Quick Thought on JBL and Mauro Ranallo

So one of the biggest stories going on in recent weeks has been the Mauro Ranallo vs. JBL issue. While we don’t know all the details yet, it seems that JBL kept yelling at/insulting/tormenting Ranallo, who has bipolar disorder, to the point where Ranallo had a major issue and is likely gone from the company as a result.

Without getting into the full bullying debate, I’d say there’s a difference between some low level hazing (for example, NFL rookies having to buy the doughnuts or pick up the shoulder pads etc.) and treating someone like garbage every single day. This would seem to fall into the latter category as there’s a very firm line between treating someone a bit rough for a day or two, patting them on the back and saying glad to have you aboard and this stuff, which seemed to go on for a long time.

JBL has a LONG history of this kind of thing and allegedly Vince loves it, which is a major part of the problem. Joey Styles punched him in the face over it but how many people over average size who aren’t wrestlers or athletes of some kind are going to punch a loud mouthed 6’6 wrestler with a reputation for being tough when they’re being supported by the king of the wrestling business?

This is nonsense and something that people shouldn’t have to put up with. Ranallo was just there doing his job and yeah he would seem to go a good bit over the top at times but that doesn’t mean you have to berate him, often in public. Talk to him backstage in private or something but don’t treat him like this. Vince needs to get over himself as well (yeah I know) as this is nonsense and shouldn’t continue. I don’t think JBL will be fired at this point but if the story keeps getting picked up, that very well may change.


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11 Responses

  1. Liam Fenech says:

    If JBL dit that to me consently over and over day in day out after ingoring warnings of coruse I’d take a basball bat and hit me in the kneecaps with it untill he couldn’t stand up anymore I’d even do that thing he did when he was a top heel after grabbing his opponents face he’d slam intro the canvis and do that stupid smile of his. Yeah I’d get fired but it would be woth it just to put JBL in his place. There is absolutely no justafaction for JBL to treat Mauro the way he did None WWE might as well scrap their partnerships at this pont because everyone going to point out their double standards at this point especially if Vince keeps JBL around which he will.

    • Jerichoholic94 says:

      I’m not picking sides or anything but I think you went a bit over the top.

      • Liam Fenech says:

        I understand that I’m just saying If he did I mean you could be right maybe we’re blowing this way out of our understanding nothings been confirmed but in JBLs case when multiple co workers past and present are caling you out on your behaviour it doesn’t look good for you does it? Anyway sorry if I jumped the gun there pal.

        • Jerichoholic94 says:

          I know he’s pretty much notorious for being an asshole but like I said I’m not choosing sides. I like them both and it’s a shame this had to happen.

  2. Be Nice says:

    Does anyone actually know any details at all regarding this issue other than Mauro has left and subtlety hinted it was because of JBL?

    All seems rather pathetic if you ask me. Keyboard warriors jumping at their right to be offended, as usual.

    • Thomas Hall says:

      Well let’s see.

      Mauro is known as having mental health issues and has since spoken about being off Twitter due to doctor’s orders.

      JBL has been seen on camera yelling at him and berating him.

      JBL has a LONG history of being accused of acting like this, including tying up wrestlers in the shower and threatening to rape them.

      I’d think that’s quite a bit of smoke.

  3. Dmxfury says:

    Thanks KB for the comments and the commentary on here. Gross behavior from apparently a gross person. Hard to support this company with some of their initiatives when you know garbage like this is allowed

  4. M.R. says:

    JBL’s been the resident asshole his entire career, he’s not going anywhere. The only thing that could make this story interesting is if Mauro has a sitdown with a major, mainstream outlet once his contract’s up and exposes the contradictions between the WWE culture and their involvement with initiatives like the Be a Star campaign.

  5. Ted says:

    I still can’t believe that in 2017 people have told me either this behaviour is fine he has to have to toughen up, or worse yet because it’s the way it is.

    • Bloodbuzz Bunk says:

      That’s because those lack the emotional intelligence to develop true empathy for others. They literally cannot imagine themselves being the target of a callous bullying or dangerous/upsetting prank. They think they would fit right in and be part of the bully group.

  6. olisimpson88 says:

    This is a line that JBL has crossed numerous times in his career at WWE. But this time he might find himself having chewed off more than he bargained for.

    It’s one thing to haze rookies or stiff wrestlers in the ring. But quite another in many people’s eyes to bully someone with a mental health condition and whom can’t fight back.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if JBL found himself having to deal with a discrimination lawsuit at somepoint. Or at the very least watch his arse when travelling of fans who will rightfully call him out for this.

    JBL is a walking textbook of how WWE has no credit at all in lecturing their audience in anything or any anti bullying, charity work.

    It makes that speech JBL did at Teddy’s HOF induction this year even more empty and likely him rubbing it in to Marco.

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