Tagged: Site Stuff

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone 0

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

I know I say this on occasion but I can’t say it enough: thank you all for coming by here so often to read my ramblings.  I started off as a wrestling fan with...

Criticize Me 22

Criticize Me

Normally I wait for the end of the year for this but for some reason I feel like I should do it now. This is something I half dread, half look forward to, half...

Which Survivor Series Should I Redo? 7

Which Survivor Series Should I Redo?

It’s that time of year again as Survivor Series is almost upon us, meaning I need to get another redo done.  As usual, I’ll let you all vote on which I do.  I’ll be...

Heading To England For A Few Weeks 1

Heading To England For A Few Weeks

It’s time to go see the in-laws again so I’ll be down for a bit.  The time situation won’t let me do any live shows while I’m gone but I’ll be doing them ASAP...

Having Some Tech Issues 0

Having Some Tech Issues

On Friday, a rather nasty storm knocked out power to about a fourth of the city and at the moment, a rather large tree is laying over the power lines at the end of...

Pick A Summeslam For Me To Redo 11

Pick A Summeslam For Me To Redo

It’s that time of year again.  Starting on July 20, I’ll be posting a new Summerslam review every day until the 2018 edition on August 19.  As I do every year, I’ll be redoing...