Tagged: Undertaker


WWF Global Warfare: They Lost This One

Global Warfare Date: 1993 Host: Jimmy Hart Commentators: Jim Ross, Randy Savage, Bobby Heenan This is one of the Coliseum Videos released on the WWE Vault and I’m not sure what it’s going to...


Smackdown – April 12, 2001: He Got It

Smackdown Date: April 12, 2001 Location: First Union Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Attendance: 14,626 Commentators: Michael Cole, Tazz This was another request for reasons I don’t exactly remember. We are freshly off Wrestlemania X7 and...


WWF Rampage 1991: Better Than The AEW Version

WWF Rampage 1991 Hosts: Sean Mooney, Gene Okerlund, Bobby Heenan Commentators: Lord Alfred Hayes, Sean Mooney, Gorilla Monsoon, Bobby Heenan, Jim Neidhart, Vince McMahon, Roddy Piper We’re still on the WWE Vault with another...