Tagged: Site Stuff


Going To Raw Tonight

The arena is ten minutes from my house so I’ll be home shortly after to watch the show again.  Barring a surprise, the review will be up tonight.


Regarding The Advertisements

So as you might have noticed, a few months back, I changed ad providers and the site’s advertisements have shall we say increased. While it’s made far more revenue, it’s also led to a...


Site Going Slowly

This started earlier in the week and I’m not sure what is going on.  I’ve been in talks with tech support with less than great results.  I’m still working on it and things do...


Merry Christmas

Hope you all have a good day and get to spend time with your family. It’s one of my favorite days of the year and hopefully yours’ is a great one as well. Thank...


Pick A Royal Rumble For Me To Redo

It’s that time again. The Royal Rumble is in about five weeks so it’s time for me to redo some of them. As usual I’ll be redoing the most recent, but I’d like you...


In Indianapolis For Fastlane

As you might guess, the review won’t be up ASAP.  I’ll be coming back to the hotel and doing the show as fast as I can, wifi depending.  Collision will probably not be up...


Site Scrolling Issues

So as you might have noticed (but hopefully not), a lot of the reviews aren’t scrolling properly.  This seems to be a recent issue and I’m trying to see what can be done to...


Comments Section Acting Up Again

Some of the comments are being sent into the spam filter again.  I’m keeping an eye on it but if your comment doesn’t show up for some reason, please bear with me for a...