Slam attempt. Sky’s running hurricanrana is countered into a powerbomb faceplant before Belair uses the hair to pull her into the post.

Cue Bayley for a distraction though and Belair crashes off the top. Belair falls out to the floor and there’s a moonsault to knock her silly again. Back in and Belair gets in a knockdown of her own, only to miss a handspring moonsault. Belair fights up again and gets a rollup but Bayley distracts the referee. That earns Bayley a dive from Belair, leaving the referee to check on a downed Sky. Cue the returning Kairi Sane to jump Belair, allowing Sky to hit Over The Moonsault and retain at 16:36.

Rating: B-. This went a bit long though the Sane surprise at the end did help. Sky needed to get a more traditional win over Belair after the cash-in but this wasn’t clean either. The other problem is this just didn’t feel like a big match. Maybe it’s having Charlotte always looming over everything or Ripley being one of the biggest stars in WWE but this didn’t come off like a major title match. They got the result right though and that’s what matters most.

Post match the beatdown is on as Bayley seems rather confused by the whole thing.

We recap Cody Rhodes vs. Damian Priest, which is another part of the Raw Friends vs. Judgment Day. Their teams have traded the Tag Team Titles but now it’s a singles match.

Cody Rhodes vs. Damian Priest

Cody’s ankle is still a bit banged up following a recent attack. Priest jumps him before the bell but gets knocked outside rather quickly. Back in and Cody slugs away but he ankle gives out, allowing Priest to drop him. Cody fights back up and they go outside, where Priest is sent into the steps a few times.

A hard clothesline puts Cody down though and the Reckoning onto the announcers’ table drops him again. Back in and Cody counters another Reckoning into the Cross Rhodes but cue Finn Balor for a distraction. JD McDonagh comes out as well, allowing Priest to hit South Of Heaven for two.

Dominik Mysterio, with a chair, comes out but here is Jey Uso to clear things out. Cody hits a Flip Flop and Fly into the Bionic Elbow but the Cross Rhodes is broken up. A superkick knocks Priest out of the air though and the Cody Cutter gets two. Priest tries to fight up but gets Cross Rhodesed for the pin at 11:00.

Rating: B-. Pretty much the same thing again here, as we had a match that could have been a solid Raw main event and was good enough here. They seem to be heading towards building Cody up for Wrestlemania again and I can go with him beating Priest on the way there. If nothing else, it was kind of nice to just have a grudge match rather than something for a title for a change here as you don’t get that very often.

Some WWE people met some Saudi children. Nothing wrong with that.

We recap Roman Reigns vs. LA Knight. Reigns has been Universal Champion for over three years and is running out of challengers. Knight is on the roll of a lifetime though and is getting the biggest match of his career.

WWE Universal Title: LA Knight vs. Roman Reigns

Knight is challenging and starts fast with a neckbreaker. Reigns is knocked to the apron and an elbow to the chest sends him outside. There’s a clothesline to the floor but Reigns slugs away back inside and grabs a cravate to slow things down (as we get what sounds like a one person CM PUNK chant). Reigns knocks him into the corner but charges into a boot, setting up a middle rope bulldog for a double knockdown.

A Russian legsweep into a DDT gets two but Reigns is back with something close to a release Rock Bottom for the same. Back up and the Superman Punch is countered into the torture rack neckbreaker. The LA Elbow is cut off with a Superman Punch and they’re both down for a needed breather. Knight leapfrogs over the spear though and Reigns crashes hard into the buckle.

Reigns headbutts his way out of a superplex attempt but Knight jumps back up for the top rope superplex. Now the LA Elbow can connect but cue Jimmy Uso to pull Reigns outside. The distraction lets Reigns hit a Superman Punch and the spear gets two. We hit the front facelock but Knight fights up and drives him into the corner. BFT connects out of nowhere but Jimmy puts the foot on the rope.

Knight goes after Uso on the floor and sends him into the announcers’ table over and over. Reigns comes outside and gets sent into it as well, followed by Uso being sent through said table. Back up and Reigns spears Knight through the barricade, followed by another spear for the pin to retain at 20:04.

Rating: B. That’s a Roman Reigns title match all right and we’ll probably see him in January for the Rumble. I’m not sure what is next for him, but these title matches, while good, are getting repetitive. As for Knight, he did hang in there with Reigns but at the end of the day it’s interference and a spear to put him down. That doesn’t so much make him look special as much as it makes him look like everyone else who has fallen to Reigns and that’s not a good thing.

Overall Rating: B. This was a good show overall with nothing really bad, but there is nothing you need to go out of your way to see. The problem comes down to it being right before Survivor Series and then the Royal Rumble, which doesn’t leave a lot of room for this show to matter. This show was setting the table for the big stuff down the road and while it was good, Paul winning the US Title is pretty much the only significant moment. Check it out if you have the time, but it’s not required viewing.

Sami Zayn b. JD McDonagh – Blue Thunder Bomb
Seth Rollins b. Drew McIntyre – Stomp
Rhea Ripley b. Shayna Baszler, Zoey Stark, Raquel Rodriguez and Nia Jax – Riptide onto Baszler
Solo Sikoa b. John Cena – Samoan Spike
Logan Paul b. Rey Mysterio – Right hand with brass knuckles
Iyo Sky b. Bianca Belair – Over The Moonsault
Cody Rhodes b. Damian Priest – Cross Rhodes
Roman Reigns b. LA Knight – Spear



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Smackdown – October 27, 2023: The Show They Needed

Date: October 27, 2023
Location: Fiserv Forum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Commentators: Michael Cole, Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves

We are eight days away from Crown Jewel and tonight we make the main event officially official with a contract signing between Roman Reigns and LA Knight. Other than that, John Cena is set for a Crown Jewel match against Solo Sikoa and that will likely get some focus this week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here are Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman to get things going, but LA Knight cuts them off mid entrance and gets in the ring for the contract signing (as emceed by Nick Aldis). Reigns isn’t pleased and it gets even worse when Knight sits at the head of the table. Knight cuts off Aldis’ introduction and says we know why we’re here so let’s get to the particulars. Knight says the contract states Reigns is going to hand him the title and signs without hesitation.

Reigns calls Knight an idiot and says Knight is in over his head because he’s never had a contract signing, or a title match before. He promises to make it easy on Knight and go gentle for his first time….but then pen doesn’t work. Heyman whips out a pen of his own and Reigns signs, with Aldis saying his work here is done and leaving. Knight says it might be his first time but he’s only going to need one time.

Since Reigns has been telling us about sufferin succotash, Knight has been telling everyone whose game it is. Reigns turns the table over on him and the fight is on but it takes too long to set up another table. Knight fights back but Jimmy Uso runs in for the save. That’s fine with Knight, who puts him through the table instead.

Carlito/Santos Escobar vs. Street Profits

Bobby Lashley is here with the Profits. Carlito and Dawkins start things off with Carlito getting the better of things. A Lashley distraction cuts him off though and Ford comes in to hammer away. Everything breaks down and the Profits are sent to the floor for a big flip dive as we take a break.

Back with Escobar fighting out of a chinlock and slugging his way out of the corner. It’s too early for the tag though as Ford blasts him with a clothesline and Dawkins comes back in. Escobar kicks him in the face for a breather and hands it back to Carlito to pick up the pace. We cut to the back where Logan Paul jumps Rey Mysterio. Escobar sends Carlito to the back for the rescue, only to walk into the Revelation for the pin at 11:49.

Rating: C+. Perfectly fine match here but with all of these losses piling up, I’m wondering if Escobar is going to be turning on Mysterio to cost him the US Title. Those losses are the mating call of a heel turn and it would be a big deal to have him go the other way and cost Mysterio. Other than that, it’s nice to see the Profits win as they are certainly getting somewhere with Lashley.

Paul Heyman has a custom title belt featuring the Green Bay Packers, which he’s going to give to LA Knight. See, this title is as close to winning a title as Knight or Milwaukee is ever going to get. Jimmy Uso crashes onto Reigns’ couch and says he’s been in the trainer’s room. Reigns says Jimmy ran the wrong play and needs to deal with this tonight. Heyman is off to make the match (after clarifying that it’s Knight vs. Jimmy, with Reigns half glaring at him).

Logan Paul is proud of what he did and runs into Kevin Owens, who has a Rey Mysterio shirt on. Paul walks off and Owens runs into Austin Theory and Grayson Waller, whose faces he wants to punch. Then he does it.

Cedric Alexander (he still works here) interrupts Dragon Lee. Alexander knows what it’s like to be in Lee’s spot and it would be an honor to face him tonight. Deal.

Earlier today, Shotzi thanked Nick Aldis for getting her the Halloween Havoc hosting gig. Chelsea Green and Piper Niven came in to interrupt with Green being rather rude, setting up a match for tonight.

Chelsea Green vs. Shotzi

Piper Niven is here with Green, who starts fast and takes her out of the corner. Shotzi fights back but Niven offers a distraction, allowing Green to take over. A middle rope Russian legsweep gets two on Shotzi but she catches Green on top. That’s fine with Green, who shoves her off and hits a missile dropkick. Green poses a bit too much though and Shotzi grabs a crucifix for the pin at 3:15.

Rating: C. They didn’t have much time to do anything here but Green getting her comeuppance is always a good thing. Shotzi continues her push and has the charisma to go somewhere. I’m not sure if she can hang with the top of the division, but the fans like her a lot and that is what matters the most a lot of the time.

Here is John Cena for a chat. Cena talks about how the crowd is fired up but then gets serious, saying this is as hard as things have been since WWE wanted to fire him 20 years ago. Over the years, he has given his heart and soul and the fans have given him their respect. Crown Jewel is serious to him because for the first time in 20 years, he is in jeopardy of losing their support and respect. We get the YOU STILL GOT IT chants and Cena seems to be touched.

Cena says we can’t ignore the data and if he loses again, all of this might go away. WWE uses the term “must see” quite a bit but Crown Jewel is a must see for him because it is a must win. It is time to deliver, but here is Paul Heyman to interrupt. Heyman says he’s not here with hustle, loyalty or respect. We are here live in Milwaukee and Heyman thanks Cena for the house.

Heyman thanks Cena for 21 years and brings up Vince McMahon telling Heyman to make a #1 pick from OVW. Heyman picked Cena (Cena: “That’s true.”) and he has raised his children to be more like Cena than himself. Then there was Summerslam 2021, when Roman Reigns proved Cena wasn’t the best of all time in the world anymore. Cena is still the best communicator of all time though and could do this as long as Heyman has. Reigns can spear Cena and break his ribs but Cena can bring that back.

On the other hand though, we have Solo Sikoa and his Samoan Spike. If that Spike hits Cena’s neck, it takes away Cena’s communication and his connection to the WWE Universe. Heyman loads up the spoiler warning and here is Sikoa to jump Cena from behind. The Spike leaves Cena laying.

This was an interesting segment as Cena is talking about wins and losses like they matter, which is rather refreshing. At the same time though, there is something a little strange about setting up the Spike as this killer move that could hurt Cena’s career and then having Sikoa just come out and hit it. Good stuff though, which you probably saw coming with Heyman and Cena talking to each other.

LA Knight is ready for Jimmy Uso

Video on Cedric Alexander. That’s a good idea as he hasn’t been around in a bit so give the fans a quick refresher.

Cedric Alexander vs. Dragon Lee

Feeling out process to start with Cedric taking him down into an armbar. Lee fights back up and they head to the apron, where a double knockdown leaves them both on the floor. We take a break and come back with Alexander hitting a Michinoku Driver for two. Alexander tries another one but Lee slips out and knees him in the back. Destino finishes for Lee at 8:11.

Rating: C+. This was a nice little showcase for Lee as he gets on the show and beats someone with a little big of success under his belt. That video on Alexander was a good idea and they made me care about him enough for Lee’s win to matter. Good stuff here, as it seems Lee’s push is coming.

Video on Bianca Belair’s return last week.

Here is Belair for a chat. She’s glad to be back and we see a clip of Damage CTRL taking out her knee a few months ago. Belair talks about how much revenge she wants because she cannot just let this go. For once, she was consumed with vengeance and she took that vengeance to Nick Aldis today. At Crown Jewel, she gets her rematch against Iyo Sky for the Women’s Title. Oh and for a bonus: she’ll face Bayley next week. Makes sense.

Jimmy Uso vs. LA Knight

Uso knocks him into the corner to start but Knight is right back with an armdrag into an armbar. They trade trash talk until Jimmy gets up and chops away against the rope. Uso knocks him to the floor for a crash and we take a break. Back with Uso sending him into the corner but Knight explodes out with a clothesline.

Uso is back up first though and chops away, only to get caught with a reverse DDT. A regular DDT sends Uso outside and Knight rams him into the table over and over. Back in and the Samoan drop plants Knight but he catches Uso on top. Knight gets shoved down though and now the Superfly Splash connects for two. Uso goes back up but Knight runs the corner for the superplex into the BFT for the pin at 13:32.

Rating: B-. This was what it needed to be as Knight gets a win over someone associated with Reigns to make him look like a bigger threat. Knight is not likely to win the title in Saudi Arabia, but he is getting built up as an important deal and that is what matters most. I’m not sure what happens to him if he loses, but they’re doing the right things to get him there.

Post match Roman Reigns runs in to go after Knight but walks into BFT to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. The talking was the important part this week as they advanced a lot of the stories they already had set up. Crown Jewel has mostly taken shape and they focused on pushing established feuds. That’s a good kind of show to have and next week can be the final push. There wasn’t much to be seen here in the way of wrestling and that’s ok here, as the big matches can come at Crown Jewel.

Street Profits b. Carlito/Santos Escobar – Revelation to Escobar
Shotzi b. Chelsea Green – Crucifix
Dragon Lee b. Cedric Alexander – Destino
LA Knight b. Jimmy Uso – BFT



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Smackdown – September 29, 2023: Make Me Want To Go To Fastlane. I Already Am, But Make Me Want To.

Date: September 29, 2023
Location: Golden 1 Center, Sacramento, California
Commentators: Michael Cole, Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves

We’re just over a week away from Fastlane and John Cena is going to need some help dealing with the Bloodline. Cena was laid out to end last week’s show and is currently heading into a handicap match next week. Other than that, it would be nice to get something else added to the card, as there are two matches set with eight days to go. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is the Bloodline to get things going. Paul Heyman, who insists that his name is NOT boo, says he gets to do something in person for a change. He acknowledges his Tribal Chief (naturally not here) and of course so does everyone here. Last week, the SECOND greatest of all time, John Cena, took one of the worst beatings he’s taken in ten years. We see a clip (which Heyman calls the Bloodline’s version of the Zapruder Film) from last week of Cena signing to face the Bloodline but his partner AJ Styles was taken out beforehand. Cena got beaten down by both of them to end the show, meaning Cena is in even more trouble.

Back in the arena, Heyman says that Cena is having transportation issues here and he’s not here yet. Jimmy Uso accuses Cena of being scared to show up, with a threat to take Cena out if he makes it to the arena. Cue Karl Anderson to clear the ring and say he wants either of them right now. Heyman whispers something to Solo Sikoa, who tells Jimmy to handle this before Sikoa does it himself.

Karl Anderson vs. Jimmy Uso

Joined in progress with Anderson stomping away and snapping off the spinebuster for two. Jimmy comes back with a rake to the eyes and the superkick connects. The Superfly Splash finishes Anderson at 2:16 shown.

Post match Anderson goes after Uso again but Solo Sikoa Spikes him down. As the Bloodline leaves, Michin runs in and slaps Uso on her way to check on Anderson.

Santos Escobar says he’s staying focused on Rey Mysterio and the US Title but he’s very nervous. Tonight, Rey is in for the biggest fight of his life.

The Bloodline is livid backstage, with Paul Heyman calling Roman Reigns.

It’s time for the Grayson Waller Effect, with Waller bringing out Bobby Lashley. Waller brings up Lashley not being happy with what the Street Profits have been doing lately, with Lashley saying he made a bad decision. Waller thinks he and Austin Theory would have been a better choice for such a team but Lashley is going to pass on that one. Cue the Street Profits, with Lashley telling them to prove it. The three of them go to leave so Waller calls out Austin Theory (who has a staredown with Lashley on the way to the ring).

Video on Dragon Lee, who is in the crowd.

Cameron Grimes vs. Austin Theory

No entrance for Grimes, which probably explains why I can barely remember he’s on the roster most of the time. Grimes strikes away to start and hits a running basement dropkick for two. Theory knocks him down but Grimes is right back up with a kick to the head in the corner. The high crossbody gives Grimes two and a bridging German suplex gets the same. Grimes sends him outside but a Grayson Waller distraction lets Theory post him. Back in and the rolling dropkick sets up A Town Down for the pin on Grimes at 3:03.

Rating: C. This was about what you would have expected as Grimes has gone from a promising star to one of the resident jobbers to the stars. Theory and Waller are being built up into a thing and the wins help with that, but it would be nice to see Grimes getting to do something. Or for Waller and Theory to have someone big to face.

Post match Theory goes over and shoves Dragon Lee.

Rey Mysterio is ready to bring it against Santos Escobar.

In the back, the Bloodline wrecks Ashante Thee Adonis as B Fab panics.

US Title: Rey Mysterio vs. Santos Escobar

Mysterio is defending and hugs Dragon Lee (as does Escobar). We get the Big Match Intros and Zelina Vega is here to cheer for both of them. Escobar takes him to the mat to start as they’re in an early grappling exchange. Mysterio gets sent to the apron so Escobar kicks him in the head, setting up a slingshot dive to the floor.

We take a break and come back with Escobar hitting a dropkick to stagger Rey again. Rey is able to send him outside though and a dive connects, followed by a top rope seated senton back inside. Escobar gets in a shot of his own though as we see the Bloodline wrecking more people backstage. Rey loads up the 619 but Escobar cuts him off with a heck of a superkick.

That’s enough to knock Rey outside and the big suicide dive drops him again. A moonsault off the barricade hits Mysterio again, followed by some running knees in the corner. Rey gets sat up top for a kick to the head, setting up the super hurricanrana. We take another break and come back with Escobar grabbing a Gory Stretch. With that broken up, Escobar misses a high crossbody but grabs a kneeling backbreaker for two.

Rey’s hurricanrana is countered but Rey counters the counter into a sunset flip for two of his own. They go up top with Rey having to elbow his way out of a super Phantom Driver. A super anklescissors brings Escobar back down but the 619 is blocked again. Another attempt connects but Escobar avoids a frog splash. The Phantom Driver is loaded up, only to have Rey reverse into a small package to retain at 20:21.

Rating: B. They kept this clean and let them do their thing rather well, which shouldn’t be that much of a surprise. It would be a surprise if this doesn’t lead to some kind of an issue between the two of them though, as that would seem to be in the cards somewhere. For now though, it continues to be rather impressive that Mysterio can still have quality matches at this stage in his career, as it’s not something you often see.

Post match Rey holds out his hand but before Escobar can shake it, the Street Profits jump them from behind. Cue a rather happy looking Bobby Lashley. The rest of the LWO tries to come in for the save but they get taken out as well. Dragon Lee is held back from coming in and the beating continues.

Post break Escobar is livid at the Street Profits and Bobby Lashley. The challenge is on for a six man at Fastlane.

We hear about Jade Cargill’s signing. That’s a heck of a big starting point.

Video on Iyo Sky retaining the Women’s Title over Asuka last week.

John Cena arrives and leaves his car in the middle of the parking lot, contract in hand.

We look at Elton Prince continuing his physical therapy, with raining in tags, eye poking and chair shots, only to almost get run over when he is left to fall through traffic. And yes, it ends with Pretty Deadly jumping into the air for a freeze frame. As it should.

The Brawling Brutes aren’t happy.

Charlotte vs. Bayley

The rest of Damage CTRL is here with Bayley. Note that Charlotte has been standing in the ring through Cena’s arrival, a commercial, and the Pretty Deadly and Brawling Brutes segments. Hold on again though as Charlotte asks what happened to Bayley. She was one of the Horsewomen but now she’s just a stepping stone. After Charlotte wins here, she’s challenging Iyo Sky for the title at Fastlane.

They send each other into the corner to start, with Charlotte hitting some chops. Bayley knocks her to the floor though and we take a break. Back with Charlotte hitting a fall away slam to send Bayley outside again. Another shot drops Bayley but she catches Charlotte on top. The Sasha Banks double knees in the corner for two, only to have Charlotte spear her down for the pin at 7:34.

Rating: C+. Well that certainly was a Charlotte match, as she got to look dominant over another star and then won clean out of nowhere. Bayley looked completely secondary to her here and that isn’t how someone with her success should be presented. Charlotte is going to be pushed as a top star no matter what, but she doesn’t have to crush everyone else.

Post match Damage CTRL surrounds the ring to go after Charlotte but Asuka runs in for the save. Asuka wants in on the Women’s Title match at Fastlane.

Here is John Cena, complete with contract. Cena says he is here to compete and holds up the contract, which is what he wanted. Cena can run or he can fight, and what do you think he’s going to do? Cue the Bloodline for the beatdown again with the announcers’ table being loaded up. Cue LA Knight and yeah the roof comes off again. House is cleaned and Knight signs the contract to be Cena’s partner to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. It wasn’t a bad show, but this was mainly about waiting for Cena to show up and do anything. That ending segment was good, though it took a long time to get there and that didn’t help. Other than that, we got some stuff put together, or at least challenged, for Fastlane and a good match in the middle. Overall, not a great show, but it did enough to get by. They still need to do A LOT for Fastlane though and it’s really annoying when WWE waits so late in the game to announce the card. Anyway, not terrible here, but the build to Fastlane continues to be a struggle.

Jimmy Uso b. Karl Anderson – Superfly Splash
Austin Theory b. Cameron Grimes – A Town Down
Rey Mysterio b. Santos Escobar – Small package
Charlotte b. Bayley – Spear


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Smackdown – September 1, 2023: Hurry Up And Stop

Date: September 1, 2023
Location: Giant Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Michael Cole, Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves

We are back to normal this week with the go home show for tomorrow night’s Payback. That should be a big enough deal, but we’re also getting the return of John Cena, who is going to be around for a long time to come. At the same time, we have the return of Jimmy Uso so the Bloodline is back. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a long recap of Jey Uso laying out the Bloodline and then quitting WWE.

Here is John Cena to get things going and yeah the fans still remember him. Cena is here to say thank you for everything he gets to do, including wrestling in India for the first time ever next week. As for this weekend though, he is going to be the host of Payback. As for tonight though, you saw the video about Jimmy Uso so tonight is about answers. Cena is about to say what he is doing tonight but here is Jimmy Uso to interrupt.

The fans want Jey but Jimmy says he did what he did out of love for his brother. Jimmy again explains that he didn’t want Jey to get corrupted by the power like Roman Reigns….or Cena. Jimmy isn’t pleased with the sky blue shirt but Cena seems to like the look. Apparently Cena and Reigns are exactly alike (Cena: “Nah man.”) because they both take and take but Cena does his with a smile. Cena thinks the pressure is getting to Jimmy and he has one (Cena does the one finger pose) thing to say: the wrong Uso quit. Jimmy tries a superkick but gets caught in the AA.

Grayson Waller and Austin Theory aren’t impressed with John Cena being back. Now go watch them be the best tag team ever.

Jimmy Uso is livid.

Rey Mysterio/Santos Escobar vs. Austin Theory/Grayson Waller

Escobar dropkicks Waller down to start and then launches Rey over the top onto the villains as we take an early break. Back with Mysterio in trouble and Escobar getting tripped off the apron. Rey manages to send Waller outside for a crash and then grab a tornado DDT. That’s enough for the tag off to Escobar so the pace can pick back up. Everything breaks down and Theory takes out Escobar’s leg (after Escobar shoved Rey out of the way). Rey and Theory go to the floor and the rolling Stunner gives Waller the pin on Escobar at 8:05.

Rating: C+. Waller getting the pin on Escobar here is a bit of a surprise as Escobar isn’t on Payback and Waller is hosting a talk show on there. At the same time, I’m glad they didn’t have a champion get pinned, even if it is Rey. For now though, nice opener and at least Waller FINALLY got a pin.

Michin is talking to Adam Pearce when Jimmy Uso interrupts. Pearce tells him off for being rude and that’s that.

Post break Michin talks to the Good Brothers about Jimmy Uso disrespecting her. AJ Styles is going to deal with this.

Here is Bobby Lashley (rocking a suit) for a chat. Lashley acknowledges the fans liking him these days but he is here to talk about the only thing anyone wants to ask him about: what is up with him and the Street Profits? Lashley says that real recognizes real so here are the Profits to join him. The Profits thank Lashley for everything he’s done for them lately and they’ll thank him with success. Lashley says they’re coming for power, control and championship gold. As they’re leaving here are Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn for their match, plus a staredown.

Kevin Owens/Sami Zayn vs. Cruz del Toro/Joaquin Wilde

Non-title. Sami armbars Wilde down to start and hands it off to Owens for a Swanton. Back up and del Toro hits a rolling dropkick to send Owens into the corner. Del Toro misses a springboard dive and it’s a pop up powerbomb to put him down. Del Toro gets kicked off the apron and the Helluva Kick into the Stunner finishes Wilde at 2:28. Total squash.

Post match Sami tells the Judgment Day to bring it tomorrow night.

Jimmy Uso is going to leave when he runs into AJ Styles. Arguing and shoving ensues, with Solo Sikoa running in to jump Styles. Jimmy says no one in the Bloodline can tell Jimmy a thing, then he leaves.

AJ Styles wants to beat up the Bloodline but the OC tries to calm things down. The attempts don’t work out.

Here is the Miz for a chat. Miz talks about how much better he is than LA Knight, as he impersonated him so easily on Raw. Knight isn’t on his level or even half of the star Miz was ten years ago. Cue Knight to interrupt and say Miz has impersonated stars such as the Rock, John Cena and now Knight himself.

Knight has done it all to get here from working nothing jobs to living in the roach infested apartments to cashing his checks at the payday loan place. Now Miz is talking about how Knight isn’t on his level, but it’s Miz who isn’t on his level. Miz brings up Knight’s failure on a reality show and you might not remember it because he was the first eliminated. Miz was in the Marine series and has Miz and Mrs. because he succeeds everywhere he goes. Knight talks about how the star of Miz and Mrs. was Miz’s wife because he just carried the bag that held his giblets.

Speaking of Maryse, he apologizes for sending her a broken husband after Payback, but Knight would be happy to fix her, YEAH. Miz laughs it off and says Knight is different than these people, who will settle for mediocrity. Knight is trying to do something but after Payback, he’s sending Knight back to 2003, where he can cut promos into a hairbrush in his roach infested apartment. Knight says Miz will learn tomorrow and hits the catchphrase, but Miz jumps him with the Skull Crushing Finale. Knight gets up and chases after him but security breaks it up. They were both bringing it here and this was a fiery exchange.

Shotzi vs. Bayley

The rest of Damage CTRL is here with Bayley. Shotzi ducks a big boot to start, as Cole asks “who thinks of shaving panthers.” Bayley hammers her down in the corner but gets sent outside for a flip dive off the apron. We take a break and come back with Bayley tying her in the Tree of Woe for a bottom rope springboard elbow. Shotzi fights up so Bayley wants Iyo Sky’s title. Cue Charlotte to take Sky out and Shotzi hits a DDT for the pin at 9:09.

Rating: C. Not much to this one, but somehow this wound up being more about Charlotte than anyone in the match. Shotzi’s new look might not stand out as much but she did look rather unique with the change of pace. What mattered here was giving Shotzi a win though and hopefully she can go somewhere after years of floundering.

Video on Seth Rollins vs. Shinsuke Nakamura.

Payback rundown.

AJ Styles vs. Solo Sikoa

No Paul Heyman this time. Sikoa runs him over with a shoulder to start but the running headbutt only hits knees. Styles hits his jumping knee and adds a running clothesline in the corner Heyman comes out. Sikoa’s cheap shot doesn’t work as Styles knocks him outside and hits the slingshot forearm as we take a break.

Back with Styles being sent ribs first into the post and a belly to belly gets two. Sikoa backdrops him but Styles is right back with the Pele. The running basement forearm and there’s the corner clothesline to rock Sikoa again. The Phenomenal Blitz is countered into a pop up Samoan drop to give Sikoa two more. Styles knocks him right back down and hits a Lionsault of all things for two. Sikoa grabs the referee though and here is Jimmy Uso to break up the Phenomenal Forearm. Sikoa hits the Spike for the pin at 12:04.

Rating: B-. Kind of a lackluster main event here and you might as well have had a big sign counting down to Jimmy showing up again to interfere. This is the latest issue for the Bloodline as one guy seems to want back in but there is a chance that it’s another big swerve. Styles and the OC going after the Bloodline is at least something fresh, but this wasn’t a great way to bring Jimmy back.

Post match Heyman looks stunned and Jimmy hugging Sikoa makes it even more complicated. Sikoa shoves Jimmy away and goes to the floor, leaving Jimmy to drop Styles and hit the Superfly Splash. Heyman calls (presumably) Roman Reigns to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This was a kind of all over the place show as they were trying to get Jimmy Uso back while having Cena pop in and give a hard final push towards Payback. It didn’t help that last week was nearly a punt of a show (for good reason) but Payback is looking like a weak show and it isn’t like there was much excitement for the event in the first place. Not a bad show, but fairly skippable, as might be the case with Payback as well.

Austin Theory/Grayson Waller b. Rey Mysterio/Santos Escobar – Rolling Stunner to Escobar
Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens b. Cruz del Toro/Joaquin Wilde – Stunner to Wilde
Shotzi b. Bayley – DDT
Solo Sikoa b. AJ Styles – Samoan Spike



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Smackdown – August 18, 2023: Smackdown Gets Edgey

Date: August 18, 2023
Location: Scotiabank Arena, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Kevin Patrick

It’s a special show this week as Edge is here to celebrate the 25th anniversary of his debut in WWE. To commemorate the event, he’ll be facing Sheamus in a first time ever match. Other than that, Jey Uso has quit and that might give us a week off from all things Bloodline. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We run down a bunch of tonight’s card in a nice touch.

It’s time for the Grayson Waller Effect, with Santos Escobar and new US Champion Rey Mysterio. After a long recap of Escobar being injured last week so Rey could step in and win the title, Waller asks Rey what it’s like to be champion again. Escobar can imagine, but Waller asks what it’s like to see Rey steal the title shot. Escobar says that they are the champion because the title belongs to the LWO. Waller goes on a rant about Rey stole everything but Escobar cuts him off to say that the only person he is angry at is Austin Theory.

Escobar wants to get his hands on Theory, who interrupts to rant about how unfair everything was last week. Cue Adam Pearce but LA Knight interrupts before he can get anywhere. Knight heard Theory call himself the greatest US Champion ever, which Knight finds interesting because Theory only defended the title once every three months. With all due respect to Rey, it doesn’t matter who the champion is because the title is coming to Knight. Since Theory is dressed to fight, how about Knight vs. Theory for the US Title? Pearce makes the match.

Austin Theory vs. LA Knight

Miz joins commentary and Theory starts fast before knocking him outside. Miz goes on about Knight being the flavor of the month until he beats someone, saying he’s “a Fandango without tap shoes and a Eugene without crayons.” They fight on the floor with Theory being sent into Miz for a big crash and we take a break.

Back with Knight fighting out of a chinlock and countering the rolling dropkick into a belly to back suplex. The jumping neckbreaker sets up a running knee to Theory in the corner. The powerslam plants him again but Miz gets up for a distraction. Not that it matters as Knight hits a DDT and goes outside to chase Miz. They get inside with a clothesline taking Miz outside, allowing Theory to roll Knight up for the pin at 10:10.

Rating: C. The interference helps a bit, but my goodness it’s not encouraging to see Knight taking a fall here. WWE doesn’t have the best track record for taking advantage of hot stars and I’m worried that they might be making the same mistake here. Knight still has the Miz feud and if that goes well, everything should be ok, but Knight taking a pin here is rather annoying.

John Cena, Sheamus, Natalya, Miz, Charlotte and Sami Zayn say thank you Edge.

Video on Edge’s career, including a clip of him as a teenager asking Bret Hart for advice on a talk show. This covers a lot and features talking heads praising Edge. As usual, when WWE wants to pay tribute to someone, they knock it out of the park as this is quite the awesome tribute.

Charlotte/Bianca Belair vs. Damage CTRL

Dakota Kai is here with Damage CTRL. Bayley introduces Iyo Sky and says Toronto isn’t used to seeing a champion. Belair wrestles Bayley down to start and hands it off to Charlotte for the stomping in the corner. Some double teaming has Charlotte in trouble but she sends the villains outside for a flip dive.

We take a break and come back with Charlotte fighting out of trouble but getting knocked down into a Sky chinlock. That’s broken up so Charlotte has to fight out of a crossface. Sky is smart enough to run over and knock Belair off the apron, only to have Charlotte get the tag a few seconds later.

Belair gets to clean house but Sky goes after the knee to take her down as well. That doesn’t last long as Belair fights out of trouble and brings Charlotte back in to wreck both of them. Bayley shoves Charlotte off the top though and it’s a big crash into the barricade. Sky misses a charge into the corner, leaving Charlotte to break up Bayley’s Figure Four attempt. It’s back to Belair and a quick KOD finishes Bayley at 13:50.

Rating: B-. Good stuff here, with Damage CTRL losing yet again, which isn’t the most surprising result. Charlotte and Belair continue to show just how good they are in the ring, but at the same time they have both been in the title picture for so long that it is a bit much to take. The division needs new blood and while that seems to be coming, we certainly aren’t there yet.

More wrestlers congratulate Edge on 25 years. We also talk about Edge’s retirement, with Edge going on an overseas tour afterwards just because he said he would be there.

Damage CTRL jumps Bianca Belair in the back and Pillmanize her knee.

Street Profits vs. OC

Michin is here with the OC. Anderson hits a jumping knee in the corner to Ford but it’s quickly off to Dawkins for the double stomping. The spinning suplex sets up the frog splash with gallows making the save. Gallows is sent outside but he’s right back in to save Anderson again. The belly to back neckbreaker drops Dawkins but he breaks up the Magic Killer. Ford flip dives onto Gallows and it’s a Sky High/neckbreaker combination to finish Anderson at 3:10.

Rating: C. This was about getting the Street Profits back on track after they changed everything up with Bobby Lashley. That opens up some new doors for the team and it is nice to see them getting a win like this one. It’s not like the OC has anything to lose here, so let the Profits get the kind of win that they need.

Post match Bobby Lashley comes out to celebrate with the Profits.

We recap the big Bloodline blowup last week, with Jey Uso quitting WWE.

Paul Heyman doesn’t like being questioned about the Bloodline. Kayla Braxton talks about hearing ‘rumors”, so Heyman talks about RUMORS he’s heard about her family. Why not talk about Edge’s 25 years or this wannabe flash in the pan LA Knight? Heyman gets a phone call and is told that Jimmy Uso will be here next week, though he won’t share his source.

Sheamus vs. Edge

Beth Phoenix and Edge’s friends/family are in the front row. Commentary brings up the rumors of this possibly being Edge’s retirement match as Sheamus runs him over to start. We take a break and come back with Edge elbowing him in the face, setting up the Edge O Matic for two. Edge sends him to the apron and slides through the legs for a powerbomb to the floor.

Back in and a high crossbody gives Edge two more but Sheamus runs him over as well. Edge fights his way back in from the apron and hits the spear to drive Sheamus outside in a big crash. We take another break and come back with Edge being caught in a Texas Cloverleaf and dragged back away from the ropes. Edge crawls out and reverses into a Crossface, sending Sheamus to the ropes for a change.

Sheamus gets up top but gets superplexed back down, setting up the Edgecution for two. Back up and Edge gets caught on top in a super White Noise, followed by the Celtic Cross for another near fall. Sheamus fires off a bunch of forearms to the chest and the fans do not approve. Edge slaps him in the face though and nails the running clothesline. The spear is countered and Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick for two. Another Brogue Kick misses and Edge spears him for two more. Edge is back with another spear for the pin at 19:04.

Rating: B. This had the big fight feel and both o them got to lay in a bunch of their stuff. If this is it for Edge, he went out with a rather good match, though it’s still hard to fathom someone as successful as him going out on a regular Smackdown. For now though, he might be going out on a high note and that’s more than a lot of people get to say. Heck of a main event here and it felt special, which is what matters most.

Edge is all emotional and gets the pyro/standing ovation. A hug with Sheamus ends the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This show was all about Edge and that’s what it was supposed to be. What mattered the most is that Edge looked good on a major milestone, though there wasn’t much else around here. Having a week off from the Bloodline was a nice change of pace, but it does show you just how little a lot of other things matter around here. Overall, it’s a good show, but it’s not something you need to see outside of the main event.

Austin Theory b. LA Knight – Rollup with trunks
Charlotte/Bianca Belair b. Damage CTRL – KOD to Bayley
Street Profits b. OC – Sky High/neckbreaker combination to Anderson
Edge b. Sheamus – Spear


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Smackdown – August 11, 2023: And He’s Out

Date: August 11, 2023
Location: Scotiabank Saddledome, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Michael Cole, Corey Graves

We’re done with Summerslam and the big story is those battling Usos again, as Jimmy returned and cost Jey the World Title against Roman Reigns. That is likely going to set up more than a few issues down the line, but for now we have less than a month to go before Payback. Let’s get to it.

Here is Summerslam if you need a recap.

Long recap of the Women’s Title situation at Summerslam, with Bianca Belair winning the title and Iyo Sky cashing in Money In The Bank on her to win the title immediately after.

Asuka vs. Charlotte

They trade shoulders to start with Asuka getting the better of things and kicking away. Charlotte pops back up but gets missile dropkicked back down, allowing Asuka to kick her in the head for two. We take a break and come back with Charlotte diving off the apron to take her down, followed by the spear. The Figure Four is loaded up but cue Damage CTRL to interrupt. The distraction lets Asuka get in a kick to the head and Bayley’s distraction lets Asuka hit a Codebreaker. Then Sky missile dropkicks them both for the no contest at 9:15.

Rating: C+. What are you supposed to do with a nine minute match that had a good portion of it in a commercial? The match was the usual nice stuff between these two but this was about the ending rather than anything else. At least Charlotte didn’t beat Asuka again, as that has happened enough for a few careers.

Post match Damage CTRL celebrates.

We look at Jimmy Uso returning to cost Jey Uso the World Title.

Video on Santos Escobar vs. Austin Theory.

Escobar is ready to win the US Title but here is Theory to jump him from behind. Theory slams an anvil case on his leg and the LWO makes the save.

Video on Karrion Kross, who wants to hurt AJ Styles and teases gaining disciples.

AJ Styles vs. Karrion Kross

Michin and Scarlett are here too. Styles starts fast and ties up the leg but Kross is back up with a backdrop. Kross sends him hard into the corner but Styles slips out of a superplex. A clothesline puts Kross on the floor but he’s fine enough to drop Styles on the announcers’ table as we take a break.

Back with Styles firing away but the Phenomenal Forearm is countered into the Krossjacket choke. That’s broken up and Styles hits the moonsault into a not so great reverse DDT. The springboard 450 connects but Scarlett puts the foo ton the rope. Michin goes after her and gets dropped, only to pop back up and pull Scarlett over the announcers’ table. The distraction lets Styles hit the Styles Clash to finish Kross at 9:52.

Rating: B-. This started to rock at the end, though having Kross lose when he had promised people coming to help him was a little weird. Styles winning felt like the end of the feud but if Kross has people coming, that would suggest it is going to keep coming. For now though, at least they had the best match they’ve had so far.

Video on Cody Rhodes vs. Brock Lesnar.

Here is Edge in a surprise. Edge knows he has his big moment in Toronto next week, but he wanted to be here in Calgary as well. He wants to have a match next week though, and he wants that to be against Sheamus. What you might not know is that Sheamus is the reason he is here again.

Sheamus is the one who lit the fire under him because they were on his Celtic Warrior Workouts together. Edge got Sheamus onto a mountain bike and Sheamus looked like a goof, but Edge fell off his own bike. He was fine enough off the crash, so he wondered why he couldn’t wrestle again. Then he called Sheamus to find out if he was ready to come back so he and Sheamus trained together and became family. So now he needs an answer, so here are the Brawling Brutes.

We see the footage of Edge falling off the bike and getting banged up. Edge puts up a picture of Sheamus sitting on a children’s bike, with Sheamus saying Edge has a weird chin. Sheamus talks about working at a bar in 2004 where he met Edge, who was the only wrestler to give him the time of day. Edge issues the challenge again, even offering post match alcohol. Sheamus agrees, but hopes Edge isn’t making a mistake. For a quick story behind a match between two people who are clearly friends, this was as good as it was going to get.

Happy 70th Birthday Hulk Hogan. Yeah you have to mention that.

Top Dolla vs. LA Knight

Ashante Thee Adonis and B Fab are here with Dolla, who chokes on the rope to start. Knight flips out o a Death Valley Driver though and hammers away. Adonis is dropped with a right hand and the spelling elbow sets up the BFT to give Knight the pin at 2:00.

Post match Knight says it doesn’t matter where he goes because everyone knows it and everyone says his name.

Santos Escobar is officially cleared but he can bare walk out of the trainer’s room.

Bobby Lashley and the Street Profits are having a drink, with Lashley saying he sees talent in them. He won’t call it untapped potential but now it’s time to see what they can do. The sky is the limit for them and Smackdown is ready to see some new people run this place.

US Title: Santos Escobar vs. Austin Theory

Theory is defending and Escobar is badly limping. Cue Theory during Escobar’s entrance to take the knee out again and then says he can’t defend the title against Escobar. We have a replacement though and let’s do this instead.

US Title: Rey Mysterio vs. Austin Theory

Theory is still defending and gets hammered to the floor before the bell. Rey dives off the apron to take him down and we take a break. Back with the match joined in progress and Rey getting to the top for the seated senton. A sunset bomb sends Theory into the corner for two and Rey scores with an enziguri. The 619 to the back staggers Theory but the regular version is caught. A Town Down doesn’t work due to Theory’s back and it’s the 619 into the springboard splash to give Rey the pin and the title at 2:39.

Post match Mysterio celebrates, including with the LWO.

Here is the Bloodline so Jimmy Uso can acknowledge Roman Reigns. There’s no Jimmy though, and Reigns asks Paul Heyman where he is. Heyman says he spoke to Jimmy this morning and Jimmy was very salty. Cue Jimmy through the crowd and Reigns tells him not to listen to the fans. Reigns says he owes Jimmy one so name whatever he wants. New care? Yacht? Jet? DONE! Heyman doesn’t seem sure, but Jimmy says he doesn’t want anything from Reigns.

Summerslam had nothing to do with Reigns, which has Reigns thinking means Jimmy wants power instead. If he wants to be the new right hand man….and here is Jey Uso to interrupt. The angry Jey demands to know why Jimmy did it, with Jimmy saying it was because of his love for Jey (that makes Roman laugh). If Jey won, what happens to the Usos? If Jey won, he would become the Tribal Chief and that would have made him just as corrupt.

Jimmy wasn’t going to let him turn into something terrible like Roman and understands if Jey is done with him. He closes his eyes and waits for the superkick but Jimmy walks away instead. Reigns cracks up laughing and says Jey is going to screw this up by being a hothead. This is about acknowledging him, but Jey superkicks Reigns.

Sikoa goes after Jey but gets superkicked, allowing Reigns to hit the Superman Punch. Reigns’ spear is cut off by a superkick and Jey hits the spear before….superkicking Jimmy in the aisle. Jey says he’s out of Bloodline, Smackdown and WWE. Jey: “Deuces Uces.” Well that’s…certainly a thing. I’m not sure what kind of a thing it was but it did happen. I can go for Jimmy not being the big bad villain and setting up a blood feud against Jey, but Reigns was kind of right about laughing at Jimmy’s lame explanation. It’s better than it could have been, but they need to find something fresh besides these same people over and over.

Overall Rating: B-. This was kind of a weird show as other than the title change, a lot of it felt like things were continuing on from Summerslam. Styles vs. Kross seems to be continuing, Knight gets a little win and the Women’s Title picture is still featuring a bunch of the same people. Edge is back for a likely one off match next week and the Bloodline…well it’s still going. I’m curious about some of these things, but they’re going to need to do something to spice it up a bit sooner than later.

Charlotte vs. Asuka went to a no contest when Iyo Sky interfered
AJ Styles b. Karrion Kross – Styles Clash
LA Knight b. Top Dolla – BFT
Rey Mysterio b. Austin Theory – Springboard splash



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Smackdown – August 4, 2023: Off To Detroit

Date: August 4, 2023
Location: Nutter Center, Dayton, Ohio
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

It’s the night before Summerslam and that means we are in for the final push before tomorrow’s big show. The big main event this week is a brother vs. brother showdown between Jey Uso and Solo Sikoa, which should make for a heck of a main event. Other than that we’ll be seeing some of the other matches, including the battle royal, getting some focus. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is LA Knight to one heck of a roar, with Cole saying that Knight is getting support like never before and it is becoming a groundswell. Knight talks about how it is Summerslam weekend and he is ready to be in the 25 man battle royal. He looks at some of the entrants and sees a bunch of stooges. One of the people is Sheamus, who he gets to face tonight. Sheamus has done it all, but tonight he gets another item added to his resume: losing to LA Knight! To say Knight was over here is an understatement.

LA Knight vs. Sheamus

The other Brawling Brutes are here too. Knight starts fast and knocks him into the corner before they crash out to the floor. Sheamus fights back and knocks him down as a bunch of people (all in the battle royal) come to ringside. Sheamus hits White Noise onto the apron and we take an early break.

Back with Knight fighting out of a chinlock and hitting the spelling elbow. A torture rack faceplant gets two but Blunt Force Trauma is countered into the Irish Curse. The super White Noise gets two on Knight and the Texas Cloverleaf goes on, sending Knight to the ropes. They both go up and crash down to the floor but here is Austin Theory to jump Santos Escobar. The big fight is on outside, leaving Sheamus to grab Miz. The Brogue Kick puts Miz down, allowing Knight to hit Blunt Force Trauma to finish Sheamus at 12:45.

Rating: C+. And that’s all you have to do. It’s not hard to give someone a simple push and the easiest way is to just have them win matches. Knight beat Sheamus, who is pretty much bulletproof, and it makes him look like a bigger deal. His momentum is starting to build and it’s a good sign that commentary is acknowledging Knight’s reactions. Now just give him the battle royal, or at least a hot feud coming out of it, and they’re rolling.

Post match the ring is cleared, with Knight running off from the numbers game (smart).

Post break the Club and the Brawling Brutes are about to fight when Adam Pearce seems to make a tag match for later. Sheamus and AJ Styles have a staredown and that could be interesting.

Long video on Cody Rhodes vs. Brock Lesnar.

Brawling Brutes vs. OC

Michin is here with the OC. Gallows kicks Holland to start and an assisted big boot takes him down. Anderson comes in but gets his fingers bent backwards by Butch. The armbar doesn’t do much for Butch and everything breaks down quickly. We take a break and come back with Anderson chinlocking Holland, who powers out and brings Butch back in. Everything breaks down…and the Street Profits, in suits, run in for the no contest at 8:15.

Rating: C. The match was only good enough until the run-in, which is a lot more interesting. Neither of these teams has exactly been doing much in recent weeks so it’s nice to see a talented team getting a fresh coat of paint. Not a bad match, but it wasn’t the point here in the slightest and that isn’t a bad thing.

Post match the Profits beat both teams down and the fans seem VERY interested (fair enough). Bobby Lashley comes out to celebrate with the Profits and gets quite the positive reaction. The fans really like this one.

Video on Charlotte, who is having champagne on a yacht and is ready for the biggest women’s match in Summerslam history. She has won at Summerslam before and knows she is better, so raise a toast to the fifteen time champion.

Here is Paul Heyman who doesn’t know how we got here with Jey Uso vs. Roman Reigns. After tomorrow night, you probably won’t see Uso again and everything that happens to him at Summerslam will be because of Reigns. When Reigns enters this ring tomorrow night, he will be cognizant of the fact that it will be Tribal Combat.

We get a video (narrated by Heyman) talking about the importance of tribal combat on the island of Samoan. Rikishi, Afa and Sika talk about the importance of the lei, which represents the tribal chief. Only one man can carry that honor and tomorrow night there will be a winner and a loser.

Back in the arena, Heyman talks about how Reigns has been Universal Champion and Tribal Chief for nearly three years. Jey Uso will never be either and yeah he could say that’s a spoiler but here is Uso to interrupt (with Heyman knowing he’s in trouble). Jey talks about the violent things he’s going to do to Reigns tomorrow and it is going to result in him becoming the new Universal Champion and the Tribal Chief.

Cue Solo Sikoa (facing Jey tonight) but Jey says he can forgive his brother for what he has done. Heyman tells Jey to stop, but Sikoa glares at him. We get a quick sidebar but Sikoa says something we can’t hear to Jey. Sikoa tells Heyman to get out, allowing Jey to drop Sikoa with a superkick.

We look back at Rey Mysterio being hurt last week, resulting in Santos Escobar moving on to the US Title match against Austin Theory next week. Apparently Rey suffered whiplash and he is day to day.

Austin Theory doesn’t get how Escobar won, but next week, he is dedicating his victory to Rey Mysterio. Tonight, Cameron Grimes is getting his dreams crushed.

Austin Theory vs. Cameron Grimes

Non-title. Theory knocks him down to start and here is Santos Escobar for a distraction, allowing Grimes to hit the Cave In for two as Theory’s foot is on the ropes (they got me with that one). Grimes sends him into the barricade a few times and a high crossbody gets two back inside. The flipping powerslam gives Grimes two more as Theory is totally rocked so far. Theory avoids a charge though and manages to knock Grimes off the top. A Town Down finishes Grimes at 3:02.

Rating: C. This was a very fast paced match and Theory barely got in any offense throughout. I’m not wild on Grimes losing here and he is already feeling a lot colder than he was not too long ago. Theory shouldn’t be losing but was there no one else he could have beaten here? Either way, not much of a competitive match and not the best sign for the champ going into a big title defense.

Post match Escobar comes back in to Phantom Driver Theory. He almost has to win the title at this point.

Video on Asuka, who is ready to defend her title at Summerslam despite not having a champion’s advantage.

It’s time for the Grayson Waller Effect. Just like in life, one woman isn’t enough for Waller on this show so he brings out both Bayley and Iyo Sky as his guests. Waller asks Sky if she is going to cash in Money In The Bank at Summerslam but Bayley cuts her off and says they’re not telling their strategy (Sky isn’t looking pleased).

With Bayley laughing, Shotzi’s voice pops up to scare Bayley out of her wits. That was a joke from Waller…..but here is Shotzi’s tank, which isn’t from Waller. Cue Shotzi from behind to chase Bayley off, complete with hair clippers for a threatened haircut. It’s Zelina Vega (scheduled to face Sky tonight) in the tank.

Iyo Sky vs. Zelina Vega

Joined in progress with Vega firing off forearms, setting up the top rope Meteora. The Code Red is blocked though and Vega hits a butterfly backbreaker. The running knees in the corner set up the Over The Moonsault but we cut to Shotzi going after Bayley’s hair on the stage. Bayley gets away but the distraction lets Vega hit the Code Red for the pin at 2:58.

Bianca Belair is getting her gear ready to win the title back at Summerslam. If you want her to jump through hoops, tell her how high.

Summerslam rundown.

Edge is back in two weeks for his 25th anniversary celebration in his hometown of Toronto.

Solo Sikoa vs. Jey Uso

Paul Heyman is here with Sikoa. Jey grabs a headlock to start and is promptly knocked down. The fight heads outside rather quickly with Sikoa not being able to hit Spinning Solo through the announcers’ table. Instead Jey hits a superkick and a suicide dive to send him onto the table for a big crash.

We take a break and come back with Jey fighting out of a nerve hold but having his suicide dive cut off by a shot to the face. Back in and the Samoan drop plants Jey but the running Umaga attack misses in the corner. Jey slugs away and kicks him in the ribs, only to get blasted with a clothesline. Another shot staggers Sikoa though and a high crossbody gives Jey two. Jey’s running Umaga attack is cut off by a spinwheel kick and now Spinning Solo connects. The Samoan Spike is ducked though and they trade superkicks until Jey hits a spear. The Superfly Splash finishes Sikoa at 10:41.

Rating: B-. Ignoring that this was the same way they set up Cody Rhodes vs. Roman Reigns on the Raw before Wrestlemania, this was a good way to give Jey some momentum heading into the title match. Beating Sikoa still feels like a big deal and thankfully it was off the splash and not Jey’s lame spear. This wasn’t exactly inspired storytelling but it did what it needed to do.

Post match Sikoa goes after Jey again but gets a chair superkicked into his face. Jey takes Sikoa out with the chair, with Barrett pointing out how valuable this could be for Jey tomorrow night (nice point).

Overall Rating: B-. As tends to be the case on WWE go home shows, there wasn’t much in the way of action here, but they did a good job of making me care about Summerslam. The battle royal, the Women’s Title match and Tribal Combat all got some attention and that is what this show needed to cover. It’s certainly not a must see show and it was only pretty good, but I’m more invested in Summerslam than I was coming in so they are definitely doing something right.

LA Knight b. Sheamus – Blunt Force Trauma
OC vs. Brawling Brutes went to a no contest when the Street Profits interfered
Austin Theory b. Cameron Grimes – A Town Down
Zelina Vega b. Iyo Sky – Code Red
Jey Uso b. Solo Sikoa – Superfly Splash



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Smackdown – July 28, 2023: Just Get There

Date: July 28, 2023
Location: Smoothie King Center, New Orleans, Louisiana
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

We are eight days away from Summerslam and that should make for a pretty big show. At the very least, Roman Reigns is here and that will boost things up a lot, as we now know he’s in for Tribal Combat against Jey Uso. Other than that, we need a #1 contender to the US Title so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is Jey Uso to get things going but Roman Reigns and the Bloodline cut him off. Reigns says this is his show so he’ll kick it off. Reigns says he made Jey the right hand man because he has that kind of power. Does Jey think he can run this place? Jey says he stood beside Reigns for years but now Reigns has broken the family, the Bloodline and Jimmy Uso. Reigns says that’s Jey’s fault and Jey was only the right hand man because Jimmy was hurt. After Summerslam, Jey is wiped off the face of the earth and no longer part of this legacy.

Reigns asks what happens if things get crazy and Jey beats him….but nah because Jey can’t do it. So why does he think he can? Jey: “Because I already beat you.” He says he’ll do it again at Summerslam and walks off, leaving Reigns bewildered. This was Jey countering the mind games that have destroyed him for years now and that’s a smart road to take.

Post break Jey runs into Grayson Waller, who offers to give him the Grayson Waller Rub after he loses at Summerslam. Jey slaps him in the face and walks off.

Rey Mysterio vs. Santos Escobar

For a future US Title shot. They shake hands to start with Escobar taking him down by the leg. Back up and they trade slaps until Rey sends him outside for a big running flip dive. We take a break and come back with Escobar hitting a running forearm as US Champion Austin Theory is watching in a sky box. Escobar kicks him in the head and hits a high crossbody for two, followed by a rollup for the same.

The tilt-a-whirl backbreaker gives Escobar two more but Rey sends him outside. The sliding splash misses though and Escobar hits a big dive as we take another break. Back again with the match paused and a trainer checking on Rey. Apparently he hit his head on the landing from the dive before the break. The referee calls the match at 14:13 and Escobar gets the win and the title shot.

Rating: B-. This is a hard one to rate but we’ll go with what we got to see here. What matters with this one is that Rey is ok, and the fact that he seems to have gotten his bell rung more than anything else is a good sign. In theory, Escobar was moving on anyway here and we do have a #1 contender. They were starting to rock near the end, but there is nothing else you can do when someone is hurt.

Post match Escobar checks on Rey and pays homage to him. Escobar stares at Theory, who he will face for the title in two weeks.

Bianca Belair is ready to win her title back but Chelsea Green and Sonya Deville interrupt to make fun of her for not having a title anymore. Belair offers to fight both of them but here is Charlotte to call Deville and Green bullies. Charlotte wants Belair at 100% so we’ll do the tag match thing later.

Here is Hit Row to mock the fans but LA Knight interrupts, apparently for a scheduled match. Knight didn’t know Uncle Phil was a rapper and thinks B Fab has a thing for him. For now though, Ashante Thee Adonis can be the next to get dropped on his head.

LA Knight vs. Ashante Thee Adonis

Adonis starts fast and Top Dolla gets in a cheap shot. With Dolla dispatched, Knight hits a powerslam, the spelling elbow and Blunt Force Trauma for the pin at 1:32. That’s how Knight should be used at the moment if they don’t have anything bigger for him.

Adam Pearce tells Jey Uso he has to face Grayson Waller tonight. Works for Jey.

Bobby Lashley is with the Street Profits in a rather nice looking lounge. He likes the team, but thinks they need to dress better. Well, that Angelo Dawkins does at least. Courtesy of Lashley, here are some rather nice suits. Dawkins seems appreciative and I continue to be curious about where this is going.

Bianca Belair/Charlotte vs. Sonya Deville/Chelsea Green

Non-title. Belair and Green start things off with Belair easily taking over. Charlotte comes in for the figure four necklock faceplants before handing it back to Belair. The handspring knocks Green off the apron and there’s a dropkick to Deville for a bonus. We take a break with the champs in trouble and come back with Belair suplexing both of them at the same time.

The crawling tag brings in Charlotte to clean house, including a clothesline for two on Green. Charlotte spears Green down and Belair adds a delayed vertical suplex to Deville. Some right hands in the corner miss for Belair but she breaks up the Unpretty-Her. The KOD is loaded up but Charlotte tags herself in and kicks Green in the face for the (delayed) pin at 10:25.

Rating: C. Why does WWE insist on doing this? They act like they want the titles to mean something and then do something like this. I get that Belair and Charlotte are more talented than the champs, but that doesn’t mean the match has to be booked. Just leave the champs out of this or have some kind of screwy finish that doesn’t involve them being pinned clean. That shouldn’t be too hard to figure out.

Post match the argument is on.

Iyo Sky asks Bayley why she left so fast last week. Bayley says something about wanting to leave quickly before finding a note from Shotzi in her bag. They rush to leave but Asuka comes in and promises to retain at Summerslam. Sky teases the briefcase and leaves with Bayley.

There is going to be a Summerslam Battle Royal, featuring stars from Raw and Smackdown.

LA Knight tells Adam Pearce that he wants in the battle royal. The Brawling Brutes come in and mock Knight, earning them spots in the battle royal and Sheamus vs. Knight next week.

Karrion Kross vs. Karl Anderson

Before the match, Anderson asks the rest of the OC to stay in the back because this is personal (they’re cool with that). Kross takes him into the corner to start but Anderson gets a boot up to stop a charge. The middle rope neckbreaker gets two but Kross suplexes him down. A powerslam swung into a DDT (the Final Prayer) finishes Anderson at 2:04. I’m still not sure why Anderson and Gallows remain employed other than maybe HHH feeling sorry for how they were cut so fast last time.

Post match Kross stays on Anderson until AJ Styles makes the save.

Jey Uso vs. Grayson Waller

They circle each other a bit to start until Waller manages to knock him into the corner for a running knee. Back up and Jey kicks him into the corner but cue the Bloodline for a distraction. Waller runs him over again and we take a break. Back with Jey fighting out of a cravate but getting dropped again as the fans seem rather interested in this Roman fellow.

Waller hits the springboard elbow and a spinebuster, setting up a People’s Elbow (with some personalized features) which takes way too long. The rolling Stunner is cut off by a superkick and Jey hits a spear (which might replace Christian’s as the least convincing ever). The Superfly Splash finishes Waller at 11:17.

Rating: C+. This wasn’t about the match itself but rather about a way to get Reigns and Jey out there at the same time again. In that sense it worked well and gave Jey a bit of momentum, but it isn’t like this was some kind of great main event. Jey is going to need all of the momentum he can get and this gave him just enough to get by this week.

Post match Solo Sikoa runs in to beat Jey down but the Spike misses. Jey hits the superkick so Reigns comes in, only to get speared as well. Sikoa breaks up the Superfly Splash and lays Jey out and a spear/Spike combination puts him down again. It works so well that they do it again to end the show. That’s a nasty combination and thankfully it made me forget that I’m supposed to buy a Jey Uso spear putting Reigns down for more than half a second.

Overall Rating: C+. Not their greatest show but they’re also in a weird place with most of Summerslam already booked. There isn’t much left for them to do before the show so there wasn’t much to cover here. Reigns vs. Jey is still built around a lot of mind games and Charlotte vs. Belair vs…..oh yeah Asuka is in there too. Other than that, Summerslam is fairly light on the Smackdown side, but that battle royal is promising. They did what they needed to do this week and I’ll take that so close to Summerslam.

Santos Escobar b. Rey Mysterio via referee stoppage
LA Knight b. Ashante Thee Adonis – Blunt Force Trauma
Charlotte/Bianca Belair b. Chelsea Green/Sonya Deville – Big boot to Green
Karrion Kross b. Karl Anderson – Final Prayer
Jey Uso b. Grayson Waller – Superfly Splash



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Smackdown – July 21, 2023: Now We Get Serious

Date: July 21, 2023
Location: Amway Arena, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

We are just over two weeks away from Summerslam and this week has a pretty major development. The big story of the week will be the announcement of the rules of engagement between Roman Reigns and Jey Uso. Other than that, we get a step closer to a #1 contender to the US Title. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a long recap of the recent Bloodline issues, which got us to tonight’s Jey Uso vs. Roman Reigns showdown.

Rey Mysterio vs. Cameron Grimes vs. LA Knight vs. Sheamus

The winner gets to face Santos Escobar next week for the US Title shot at Summerslam, meaning Summerslam is at ringside. Knight has a mic on the way to the ring and promises to win the match to go to Summerslam (the fans approve). It’s a brawl to start with the four of them pairing off. Knight elbows Sheamus down and the fans are very pleased as we take a break.

Back with Knight and Grimes being sent outside, leaving us with Sheamus vs. Rey in the ring. Rey and Sheamus actually hit the stereo forearms to the other twos’ chests but Sheamus isn’t having that much gimmick infringement. Instead it’s a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker to Rey but Grimes comes back in to kick away at them. Knight’s comeback is cut off with an enziguri and Grimes faceplants Mysterio for two. Back up and Knight crotches Rey on top but the other two come over to make it a Tower Of Doom.

We take a break and come back with Rey hurricanranaing Grimes at Theory at ringside but only hitting the chair. Sheamus sends Grimes and Rey into the barricade but Knight counters the Brogue Kick into a slam. Blunt Force Trauma is broken up so Knight settles for his reverse AA for two, with Rey making the save.

Rey goes up top but Grimes catches him, only to have Rey hit a top rope hurricanrana on Sheamus and Grimes at the same time. Theory breaks up the cover by sending Rey into the steps so here is Santos Escobar to fight Theory into the crowd. We hit the parade of finishes until Rey snaps off a hurricanrana to finish Grimes at 18:36.

Rating: B-. Well, at least Knight didn’t get pinned. That is likely going to be the big talking point coming out of this match as Knight’s non-push has been rather interesting for the last few weeks. As for the actual winner, this sets up Mysterio vs. Escobar, which should have more than a few interesting facets. The match itself was a higher level version the four way formula, though it’s nothing you haven’t seen before.

Post match Rey and Escobar have a respectful standoff.

The Cavinder Twins, NXT rookies, are here.

Jey Uso is walking through the back and runs into NXT’s Tony D, Stacks and the Creeds, all of whom are or were NXT stars.

Austin Theory wants Santos Escobar tonight, with Adam Pearce making it official. Non-title of course.

We look at Brock Lesnar taking out Cody Rhodes on Raw.

Carmelo Hayes (NXT Champion) and his friend Trick Williams are here.

NXT Women’s Champion Tiffany Stratton is here.

Charlotte vs. Iyo Sky

Bayley is with Sky and joins commentary. They trade cartwheels to start until Charlotte gets in a quick shot, setting up a high crossbody for an early two. Sky is back up and drops Charlotte as Bayley isn’t interested in talking about Shotzi last week. Charlotte knocks her to the floor but misses a dive as we take a break.

Back with Charlotte in trouble but neckbreakering her way to a double knockdown. Sky’s crossbody is countered into a fall away slam and an Honor Roll gets two. Bayley has had enough and offers a distraction, allowing Sky to hit an awesome sunset bomb. We get a rather intense video of Shotzi shaving her head last week and Bayley is scared enough to run away.

Charlotte misses the spear into the corner and the crossface goes on. With that broken up, Sky misses the missile dropkick and the spear gives Charlotte two. A German suplex connects for the same but Sky catches her on top with a super hurricanrana. They trade rollups for two each until Natural Selection finishes Sky at 13:38.

Rating: B. This had time and they were able to put something together here. The Smackdown women’s division has become something rather interesting in a short amount of time. You have four women in the title hunt right now, with Sky looming over all of them. I want to see where this is going and that’s interesting for a change.

Post match Asuka runs in and lays out Charlotte.

Dominik Mysterio is the new NXT North American Champion. Cue Butch to say he wants a title shot and here’s Shawn Michaels to make it official. Well that was quick.

Roman Reigns looks at the lei that symbolizes being Tribal Chief. Solo Sikoa looks at it as well and Reigns isn’t pleased.

Bayley gets to her locker room and finds a photo of herself stabbed to her bag with a pair of scissors. They’re out fast.

Santos Escobar vs. Austin Theory

Non-title. Theory knocks him down for an early two but Escobar is right back with a running headscissors. A rollup gives Escobar two but Theory slips away from what looked like Colt Cabana’s Billy Goat’s Curse. Theory bails from the threat of a dive and we take a break. Back with Theory getting two off a backbreaker but not being able to drop Escobar on the apron.

Instead Escobar knocks him outside for a suicide dive. Some running forearms drop Theory again back inside and a high crossbody gives Escobar two. Theory gets in a left hand and a fisherman’s buster gets two. A-Town Down is blocked so they both go to the top, where Escobar snaps off a heck of a super hurricanrana. The Phantom Driver finishes Theory at 10:43.

Rating: C+. The match was good enough stuff but it’s almost weird to see a champion losing like this. I know Theory hasn’t been the strongest champion in recent months but I could have gone without him getting pinned here. Escobar getting the title shot at the title itself should work out, though the threat of the two going 50/50 looms rather large.

Bobby Lashley meets with Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams.

NXT North American Title: Dominik Mysterio vs. Butch

Mysterio, with Rhea Ripley, is defending. Butch doesn’t waste time in hitting a dropkick and cranking on the fingers. The arm stomp sets up an armbar but Dominik is right in the ropes. Ripley slips Dominik a chain but here is Ridge Holland to pull it away. Butch grabs a quick X Plex and we take a break.

Back with Dominik hitting the slingshot hilo for two and we hit the chinlock. Cue Pretty Deadly, with Elton Prince in a wheelchair due to his separated shoulder. Butch fights up and hits Dominik in the face, earning commentary some yelling from Ripley. The kick to the head gives Butch two as Pretty Deadly and Holland get into it on the floor. The three of them go running off but Rhea chop blocks Butch, allowing Dominik to get in a posting to retain at 7:54.

Rating: C. As is usually the case, Dominik’s in-ring work (while fine) isn’t the point. This was about Ripley helping Dominik retain the title and all of the other shenanigans going on at the same time. It made or an entertaining showcase, with Dominik almost playing the modern day Honky Tonk Man. That’s an idea that could last for a long time, and this could be a nice first step.

Here is Jey Uso, followed by the Bloodline, to decide the rules of his match with Roman Reigns (in the form of a contract signing). They both sit down at the table and Reigns asks if Jey still wants to do this. Jey says that Jimmy is in the hospital so Jey has to get him. Reigns says that Jey isn’t getting him because he doesn’t get it. He’s just a soldier and a pawn in the game.

Reigns calmly signs the contract but Jey rips up the contract. Jey says they don’t need the contract because it’s in their blood. This is officially Tribal Combat, which has Reigns and Sikoa looking a bit more serious. Reigns: “Do the elders know about this?” Jey: “It was their idea Uce.”

Tribal Combat means anything goes, with Jey listing off everything that can happen. Reigns puts the title down and puts the lei on top of it, suggesting that it’s for the title and the spot as Tribal Chief. Sikoa loads up the Spike on Jey but Reigns blocks it and Sikoa gets superkicked. Reigns isn’t sure what to make of this and leaves to end the show. So it sounds like a street fight/no holds barred, but Reigns and Sikoa’s reaction to the term “Tribal Combat” sold the heck out of this, as you get the sense that they know it just got a lot more serious.

Overall Rating: C+. This was more about setting things up for the future and as a result, it made for kind of a weaker than usual Smackdown. What mattered here was setting things up for Summerslam, or at least the next few weeks and that part was a success. The wrestling was a bit up and down, but I think they knew the audience would be smaller because of the show being away from FOX this week. Not a bad show, but it was something you would watch if nothing else was on, not watch it above everything else.

Rey Mysterio b. LA Knight, Sheamus and Cameron Grimes – Standing hurricanrana to Grimes
Charlotte b. Iyo Sky – Natural Selection
Santos Escobar b. Austin Theory – Phantom Driver
Dominik Mysterio b. Butch – Ram into the post



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Smackdown – July 14, 2023: GOT HIM!

Date: July 14, 2023
Location: PNC Arena, Raleigh, North Carolina
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

Things got even more interesting last week as Jimmy Uso was taken away in an ambulance, leaving Jey Uso to challenge Roman Reigns for the Universal Title. Odds are that’s the Smackdown main event at Summerslam, but they are going to need some more than that. There is a good chance we get something new tonight so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Jey Uso is in the back and….walking!

Here is Bianca Belair to one heck of a reaction. She is finally getting her rematch for the Women’s Title tonight and she has been waiting for that since Jeddah. Tonight it’s the KOD and she’s winning the title back, but here is Charlotte to interrupt. Charlotte talks about how Belair has gotten her fired up and she stumbles over saying Belair is walking out champion. Belair likes that and Charlotte says she’s next in line after Belair wins the title. That sounds good to them for Summerslam, and Belair is ready for Asuka. Kind of a weird way to start the show but I guess it’s the “hey, stick around!” promo of the night.

Sheamus is ready to beat up Pretty Deadly.

Brawling Brutes vs. Pretty Deadly

Sheamus chases Prince out to the floor to start and then pulls Wilson inside for a bonus. Back to back Regal Rolls have Pretty Deadly in more trouble so it’s off to Holland, who is beaten down. Holland comes back with a double backdrop and it’s right back to Sheamus. The Brutes hit stereo forearms to the chest and we take a break.

Back with Wilson hitting a running elbow to Sheamus and the double teaming keeps him down. Sheamus gets in a shot though and it’s back to Holland to clean house. Sheamus Brogue Kicks Wilson outside but Prince takes off a turnbuckle pad. Holland misses a charge into it, setting up the top rope legdrop to give Prince the pin at 10:21.

Rating: C+. Maybe it’s the disco ball but I love Pretty Deadly. They are such goofy fun and the good thing is they don’t have a rocket attached to them. They’ll come in, get a win, get their comeuppance, and then go right back to what made them work in the first place. More good stuff here as they continue their near Honky Tonk Man style run.

We look at Grayson Waller vs. Edge.

Waller is in a US Title #1 contenders match tonight and no he isn’t surprised. Even the Rock has been talking about him because he has that effect.

We look back at Tribal Court last week. Jimmy Uso has messed up rib cartilage and will be out indefinitely.

Charlotte says she’ll leave for the Women’s Title tonight. Bayley and Iyo Sky come in to tease a cash-in so Charlotte says she’ll stay.

Zelina Vega vs. Bayley

They go outside fast with Bayley sending her into the announcers’ table a few times. Zelina gets in a quick posting and a top rope Meteora back inside. A Twist of Fate gets two on Bayley but Bayley kicks her down and stomps away. The flip flop shot misses for Bayley though and Zelina gets to slap her with it a bit. Not that it matters as Bayley snaps her throat across the ropes and hits the Rose Plant for the pin at 1:46.

Shotzi pops up on screen to say she can’t be controlled before shaving her own head. Well that got intense fast.

Here is Jey Uso to say he has two brothers but there is something special about a twin. When one of them is hurt, both of them are hurt and now one of them is hurt bad. Jey respects all of his family, except Roman Reigns. Oh and Solo Sikoa. Or Paul Heyman, who has latched onto his family for 40 years.

Cue Heyman and Sikoa to interrupt, with Heyman saying Sikoa is here to keep the peace. Next week, Jey and Reigns can meet to discuss the rules of engagement for their match, but for now, Heyman just wants to talk. Heyman doesn’t see a Tribal Chief in Jey, because what happened to Jimmy was Jey’s fault after he tried to go against Reigns. None of the family will ever forgive Jey, with Sikoa blaming Jey for what happened to Jimmy as well.

Sikoa goes after Jey but gets kicked to the floor, leaving Heyman all alone. Sikoa gets back in but misses the Spike, allowing Jey to superkick Heyman, who winds up looking like a turtle on his back. Jey grabs a chair but Sikoa is back in and gets chaired down instead. This was a great way to make Jey look like a star who might be ready for Reigns, though Heyman stole the show as usual (partially by referring to himself as a “Jew-so”).

Grayson Waller vs. Butch vs. AJ Styles vs. Santos Escobar

The winner faces the winner of another four way for a US Title shot, so Austin Theory is on commentary. Waller is sent outside and into Theory to start, leaving Styles and Butch to slug it out inside. A rollup is countered into a double rollup to give Waller two but Escobar is back in for the save. Styles is back up with a Pele and we take a break. We come back with Butch breaking up Styles’ cover on Waller and everyone needing a breather. Escobar goes up but gets caught by Waller.

The other two go up as well and it’s Escobar diving over them for a Tower of Doom. The Phantom Driver gets two on Waller as Butch and Styles make the save. Butch enziguris Styles but Waller sends him outside. That’s fine with Butch, who hits a quick moonsault, only to have Escobar take them both out with a suicide dive. Back in and Styles loads up the Styles Clash on Waller but we cut to Karrion Kross choking out Karl Anderson. Styles gives chase but gets decked by Waller. The rolling Stunner hits Butch but Escobar hits a high crossbody to finish Waller at 12:21.

Rating: B-. It was fun while it lasted and I can go for Escobar winning. He’s still a long way from the title shot, but at least he wasn’t pinned and actually beat someone for a change. The Kross/Styles/Anderson thing is far from inspiring, but maybe this sets up AJ vs. Kross in a match that actually gets some time for a change.

Post break, Styles says he’ll get Kross.

The Street Profits are waiting for someone to get here. A limo arrives and….Bobby Lashley is back. The three get in the limo together and leave. Uh, thanks for coming Lashley.

Rey Mysterio is ready to get the US Title.

Cameron Grimes is ready to get the US Title.

Sheamus is ready to get the US Title.

Here is LA Knight for a chat. Knight talks about how all of a sudden, he is everywhere and now people are using his name to get views and clicks. He is the best decision this company ever made and now he is coming for the US Title. You can call him the Mega Star, you can call him the Goat, but sooner or later, you’ll call him champ. There’s a thing called “it”. LA Knight has “it”.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Asuka vs. Bianca Belair

Asuka is defending but hold on as here are Iyo Sky and Bayley, ticket in hand. Asuka kicks away until Belair powers back….and here is Charlotte with her own ticket as we take a break. Back with Belair suplexing her down and hitting the handspring moonsault. Asuka tries the namesake lock but Belair flips back for two and the break. They go outside with the KOD driving Asuka onto the table as Sky, Bayley and Charlotte hop the barricade. Charlotte boots Bayley in the face and spears Belair down, drawing the DQ at 8:44.

Rating: B-. There was a lot going on here but at least they didn’t waste a lot of time setting things up. This match was all about setting up the triple threat at Summerslam and that is about the only way they can go now. Let the three of them beat each other up on the big stage, as that is where this whole thing needs to go next. What makes it interesting is there are four ways to go and that isn’t something you see often.

Post match Charlotte is dropped as well so Sky loads up the moonsault on Asuka….who mists Bayley and runs away to avoid the cash in.

Overall Rating: C+. Things almost had to slow down a bit after last week, as everything went coconuts on the previous show. This was more about setting things up for the future, as Summerslam will be starting to take more shape in the next week or two. You can see a lot of the card from here, but there is a lot that needs to actually be announced. Not a great show, but it did what it needed to do.

Pretty Deadly b. Brawling Brutes – Top rope legdrop to Holland
Bayley b. Zelina Vega – Rose Plant
Santos Escobar b. AJ Styles, Butch and Grayson Waller – High crossbody to Waller
Bianca Belair b. Asuka via DQ when Charlotte interfered



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